scholarly journals Ethanolic extract of Dutch eggplants (Solanum betaceum) protects spermatozoa motility exposed to lead acetate

Rima Wirenviona ◽  
Reny I’tishom ◽  
Siti Khaerunnisa

Lead is a toxic material that can have negative effects on reproductive organs. Lead exposure reduces the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes and increases the number of oxidants in the body. High free radicals will affect spermatogenesis and result in decreased motile spermatozoa. Antioxidants are known to protect the motility of spermatozoa, and adequate antioxidants can be found in Dutch eggplants (Solanumbetaceum). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of S. betaceum on spermatozoa motility after exposure to lead acetate. This study is a true experimental design with a randomized post-test-only control group design. Forty male Balb/C mice 12 weeks old were randomly divided into 5 groups: two control groups (C0, C1) and three treatment groups (T1, T2, T3).The C0 received distilled water, and the C1 received 75 mg/kg BW lead acetate. The T1, T2 and T3 received 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg BW of S. betaceum, respectively, an hour before exposed lead acetate. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with a significant level of p <0.05. A significantly increasein the mean total motility of spermatozoa in T1, T2, and T3 was reported.This study indicates that S. betaceum have a protective effect on spermatozoa motility when exposed to lead acetate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Reny I’tishom ◽  
Evy Wulandari ◽  
Sri Agus Sudjarwo

Lead is a heavy metal, the main polluting material in the environment, which comes from gasoline, batteries, paint, pipes, soil, cosmetics, household appliances, and decorations. Lead is a free radical causing oxidative stress. Lead can accumulate in the body due to its slow elimination process. Lead increases oxidative stress by forming reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide ion (O2-), hydroxil radical (OH-), and nitric oxide (NO), and direct suppression of antioxidant reserves such as Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase, and Glutathione Peroxide (GPx). Hylocereus polyrhizus peel is a natural antioxidant that can overcome the toxic effects of lead. The aim of this study was to analyze the treatment of Hylocereus polyrhizus peel extract orally once in a day for 40 days to increase testosteron levels of Balb/C mice (Mus musculus) exposed to lead acetate. The type of this study was true experimental study with Post Test Only Control Group design. Forty mice aged 8-10 weeks and the range of the body weight 30-40 grams were divided into 5 groups (each group of 8 mice). K- group was the control group without lead acetate and Hylocereus polyrhizus peel extract. K+, P1, P2 and P3 group was given 100 mg/kgBW lead acetate orally on the 1st day until day 14th. P1, P2 and P3 group was continued by giving Hylocereus polyrhizus peel extract orally on the 15th day until 39th day. P1 with dose 250 mg/KgBW, P2 with dose 500 mg/KgBW, and P3 with dose 1000 mg/KgBW. The results showed significant differences in testosterone levels between the K+ groups with P1 and P2. The conclusion of this study is Hylocereus polyrhizus peel extract can increase the testosteron levels of mice exposed to acetate lead.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Muhammad Aulia U H ◽  
Iswinarno Doso Saputro ◽  
Magda Rosalina Hutagalung

Background: The incidence of burns in Indonesia progressively increases with the increase in its population and industries. From January to September 2000, 158 patients were treated in the burn unit of Dr Soetomo Hospital with a mortality rate reaching 5,8%. Burns have a direct effect in causing both local and systemic changes in the body, not occurring in other injuries. In severe burns, a hypermetabolic state can occur, which increases cardiac workload and causes muscle atrophy and other morbidities. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of propranolol on the hypermetabolic state in severely burned patients by measuring various clinical & laboratory parameters.Methods : This is an experimental study using pre and post test control group design with the objective of assessing the treatment outcome with oral propranolol given in 15 consecutive days for burn patients involving 25%- 60% TBSA. Measurements were taken three times, on day 0, 7 and 14.Results : Obtained 16 samples divided into 2 groups. In the treatment group, there was a significant decrease in CRP levels on days 0, 7 and 14 (p <0.05). The Mid Arm Circumference variable did not obtain a significant decreasing on days 0, 7 and 14. The albumin level studied showed a significant decreasing on day 0 & 7 days with a value of p = 0.045. From the comparison between the two groups, there were significant differences in CRP levels on days 0 & 14, with the mean value of the treatment group -5.12 + 2.88 and the mean value of the control group 2.86 + 7.37, and the value of p = 0.019.Conclusions: This study successfully proved that the administration of propranolol can overcome the effects of hypermetabolism which is characterized by decreasing in CRP levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Setiawandari Setiawandari ◽  
Eka Deviany Widyawaty

