2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 88 ◽  
Luiz Carlos Gesqui

Resumo: A busca pela definição de elementos que estabelecessem padrões mínimos do que consistiria qualidade da educação básica nacional ocupou lugar de destaque no campo educacional brasileiro por décadas. Este artigo tem o objetivo de destacar que o Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) 2014-2024 desestimula esta busca ao estabelecer legalmente o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) como parâmetro de qualidade da educação básica nacional. Para desenvolver este argumento são analisadas, num primeiro procedimento, produções acadêmicas que antecedem o atual PNE e que têm por objeto de estudo desdobramentos do uso de indicadores estatísticos no campo educacional. Num segundo procedimento é analisada a meta 7 do atual PNE e algumas de suas estratégias cotejando-as com resultados de recentes pesquisas cujos objetivos se assemelham aos objetivos propostos pelas referidas estratégias. Os resultados das análises realizadas apontam para uma ampla desconsideração da produção acadêmica referente à qualidade da educação elaborada no período que antecede aprovação do atual PNE e que algumas práticas escolares cujos objetivos se assemelham aos objetivos propostos pelas estratégias analisadas tem produzido desdobramentos que não contribuem para a melhoria da qualidade da educação básica. Palavras-chave: IDEB. PNE. Qualidade educacional. Educação básica. THE IDEB AS BASIC EDUCATION QUALITY PARAMETER IN BRASIL: some concernsAbstract: The search for the definition of elements that establish minimum standards which would consist quality of the national basic education occupied a prominent place in the Brazilian educational field for decades. This article aims to highlight that the National Education Plan (PNE) 2014-2024 discourages this search to legally establish the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) as a quality parameter of the national basic education. To develop this argument are analyzed in a first procedure, academic productions that precede the current PNE and who has study object the use of statistical indicators in the educational field. In a second procedure it has been analysed the goal 7 of the current PNE and some of their strategies comparing them with results of recent research whose objectives are similar to the objectives proposed by these strategies. The results of analyzes indicate a wide disregard of academic production related to the quality of the elaborate education in the period before approval of the current PNE and that some school practices whose goals are similar to those proposed by the strategies analyzed goals has produced outcomes that do not contribute to improving the quality of basic education.Keywords: IDEB. PNE. Educational quality. Basic education. El IDEB COMO PARÁMETRO DE CALIDAD DE LA EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA EN BRASIL: algunas preocupacionesResumen: La búsqueda de la definición de los elementos que establecen normas mínimas de calidad que consistiría en la educación básica nacional ocupó un lugar destacado en el campo de la educación brasileña durante décadas. Este artículo tiene como objetivo destacar que el Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE) 2014-2024 desalienta esta busca por establecer legalmente el Índice de Desarrollo de la Educación Básica (IDEB) como parámetro de calidad de la educación básica nacional. Para desarrollar este argumento se analizan en un primer procedimiento, producciones académicas que preceden al PNE actual y que poseen objeto de estudio por el uso de indicadores estadísticos en el campo educativo. En un segundo procedimiento es analizada la meta 7 del PNE actual y algunas de sus estrategias comparándolas con los resultados de recientes investigaciones cuyos objetivos son similares a los objetivos propuestos por estas estrategias. Los resultados de los análisis indican una gran desprecio de la producción académica relacionada con la calidad de la educación elaborada en el período antes de la aprobación del PNE actual y que algunas prácticas escolares cuyos objetivos son similares a los propuestos por las estrategias analizadas metas han producido resultados que no contribuyen a la mejora de la calidad de la educación básica.Palabras clave: IDEB. PNE. Calidad de educación. La educación básica.

Marilene Santos

The following article, whose nature is descriptive and bibliographic, aims, based on Goal eight of the National Education Plan 2014-2024 (PNE), to identify some indicators for the Countryside Education. For such purpose, we consider the educational reality of the countryside based on: the low schooling of the population; in the negative evolution of the enrollments number in the last few years; and in the circumstances through which the quality benchmark, provided by the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), has been unproductive to the define public policies aimed for the Countryside Education. Despite the operational difficulties of the educational system to obtain the necessary information for its composition, the results of the last two Ideb, however, already show progress. Based on these indicators, we conclude that some actions aimed at increasing the schooling of the countryside population were undertaken, however, the unequal educational condition among young people living in the countryside and those who live in the urban areas still persists. There is a possibility of fulfilling the goal eight of PNE by 2024, however, this may not mean progress in guaranteeing the countryside population’s rights to an education of quality, but, on the contrary, its reduction.

