Jaryanto Sastro Suparto

<p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the procurement of goods and services at Sebelas Maret University. To find out the effectiveness of the system of procurement of goods and services seen from their suitability with the principle of procurement of goods / services and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) specified. The principles of procurement of government goods / services include: 1) efficient, 2) effective, 3) transparent, 4) open, 5) competing, 6) fair, and 7) accountable. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The types of data in this study are information or information, both oral, written and actions related to the research variables. The main data from this study are in the form of written questionnaires and field documentation. The population in this study were officers in the procurement of goods and services. The research sample was 30 people and the sampling technique was purposive sampling. The results of the study indicate that the stages of the procurement process of goods and services have been effectively implemented. This is indicated by the process of auction announcements with a score of 87%, 88% auction registration, 88% job description, 89% income and bid opening, 90% bid and qualification evaluation, and 90% winner determination and announcement. Overall, the process of procurement of goods and services gets a score of 89% and is included in very suitable / implemented criteria.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 45
Supriyatno . ◽  
S. Hartoyo

This research aims to figure out the effect of Product Quality, Price and Stock Availability upon the Decision to Purchase Cable of Kabelmetal brand in DKI Jakarta. (Case Study at PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk). Sampling technique of this research is sampling probability using Simple Random Sampling. This research has applied 100 respondents using quantitative descriptive approach and is located in DKI Jakarta. Therefore, data analysis has applied statistical analysis of multiple linear regression test. Data is processed by using SPSS Version 21. Result of analysis using SPSS version 21 indicates that only two of the three hypotheses have affected significantly. Result of the research has identified that Product Quality has affected significantly the Purchasing Decision which is 0.005 < 0.05 and Price has affected the Purchasing Decision which is 0.000 < 0.05. However, the hypothesis that has not affected the Purchasing decision is Product availability which value is 0.529 > 0.05. Keywords: Product Quality, Price, Product Availability, Purchasing Decision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Surya C. Y Hutapea ◽  
Yulliayana M. D Pertiwi ◽  
Marisa Junianti Manik ◽  
Ineke Patrisia

<p>Nosocomial infection is one of the common infections that occur in hospitals and other health facilities, which is caused by a mismatch in the implementation of invasive measures such as the intravenous access with the applicable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). This study aimed to determine the description of the implementation of the SOP of the intravenous access in one private hospital in central Indonesia. The study used a quantitative descriptive design with a total population of 10 nurses using total sampling technique. The study used a checklist sheet which was adapted from the SOP of the hospital where the study was conducted. The results showed all respondents did not carry out the procedure of intravenous access in accordance with the applicable SOP at the hospital. There were nine from 15 steps of implementation of the SOP of the intravenous access do not reach 100%. The hospital is expected to make efforts to improve nurses' compliance in taking action in accordance with SOP, such as forming an audit team to improve compliance with SOP implementation, periodic internal audits, providing facilities for hand-washing (paper-towels, hand-rub, soap for hand-washing), provide adequate gloves, and disinfection equipment. In addition, it is necessary to refresh information regularly about SOP of invasive actions.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Infeksi nosokomial merupakan salah satu infeksi umum yang terjadi di rumah sakit dan fasilitas kesehatan lainnya yang disebabkan oleh ketidaksesuaian pelaksanaan tindakan invasif seperti pemasangan akses intravena dengan Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan SPO pemasangan akses intravena di salah satu rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia bagian tengah. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain deskriptif kuantitatif dengan populasi seluruh perawat ruangan yang berjumlah 10 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Instrumen menggunakan lembar checklist yang diadaptasi dari SPO rumah sakit tempat penelitian dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seluruh responden tidak melaksanakan prosedur pemasangan akses intravena sesuai dengan SPO yang berlaku di rumah sakit. Ada sembilan dari 15 langkah pemasangan akses intravena yang tidak mencapai 100%. Pihak rumah sakit diharapkan dapat melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan perawat dalam melakukan tindakan sesuai dengan SPO, seperti pembentukan tim audit guna meningkatkan kepatuhan pelaksanaan SPO, audit internal berkala, menyediakan fasilitas untuk mencuci tangan (paper-towels, hand-rub, sabun untuk mencuci tangan), menyediakan sarung tangan yang memadai, dan alat desinfeksi. Selain itu perlu diadakan penyegaran informasi secara berkala mengenai SPO tindakan invasif.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Irvan Yoga Pardistya

<p>Working Capital is a comparison ratio in the company's financial management. This ratio compares income to current assets minus current Liabilities. PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk is one of the mining companies that performs well on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) because it is one of the LQ45 companies. In this research, PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk is the object of research. The unit of analysis is the Company's 2015-219 Financial Statements. Then the research methodology uses a quantitative descriptive approach with purposive sampling technique. The results of the discussion in the research of PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk experienced had decreased in income from 2015 to 2016 however, it rose up in 2016-2019. The increase from year to year is almost 100% from 2016 to 2018 and has increased 3 (three) times in the calculation. Thus, the company's performance is categorized as good and positive.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Grace Solely Houghty ◽  
Jesica Margareth Tambayong ◽  
Peggy Sara Tahulending

