scholarly journals Peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemeriksaan skabies santri Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Sekarbela

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Lalu Husnul Hidayat ◽  
Siti Rahmatul Aini ◽  
Dedianto Hidajat ◽  
Iman Surya Pratama

[Bahasa]: Angka prevalensi skabies di pondok pesantren di Indonesia adalah sebesar 3,9-6% termasuk di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Alih pengetahuan oleh tenaga kesehatan terdidik pada santri diperlukan untuk mencapai pesantren bebas skabies. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk menentukan peningkatan pengetahuan, status perilaku kebersihan santri dan kesehatan kulit santri melalui penyuluhan dan pemeriksaan skabies pada santri Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Islam Sekarbela, Kota Mataram. Peningkatan pengetahuan ditentukan melalui pemberian kuesioner pretest dan posttest setelah penyuluhan. Status perilaku kebersihan santri ditentukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Status dermatologis ditentukan melalui penemuan lesi skabies dengan pemeriksaan fisik dan teknik dermoskopi. Penyuluhan yang telah dilakukan meningkatkan pengetahuan santri terkait skabies sebesar 25-90%. Status perilaku kebersihan santri terkait skabies pada aspek kebersihan diri terkait penularan masih rendah dengan persentase lebih dari 50%. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan fisik, sebesar 21% santri terinfeksi skabies (n = 52 orang) dengan status dermatologikus berupa papula, erilematosa, skuama, dan erosi. Kata Kunci: alih pengetahuan, skabies, santri, madarasah [English]: The prevalence of scabies in Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is 3,9-6%, including the province of West Nusa Tenggara. A knowledge transfer by educated health workers to madrasa students (santri) is needed to protect boarding schools from scabies. This community service program aimed to elevate the students’ knowledge of scabies, develop their hygiene behavior, and help them understand skin protection. It was done through counseling and physical examinations on students of MA Nurul Islam Sekarbela. The increase of knowledge was examined through the provision of pre and post counseling questionnaires. The personal hygiene status was determined through semi-structured interviews. Meanwhile, dermatological status was assessed through the scabies lesions by the physical examination and dermoscopy techniques. The counseling increased students’ knowledge of scabies at 72%-95%. The aspect of personal hygiene relating to transmissions is still low (> 50%). Based on the physical examinations, 21% of the students were infected with scabies (n = 52) in the form of papules, erythematous, squama, and erosion. Keywords: knowledge transfer, scabies, santri, madrasa

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Desta Cahya Rosyida ◽  
Nina Hidayatunnikmah ◽  
Yefi Marliandiani

AbstrakStatus gizi pada Ibu dan Anak merupakan faktor penting yang wajib menjadi perhatian besar bagi petugas kesehatan. Keadaan kurang gizi pada Ibu hamil dan balita penyebab terbesar yaitu dipengarui oleh kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan yang kurang baik. PMT (Pemberian Makanan Tambahan) sangat memengaruhi untuk status gizi nantinya pada Ibu Hamil dan Anak. Pemberian Makanan Tambahan tujuannya yaitu untuk memperbaiki keadaan gizi untuk mencapai status gizi yang Optimal. Padahal kondisi status gizi yang kurang baik Ibu dan Anak akan mengakibatkan bertambahnya Stunting.Kondisi diatas mendasari penulis untuk  membuat Inovasi resep PMT berbahan dasar  makanan atau sayuran yang mudah di temuai di lingkungan sekitar sebagai makanan tambahan. Untuk mengetahui Ibu dan Anak secara langsung mengkonsumsi PMT maka peneliti melakukan pendampingan dalam membuat, mengkonsumsi dan mengevaluasi hasil tersebut. Program Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat ini juga bertujuan untuk melatih anggota keluarga, khususnya orang tua balita dalam menyiapkan makanan tambahan yang sehat dan nilai gizinya seimbang, sehingga status gizi balita nantinya semakin membai. Metode yang di gunakan dalam program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakuka di Kelurahan Nginden Jangkungan adalah penyuluhan dan demonstrasi bagaimana cara pembuatan PMT. Hasil dari pengabdian dalam kurun 1 bulan ibu-ibu PKK sudah bisa melakukan cara pembuatan PMT dan juga diterapkan dikehidupan sehari-hari untuk pemenuhan gizi pada anak.Kata Kunci: PMT , Meningkatan Kesehatan ,Ibu dan AnakAbstractThe nutritional status of mothers and children is an important factor that must be of great concern to health workers. The state of malnutrition in pregnant women and toddlers is the biggest cause, which is influenced by the habit of consuming less good food. PMT (Supplementary Feeding) greatly affects the nutritional status of pregnant women and children. Supplementary feeding aims to improve nutritional status to achieve optimal nutritional status. Whereas the condition of poor nutritional status of mothers and children will result in increased stunting. The above conditions underlie the author to make PMT recipe innovations made from food or vegetables that are easily found in the surrounding environment as additional food. To find out mothers and children directly consume PMT, the researchers provide assistance in making, consuming and evaluating the results. This Community Service Program also aims to train family members, especially parents of children under five, in preparing complementary foods that are healthy and have a balanced nutritional value, so that the nutritional status of toddlers will improve. The method used in the community service program carried out in Nginden Jangkungan Village is counseling and demonstration of how to make PMT. The results of the service within 1 month of PKK mothers have been able to do how to make PMT and also apply it in daily life to fulfill nutrition in children.Key Word: PMT, Improving Health, Mother and Child

