2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Zulkifli Rusma Noortyani

AbstractThe ability to make Your English using Media Card through Model Think Pair Share and GradeX Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Long-term goals and targets specifically wantedto work this research later to find the ability to make your English using media card through modelthink pair share and grade X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. In detail, this researchseeks to discover the activities of teachers and students and student response. To achieve that goal, theresearchers used a qualitative method with the traits expressed Danim (2002:60), namely (1) the datasource directly in the form of a natural situation and research is the key instrument, are deskriktif (2),(3) more emphasis on the meaning of the process rather than results, (4) the nature of the inductiveAnalysis, (5) the meaning is the main approaches in research. This very precise method used in thisresearch because it is researching the subject and performed on the ability to make your English. Theresults showed that: (1) the activities of teachers and students by using a media card on the model ThinkPair Share shows of 89.08% activities done properly, (2) a class X student response Madrasah AliyahMuhammadiyah Banjarmasin showed that 81.2% 18.8% strongly agree, agree, disagree and while verydisapproving of 0%, and (3) writing skills in students of class X Madrasah Aliyah MuhammadiyahBanjarmasin indicate that the average value of 25 students is with 87 the criteria very well. The advice isaimed at the school, teacher, student to be able to carry out creative and innovative learning in enhancingthe learning process writing skills.Key words: create a pantun, media card, model think the pair and shareAbstrakKemampuan Membuat Pantun Bahasa Banjar menggunakan Media Kartu melalui Model ThinkPair and Share Siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Tujuan jangkapanjang dan target khusus yang ingin diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini nantinya untuk menemukankemampuan membuat pantun bahasa Banjar menggunakan media kartu melalui model think pairand share siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Secara rinci, penelitian iniberupaya menemukan aktivitas guru dan siswa dan respon siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut,257peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan ciri-ciri yang dikemukakan Danim (2002:60) yaitu (1)Sumber data langsung berupa situasi alami dan penelitian merupakan instrumen kunci, (2) bersifatdeskriktif, (3) Lebih menekankan pada makna proses ketimbang hasil, (4) Analisis bersifat induktif,(5) makna merupakan pendekatan utama dalam penelitian. Metode ini sangat tepat digunakan dalampenelitian ini karena meneliti subjek dan dilakukan pada kemampuan membuat pantun bahasa Banjar.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aktivitas guru dan siswa dengan menggunakan media kartupada model Think Pair Share menunjukkan sebesar 89,08% kegiatan terlaksana dengan baik, (2) responsiswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin menunjukkan bahwa 81,2% sangatsetuju, 18,8% setuju, sedangkan tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju sebesar 0%, dan (3) kemampuanmenulis pada siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin menunjukkan bahwa nilairata-rata 25 siswa adalah 87 dengan kriteria sangat baik. Saran ditujukan pada pihak sekolah, guru,siswa agar dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran secara kreatif dan inovatif dalam meningkatkan prosespembelajaran keterampilan menulis.Kata-kata kunci: membuat pantun, media kartu, model think pair and share

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Dian Armanto ◽  
Edy Surya ◽  
Elvi Mailani

The research aims to develop teacher and student handbooks for realistic mathematics lessons for elementary schools. The development of this handbook is based on the reality in the field where the handbook of teachers and students especially the subjects using the 2013 curriculum still do not exist, and in daily learning activities teachers and students still use books that use themes. This research uses development research (Developmental Research). The subjects of this study were grade V students of SD Negeri 163085, H.A Bilal Tebingtinggi City and SD Negeri 106162, Medan Estate District, Deliserdang Regency. In the initial stage, observations were made during the learning process at the two schools and continued with interviews with students and teachers. From the results of these observations and interviews a primary school realistic mathematics teacher and student handbook was prepared. Furthermore, the realistic elementary school mathematics teacher and student handbook is validated by a team that aims to see and assess the quality of the realistic elementary school teacher and student mathematics handbook in order to arrange an effective handbook that will be used by teachers and students in learning. The validation results show that realistic mathematics teacher and student handbooks are developed in both categories and can be used in teaching and learning. The media book test was conducted on grade V students of SD Negeri 163085 Tebingtinggi city and SD Negeri 106162 Medan Estate Deliserdang Regency. The trial results show that the elementary school teacher and student mathematics handbook is effective and can help facilitate understanding of mathematical concepts at the elementary school level. This can be seen from the number of students who can reach the KKM from the two schools is increasing. For SD Negeri 163085 HA Bilal, Tebingtinggi City, if at the time of the pre-test only 1 student (3%) was able to reach the KKM, then after being given the learning process using a teacher and student handbook developed the number of students who could reach the KKM increased to 24 students (82.7%) while those under the KKM were only (17.3%) or 5 students. The same thing was seen in SD Negeri 106162, Medanestate Subdistrict, Deliserdang Regency. If at the time of the Pre-test only 2 students (6.6%) had scored above the KKM, after the post-test there was an increase in students who achieved the KKM score of 25 students (83.3%). An increase of 76.7% when compared to the pre test. Keywords: Handbook, teacher, student, PMR

