Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Lu’lu’ul Fuadiah ◽  
Hemy Heryati Anward ◽  
Neka Erlyani

ABSTRAKPenggunaan internet pada mahasiswa dapat berdampak negatif, salah satunya cyberloafing, yaitu tindakan individu yang menggunakaan akses internet lembaganya selama jam kuliah berlangsung untuk kepentingan pribadi dan aktivitas-aktivitas internet lainnya yang tidak berhubungan dengan pelajaran. Cyberloafing dipengaruhi beberapa sifat-sifat kepribadian, salah satunya adalah conscientiousness (kesadaran). Mahasiswa yang memiliki tingkat conscientiousness yang tinggi dapat mengontrol perilaku untuk meraih tujuan dan tidak terpengaruh oleh keinginan pribadi sehingga tidak akan melakukan cyberloafing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan conscientiousness terhadap perilaku cyberloafing pada mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dengan jumlah subjek 60 orang. Alat ukur menggunakan dua skala yaitu skala conscientiousness dengan jumlah 45 aitem (α = 0,927) dan skala cyberloafing dengan jumlah 50 aitem (α = 0,940). Skala ini menggunakan skala moodel Likert dan analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan regresi linear sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil diperoleh nilai -t hitung < -t tabel (-2,219 < 2,002), artinya ada peranan negatif antara conscientiousness dengan perilaku cyberloafing. Semakin tinggi tingkat conscientiousness, maka semakin rendah perilaku cyberloafing. Peranan conscientiousness terhadap perilaku cyberloafing hanya sebesar 7,8%, sehingga conscientiousness tidak sepenuhnya berperan langsung terhadap perilaku cyberloafing pada mahasiswa.Kata kunci: Conscientiousness, CyberloafingABSTRACTThe usage of internet can have negative impacts on students, one of which is cyberloafing, the action of an individual using the internet access of an institution during the lecture hours for personal interests and other internet activities that are not related to the lectures. Cyberloafing influences some personality traits, such as conscientiousness. Students whose high level of conscientiousness can control their behavior to reach their goals and are not affected by personal desires and so will not do cyberloafing. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of conscientiousness towards cyberloafing behavior in students. The sampling technique used in the study was a random cluster sampling technique with the subjects of 60 people. Data were collected using two scales, namely conscientiousness scale with 45 items (α = 0.927) and cyberloafing scale with 50 items (α = 0.940). These scales used Likert scale model, and the data were analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed that the value of -t count < -t table (-2.219 < -2.002), indicating that there was a negative role of conscientiousness towards cyberloafing behavior. The higher the level of conscientiousness, the lower the cyberloafing behavior. The role of conscientiousness towards cyberloafing behavior was only 7.8%, so conscientiousness did not directly contribute to cyberloafing behavior in students.Keywords: Conscientiousness, Cyberloafing

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Besty Ronna Istiqomah ◽  
Hemy Heryati Anward ◽  
Neka Erlyani