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (VIII) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Herwanto Herwanto

Education for all has been stipulated in the Preamble of 1945 Constitution of Republic of Indonesia. As from the proclamation of Independence Day, the Indonesian government has been developing national education to give the Indonesians equal and broad opportunity to have access for education. This article discusses the implementation of nine years’ compulsory education program to provide the citizens with equal access for education and simultanously to improve basic education quality. The discussion is focused in planning, implementation, and outcomes of the program, as it is assumed that the three aspects are inter-related each others in achieving the target. The discussion concludes, the nine years’ compulsory education program in Indonesia is implemented through improving the opportunity to have basic education for all school age children and simultaneously to accelerate the quality of education. However, to reach the target of quality some recommendations are provided.

TEM Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 770-778
Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh ◽  
Salem A .S. Alrhaimi

Аn in-depth theoretical study and a critical analysis of the main aspects and existing approaches to the definition of modern education management methods aimed at improving the quality of educational services was carried out. The necessity of using modern approaches to managing education as an integral element of the economy, which is the driver of professional growth and changes in society, is substantiated. The features and key aspects of the formation of the institutionalization of education management in a separate university with the aim of ensuring the quality of modern education and the effectiveness of its management are considered. An in-depth analysis of the quality of educational services; a conceptualized comparison of education level indices, ratings of national education systems and their effectiveness in countries of the world. Practical recommendations have been developed on adapting the management system of educational institutions in accordance with modern economic and social requirements for the quality of educational services, which will increase audience loyalty and increase the effectiveness of management processes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-69
Rumina Rumina

Education as a learning activity or teaching and learning process can occur both inside and outside, as an educational activity can take place in the family, as well as in official educational institutions, activities or institutions are able to instill and make Islam as the basis for implementing education. The strategy implemented in facing the development of science and technology is the motivation of students' creativity towards the development of science and technology itself where Islamic values become a source of reference, educating skills, utilizing science and technology products, creating a strong link between religion and science and relationships with scientists who hold science and technology authority in their respective fields, Instill broad attitudes and insights into the future of humanity through the ability to interpret religious teachings. One of the priorities of national education development in relation to the development of the quality of human resources is related to improving the quality of each type and level of education so the existence of Islamic education in the face of the development of science and technology needs to be developed policies that emphasize improving the quality of human resources, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-18
Delci Heinle Klein ◽  
Clarice Salete Traversini

RESUMOO presente artigo traz alguns apontamentos acerca das avaliações externas [PISA e Prova Brasil] da Educação Básica brasileira, suas intersecções com a Matemática e com o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica - IDEB. Procura mostrar como a Matemática pode ser um fato determinante de qualidade da educação, pois, ao compor a Prova Brasil, a proficiência em Matemática é utilizada na elaboração do IDEB, que, segundo o Ministério da Educação, visa “medir a qualidade de cada escola e rede de ensino”. Assim, buscamos nossa análise da proficiência em Matemática, de crianças e jovens brasileiros, a partir de dados do relatório do PISA 2012 e dos microdados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira- INEPABSTRACTThis article provides some notes about the external evaluations [ PISA and Proof Brazil ] of the Brazilian basic education, their intersections with Mathematics and the Development Index of Basic Education - IDEB . Seeks to show how mathematics can be a determining factor of the quality of education , therefore, to compose the Test Brazil , proficiency in mathematics is used in the preparation of IDEB , which , according to the Ministry of Education, aims to measure the quality of each school and school system . Thus , we seek our analysis of proficiency in mathematics in children and young Brazilians from the PISA 2012 report data and microdata from the National Institute of Research Anísio Teixeira- INEP .