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 18
Relsas Yogica ◽  
Armen Armen ◽  
Sa'diatul Fuadiyah ◽  
Eka Rahma Juwita

The development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) is so rapidly affecting the use of electronic technology in learning. Teachers are expected to be able to use multimedia in learning. One example of multimedia utilization in learning is the application for learning media in addition to PowerPoint presentations, namely the Prezi application. Prezi is an application that is used to make presentations more interesting. Prezi can contain text, images, videos and other presentation media placed on the presentation canvas and can be grouped in frames that have been provided. Most of the teachers who are not able to apply multimedia especially the Prezi application, it is necessary to have a guidebook to use the Prezi application so that teachers and students are able to use the application as a medium for learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to produce learning media using the Prezi application equipped with a guidebook on biodiversity material for high school class X students who are valid and practical.This type of research is research and development development research using the Instructional Development (IDI) model. The object of this research is learning media using the Prezi application equipped with a guidebook on biodiversity material for class X students. The subjects of this study were 30 students of class X high school UNP Laboratory Development as the practicality of using the Prezi application and guidebook and validation by 2 people Biology Department lecturer FMIPA UNP and 1 Biology High School teacher Development UNP Laboratory.Based on the results of the study, it was found that the results of the validation showed an average value of 89.93 in the valid category. This shows that the learning media using the Prezi application equipped with a guidebook was developed valid both in terms of feasibility aspects of content, language, presentation and aspects of graphics. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-160
Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro ◽  
Dwiyono Ariyadi ◽  
Indah Puji Astuti

The role of Science and Technology (IT) is huge nowadays. The role covers many fields. One of them is education. MAN 1 Ponorogo is one of the schools in Ponorogo district that has extra computer-based activities for a minimum level of diploma 1. It affects the increase in lesson hours. Therefore, to maximize face-to-face required innovative learning media. One such example is e-learning. E-learning is also expected to be used actively by students. E-learning is a learning system that utilizes communication and information technology (ICT) in the learning process between teachers and learners. The purpose of this program is to socialize e-learning quipper to teachers and students in MAN 1 Ponorogo to optimize learning and teaching activities (KBM). In the event, seventeen teachers were present and active. Eleven teachers strongly agree with e-learning quipper because it is easy and useful. As of the 24 students present and active, 2 students still have difficulty in using e-learning quipper. Thus, more than 95% of participants can use the e-learning quipper.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Dessy Triana Relita ◽  
Yulia Suriyanti ◽  
Lamberta Lamberta

Abstrack: The general problem in this research is the result of students' learning on the less satisfactory IPS lesson proved still much under KKM. This is because in the process of learning the use of models and methods that are less varied by the subject of IPS Teacher so that students are less motivated to learn. The research method used is qualitative research method descriptive approach, with the form of research is Research Action class (PTK). The results showed that the implementation of learning using STAD model to improve the learning outcomes of students of grade VIII SMP Negeri 6 Dedai run smoothly and have good impact on student learning activities in class. The results of students' learning subjects IPS Integrated experience increased. The test results obtained the average value on the first cycle of 83 and increased in cycle II of 94.25. Increasing the average grade value is accompanied by an increase to classical kentuntasan namely cycle I of 68.18% which increased 100%. So there is an increase in class average value of 11.25 and the percentage of classical up to 25%. Furthermore, student response is very good to the implementation of STAD learning model. Students express pleasure, and motivated learning by STAD learning model. Suggestions for teachers to be able to develop STAD learning models on other materials.Keyword: STAD Model Improves Learning OutcomesAbstrak: Permasalahan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu kurang memuaskan terbukti masih banyak di bawah KKM. Hal ini karenakan dalam proses pembelajaran penggunaan model dan metode yang kurang bervariatif oleh Guru mata pelajaran IPS sehingga siswa kurang termotivasi untuk belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif, dengan bentuk penelitian adalah Penelitian Tindakan kelas (PTK). Hasil penelitian menunjukan, pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan Model STAD untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 6 Dedai berjalan dengan lancar dan berdampak baik terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa dikelas. Hasil belajar siswa mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu mengalami peningkatan. Hasil tes diperoleh nilai rata-rata pada siklus I sebesar 83 dan meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 94,25. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas disertai dengan peningkatan ke kentuntasan klasikal yaitu siklus I sebesar 68,18% yang meningkat 100%. Sehingga terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 11,25 dan persentase klasikal hingga 25%. Selanjutnya respon siswa sangat baik terhadap pelaksanaan model pembelajaran STAD. Siswa menyatakan rasa senang, dan termotivasi belajar dengan model pembelajaran STAD. Saran bagi guru agar dapat mengembangkan model pembelajaran STAD pada materi lainnya.Kata kunci : Model STAD Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Alfiatun Nur Azizah ◽  
Meita Fitrianawati