ABSTRAK Tempat tinggal berpengaruh pada kesejahteraan psikologik dan salah satu dimensi di dalamnya yaitu penguasaan lingkungan. Bagi mereka yang tidak dapat menguasai lingkungan kemungkinan hal ini turut berperan dengan motivasi mereka untuk pindah dari tempat tinggal hal inilah yang disebut sebagai motivasi migrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan penguasaan lingkungan terhadap motivasi migrasi pada penduduk yang tinggal di daerah kumuh Cempaka Raya di Banjarmasin. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini yaitu ada peranan penguasaan lingkungan terhadap motivasi migrasi pada penduduk yang tinggal di pemukiman kumuh Cempaka Raya Banjarmasin. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 orang penduduk di Cempaka Raya Banjarmasin RT 42. Pemilihan subjek yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan skala penguasaan lingkungan dan skala motivasi migrasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu regresi linear sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil diperoleh nilai t hitung > t tabel (13,273>1,672) yaitu terdapat peranan penguasaan lingkungan terhadap motivasi migrasi, dengan nilai t sebesar 13,273, artinya terdapat peranan positif antara penguasaan lingkungan dengan motivasi migrasi, semakin tinggi peguasaan lingkungan maka semakin tinggi pula motivasi migrasi, dan sebaliknya. Peranan  penguasaan lingkungan terhadap motivasi migrasi adalah sebesar 75,2 %, sedangkan 24,8 % merupakan faktor-faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini.   Kata Kunci: Penguasaan Lingkungan, Motivasi Migrasi, Pemukiman Kumuh ABSTRACT Residence affects psychological well-being, and one of the dimensions in it is environment control. For those who cannot control the environment, the condition will most likely contribute to their motivation to move from their place to somewhere else, which is called motivation for migration. The objective of this study was to find out the role of the environmental control towards the motivation for migration in residents living in the slum of Cempaka Raya in Banjarmasin. The hypothesis of this study was that there was a role of environmental control towards motivation for migration in the population living in the slum of Cempaka Raya Banjarmasin. Subjects in this study were 60 residents in Cempaka Raya Banjarmasin RT 42. The subjects were selected using cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected using the scale of environmental control and the scale of motivation for migration. The data were then analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed the value of t count > t table (13.273 > 1.672), indicating that there was a role of environmental control towards the motivation for migration, with the value of t 13.273, which meant there was a positive role of environmental control towards motivation for migration. The higher the environmental control, the higher the migration motivation, and vice versa. The role of the environmental control towards the motivation for migration was 75.2% while 24.8% was from other factors not included in this study. Keywords: Environmental Control, Motivation for Migration, Slum

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Dwi Utami Madya Putri ◽  
Hemy Heryati Anward ◽  
Neka Erlyani

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan penyesuaian diri terhadap stres akibat kemacetan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin. Teknik pengambilan subjek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin angkatan 2013 dengan subjek sebanyak 51 orang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Penyesuaian diri memiliki peranan terhadap stres sebesar 54,8%, sedangkan 45,2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar stres. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat penyesuaian diri yang tinggi akan dapat menurunkan stres akibat kemacetan. Kata kunci: penyesuaian diri, stres, kemacetan ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to find out the role of self adjustment towards stress due to traffic jam on the students of Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The subjects in this study were selected using purposive sampling technique with the criteria that they were students of Medical Education Department of Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, batch 2013 as many as 51 students. The data collection method was a simple linear regression. The self adjustment had a role towards stress by 54.8 %, while 45.2 % was influenced by factors other than stress. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the high level of self adjustment can reduce the stress due to traffic jam. Keywords: self adjustment, stress, traffic jam 

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-89
Noornajihan Jaafar ◽  
Nurul Asia Fasehah Muhamad ◽  
Ab. Halim Tamuri ◽  
Azhar Haji Ahmad ◽  
Nur Hanani Hussin ◽  

Abstract The role of Islamic education teacher (IET) as society change agent (SCA) requires a strong internal motivation factor. It begins with confidence in self-ability i.e. self-efficacy (SE) in implementing the trust given to them. This study aims to assess the relationship between SE ITE in Malaysia with the role of SCA in society. This quantitative study has involved 1382 IETs in Malaysia. The sampling technique used was cluster sampling and based on random sample selection. The findings show that the SE level of ITE is at high level. But the role of IET as SCA is at less satisfactory level. Furthermore, SE has been identified to have a significant relationship with IET’s role as SCA but was at weak level. The implication is, the study finds that the focus should be on restoring ITE’s mindset about the community’s work and developing the ummah, as well as the 21st century teaching and learning (T&L) skills. In fact, IET needs to be given practical exposure to engage in society through NGOs, surau, mosques, da’wah organization and government agencies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Mahyudin Mahyudin