The immunizations that must be given to children include the Diphtheria Pertussis Tetatus-Hepatitis B-Hemophilus Influenza type B vaccine or better known as Pentabio DPT. The DTwP / HB / HiB vaccine is given to babies in 3 doses at 1 month intervals. This immunization caused a systemic reaction, one of which was a fever of 0.85% in the first 30 minutes and increased to 14.03% on the day after immunization. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L) in reducing the body temperature of feverish children after Pentabio DPT immunization. This type of research was quasi-experimental study, with pre and post test with control group design. The sample in this study were babies who received DPT immunization as many as 20 respondents. DPT Pentabio immunization was given a dose of 0.5 ml in the intervention group and the control group. The statistical test used was the T test. The results showed that there was a significant effect of shallots on in reducing the body temperature of feverish children after Pentabio DPT immunization, with a p-value of 0.000. Keywords: shallots; body temperature; fever; Pentabio DPT immunization ABSTRAK Imunisasi yang wajib diberikan kepada anak-anak diantaranya adalah vaksin Diphtheria Pertusis Tetatus-Hepatitis B-Hemophilus Influenza type B atau lebih dikenal dengan DPT Pentabio. Vaksin DTwP/HB/HiB diberikan kepada bayi sebanyak 3 dosis dengan interval 1 bulan. Imunisasi ini menimbulkan reaksi sistemik salah satunya berupa demam 0,85% pada 30 menit pertama dan meningkat menjadi 14,03% pada satu hari pasca imunisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L) terhadap penurunan suhu tubuh anak demam pasca imunisasi DPT Pentabio. Jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan pre and post test with control group design. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah bayi yang mendapat imunisasi DPT sebanyak 20 orang responden. Pemberian imunisasi DPT PENTABIO Pentabio dosis 0,5 ml pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari bawang merah dalam menurunkan suhu tubuh anak demam pasca imunisasi DPT Pentabio, dengan p-value 0,000. Kata kunci: bawang merah; suhu tubuh; demam; imunisasi DPT Pentabio

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Kristo Warong ◽  
Damajanty H.C. Pangemanan ◽  
Joice N.A. Engka

Absract: Physical exercise can improve and maintain physical fitness. However, physical exercise can lead to oxidative stress that can reduce the activity of antioxidants. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that could free radicals in the body. Neutrophils play an active role in the process of phagocytosis of bacteria and other microorganisms the damaged tissue caused by tissue injury. This study was aimed to obtain the effect of vitamin E on neutrophil count after physical exercise. This was a field experimental study with a pre post test control group design. Data were analyzed with the Mann Whitney U (α = 0.05). The physical exercise was playing futsal for 60 minutes. Respondents were 30 male respondents divided into 2 groups: treatment and control groups. The levels of neutrophils were examined after physical exercise and after the administration of vitamin E 400 IU for seven days. Data analysis of the effect of vitamin E on neutrophil level after physical exercise showed a p value of 0.031. Conclusion: Vitamin E influenced the levels of neutrophils after physical exercise.Keywords: physical exercise, oxidative stress, vitamin E, neutrophil Abstrak: Latihan fisik merupakan aktivitas yang dilakukan seseorang untuk meningkatkan atau memelihara kebugaran tubuh. Latihan fisik dapat menimbulkan stres oksidatif sehingga dapat menurunkan aktivitas antioksidan. Vitamin E merupakan antioksidan yang larut dalam lemak dan berfungsi untuk mengurangi radikal bebas yang terdapat dalam tubuh. Neutrofil berperan aktif dalam proses fagositosis bakteri, mikroorganisme, dan membersihkan sisa jaringan rusak yang disebabkan oleh cedera jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh vitamin E terhadap kadar neutrofil setelah latihan fisik. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental lapangan dengan pre post test control group design. Untuk menguji signifikansi penelitian digunakan uji Mann Whitney U (α = 0,05). Latihan fisik berupa olahraga futsal selama 60 menit dilakukan oleh 30 responden laki-laki yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok yaitu perlakuan dan kontrol. Kadar neutrofil diukur setelah latihan fisik dan setelah pemberian vitamin E 400 IU selama 7 hari. Hasil statistik menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh bermakna dari vitamin E pada kelompok perlakuan (p=0,031). Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh vitamin E terhadap kadar neutrofil setelah latihan fisik. Kata kunci: latihan fisik, stres oksidatif, vitamin E, neutrofil