This research aims to determine the steps of media development and to know the quality and feasibility of Ludo Math media.The Ludo Math media was developed with a Borg and Gall model consisting of; 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) develop preliminary form of product, 4) preliminary field testing, 5) main product revision, 6) main field testing, 7) operational product revision, and 8) operational field testing.  The study was conducted at SD NegeriGetas 02 with the subject students training class III.  Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, assessment sheets of experts and teachers, and student response sheets.Analysis of the data of this study includes qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis.  The results of this study indicate that the assessment according to media experts obtained a value of 85 with the category "Very Good". Assessment according to learning experts obtained a value of 92.5 with the category "Very Good".  The assessment according to the material experts obtained a value of 87.5 with the category "Very Good".  Small Group Product Trial Results, teacher assessment and student responses obtained an average value of 96.25 with the category "Very Good".  The results of the Large Group Usage Trial, the assessment of teachers and students obtained an average value of 98.75 in the "Very Good" category. From all assessments of experts, teachers, and students, Ludo Math media get an average value of 92. If the average value is converted into qualitative data, Ludo Math media is included in the "Very Good" category and declared fit for use in the material Simple fractions class III elementary school.

Anna Rusmiyati

The existence of innovative learning allows dynamism in learning. The presence of technology in the world of education is to help teachers and students to obtain the speed of information, create innovative learning, and facilitate all teaching and learning activities. One result of technology that can be utilized in learning is the presence of a smartphone. On the smartphone, there is a QR Code media that can be downloaded via Google Play. One of the sociological materials, namely social conflict is the choice to be presented with QR Code media. The implementation is that students from one of the groups download the QR Code on their smartphone so that they can scan the assignments given by the teacher in the form of barcodes. Previously the teacher had prepared questions about the subject of social conflict in the form of barcodes. Gurupun also download a barcode generator on a smartphone to be able to write the problem, then the final result in the form of a barcode. The results in the form of barcodes are then printed. Then students do the scanning on the printed barcode and the task or problem to appear will appear. Completion of tasks is done in groups so as to accelerate the process. Learning with QR Code media also includes 21st century educational abilities, including literacy, strengthening character education, and 4C (critical, communicative, collaborative, and creative). By using the QR Code media it turns out to be very effective in fostering students' interest in studying sociology. Keywords : Innovative learning, QR Code, Barcode Generator, Scaning, Social Conflict

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 204
Hanivah Hanivah ◽  
Rahmadhani Fitri ◽  
Prima Yarni Alfi

The 2013 curriculum encourages students to have critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication skills (4C). For this reason, teaching materials are needed in accordance with the demands of the 2013 Curriculum such as Student Worksheets (LKPD). The purpose of this study was to find data at the defining stage of the 4C-skilled LKPD. The data collection technique was observation, interviews and questionnaires to teachers and students of SMA 1 Kec. Gunuang Omeh. The results showed that the teaching materials available in SMA 1 Kec. Gunuang Omeh and has used the 2013 Curriculum, but the LKPD used is only made with the Subject Teacher Session. LKPD made by MGMP. From the results of the curriculum analysis, the school has implemented the 2013 curriculum, but in its implementation it has not been maximal in prioritizing student-centered learning processes. Based on interviews with teachers, it was found that the problem in the learning process was that teachers were not used to developing 4C skills in students. As many as 70% of teachers use printed book teaching materials in the learning process, 10% use LKPD that do not meet the 4C skill criteria. Based on the results of interviews by students that 93% of students strongly agree with the development of 4C skills-oriented LKPD. Therefore, the development of a 4C skill-oriented LKPD is needed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Artuti '

