scholarly journals Peer Influence dan Konsumsi Makanan Cepat Saji Remaja di SMAN 6 Surabaya

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 218
Khairina Fadiah Hidayati ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono ◽  
Annas Buanasita ◽  
Fransiska Sabatini Setiawati ◽  
Nadia Ramadhani

 Background: Adolescent have the characteristics of wanting to be accepted by their peers. Peer influence can also affect consumption, one of which is consumption of fast food, either foreign or domestic. High peer influence has the possibility to make fast food consumption high.Objectives: This research was conducted to analyze the correlation between peer influence and consumption of fast food, foreign and domestic.Methods: This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional design on 136 adolescents in SMAN 6 Surabaya who were selected by clustered random sampling. Data collected were the respondent's background: gender, age, and daily pocket money. Respondents also filled a peer influence scale questionnaire and a food frequency questionnaire about fast food.Results: Most respondents had low peer influence (52.21%). The chi square correlation test revealed that there was a significant correlation between peer influence and consumption of French fries (p=0.016), beef burger (p=0.029), chicken burger (p=0.025), and waffle (p=0.014). There was no significant correlation between peer influence and any food from domestic fast food group.Conclusions: There was a correlation between several types of foreign fast food consumption and peer influence. Types of fast food that had a correlation with peer influence were French fries, beef burger, chicken burger, and waffle. Whereas no food from domestic fast food groups had a significant correlation with peer influence. This revealed that peer influence only affects certain fast food that has prestige value.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Remaja memiliki ciri-ciri ingin diterima oleh kelompok sosialnya (peer). Peer influence juga bisa memengaruhi konsumsi, salah satunya konsumsi makanan cepat saji, modern maupun tradisional. Peer influence yang tinggi memiliki kemungkinan untuk membuat konsumsi makanan cepat saji remaja menjadi tinggi.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara peer influence dan konsumsi makanan cepat saji, modern maupun tradisionalMetode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan studi cross sectional pada 136 remaja di SMAN 6 Surabaya yang dipilih secara clustered random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah latar belakang responden berupa tinggi badan, berat badan, jenis kelamin, usia, serta uang saku harian. Selain itu, responden diminta mengisi peer influence scale questionnaire dan food frequency questionnaire.Hasil: Sebagain besar responden berstatus gizi gemuk (14%) dan memiliki peer influence sedang (50%). Uji korelasi chi square mengungkapkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara peer influence dan konsumsi spaghetti (p=0,007), fried chicken (p=0,009), french fries (p=0,008), beef burger (p=0,018), chicken burger (p=0,009), dan dimsum (p=0,046). Tidak ada makanan dari kelompok makanan cepat saji tradisional yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan peer influence.Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara konsumsi beberapa jenis makanan cepat saji modern dan peer influence. Jenis makanan cepat saji yang memiliki korelasi dengan peer influence yaitu spaghetti, fried chicken, french fries, beef burger, chicken burger, dan dimsum. Sedangkan tidak ada makanan dari kelompok makanan cepat saji tradisional yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan peer influence. Hal ini mengungkapkan bahwa peer influence hanya memengaruhi makanan cepat saji tertentu yang memiliki nilai prestige.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Anggraeni Rizky Mayangsari ◽  
Widayani Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Ikha Deviyanti Puspita

<p>This study aims to determine the relation between physical activity, sleep duration, breakfast habits and fast food consumption habits at school-age chidren. This is a quantitative study using cross sectional design. The study was conducted in SDS Kartika VIII-5 Jakarta, as many as 102 fourth and fifth grade students were involved. The sampling technique used for this study was stratified sampling technique. The data collection instrument used questionnaire and interview. The data obtained were then analyzed by Chi-Square statistical test. The results showed that 63,7% of children were overweight. Bivariate result using Chi-Square statistical test showed that a significant relationship between physical activity (p = 0,003), sleep duration (p = 0,046), fast food habits (p = 0,035). There was a significant relation between physical activity, sleep duration, and fast food consumption habits with the prevalence of overweight.</p>