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-40
Adi Wijayanto

Triglycerides are source of energy in the body, but triglyceride deposits that exceed the threshold will cause health problems, so triglycerides should be lowered to normal. The reduction of triglycerides can be done through physical activity, therefore this study aims to reveal the effect of regular swimming exercises and irregular exercises against triglyceride levels. This research is an experimental research using The Post Test Only Control Group Design design. Subjects of the study were male of Rattus Norvegicus Wistar, 39 subjects was divided into 3 groups with Matched Subject Design technique, which consisted of 2 groups of treatment that is regular and irregular group, and control group. The exercise program was given a swimming with a 3% weight of body weight and was tied 5 cm from the tip of the tail which was performed 3 times per week consistently for regular exercise and 0 to 5 times per week inconsistently for irregular exercise for 12 weeks, While the control group was not given training. In the last week before the blood was taken, the first three groups were given swimming treatment exercises. Based on the results of the anava test, there was a significant difference in the reduction of triglyceride levels among white mice who were given regular exercise with irregular exercise. These results suggest that regular exercise has a better impact on triglyceride reduction than irregular exercise, due to the higher adaptation process of regular exercise.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Daslina Daslina ◽  
Eryati Darwin ◽  
Aziz Djamal

Abstrak Pseudomonas aeruginosa adalah bakteri penyebab infeksi terbanyak yang resisten terhadap antibiotik. Glutamin adalah asam amino yang terdapat dalam tubuh yang salah satu fungsinya dapat memodulasi imunitas tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan potensi glutamin dalam meningkatkan kemampuan sistem imun terhadap infeksi P. aeruginosa. Penelitian eksperimental dengan post test only control group design telah dilakukan terhadap 24 ekor mencit usia 6-8 minggu dengan berat 30 gr. Mencit dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, yaitu kontrol (K) danperlakuan (P) yang diberi glutamin dengan dosis 30 mg/kg/hari selama 14 hari. Isolasi makrofag peritoneum mencit dilakukan pada hari ke-15 dan dilakukan uji fagositosis menggunakan latex dan bakteri P. aeruginosa. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap persentase makrofag aktif terhadap latex dan P. aeruginosa. Hasil pengamatan dan analisisstatistik menggunakan metode t-test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kontrol dan perlakuan (p<0.05). Persentase makrofag aktif terhadap latex adalah 0,63 ± 0,058 (K) dan 0,84 ± 0,04 (P), sedangkan terhadap P. aeruginosa adalah 0,56± 0,07 (K) dan 0,80± 0,03 (P). Terlihat bahwa angka persentase fagositosis terhadap P.aeruginosa lebih kecil karena adanya kemampuan bakteri untuk menghadapi makrofag dibandingkan latex. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa asam amino non-esensial glutamin memiliki pengaruh untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sistem imun tubuh. Kata kunci: glutamin, fagositosis makrofag, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Abstract Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common cause of bacterial infections that are resistant to antibiotics. Glutamine is an amino acid  in the body that able to modulate the body's immune function. The objective of this study was to determine the potential of glutamine in enhancing the ability of the immune system against infection of P.aeruginosa. Experimental research with post test only control group design was conducted on 24 male minutes 6-8 weeks of age weighing 30 grams. Mice were divided into two groups: control (K) and treatment (P) are given glutamine at a dose of 30 mg / kg / day for 14 days. Isolation of peritoneal macrophages of mice performed on day-15 and testedusing latex and bacterial phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa. Observations were made of the percentage of activated macrophages toward latex and P. aeruginosa. The observation result and statistical analysis using t -test showed a significant difference between the control and treatment (p <0.05). The percentage of active macrophages to latex was0.63 ± 0.058 (K) and 0.84 ± 0.04 (P), while to P. aeruginosa is 0.56 ± 0.07 (K) and 0.80 ± 0.03 (P). That seein it percentage of phagocytosis against P. aeruginosa smaller than compared to latex. Because of the ability of bacteria to confront macrophages. The conclusion from this study is a non-essensial amino acid glutamine has the effect to increase the ability of the body's immune system. Keywords: glutamin, immunity phagocytosis macrophage, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Sri Tasminatun ◽  
Ria Pravitasari ◽  
SN. Nurul Makiyah

Abstract: The diameter of the alba pulp of the spleen will be enlarged, when the body responds to allergens by increasing the activity of the immune system. Papaya fruits (Carica papaya L.) containing flavonoid that can be as an immunomodulator. This study aims to determine the effect of C. papaya extract to the diameter size alba pulp of the spleen of Ovalbumin (OVA) induced Balb/C mice. The research design was experimental in vivo animal test with post-test only control group design. Thirty male Balb/C mice, ±20grams weight, 8 weeks old, divided into six groups consists of a normal control, negative control, Methylprednisolone, and C. papaya extract treatment group (175mg/kg, 350mg/kg and 700mg/kg dose per day). The extract and Methylprednisolone are given for 28 days, while OVA is given on 15thand 22ndday (intraperitoneal,) and 23rd until 28thday (peroral). On the 29thday the mice are sacrificed and the duodenum was made into histological preparation with HE staining. The immunomodulator effect is assessed by the average of the diameter size alba pulp of the spleen under a light microscope. The data were analyzed using SPSS15 with one way ANOVA continued with Tukey test. The average of the diameter size alba pulp of the spleen for control group is 10,165 ± 0,195; negative control group is 30,357 ± 0,826; methylprednisolone group is 10,220 ± 0,346; 175mg/kgbb dose extract is 14,956 ± 1,057; 350mg/kgbb dose extract is 14,030 ± 0,667; and 700mg/kgbb dose extract is 12,504 ± 0,729. The conclusion of this study is Carica papaya L. extract treatment group (175mg/kg, 350mg/kg and 700mg/kg dose per day) has an effect to the average of the diameter size alba pulp of the spleen in OVA-induced Balb/C mice significantly. 700mg/kg dose per day has the same effect with the methylprednisolone group. Keywords: immunomodulator, Carica papaya L., alba pulp of the spleen, ovalbumin

