The factor of social cultural resources of Moscow within the methodological system of preparing students at Language University for intercultural foreign language communication

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-56
V.A. Goncharova ◽  
V.V. Alpatov

resented is the authors’ elaboration of the articles, enhanced their previously stated idea about the need to integrate the socio-cultural resources of the Moscow metropolis into the system of preparing students for intercultural foreign language communication. To design an educational environment within the framework of the intercultural approach to TEFL a systematic typology of the socio-cultural resources of Moscow is suggested based on the three levels of understanding of Moscow: as an urban space, as a center of regional and national culture, as a global capital. Based on the typology, the fundamental components of the methodological system of intercultural foreign language education of students of a language university are generalized, taking into account the use of such resources. Hence the authors share the objective of TEFL within the intercultural approach as the triple unity, i.e. to understand the essence of educational communication as a unique, but acceptable array of existential trajectories, to build one’s own trajectory (as a result of study of the city as an environment of interaction of individual routes), to compare it with other possible trajectories (the study of the city from the standpoint of its regional and national specifics), and to implement this trajectory in a true life communicative situation (interaction with the city from the standpoint of its intercultural manifestation). The components of the content of training at its cognitive (knowledge and understanding), operational-activity (skills) and axiological (attitudes, willingness and values) levels, as well as the specific principles of such training are specified. As a result, the deficits and current problems of studying such integration are summarized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-83
A. Ye. Bizhkenova ◽  
D.M. Kabenova ◽  
Z.S. Takuova ◽  
M. Adilkhanuly ◽  

In the system of foreign language education in Kazakhstan,English is a priority at all levels of education. English is the language which is chosen by parents as a foreign for their children in preschool age. This article is devoted to the study of the status and current issues of teaching English in Kazakhstan. It is based on the results of a practical survey of eighth grade students of some secondary schools, as well as on observation of the educational process. During a visit to English classes and after conversations with school teachers, the problematic aspects of the learning process were identified. The article provides an overview of modern methods and principles of classes’ organization, contains recommendations for solving theidentified problems. The authors of the article also tried to find out the desire of students to learn not only English, but also other foreign languages, because according to the state regulatory documents, students at school have the right to choose a foreign language, which they want tolearn. The desire to communicate in a foreign language, readiness for foreign language communication, the role ofEnglish language in the student’s life, the main activities in foreign language lessons were some of the key issues, that were considered in this scientific work.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-33
V.A. Goncharova ◽  
V.V. Alpatov

Substantiated is the thesis for necessity and possibility of using the social cultural resources of Moscow city to establish an educational environment suitable for building intercultural communicative competence when teaching students foreign languages from the perspective of the intercultural approach. As a key point, the authors put forward the thesis that it is regional culture which is the only one available to the student to abide and understand by their national native culture (which comes equal with learning a foreign language culture within the goal-setting of intercultural foreign language education). At the same time, Moscow is grounded as a resource space for intercultural foreign language education, being a place for building the social environment and communication relations, the center of the regional level of native culture, and the city of intercultural communication. The authors define the related educational urbanistics as interdisciplinary field of designing socio-humanitarian knowledge and experience in the context of the mutually enriching integration of urban space and value-specific (educational) trajectories of personal development of the citizen. As a result, the authors formulate the basic principles of urban educational environment in the context of foreign language intercultural communicative training of students, including the following: knowledge of the universal (global) through the single (local), methodological work with space as a resource and a factor in educational activity design, taking an educational environment as an individually perceived value, designing individual educational trajectory on the basis of mapping, contextual learning, the priority of spontaneous meaning-making, a conscious distinction between education and vocational training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 121-122
D.U. Rasulova

The article discusses the goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language at university education in the light of the requirements for the level of communicative competence determined by the educational standard of general education, the problem of language education of students in the light of changes in the educational system of our country, the general state of language education at this stage. The features of a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing of students are being formed.

Ekaterina L. Chernikova

This study is devoted to the development of a model of teaching the stylistic aspect of foreign language communication in the process of secondary general education. The results of theoretical research and accumulated experience show that the stylistic aspect of foreign language communication plays a huge role in foreign language education at high school. However, students experience difficulties in applying stylistic techniques and tropes, which leads to a decrease in the quality of foreign language communication. This fact indicates the relevance of this study. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the development of the main theoretical approaches and principles that ensure the effectiveness of the proposed model implementation. The leading approaches are highlighted such as personal-activity, communicative, communicative-cognitive, socio-cultural and integrative. The main principles are the principle of scientific character, the prin-ciple of accessibility and feasibility, the principle of connection between theory and practice, the principle of systematicity and consistency, the principle of visibility, the principle of conscious and active participation. This study proposes a model of teaching the stylistic aspect of foreign language communication in the process of secondary general education based on a comparative analysis of stylistic means and functions in the native and foreign languages. The obtained results of the work can be used in the process of developing curricula and creating manuals for high school students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 126-133
Гайна Абдулловна Арсаханова