Nur Putri Erdianti

ABSTRACTExcessive consumption of fast food can increase the incidence of obesity and other health problems in adolescents. Eating fast food more than twice per week can increase BMI z-score significantly, compared to eating fast food once a week or not eating fast food at all. This study aims to determine the relationship between the influence of friends with the frequency of modern fast food consumption among students XYZ University in Depok. The research method used is quantitative with cross-sectional study design conducted to 148 students XYZ University Depok selected by systematic random sampling. It used questionnaire about individual characteristics, food characteristics, and environmental characteristics, while data of frequency fast food consumption from FFQ. Result showed that 51,4% of respondents consumed fast food often. Furthermore, there is a difference proportion in the influence of friends (p = 0.001) in determining the frequency of fast food consumption. Students with strong friend influences are 3.6 times more likely to eat fast food more often compared to poor friend influences. ABSTRAKKonsumsi fast food yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan kejadian obesitas dan masalah kesehatan lainnya pada remaja. Mengonsumsi fast food lebih dari dua kali per minggu dapat meningkatkan BMI z-score secara signifikan, dibandingkan dengan yang mengonsumsi fast food seminggu sekali atau tidak mengonsumsi fast food sama sekali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor pengaruh teman dengan frekuensi konsumsi fast food modern pada mahasiswa Universitas XYZ di Kota Depok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional yang dilakukan kepada 148 mahasiswa Universitas XYZ yang dipilih dengan systematic random sampling. Data karakteristik diperoleh dari kuesioner, sedangkan data frekuensi konsumsi fast food diperoleh dari FFQ. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebanyak 51,4% responden mengonsumsi fast food dengan frekuensi sering. Terdapat perbedaan proporsi pada pengaruh teman (p=0,001) dalam menentukan frekuensi konsumsi fast food. Mahasiswa dengan pengaruh teman yang kuat berpeluang 3,6 kali lebih sering mengonsumsi fast food dibandingkan mahasiswa dengan pengaruh teman lemah.

Biota ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-85
Musparlin Halid ◽  
Toto Sudargo

Modernization has brought negative impact to the public, including in adolescents directly or indirectly, that has directed the diversion a healthy diet. Adolescent are required to more selective in choosing food products consumed. Fast food is food containing high in calories, fat and low fibers. To know the relationship of socioeconomic status with fast food consumption levels among adolescents in Mataram city. The study was observational studies with cross sectional design. The samples as many as 373 students. Dependent variable was the consumption of fast food, and the independent variable was socioeconomic status. The instruments used were questionnaire and FFQ. Data analysis by means of descriptive, and Chi Square test (χ²). Based on the duration per week, there was a relationship between socio-economic status with the western fast food consumption levels (p = 0.00) and local fast food (p = 0.00). Moreover, adolescents with prosperous socioeconomic status have a higher consumption of fast food was very high with a duration of 1 time/week and 2 times/week. While based on the frequency, there was a significant relationship between socioeconomic status with western fast food consumption levels with p = 0.00 and local fast food with p = 0.00 influence of friends was significant with western fast food consumption levels in adolescents (p = 0.002). The habit of eating at home (lunch with p = 0.007) and the effect of mass media was significant with the local fast food consumption levels (p = 0.04). Adolescents with a prosperous socioeconomic status have greater opportunities to consume fast food than in adolescents with socioeconomic status were less prosperous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 432-443
Benefita Rahma

Masa remaja merupakan masa di mana perkembangan hormon akan naik turun dan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya menstruasi pada wanita. faktor yang mempengaruhi siklus menstruasi yaitu pola makan yang tidak sehat, kandungan gizi pada fast food tidak seimbang yaitu tinggi kalori, tinggi lemak, tinggi gula dan rendah serat. Kandungan asam lemak didalam makanan cepat saji mempengaruhi metabolisme progesteron pada fase luteal dari siklus menstruasi. Selain itu tingkat stres mempengaruhi siklus menstruasi, saat stres memghasilkan hormon kortisol, Hormon kortisol menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan pada hormon reproduksi, salah satu akibatnya gangguan siklus menstruasi. Penelitian ini bertujan untuk menganalisis hubungan konsumsi fast food dan stres terhadap siklus menstruasi pada siswi SMAN 12 Kota Bekasi. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah siswi SMAN 12 Kota Bekasi menggunakan Teknik simple random sampling. Data di kumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner siklus menstruasi, PSS-10, dan food frequency questionare (FFQ). Hasil penelitian dari hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi-square menunjukan bahwa Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsumsi fastfood dan siklus menstruasi pada siswi SMAN 12 Kota Bekasi dengan p-value 0,003 dan OR 5.0. Dan juga terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada siswi SMAN 12 Kota Bekasi dengan p-value 0,005 dan OR 6,4.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Dwi Linda Aprilia Aristi ◽  
Hanny Rasni ◽  
Latifa Aini Susumaningrum ◽  
Tantut Susanto ◽  
Slamet Siswoyo