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Jaka Berlin Sinuraya ◽  
Risky Ramadani ◽  
Dameria Dameria

The elderly Posyandu is a community service program intended for the elderly population that focuses on health services but also includes other services according to the needs of the age range aimed at developing the potential and ensuring the welfare of the elderly. There are three aspects that influence the low level of lansian visits to the posyandu for the elderly, namely knowledge, attitudes, and the role of health workers. This research is an analytic survey with cross sectional research design to find out factors related to the low elderly visits to the elderly posyandu program at the Puskesmas Padang Bulan 2018. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, data analysis was carried out by univariate and bivariate tests. Based on the results of this study, that there is a relationship between the knowledge of the elderly, attitudes and the role of health workers with the low visits to the elderly posyandu program where the results of the calculation of elderly knowledge are X�count 13.292> X�table 5.99 and p value = 0.001, the results of the calculation of elderly attitudes namely X�count 36,458> X�table 5,99 and the value of p value = 0,000, and the results of the calculation of the role of health workers that is X�test63,343> X�table3,841 and p value = 0,000. The conclusion of this study is, there is a relationship between elderly knowledge, attitudes, the role of health workers with low visits to the elderly Posyandu program. Researchers expect the role of health workers to provide education to the elderly so that the elderly like to attend the Posyandu for the elderly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Sri Maharani

Breast care during pregnancy is one important part that must be considered as preparation for breastfeeding later. Breasts need to be prepared since pregnancy so that if the baby is born it can function properly immediately when needed. Breast care is also very helpful in the success of early breastfeeding, which affects exclusive breastfeeding. Breast care (Breast Care) is a way of caring for breasts performed during pregnancy or the puerperium for the production of breast milk, other than that for cleanliness of the breast and the form of nipples that go in or flat. Nipples are actually not an obstacle for mothers to breastfeed well by knowing from the beginning, mothers have time to make it easier for nipples to breastfeed. Besides that it is also very important to pay attention to personal hygiene. Current problems faced by partners include the lack of knowledge of pregnant women regarding the importance of breast care during pregnancy, so it is considered necessary to provide counseling to provide knowledge to pregnant women to prepare pregnant women to give early breastfeeding at the time of delivery and provide exclusive breastfeeding to infants up to 2 years. Community service activities are carried out at the Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi. Time of implementation in January 2019. The target is pregnant women. Community service methods survey approach, lecture, discussion, demonstration / simulation. The results obtained are pregnant women able to understand about the benefits of breast care during pregnancy. It is recommended for health workers, especially in Puskesmas to give more information about breast care to pregnant women by participating in activities carried out in the village and RT so that pregnant women get information about breast care and can prepare for early breastfeeding to infants properly.

2019 ◽  
Sri Wahyu Safitri Adkar

Butonese people have posuo tradition, a ritual or ceremony that marks a transition of girls who have entered puberty. In this tradition, young women are locked up for eight days. This study discusses the importance of personal hygiene of Buton tribal girls in supporting the posuo tradition in Baubau, Buton Island. This study is a qualitative study with rapid ethnographic approach. We used purposive sampling with a total of 14 informants. To help young women relate to personal hygiene in implementing the posuo tradition, the data were analyzed by thematic techniques and the validity of the data by triangulation approach. The results of this study are the posuo tradition, which is a ceremony held as a means to mark the transition period of adolescent girls to adulthood, and to prepare them mentally. Posuo is conducted eight days in a special room called suo. During their confinement in suo, the girls were kept away from the outside world, both from their families and the surrounding environment. These girls are only allowed to communicate with bhisa. This study which included seven adolescent girls showed how they acquiesce personal hygiene for the sake of traditional processions. The results of the study are expected to give the implication of the need for education from health workers about personal hygiene, with the specific targets of Buton tribal girls.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 711-716
Ragil Pardiyono ◽  
Gianti Puspawardhani ◽  
Hermita Dyah Puspita ◽  
Oviyan Patra ◽  
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  