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
A. Wilda Indra Nanna ◽  
Enditiyas Pratiwi

Abstrak: Peningkatan kualitas layanan pendidikan merupakan salah satu agenda prioritas pembangunan pendidikan nasional tahun 2015-2016 sebagaimana telah diamanatkan di dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 2 tahun 2015 Tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional 2015-2016. Disamping tersedianya kurikulum yang handal, salah satu aspek terpenting dalam upaya menjalin kualitas layanan pendidikan adalah menyediakan system penilaian yang komprehensif sesuai dengan standar nasional pendidikan yang telah ditetapkan. Memperhatikan permasalahan prioritas yang dihadapi mitra, pengusul menimbang perlu dilaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan guru dalam penyusunan perangkat tes mata pelajaran Matematika pada kelas tinggi di SDS Al Hilal Tarakan dan SDN 032 Tarakan guna dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sehari-hari di kelas secara lebih professional sehingga pada akhirnya mutu pendidikan kita dapat lebih terjaga dan terus meningkat dalam bentuk Ipteks Bagi Masyarakat (IbM).Abstract: Improving the quality of education services is one of the national education development priority agendas of 2015-2016 as mandated in Presidential Regulation No. 2 of 2015 on the National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2016. Besides the availability of a reliable curriculum, one of the most important aspects in the effort to establish the quality of education services is to provide a comprehensive assessment system in accordance with national standards of education that has been established. Taking into account the priority issues faced by the partners, the proposers consider the need for training and teacher assistance activities in the preparation of Mathematics subjects in higher school in SDS Al Hilal Tarakan and SDN 032 Tarakan to be able to carry out their daily tasks in the classroom in a more professional manner so that in the end The quality of our education can be more awake and continue to increase in the form of Science for Society.

2019 ◽  
Hade Afriansyah ◽  

This article is very useful for readers because here they can observe, practical education and also academics to understand how to find the right solution in developing the quality of education especially in the era of regional autonomy and autonomy of education by applying various implementation of management principles, namely: good governance, internal and external efficiency of education. Through the application of three approaches, it is expected that: (1) institutional capacity building and all programs in the education sector can be implemented, (2) developing the quality of education through inputs, processes, and outputs based on regional autonomy, (3) benefits and impacts of basic education towards regional autonomy. it can be concluded that some things are efforts that need to be done in managing institutions to improve the quality of education in each region and region throughout the Republic of Indonesia: 1. Efforts to empower and increase institutional capacity based on 8 themes and principles of good governance which are normative rules to realize the entire program of decentralization and regional autonomy especially in the field of education. 2. Efforts to implement aspects of internal education efficiency with a focus on: input, process and output. 3. Efforts to implement external aspects of education by taking into account the benefits and impacts of educational outcomes. Improving the quality of education has not been in line with expectations because it is caused by several factors including the education development strategy that is more "input oriented" and "macro oriented" which tends to be regulated by the central bureaucracy To improve the quality of education in each region through a clear, directed, and effective approach, it is necessary to apply management principles in educational autonomy.

Moch. Yusuf Efendi

Indonesia's education system is still not able to fully answer the needs and global challenges for the future. The program of equity and improvement of education quality is a prominent problem in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the number of people at the age of primary education not included in the national education system is still very high. The education environment in Indonesia is still faced with a variety of internal problems that are fundamental and complex. In addition, the Indonesian people still face a number of problems from the basic education to higher education. The quality of education in Indonesia is still far from being expected. It is different from Finland. The government and people realize that a strong commitment to build and develop a national education system is a key determinant of the success of the state to maintain its survival as a small, resource-limited nation living in extreme and less friendly conditions. The development of the nation and nation stands on the pillars of innovation-based education and research and is fully supported by all components of the nation. This paper is expected to be an inspiration for readers to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.The method used is to use a comparative method with a literature review in which the literature related to the topics of the problem is collected, grouped, analyzed and formulated to obtain the differences that are then selected for development into the education curriculum in Indonesia. From the comparative methodology, there are several findings and can be applied in the curriculum of primary schools in Indonesia such as the education system, the implemented curriculum, and the teaching innovation and teachers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-296
Mamadou Saliou Diallo

This paper sets out to consider the context and concerns in educational reform through an examination of the achievements and difficulties encountered in attempts to develop basic education in Guinea. Yet, many are the countries around the world, and more specifically developing countries that have constantly cherished basic education development. This is obvious since all these countries, including Guinea, have—at one time or another— undertaken reform in their education system. However, the real impact of these reform measures has been slow to be noticed, not only, with regard to the performance of the sector but also the improvement of human capital. As such, the paper proceeds to point out the prevailing issues in reform undertakings in Guinea’s education sector. The study uses qualitative approach, and both primary and secondary sources to portray major national education intervention programs and their relative outcomes. However, it appears that the inability of the system to capitalize on previous efforts and gains presents a key challenge to ensure the sustainability of basic education development in the country.

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