A very heavy workload of farmers must be balanced with optimal food intake in both quantity and quality. The study aimed to identify the relationship between high sodium food consumption and the incidence of hypertension among farm workersat Public Health Center of Panti in Jember Regency. A cross-sectional study design was performed 248 of farmworkers using stratifi ed random sampling. A self-administered questionnaire was used to identify the sociodemography of farm workers. Food frequency questionnaires and sphygmomanometer were performed to measure food frequency consumption and blood pressure. A Chi-square test was used to analyze the objective of the study (p<0,005). The results showed 33.9% of hypertension incident. There were a signifi cant relationship between food consumption and hypertension systolic, such as: biscuit (x2 = 10.466; p-value = 0.005), salted fi sh (x2 = 12.067; p-value = 0.022), milk and processed products (x2 = 9.051; p-value = 0.022), coffee (x2 = 6.025; p-value = 0.049), dan MSG (x2 = 10.298; p-value = 0.006). Meanwhile, the consumption of tea had a signifi cant relationship with hypertension diastolic (p-value 0.039). This study showed that the frequency consumption on biscuits, salted fi sh, milk, coffee and food seasonings was related to the incidence of hypertension systolic. Besides, tea consumption was related to the incidence of hypertension diastolic. Therefore, monitoring blood pressure and regulating the consumption food among farmworkers should be maintained regularly per month through non-communicable disease integrated health service post.  Abstrak Beban kerja petani yang cukup berat harus diimbangi dengan asupan makanan yang optimal secara kuantitas dan kualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifi kasi hubungan konsumsi makanan tinggi natrium dengan kejadian hipertensi pada buruh tani di Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional pada 248 buruh tani dengan stratifi ed random sampling. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mengidentifi kasi sosiodemografi dan frekuensi konsumsi makanan. Pengukuran tekanan darah dilakukan dengan sphygnomanometer digital. Analisis data bivariat dilakukan dengan Chi-square test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kejadian hipertensi sebesar 33,1%. Frekuensi konsumsi makanan tinggi natrium berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi sistolik, seperti biskuit (x2 = 10,466; p-value = 0,005), ikan asin (x2 = 12,067; p-value = 0,022), susu dan olahannya (x2 = 9,051; p-value = 0,022), kopi (x2 = 6,025; p-value = 0,049), dan MSG (x2 = 10,298; p-value = 0,006), sementara itu, frekuensi konsumsi teh berhubungan dengan hipertensi diastolik (x2 = 6,504; p – value = 0,039). Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan frekuensi konsumsi makanan (biskuit, ikan asin, susu, kopi, dan bumbu penyedap makanan) berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi sistol, sedangkan kebiasaan minum teh berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi diastolik. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan monitoring tekanan darah secara berkala dan pengaturan konsumsi makanan buruh tani melalui kegiatan posyandu penyakit tidak menular (PTM) secara berkala setiap bulannya.

Mediscope ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-107
Md Abul Hasanat ◽  
Silvia Paroi ◽  
Arifa Begum ◽  
Umme Salma ◽  
Syeda Farzana Yeasmin

Background: Medical education is stressful throughout the whole course. Due to the medical curriculum and the examination pattern leads to psychological stress. Stressful condition leads to irregularity in diet, frequent fast food consumption & lack of exercise, each being considered as an important risk factor leading to overweight and obesity. Hence, this study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of obesity, overweight and weight awareness among the medical students. Objectives: Determination of BMI status of undergraduate medical students to evaluate their weight awareness, prevalence of overweight and obesity and also find out the relationship of the following risk factors with obesity & overweight; i) Opinion about self-image, ii) Physical activity and iii) Frequency of fast food consumption. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on 131 preclinical medical students of Ad-din Akij Medical College, Khulna from January 2018 to April 2018. Height and weight of 131 preclinical students were measured and Body Mass Index was calculated and categorized according to WHO criteria. Results: Out of 131 students 62% come under normal weight category, 21% come under overweight category, 10% come under obese category and 7% come under underweight category. Conclusion: Overweight is a rising problem among the medical students. Sedentary life style and frequency of fast food consumption was high among the overweight and obese students. This study itself created awareness about their weight and promote physical activity among the medical students. Mediscope Vol. 7, No. 2: July 2020, Page 103-107