The media is very instrumental and has a strategic function that directly or indirectly can affect motivation, interest and attention for young children in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of PAUD teacher learning media in Jambi Province. The method used is descriptive quantitative cluster sampling technique, in this case the District and City in Jambi Province as the cluster. The number of early childhood education units (schools) include TK / RA, KB, TPA, and SPS, totaling 7,584. Then every District and City was selected by 10% randomly PAUD teachers from each school. So the number of samples was 758. The research instrument was a questionnaire or Media Perception Evaluation Scale (MPES) questionnaire containing 28 question items. Data for all parameters using a Microsoft Excel database. Pearson correlation was used to study the correlation between variables and independent t-test was used to compare groups with SPSS version 22. All statistical analyzes were carried out at a significance level of 5% and P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The results of the study show that learning media plays an important role in the learning process for PAUD children in Jambi Province. As a result 59.6% answered strongly agree. Through the SPSS analyst results where the most influential visual media statements in PAUD teacher learning in Jambi province are statements 18,19,20,21 and 22 where 100% stated that visual media can provide motivation, whereas statements that had no effect were statements 17 where only 50.4% stated that visual media can provide motivation. It can be concluded that the use of learning media in early childhood is very instrumental to motivate, stimulate, explore and experiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-62
Shofa Dzakiah ◽  
Pratiwi Widyasari

AbstractAcademic procrastination in college students is a common phenomenon, although procrastination’s negative impacts were well known. This study aimed to examine the role of self-regulation in mediating the correlation between mindfulness and academic procrastination. Data were collected by distributing online questionnaires to college students from various universities in Indonesia (n = 305). The sampling technique used was convenience sampling. Instruments used in the research were the Mindfulness Attention and Awareness Scale, the Short form of Self-regulation Questionnaire, and the Academic Procrastination Scale. The regression and mediation analyses were held. Results showed that self-regulation partially mediated the correlation between mindfulness and academic procrastination. Increasing in dispositional mindfulness helps college students regulate themselves, thereby reducing the tendency to procrastinate. The implications and limitations of the study and suggestions for further research are discussed.Keywords: academic procrastination; college students; mindfulness; self-regulation.AbstrakProkrastinasi akademik pada mahasiswa merupakan fenomena yang umum terjadi, meskipun dampak negatif prokrastinasi telah banyak diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji peran regulasi diri dalam memediasi hubungan antara mindfulness dan prokrastinasi akademik. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara daring kepada mahasiswa di berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia (n=305). Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Mindfulness Attention and Awareness Scale, Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire, dan Academic Procrastination Scale. Hasil uji regresi dan uji mediasi menunjukkan regulasi diri memediasi korelasi antara mindfulness dan prokrastinasi akademik secara parsial. Peningkatan kondisi kesadaran pada mindfulness membantu mahasiswa meregulasi dirinya, sehingga mengurangi kecenderungan untuk melakukan prokrastinasi akademik. Implikasi dan keterbatasan penelitian serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya didiskusikan.Kata kunci: mahasiswa; mindfulness; prokrastinasi akademik; regulasi diri.

Marhisar Simatupang

This study aims to determine the role of organizational culture on organization citizenship behavior in cooperative employees in Medan. The subjects of this study were 80 employees from three coorperatives in the Medan city. This research uses incidental sampling technique. Reserch data were obtained using two scales in the Likert scale model, namely organizational culture and organization citizenship behavior (OCB). The reliability of the scale of the organizational culture is 0.789 out of items and the reliability of the organization citizenship behavior (OCB) scale is 0.727 out of 17 items. Research data were analyzed using simple regression correlation with the SPSS windows version 16.0 program and coefficient value obtained with an R coefficient of 0.532 with a P value of significance of 0.000 < 0.05 with an R coefficient of 0.532, wich means that the organizational culture’s contribution to organization citizenship behavior (OCB) was 28.3% with a regression equation Y= 11.816 + 0.363. The result means that there is a positive and significant role between organizational culture to organization citizenship behavior (OCB) in coorperative employee in Medan. Keywords: organizational culture and organization citizenship behavior (OCB). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran budaya organisasi terhadap organization citizenship behavior (OCB) pada karyawan koperasi di kota Medan Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 80 orang karyawan dari tiga koperasi yang ada di kecamatan Medan Tuntungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling aksidental. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan dua skala dalam model skala Likert, yaitu skala budaya organisasi dan organization citizenship behavior (OCB). Reliabilitas skala budaya organisasi adalah 0,798 dari 22 item dan reliabilitas skala organization citizenship behavior (OCB) adalah 0,727 dari 17 item. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan korelasi regresi sederhana dengan program SPSS windows versi 16.0 dan diperoleh nilai koefisien dengan koefisien R sebesar 0.532 dengan nilai p signifikansi sebesar 0.000 < 0.05 dengan koefisien R sebesar 0.532, yang memiliki arti bahwa kontribusi budaya organisasi terhadap OCB sebesar 28.3% dengan persamaan regeresi Y = 11.816 + 0.363. Hasil ini berarti ada peran yang positif dan signifikan antara budaya organisasi terhadap organization citizenship behavior (OCB) pada anggota Koperasi di kota Medan. Kata Kunci: Budaya organisasi, organization citizenship behavior.