Медицинские факультеты британских вузов предоставляют образование самого высокого качества и являются чрезвычайно привлекательными для иностранных студентов благодаря эффективным программам коммуникативной адаптации, что обеспечивает студентам, чьим родным языком не является английский, овладеть желаемой специальностью в англоязычной среде и, в дальнейшем профессиональной жизни, пользоваться всеми преимуществами принадлежности к общности, которая является носителем языка международного научного общения. В свете общеевропейских требований были определены особенности образовательных процессов в Великобритании. Характерной чертой образования в Великобритании есть понимание иноязычного профессионального общения как составного компонента иноязычного образования, которому присущи определенные закономерности, которые находятся в поле зрения специалистов и реализуют реформы ее содержания и технологии функционирования. Понятие профессиональное иноязычное общение  рассматривается как особая межличностная профессиональное взаимодействие в сфере информационно-познавательного контакта, которая предполагает обмен информацией с учетом возможностей познавательного и эмоционального воздействия на собеседника и особенностей речевого и поведенческого этикета носителей языка. Система высшего образования в Великобритании является сложной и имеет ряд характеристик, которые вообще не встречаются в других странах Европы. Во-первых, существует четыре системы, по одному для каждой административной юрисдикции Великобритании: Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии. Сходство среди четырех больше, чем их различия, поэтому можно говорить о системе высшего образования в Британии», однако различия, однако, отмечаются и становятся все более и более популярными. В частности, Шотландия, которая всегда имела отдельную образовательную систему, приняла особый подход к организации образования на всех уровнях и, например, использует систему кредитования и квалификации, которая охватывает все уровни деятельности от среднего до высшего образования. Отношения между высшими образовательными системами Великобритании становятся все более сложными с 1997 года, когда она перешла к системе законодательства в Шотландии, Уэльсе и Северной Ирландии. The medical faculties of British universities provide education of the highest quality and are extremely attractive to international students thanks to effective programs of communicative adaptation, which ensures that students whose native language is not English, master the desired specialty in an English-speaking environment and, in the future of professional life, enjoy all the advantages of belonging to a community that is a native speaker of the language of international scientific communication. In the light of the pan-European requirements, the features of educational processes in the UK were determined. A characteristic feature of education in the UK is the understanding of foreign-language professional communication as an integral component of foreign-language education, which is characterized by certain patterns that are in the field of view of specialists and implement reforms of its content and technology of functioning. The concept of professional foreign language communication is considered as a special interpersonal professional interaction in the field of informational and cognitive contact, which involves the exchange of information taking into account the possibilities of cognitive and emotional impact on the interlocutor and the peculiarities of speech and behavioral etiquette of native speakers. The higher education system in the UK is complex and has a number of characteristics that are not found in other European countries at all. Firstly, there are four systems, one for each administrative jurisdiction of the UK: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The similarities among the four are greater than their differences, so we can talk about the higher education system in Britain," however, the differences, however, are noted and are becoming more and more popular. In particular, Scotland, which has always had a separate educational system, has adopted a special approach to the organization of education at all levels and, for example, uses a credit and qualification system that covers all levels of activity from secondary to higher education. The relationship between the UK's higher education systems has become increasingly complex since 1997, when it switched to a system of legislation in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

R. V. Drazhan ◽  
A. S. Pazonova ◽  
E. S. Gluhih

This article is devoted to the issues of foreign language training of future marine transport engineers and the topicality of their possession of foreign language professional communicative competence at the level needed to resolve professional problems in the process of employment. This work proves the necessity of improving the quality of foreign language training by means of additional educational programs and advanced courses on Marine, Business, Professional English, the purpose of which is to apply oral and written communicative skills in situations of business and professional communication in arranging and carrying out an international transportation, operation and management of water transport, as well as forwarding and agency services for ships. Following a competencybased approach, the goals, objectives and results of the development of programs of additional and professional foreign language education are clearly defined in accordance with the requirements of international, professional and educational standards and the results of training are given on examples of specific courses. The research results presented in the article can be used in development and implementation into the educational process the professional foreign language communication programs using e-learning and distance learning educational technologies. The authors emphasize the importance of social partnership with the employer in order to continuously monitor his requests and requirements for the graduate.

Halyna Bondar ◽  
Inna Nesterenko

The article considers the problem of the formation of professional mobility in the training of future specialists in non-linguistic universities, which has recently gained particular relevance due to the growing role of foreign language communication in the professional activities of future specialists.The requirements of higher education aimed at training competitive future specialists are taken into account. Foreign language education today becomes at the same level with professional education, integrates with it and significantly affects the success and competitiveness of future specialists in the labor market. This circumstance underlines the need to change the purpose, content, process and form of organization of the educational process of foreign language teaching. Actuality of the research topic is a result of the modernization of higher education and aimed at finding effective ways to train future specialists, meeting all the latest requirements of the labor market.The concept of “professional mobility” is considered. The role of foreign language in the formation of professional mobility in the training of future specialists in non-linguistic universities in the context of professional mobility is analyzed, the opportunities offered for higher education future specialists with foreign language skills are described.Modern higher education, as a channel of professional mobility, can help future specialists in vocational and personal development with professional mobility to become competent future specialists, creating specific pedagogical conditions and, thereby, the basis for their self-realization in the difficult social, economic, political conditions of society. Keywords: foreign languages, training, professional mobility, future specialists, non-linguistic higher education institution, formation of professional mobility, competitive future specialists, foreign language communication, professional activity.

