scholarly journals Movement of Campus’ Mosque at UGM and UIN Sunan Kalijaga In Order to Understand National Politic

2012 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Flavius Florls Andrles

<p><em>The emerging religious movement in campus areas after the reformation era is an interesting phenomenon to be researched. The aim of this study is to answer these questions:   how to reconstruct the idea of religion and how the implementation of such idea in the religious movement to response the political problems. This research was conducted in two campuses with different background, Gadjah Mada University representing secular campus and Islamic state university Sunan Kalijaga representing religious campus. Findings of this research show that there is different religious understanding on the religious movement. In Gajah Mada mosque, the political problem is not discussed and is not included in the preaching. The reason is that the material is not relevant to mosque function. On the other hand, there is no problem to discuss about politics and also to say it in a preaching at the mosque in Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga. This can happen because education about politics for people is part of mosque responsibility as a representation of muamalat in Islam.</em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Zahrudin Zahrudin

Abstract: Implication of Education Policy to Campus Management. After the reformation, the policy on the regional autonomy arise, including campus’s autonomy, called “State-Own Legal Body” and General Services Body. A legal body State University has a full authority in academic and non-academic matters. In Addition, it exists separate asset and person in charge working for University has the authority to make legal action. On the other hand, the General Services Body doesn’t have the authority as big as a legal body one, such as the separation of assets and flexibility in financial management.Key Words: policy, campus’s management Abstrak: Implikasi Kebijakan Politik terhadap Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi. Sejak era reformasi, berbagai kebijakan muncul mulai dari kebijakan terkait dengan otonomi daerah hingga kebijakan terkait dengan otonomi perguruan tinggi yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Badan Hukum Milik Negara (BHMN) dan Badan Layanan Umum (BLU). Perguruan tinggi negeri yang berstatus badan hukum mempunyai wewenang penuh dalam hal akademik dan nonakademik. Selain itu, juga memiliki kekayaan yang dipisahkan serta para pengelola dapat melakukan perbuatan yang mengandung hukum. Sedangkan perguruan tinggi negeri berstatus badan layanan umum mempunyai wewenang tidak sepenuh yang dimiliki pergurun tinggi berbadan hukum. Termasuk dalam hal pemisahan kekayaan dan pengelola yang tidak memiliki hak melakukan perbuatan yang mengandung hukum. serta yang menjadi karakteristiknya adalah mempunyai fleksibilitas dan kemandirian dalam hal pengelolaan keuangan. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Politik, Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi DOI: 10.15408/sjsbs.v2i1.2246

Al-Risalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-296
Ahmad Zubaidi

Islamic politics in Indonesia is very distinctive and has characteristics as a reflection of Indonesian Muslims who understand ahlussunnah wal jamaah so that the aspect of compromise and promoting togetherness, and attaching importance to stability is undeniable. However, that was before, later after the reformation, when the faucet of freedom was opened in Indonesia, many political ideologies entered Indonesia. They tried to change the established Indonesian political order, such as the emergence of the sharia formalization movement, the desire to establish an Islamic state, and the Islamic caliphate. The political activity of this model is increasingly visible in the era of President Jokowidodo as a symbol of resistance. This paper tries to elaborate and analyze with a descriptive analysis system on the phenomena in post-reform Indonesia. It is interesting because there are symptoms that the political doctrine of Aswaja will be defeated by the momentary political doctrines and the doctrines of khilafahism. However, during this upheaval, Aswaja's power and doctrine proved to endure despite the worrying erosion.    Politik Islam di Indonesia sangat khas dan berkarakteristik sebagai cerminan umat Islam Indonesia yang berpaham ahlussunnah wal jamaah, sehingga aspek kompromi dan mengedepankan kebersamaan dan mementingkan stabilitas angat kentara. Tapi itu dulu, belakangan pasca refeormasi, ketika kran kebebasan dibuka di Indonesia, banyal ideology politik masuk ke Indonesia dan  berusaha merubah tatanan politik indonnesia yang sudah mapan, seperti munculnya gerakan formalisasi syariah, keinginan mendirikan Negara Islam, dan khiafah islamiyah. Bahkan aktifitas politik model ini semakin kentara di ere Presiden Jokowidodo sebagai symbol  perlawanan. Tulisan ini mencoba mengelabirasi dan menganalisis dengan system analisis deskriptif terhadap fenomena yang  terjadi di Indonesia pasca reformasi. Hal ini menarik karena ada gejala doktrin politik aswaja akan terkalahkan oleh doktrin politik sesaat dan doktin-doktin khilafihisme. Namun, di tengah pergolakan ini, kekuatan aswaja dan doktrinnya terbukti dapat bertahan walau di tengah erosi yang mengkhawatirkan.