This community service distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) is carried out to ease the burden on doctors and health workers in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The success of this service is measured by the distribution of personal protective equipment for doctors and health workers. A total of 499 personal protective equipment was distributed to Dustira Cimahi Hospital, Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung, Pindad Hospital Bandung, Kiara Condong Health Center Bandung and Sukapura Health Center Bandung. The evaluation of this activity is that it is necessary to carry out a similar service program to help communities affected by the pandemic

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Magdalena Chori Rahmawati ◽  
Naomi Dias Laksita Dewi

This community service program is motivated by environmental problems in the Cilincing area of North Jakarta. There are many school-aged children who enjoy playing in an unhealthy environment that might affect their health at their young age. This unawareness can be overcome by instilling in them clean and healthy lifestyle. The purpose of the clean and healthy lifestyle program implemented in Atmabrata PAUD, Cilincing, was to make the students aware of healthy living from an early age. The program included 7-step hand washing training, familiarizing children to wash their hands, and consuming healthy food. The method was implemented by story-telling, question and answer, and demonstrations. The results showed that for hand washing activities 85% of students could do it according to the 7 steps of hand washing that had been simulated and demonstrated. As for consuming healthy food, 90% of students enjoyed healthy food and bought it. It can concluded that the increasing awareness of clean and healthy living behaviors can be determined by looking at whether or not students washed their hands in accordance with the steps described. Students also looked excited in eating healthy food and buying it. It is hoped that if a clean and healthy lifestyle such as washing hands and eating healthy food has become a habit, students will be able to apply it on a daily basis and pass it on to their friends. We suggest that if the program is continued, it needs to have further monitoring to examine whether students are still implementing clean and healthy living behaviors at school. We hope that in our next community service program we will be able to train students how to maintain personal hygiene, cleanliness of their home environment, and cleanliness of public environment.

Diyana Faricha Hanum ◽  
Noviatul Rochmah ◽  
Mahcica Afshokun Nabila

Abstract Adolescent reproductive health is a healthy condition that concerns the reproductive systems, functions and processes of adolescents. The importance of maintaining reproductive health for adolescents because adolescence is the best time to build good habits of maintaining hygiene, which can be an asset in the long term. Community service activities have been carried out at SMK Dharma Wanita, Gresik. Community Service is divided into several stages, namely: appointment of reproductive health cadres from the school and counseling on reproductive health education for female adolescents about personal hygiene during menstruation through videos uploaded on the youtube channel Followed by questions and answers using the WhatsApp (WA) media. This community service was attended by 10 students who had been appointed as reproductive health cadres. And our YouTube is followed by 103 viewers, 32 likes and 18 subscribers. At the end of this community service activity, the hope is that it can make female adolescents students become counseling friends about adolescent reproductive health with peers and can prevent problems that may arise due to inaccurate personal hygiene during menstruation, so that teaching and learning activities run well and there is an increase in achievement for students. And our hope as health workers is that young women can be responsible for their reproductive health which will have an impact on their future as healthy women and mothers.   Keywords: Reproductive health, female adolescents, personal hygiene, Menstruation

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 201
Ria Febrina

Adolescence according to WHO are those who are in the transition phase between childhood and adulthood. According to the Indonesian Minister of Health the age limit for teenagers is between the ages of 10 to 19 years and not yet married. Adolescence or puberty is a stage in development when sexual maturity and reproductive ability are achieved. One sign of a woman entering adolescence is menstruation. Menstruation is a normal process, which occurs every month in almost all women. Menstruation occurs when blood is removed, within 3-5 days each month. There are still teenagers in Asam Atas village who do not know the function of reproduction, PMS symptoms and how to cope with menstrual pain. Poor or wrong menstrual education can be a cause of long-term reproductive health problems. Therefore it is necessary to provide counseling to increase adolescent knowledge about menstruation. It is expected to increase awareness of teenage girl about the need to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation. This community service activity was carried out at the Darussalam Al-Hafidz Islamic Boarding School in Jambi City. The time of implementation in February 2019. The target is teenage girl. Community service methods include a survey and lecture approach. The results obtained are teenage girl able to understand about menstruation and how to cope with pain during menstruation. It is recommended that schools work together with health workers to routinely provide reproductive health education to teenage girl.

Danang Prastyo ◽  
Rarasaning Satianingsih ◽  
Ida Sulistyawati ◽  
Arif Mahya Fanny

Professional teachers can be seen from the ability of teachers to produce quality Classroom Action Research (CAR). If seen not all teachers are able to produce research in accordance with CAR standards. Through Community Service Program, Unipa Surabaya PGSD Study Program with the theme of Classroom Action Research Writing (CAR) for Elementary School Teachers in Gayungan II Elementary School in Surabaya is expected to help teachers in producing quality CAR. From the results of the training that has been carried out, it seems that the enthusiasm of the SDN Gayungan 2 Surabaya teacher in following the CAR was very good. The majority of participants felt they needed to get CAR training. Participants feel the benefits after receiving CAR training.

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