Low student learning outcomes due to less precise selection method of learning that suits the subject matter presented to the students. Efforts to overcome this need for a method or a proper way so that every student is able to receive information in every lesson well. Stages for easy entry of information, namely, listening, writing or drawing and then view and conduct their own experiments. To the researchers conduct classroom action research by applying methods of modeling. The subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 111 Pekanbaru with the number of 30 students. This research was conducted by 2 cycles. Data collection techniques used were observation activities of teachers and students and the achievement test. Research suggests that the application of modeling methods to improve learning outcomes language on the material Indonesia message over the phone, this is evidenced by: (a) increase the activity of the teacher, in the first cycle of the first meeting, please obtain a category with a score of 35 (58.33%). At a meeting of the second cycle I earn good category with a score of 43 (71.67%). Cycle II meeting I obtained good category with a score of 49 (81.67%). At the second meeting of the second cycle of activity students gain Very Good category with a score of 53 (88.33%). Besides the activities of students in the first cycle of meetings I obtain a score of 34 (56.67%) with a category, please. At a meeting of the second cycle I obtained a score of 46 (76.67%) with good category. Cycle II meeting I obtained a score of 51 (85.00%) to the category of Very Good. At the second meeting of the second cycle of activity students obtain a score of 57 (95.00%) category of Very Good; and (b) learning outcomes has increased, on the basis of scores obtained an average value of 48.38 with a low category. UH in the first cycle obtain an average value of 72.00 with the high category. In the second cycle UH earned an average value of 76.50 with the high category. mastery learning of individual students in each cycle has increased. On the basis of completeness scores of individual students obtained a score of 36.67% (11 students). At UH cycle I obtained a score of 60.00% (18 students). UH second cycle increased with the acquisition of a score of 86.67% (26 students).

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-176
Brigitta Putri Atika Tyagita ◽  
Ade Iriani

This study aimed to obtain a strategy to increase the pedagogic competence of teacher to improve school quality. Teacher pedagogy competencies are important to have so that the teacher can understand and direct students to learn well and appropriately, and can help students to actualize their potential. Pedagogy competence of teachers can improve the school quality because one of them seen from a professional teacher and good performance. The subject of this study: 1 principal, 1 vice principal, 6 teachers. The research data was taken through an interview, observation, and document study with source triangulation. Data analysis using SWOT to analyze internal and external factors. The results of the SWOT analysis shows that schools are in the SO or strength-opportunity quadrant, which supports aggressive strategies by utilizing the strengths and opportunities that schools have to improve teacher pedagogic competence. By optimizing the strength factor and the school opportunity, there are 6 strategic plans to increase the pedagogic competence of teachers by emphasizing cooperation among teachers, students and also parents. The strategic plan is to optimize the performance of leaders, optimize collaboration among teachers, the collaboration between teachers and students, optimize external support, optimize teacher pedagogical development, and improve teacher, student, and parent collaboration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-59
Said Nur Alim

The development of science and technology increasingly encourages reform efforts in the use of technological results in the learning process. Teachers are required to be able to use these tools in accordance with the developments and demands of the times. And it is a must for teachers to be able to master technology in order to achieve the expected learning objectives, the problems in this study are: (1) how to develop multimedia-based learning media using Macromedia Flash in Fiqh learning the subject matter of Prayer and Zakat? (2) how is the effectiveness of multimedia-based learning media using Macromedia Flash in Fiqh learning the subject matter of Prayer and Zakat? The development was carried out using the Research and Development (R&D) method with several stages, namely: analyzing potential and papers, gathering information, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, product usage trials. The results of the design validation stages, product trials and usage trials are used to improve the developed products for maximum results. Based on the trials that have been carried out, the results are as follows: a) pre-test and post-test with an initial average of 54.57 and an increase after learning with a final score of 86.85, thus the post-test average of 32.28 can be categorized in good criteria. b) Based on the practical analysis conducted in the field, some teachers and students gave a positive response to the developed product. The effectiveness of learning using Macromedia Flash, The increase in the average value of pre-test and post-test that has been carried out by respondents from one lesson, there is an increase of 32,285714286 from 54,571428571 to 86.857142857, There is a positive response of students to the development of media using Macromedia flash i.e. 79% of students categorize very well, 13% of students categorize good and 8% of students categorize enough.

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