2001 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Alleen Pace Nilsen

AbstractAs part of an announcement that he and his siblings were honoring their parents by establishing a lecture series and research institute on humor in public life at Wichita State University, outgoing U. S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman presented “More than Comic Relief: The Importance of Humor in Public Life,” as his farewell speech to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. He recommended self-deprecating humor as a strategic tool of the political trade, a means of puncturing pomposity, defusing tense situations, attracting allies, and even getting people to focus on serious policy issues. He told about his father's “weakness” for the pun…“I went to bed one night worrying about how the sun came up, but then it dawned on me.” and “The other night, I had a nightmare that I swallowed a muffer … the next morning I woke up exhausted.” His father had a collection of jokes “annotated and indexed on note cards,” and he regularly faxed jokes for his son to use in speeches. Many of them Glickman saw only in passing while his staff was on their way to the shredder because they “would've made even Earl Butz blush.”

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 283
Ahmad Nurcholis ◽  
Syaikhu Ihsan Hidayatullah

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 did not only change the life of business, work, and state, but also people, and education, including Arabic education. These changes, give opportunities for any benefits, on the other hand it also provide challenges. For those who are unable to deal with it, they are going to be fail. This article described and analyzed the challenges of Arabic as the language for communication in Industrial Revolution 4.0. How does Islamic State University respond to the revolutionary changes in industry 4.0. The lovers, activists, educators, and the Arabic language users need to take a quick, precise, and well-prepared attitude. Therefore, the researchers explored data in the Graduate Program of IAIN Tulungagung as the campus of Da'wah and Civilization that use Arabic language as the main pillar in realizing the vision. The researchers used qualitative phenomenological approach. The findings showed that the students were not accustomed in applying Arabic, so they could not create the language environment yet. However, it has often been used in official events. It can be concluded that the Graduate Program of Arabic Language Department of IAIN Tulungagung is able to follow the industrial revolution 4.0 supported by some articles that have been published in both national and international journals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-39
Imam Ghozali ◽  
Zulfikar Hasan ◽  
Chanifudin ◽  

Afifuddin Muhajir's background concerning the Ideal State cannot be separated from the strengthening of the demands of some Indonesian Muslims who are members of the 212 movements to uphold NKRI Bersyariah. Starting from their success in tackling the political career of Basuki Cahaya Purnama (Ahok) in the 2017 DKI Pilkada. This movement strengthened in the 2019 Presidential election. They supported the Prabowo subianto-Sandiaga Uno pair who were considered more Islamic and capable of realizing their political ideals. Afifuddin Muhajir considered the Political Identity movement in the name of religion to be a very dilemma in Indonesian society which is multi-ethnic, ethnic, cultural, and religious. Politics as a product of Jurisprudence and Muamalah has space for ijtihad and has becomes a common consensus to build the life of the nation and state. This research is a Research Library, that examines Afifuddin Muhajir in his speech conferring the Honorary Doctorate at the Walisongo Islamic State University, Semarang, Central Java. This study focuses on the concept of the Ideal State according to Afifuddin Muhajir with sub-discussions, namely: Political Islam, Pancasila, NKRI, and the State Constitution. This discussion sub-section will answer the concept of an ideal state according to Afifuddin Muhajir from the point of view of Jurisprudence and Ushul Fiqh who are experts in their expertise. This research is certainly interested in answering extremist Islamic groups who want a state form at the level of sharia or Islamic law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-104
Syaiful Arif

Abstrak Moderasi beragama tidak hanya perlu dikembangkan dalam pola keberagamaan, tetapi dalam cara berpikir tentang negara. Sebab keterkaitan antara negara dan paham keagamaan, sering memunculkan sikap ekstrim dalam beragama. Untuk itu dibutuhkan pemikiran kenegaraan Islam yang moderat, yang melampaui formalisasi agama melalui negara pada satu sisi, dan pemisahan agama dan negara pada sisi lain. Dalam kaitan ini, pemikiran KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) tentang persoalan ini menjadi penting untuk dipahami. Gus Dur telah mewariskan pemikiran kenegaraan Islam yang moderat yang sesuai dengan prinsip kehidupan politik demokratis dan berkeadilan sosial.   Abstract Religious moderation needs to be developed not only in a pattern of religion, but in ways of thinking about the state because the relationship between the state and religious understanding often leads to extreme attitude in religion. Therefore, it requires moderate Islamic thinking, which transcend religious formalization through the state on one side, and the separation of religion and state on the other.  On this regard, KH Abdurrahman Wahid's (Gus Dur) thought about this becomes important to understand.  Gus Dur has bequeathed thought of moderate Islamic state that conforms to the principles of democratic political life and social justice.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 255
Muhammad Irfan Syuhudi