Елена Николаевна Григорьева ◽  
Анжелика Геннадьевна Абрамова ◽  
Татьяна Юрьевна Гурьянова

Обучение диалогической речи на иностранном языке является одной из ключевых проблем иноязычного образования в силу доминирования данного вида речевой деятельности в ходе иноязычной коммуникации. Авторы статьи анализируют современное состояние вопроса обучения диалогу на английском языке, основные теоретические и практические аспекты обучения диалогической речи: особенности диалога как вида речевой деятельности, систему упражнений для обучения диалогу-расспросу на английском языке. Материалом исследования послужили труды по методике обучения устной речи на иностранном языке (В. Л. Скалкин, Е. Н. Соловова, М. Л. Вайсбурд, И. Л. Бим, М. В. Гайлит, Я. Яноушек, Г. В. Рогова, Н. П. Грачева). В ходе исследования на основе анализа экзаменационных ответов выпускников 9 и 11 классов на основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ) и единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ) авторы статьи выявляют наиболее типичные ошибки и затруднения учеников в заданиях, предполагающих ведение условного диалога-расспроса на английском языке и ответы на вопросы коммуникатора. В статье также приводятся практические результаты проведенного эксперимента по апробации разработанного авторами комплекса упражнений для обучения условному диалогу-расспросу на английском языке в школе, основанного на применении визуальных опор и сочетании индуктивного и дедуктивного подходов к обучению диалогу. Teaching a dialogical speech in a foreign language is one of the key problems of foreign language education due to the dominance of this type of speech activity in the course of foreign language communication. The authors of the article analyze the current state of the issue, the main theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of teaching a dialogue: features of dialogical speech, system of exercises for teaching dialogue in English. The research material is based on the works on methodology of teaching oral speech in a foreign language (V. L. Skalkin, E. N. Solovova, M. L. Weisburd, I. L. Bim, M. V. Gailit, Ya. Yanoushek, G. V. Rogova, N. P. Gracheva). In the course of the study, basing on the analysis of the Basic State Exam and Unified State Exam results, the authors identify the most typical mistakes when making a dialogue in English. The article also presents the practical results of experimental work on testing the set of exercises for teaching dialogical speech in English at school, based on the use of visual aids and a combination of inductive and deductive approaches to teaching a dialogue.

The author, emphasizing the necessity of updating the content of the language education of non-philological foreign students of Ukrainian universities, performs a linguo-didactic analysis of the subject side of the content of the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to non-philological students. Within the modern linguistic paradigm, the subject content of teaching a foreign language, in particular UFL, is considered a system of linguistic means (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic, socio-cultural, speech etiquette, rhetorical). In the conditions when the modern linguodidactic paradigm is dominated by communicative-activity and intercultural approaches and the consciously-practical method of teaching, aimed at ensuring that foreign students would master the content component of their language education, the following units of learning are recognized: sentences, expressions, texts, and dialogues. The need for updating the content component of the teaching system of UFL arises in connection with the requirements of the modern information society and new requirements for the tasks and results of teaching foreign languages. It has been found that the achievements of a relatively new theory of language communication will allow refining the components of the content of foreign language teaching, which will have an impact on improving the quality of language education of foreign non-philological students of Ukrainian universities. The submitted scientific research substantiates the choice of such a unit of study as a communicative act, which in the future allows reforming the educational process to attract foreign students to Ukrainian discourses. The author describes the structural-semantic components of the personal, verbal-cognitive, verbal and extraverbal levels of the communicative act as a fragment of the communication process within a certain communicative situation. The conclusion is made about the potentialities of the described parameters of the communicative act as a basis for updating the steady methodical principles of language material selection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (Especial-2) ◽  
pp. 132-135
Miliane Moreira Cardoso Vieira ◽  
Ailla Caroliny Gomes Rodrigues Reis ◽  
Davi Pereira Gomes ◽  
Vinicius Canafístula de Oliveira Canafístula de Oliveira

The present article aims to relate the teaching of a foreign language in a public adult school. For doing so, we analyze both the educational documents and the teaching practice of students from a peripheral neighborhood public school, in the city of Araguaína-To. When focusing the school curriculum, the public of students enrolled is often identified as an economically vulnerable audience. Even with all difficulties faced from these students to acquire their High School certificates, we can say that throughout the term, the need to use a foreign language in the job market was developed by these students; they could see that learning can be a possibility of access to the world.

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