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 180
Alis Nur Diana ◽  
Reny I’tishom ◽  
Sri Agus Sudjarwo

Lead that enters the body may lead to increased production of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) that may affect reproductive system. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) extract contains high antioxidant, tymoquinone, that may be used to suppress oxidative stress induced by lead in animal experiments. This study aimed to prove that black cumin (Nigella sativa) extract improves the thickness of seminiferous tubular epithelium in Balb/c mice exposed to lead (Pb) acetate. This study used post-test only control group design. The subjects in this study were 30 Balb/c male mice (Mus musculus), divided into 5 groups. K-group: control group without lead acetate and black cumin extract, K+ group: group with 50 mg/kgBW of lead acetate for 28 days, P1 group: treatment group with 50 mg/kgBW of lead acetate for 28 days + 0.3 mg/gBW of black cumin extract for 21 days, P2 group: treatment group with 50 mg/kgBW of lead acetate for 28 days + 0.6 mg/gBW of black cumin extract for 21 days, and P3 group: treatment group with 50 mg/gBW of lead acetate for 28 days + 1.2 mg/gBW black cumin extract for 21 days. The results showed that the mean ± standard deviation of the highest thickness of seminiferous tubular epithelium was 45.80 ± 2.73 in the group that was exposed to acetate + 0.6 mg/gBW of black cumin (P2), and the lowest was 32.75 ± 4.07 in the group that was exposed to lead acetate (K+). The results were then analyzed by Anova test. The results showed that there was significant differences in the thickness of seminiferous tubular epithelium between P1, P2, P3 and K+. In conclusion, black cumin extract administration was proved to improve the thickness of seminiferous tubular epithelium in lead (Pb) acetate-exposed Balb/c mice (Mus musculus).

Anif Nur Artanti ◽  
Maria Ulfah

One of Telang plant’s advantages is its activity as sedative agent. Previous studies indicate that Telang plant has anticonvulsant activity on mice at certain dose. This study was conducted to find out the sedative effect of Telang plant, particularly its leaf, when being co-administered with fluoxetin. Phytochemical analysis was carried out qualitatively on Telang ethanolic extract leaves (TEE) to find out the content of chemical compound first.This study was an experimental research with post-test only control group design, employing male balb/c mice. The effect of Telang ethanolic extract co-administration with fluoxetin was observed. The parameter being used in the study was the duration of sleep. Analysis was done by comparing mice sleeping duration prior to administration of fluoxetin alone and in combination with Telang ethanolic extract. The data was then analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows.The results showed that TEE contained tannin, saponin, and flavonoid compounds, and co-administration of TEE and fluoxetin at various doses could provide sedative effect on mice. The co-administration of 400 mg/kgBW extract and 15 mg/kgBW fluoxetin could provide the mean sleeping duration 43 minutes longer than positive control.Keywords:  telang leaves ethanol extract, fluoxetin, sleeping duration

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 137
Diayu Putri Akhita ◽  
Edy Junaidi ◽  
Septa Surya Wahyudi

Abstract Infectious diseases can occur in all parts of the body. One of the causes infection in humans is Eschericiae coli bacteria. Eschericiae coli is a rod-shaped bacteria, a gram negative bacteria, facultative aerobics and classified family member of Enterobacteriaceae from the Gammaproteobacteria class. Along the times, E.coli bacteria have resistent to some antibiotics. So we need a new alternative. There is a antibacterial substance in the isoflavon group contained in edamame. Genistein is a main isoflavon in edamame that have antiinflammation, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects. The purpose of this study was to determine is there any antibacterial effects in ethanol edamame seeds extract to E.coli bacteria. This study used a true experimental research design in vitro with a post test only control group design.  The average diameter results of the inhibition zone were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis method and obtained p = 0.001 which means there are significant differences in at least two groups. After that, the Mann Whitney post hoc test was conducted and a significant difference was found in the positive and negative control groups for all groups but there was no difference in the treatment group, both groups K1, K2 and K3 for all groups. Keywords : Edamame, Antibacterial, E.coli

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