2017 ◽  
pp. 234-351
Kamelshewer Lohana Et al.,

The study Assess the Role & contributions of cooperative societies in boosting agricultural production & Entrepreneurship in the Kebbi State of Nigeria. A total of 120 sample size was used for the study. Cluster sampling technique was used to obtaining information from sample respondents (members of farmers’ cooperative societies). Sixty (60) questionnaires were administered to sixty respondents, each in both Zuru and Yauri Local Government Areas. Data collected was analysed and interpreted using simple percentage and descriptive methods. The major conclusions drawn from this research were: survey results, regarding effectiveness of cooperative societies in improving agricultural production & Entrepreneurship, have shown that 33.3% and 25% of the respondents in Zuru and Yauri Local Government Areas reported promoting farmers’ participation in agriculture, while 25% and 46% agreed to boost agricultural production in the study areas. About 36.6% and 35% believed in the effectiveness of cooperative societies in increasing food production. Sample respondents in the two Local Government Areas 5% and 3.3% reported all of the above indicators increase the effectiveness of cooperatives to agriculture. Survey results regarding the role of cooperatives in boosting Entrepreneurship in the study areas shows that 75% Zuru 88.3% Yauri agreed that cooperatives have added value to boosting Agric production & Entrepreneurship and only 15% and 11.6% did not agree with the above opinion. Many problems were identified that affects the smooth functioning of cooperatives and solutions for addressing the problems were recommended. Therefore it was concluded that Null Hypothesis HO is rejected and Alternate Hypothesis HA is accepted.

Windasari Windasari ◽  
Muchammad Zulham Yahya

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compensation on the teacher performance in vocational school. This research used a quantitative approach. Data collection technique was by distributing a questionnaire using a five-likert scale. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Samples taken from each school amounted to 3 teachers from each department, so there were 42 respondents from 5 schools. Validity test used the Pearson product moment. The analysis technique used to answer the research hypothesis uses simple linear regression. The results showed that teacher compensation had an effect on teacher performance in vocational high school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 166
Shumaila Naz ◽  
Cai Li ◽  
Umer Zaman ◽  
Muhammad Rafiq

Entrepreneurial intention (EI) has been widely cited as one of the foremost predecessors of entrepreneurship which fosters business opportunities to minimize the dependence on employment. Since it is worth noticing how one’s EI is formed; therefore, the prime purpose of this paper is to estimate the underlying concepts of proactive personality (PP) in establishing potential entrepreneurs’ EI through the mediating role of both specific self-efficacy and broader self-efficacy. This research investigates the parallel mediation and the role of mediators in the form of a series between PP and EI via broader self-efficacy and specific self-efficacy. The extant research employed a quantitative methodology by using a self-administered questionnaire technique. Data were collected using the cluster sampling technique from a sample size of 700 respondents in the higher education sector. To test the measurement and structural modeling, the PLS-SEM technique was deployed using Smart PLS 2.0 M3 software. Regarding the direct relationships, findings infer that PP is positively associated with three broader forms of self-efficacy, which determine specific self-efficacy. Findings indicated that broader forms of self-efficacy and specific self-efficacy play the role of the serial mediators in the relationship between proactive personality and entrepreneurial intentions. The research carries important implications for the university policymakers in Pakistan to develop their self-reliant “business incubation centers”, initiate experiential learning-based projects, improvise competency-based curriculum, design innovative projection techniques, and follow open innovation dynamics to establish an entrepreneurial culture.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yuliana Sari ◽  
Neka Erlyani ◽  
Sukma Noor Akbar

ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan komunitas motor di Indonesia merupakan sebuah realita yang dihasilkan dari perkembangan sosial masyarakat yang semakin heterogen. Sebuah komunitas motor dibentuk oleh sekelompok orang yang memiliki hubungan khusus antara mereka, komunitas cenderung diidentifikasikan sebagai dasar atas kepemilikan atau identifikai bersama diantara kelompok minat yang sama. Melalui komunitas ini, mereka saling berbagi nilai kognitif, emosi dan material juga mengembangkan interaksi antar anggota kelompok. Komunikasi interpersonal merupakan proses timbal balik yang memiliki peranan penting dalam pergaulan manusia. Anggota kelompok yang sangat kohesif saling mengkomunikasikan ide masing-masing untuk menciptakan kerjasama agar tercapai suatu tujuan yang diinginkan bersama-sama. Kohesivitas penting bagi kelompok karena ia yang menyatukan beragam anggota menjadi satu kelompok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan komunikasi interpersonal terhadap kohesivitas kelompok pada komunitas motor. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini yaitu Ada peranan Komunikasi Interpersonal Terhadap Kohesivitas Kelompok pada Komunitas Motor di Banjarbaru. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 42 orang anggota komunitas motor. Pemilihan subjek yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik  sampling insidental. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Hasil analisa data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana yang menunjukkan bahwa ada peranan positif yang signifikan dari komunikasi interpersonal terhadap kohesivitas kelompok. Sebesar 77,8%, artinya peran komunikasi interpersonal terhadap kohesivitas kelompok cukup besar,  sisanya sebesar 22,2% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada peranan komunikasi interpersonal terhadap kohesivitas kelompok pada komunitas motor. Oleh karena itu, disarankan untuk semua anggota komunitas motor mempertahankan kedekatan yang sudah terjalin serta lebih meningkatkan kekompakkan antar anggota kelompok. Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Interpersonal, Kohesivitas Kelompok, Komunitas Motor  ABSTRACT Growth of motorcycle communities in Indonesia is a reality that results from the social development of a society which is increasingly heterogeneous. A motorcycle community is established by a group of people who have a special relationship among them. This community tends to be identified as a basis for ownership or based on shared similar interests among members in the group. Through this community, they share the cognitive, emotional and material values, and also develop interaction between group members. Interpersonal communication is a reciprocal process that has an important role in human relationship. The very cohesive members in the group will mutually communicate their ideas to create cooperation in order to achieve a desired goal together. Cohesiveness is important for the group because it unites the diverse members into one group. The objective of this study was to find out the role of interpersonal communication towards group cohesiveness in motorcycle community. The hypothesis of this study was that there was a role of Interpersonal Communication towards Group Cohesiveness in Motorcycle Community in Banjarbaru. The subjects in the study were 42 members of a motorcycle community. They were selected using the purposive sampling technique. The method used in the study was a quantitative method. The results of data analysis using the simple linear regression showed that there was a significant positive role of interpersonal communication towards the group cohesiveness, as much as 77.8%, indicating that the role of interpersonal communication towards group cohesiveness was fairly high, and the remaining 22.2% was explained by other variables not included in this study. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there was a role of interpersonal communication towards group cohesiveness in motorcycle community. Therefore, it is suggested for all members of motorcycle communities to maintain the attachment already established and to further improve the togetherness among group members. Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Group Cohesiveness, Motorcycle Community 

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