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 266-270
Ekwuluo Celestine Emeka ◽  
S.I Muhammed

Motivation/Background: In 2001, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) accounted for 60 percent of 56 million deaths worldwide and 47% of global burden of disease. In all countries, evidence suggested underlying determinants of NCDs were largely same. These include increased consumption of rapidly processed energy-dense nutrient-poor foods high in fat, sugar, salt and reduced levels of physical activity. The objective of this study was to determine prevalence, pattern and determinants of fast foods consumption among school age children in Jos metropolis. Method: In this study, we used descriptive cross-sectional study and included 347 mothers or care givers with children age 6 to 12 years in our sample size. We applied structured interviewer-administered questionnaire during data collection and analyzed the data with SPSS version 21.0. Results: Prevalence of fast food consumption among school age children in Jos metropolis in the last one week is 91.1%. Knowledge of health risk associated with fast food consumption was 86.5%. Flour based fast food were most commonly consumed. We established an association between meal skipping, fast food advertisement and fast food consumption. Conclusions: We recommend the need to focus public enlightenment on health risk associated with fast food consumption among school age children. Likewise, children should be encouraged to carry home-made food to school and legislation on fast food advertisement directed at children should be enacted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Istri Bela Cantika ◽  
Etty Widayanti ◽  
Yenni Zulhamidah

Latar Belakang: Gaya hidup modern saat ini cenderung merugikan karena berdampak buruk pada kesehatan seperti memilih makanan siap saji (instant) atau fast food yang dianggap lebih praktis namun mengandung gizi tidak seimbang sehingga memicu berbagai penyakit ditandai dengan gejala obesitas. Mahasiswa cenderung memiliki gaya hidup modern yang praktis dan kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanan fast food sebagai pilihan utama untuk makan sehari-hari. Obesitas pada remaja penting untuk diperhatikan karena 75% dari mereka cenderung mengalami obesitas pada saat dewasa. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif komparatif dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional analitik. Data primer yang didapatkan merupakan hasil sampling dengan metode simple random sampling. Metode korelasi Chi Square dan C Cramers digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsumsi fast food dengan rasio lingkar pinggang panggul. Data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel 2010 dan analisis korelasional dengan SPSS Statistics 17.0. Hasil: Berdasarkan uji korelasional dari konsumsi fast food dengan rasio lingkar pinggang panggul menghasilkan nilai signifikansi yang lebih besar dari alpha. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsumsi fast food dengan rasio lingkar pinggang dan panggul pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI tahun pertama dan tahun kedua. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat adanya hubungan antara konsumsi fast food dengan rasio lingkar pinggang dan panggul pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI tahun pertama dan tahun kedua.

2013 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 2368-2377 ◽  
Claire Smith ◽  
Andrew Robert Gray ◽  
Elizabeth Ann Fleming ◽  
Winsome Ruth Parnell

AbstractObjectiveTo investigate: (i) the percentage of the New Zealand (NZ) population reporting fast food/takeaway food and restaurant/café food per day; (ii) examine demographic factors associated with their use; (iii) quantify their contribution to energy intake; and (iv) describe the specific types of foods reported from both sources.DesignTwenty-four hour diet recalls from the cross-sectional 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey were used to identify fast-food and restaurant-food consumers.SettingNZ households.SubjectsAdults aged 15 years and older (n 4721).ResultsOverall 28 % reported consuming at least one fast food and 14 % a restaurant food within the 24 h diet recall. Fast-food consumption was not associated with level of education or an area-based measure of socio-economic status, but a higher education was positively associated with restaurant-food consumption. Individual factors such as ethnicity, household size, age, sex and marital status were found to be important influences on the use of fast food and restaurant food. Fast-food consumption was more prevalent among participants living in urban areas, young adults (19–30 years) and Māori compared with NZ European and Others. The most frequently reported fast foods were bread-based dishes, potatoes (including fries) and non-alcoholic beverages.ConclusionsGiven the high reported consumption of fast food by young adults, health promotion initiatives both to improve the nutritional quality of fast-food menus and to encourage healthier food choices would likely make a large impact on the overall diet quality of this group.

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