<p>This article aims to describe Islamic religious thought of Muslim student at Khairun<br />University in Ternate and the dynamic of religious movement organizations on  campus. Informants of this study were selected using purposive method including activists of  Islamic organizations, students, and lecturers of the university. Data were collected using interviews, observation, and documentation, and searching data related to social context of the study from the internet. Findings of the research shows that the type of religious understanding and nationality of Muslim students after the reformation era at Khairun University began experiencing a shift since the presence of trans-national organizations, such as the Indonesian Muslim Student Action Union (KAMMI), Campus Propagation Institute (LDK), Hizbut Tahrir (HT), and Wahdah Islamiyah (WI). Those organizations adopt fundamentalists thought who want purification of Islam, and anti-tradition. Nationality thought adopted by these organizations is a country that imposes Islamic law and Establishes a state of Khilafah (HT). Nevertheless, most students at the Khairun University embrace cultural Islam, following the footsteps of their parents and Ternate society in general.</p>

2006 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 108-125
Tina Hamrin-Dahl

Alevilik is the second largest religious movement in Turkey after Sunnite Islam. The Alevi worship Ali and the twelve Imams of his family. Ali is more or less deified and therefore Alevis are considered as being ghulat (‘exaggerated’, ‘extremist’) and heterodox. The elevated Ali personifies an aspiration to justice and righteousness. He fought on the side of the weak and oppressed against those with power in society. Theologically, Ali is assumed to be blessed by the divine light and is therefore able to see into the mysterious spirituality of Islam. Many Alevis today however totally dissociate themselves from Shi’ism. Still, the degrading­ abel kızılbaş (‘red-head’) is associated with Ali and thus is something alleged to be anti-Osman, since Isma’il fought against the Osman Empire. The colour red represents the blood of Mohammed: he was wounded in battle and Ali saw the prophet’s blood flowing. As Ali grew older, he wanted to remind people of Mohammed’s struggle and therefore started wearing red headgear. Red thus became the colour of the Shi’ites and over time a symbol of Shi’ite martyrdom. Later red also gained political significance for the Alevis. The religious and the political are closely intertwined, but despite this, neither the Left nor Shi’ism does simply stand on one side and the Right/Sunni on the other – there are no such simple dichotomies in reality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Attila Gyulai ◽  
Anna Ujlaki

This article adopts a political theoretical perspective to address the problem of AI regulation. By disregarding the political problem of enforceability, it is argued that the applied ethics approach dominant in the discussions on AI regulation is incomplete. Applying realist political theory, the article demonstrates how prescriptive accounts of the development, use, and functioning of AI are necessarily political. First, the political nature of the problem is investigated by focusing on the use of AI in politics on the one hand and the political nature of the AI regulation problem on the other. Second, the article claims that by revisiting some of the oldest political and theoretical questions, the discourse on guidelines and regulation can be enriched through the adoption of AGI and superintelligence as tools for political theoretical inquiry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-396
Kasman Bakry ◽  
Ambo Asse ◽  
Darussalam Syamsuddin ◽  
Kasjim Salenda ◽  
Roziana Shaari

This study describes the political dynamics of Muhammadiyah and its relevance to the constitutional concept from Islamic political perspective. This research uses descriptive, and historical approach. The results of the study finds out: First, the characteristics of an Islamic state are applying God's law, adopting a form of leadership, being universal, not totalitarian, and applying a humane leadership pattern. This character is supported by a leadership system based on basic principles in the Islamic state (al-mabda 'al-asāsī fi dawlah al-Islamiyyah) which includes: trustworthiness (al-amānah), deliberation (al-syūrā), equality (al- musāwā), justice (al-'adālah), and plurality (al-ta 'addudiyya). Second, the Muhammadiyah doctrine originates from the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith and contains a system of beliefs, thoughts, and actions which, as a whole,  is accumulated into the ideology and values of the Muhammadiyah movement. This doctrine is then outlined in Muhammadiyah's statute and Bylaws (AD/ART) and covers all steps and strategies for the struggle, personality, beliefs and way of life of Muhammadiyah. Third, political theology and universal and fundamental religious understanding serve as guidelines, and at the same time, as the blueprint for Muhammadiyah's political midset which is implemented through political and cultural channels in the realm of high, allocative politics. 

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