<p><em>Pain is a frightening thing and symptoms that are very complained of by patients with a diagnosis of cancerIn order to provide nursing care for pain, nurses need to carry out an accurate pain assessment. Pain assessment in one of the hospital is usually conducted by referring to the Standard Operating Procedures </em><em>(SOP). However, nurses do not comply with this SPO so that there is a difference in the data obtained from thquality assurance section of a hospital with reality in the field. The purpose of this study was to determinnurses' compliance in implementing standard operating procedure (SOP) for pain assessment in a privatehospital in Central Indonesia. This research method is quantitative descriptive design. The population of thisstudy were 83 nurses who worked actively in the hospital's chemotherapy room, with a total sample of 30 nurses, taken by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the level of nurse compliance inconducting pain assessment was as follows: almost most nurses (90%) were in good categories and 67% nurses (20 people) conducted repeated pain assessments in good categories. Nurses play an important role inconducting pain assessment and management in patients therefore the nursing care becomes more effective.Further research can focus on factors that influence nurse compliance in implementing pain assessment in cancer patient.</em></p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Nyeri merupakan hal yang menakutkan dan gejala yang sangat dikeluhkan oleh pasien dengan diagnosa kanker. Agar dapat memberikan asuhan keperawatan terhadap nyeri, perawat perlu melakukan pengkajian nyeri yang akurat. Pengkajian nyeri di salah satu rumah sakit biasanya dilakukan dengan mengacu pada Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO). Namun seringkali perawat tidak mematuhi SPO ini sehingga terjadi perbedaan data yang diperoleh dari bagian penjaminan mutu suatu rumah sakit dengan kenyataan di lapangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan SPO pengkajian nyeri di sebuah rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia Bagian Tengah. Metode penelitian ini adalah desain deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 83 perawat yang bekerja aktif di ruang kemoterapi rumah sakit tersebut, dengan jumlah sampel 30 perawat, yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan perawat dalam melakukan pengkajian nyeri sebagai berikut: hampir sebagian besar perawat (90%) berada dalam kategori baik dan 67% perawat (20 orang) melakukan pengkajian nyeri secara berulang berada dalam kategori baik. Perawat memegang peranan yang penting dalam melakukan pengkajian dan manajemen nyeri pada pasien agar asuhan menjadi efektif. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat berfokus pada faktor – faktor yang memengaruhi kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan pengkajian nyeri pada pasien kanker.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Shobikhul Qisom ◽  
Wahyu Firman Ekasila ◽  
Fathurrahman Masrukan

ABSTRACTBaitul Hakam Pelindo III mosque is an asset of a Pelindo Company, the management of maintainance of this mosque, including the the maintenance of the park with its cleanliness, the cleanliness of wudhu area, toilet and the cleanliness of the main area of the mosque. The process of maintaining activities are written in SOP, however the official are divided into two devisions, namely: internal and external official. The external official is the cleaning servicer from BSI, so the cleanliness of the mosque could be mainly devided into two, from the mosque and BSI. The aims of this research are to explain the management of maintenance of Hakam Pelindo III Surabaya mosque,  explain and give data about facilities are in Baitul Hakam mosque and inform the budget of maintanance  Baitul Hakam. The method of this research is qualitative with descriptive approach. The results of this research on the management of maintance Baitul Hakam mosque are to : explain the management of maintance if Baitul Hakam from management approach generally and explain the activities of  maintaining abaitul Hakam, the explain the various facilities and its maintance. The final is to explain the sum of budget that is used for maintaining Baitul Hakam Pelindo mosque.ABSTRAKMasjid Baitul Hakam Pelindo III Surabaya adalah aset dari perusahaan Pelindo III Surabaya, manajemen perawatan di masjid ini meliputi perawatan taman beserta kebersihannya, kebersihan tempat wudhu dan toilet dan kebersihan ruang utama masjid aktivitas perawatan tertulis dalam Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) namun pegawai masjid terbagi dua yaitu dari pegawai internal dan pegawai eksternal, pegawai eksternal masjid yaitu cleaning servis dari BSI (Best Servis Indonesia) karena itu SOP kebersihan terbagi menjadi dua juga dari masjid dan dari BSI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat memaparkan manajemen perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam Pelindo III Surabaya, menjelaskan dan memberi data fasilitas yang ada di masjid Baitul Hakam dan menginformasikan anggaran perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian manajemen perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam adalah menjelaskan manajemen perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam dari  sisi manajemen secara umum dan menjelaskan aktivitas perawatan di masjid Baitul Hakam surabaya, kemudian menjelaskan ragam fasilitas serta pengelolaannya terakhir menjelaskan total anggaran yang dikeluarkan masjid dari perawatan tersebut.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Deha Purwoko ◽  
Bekti Nur Utami

This research aims to describe the level of competence of farmers in composting, and to draft extension and try out the implementation of counseling about composting in group of livestock of Mekar. The research was conducted in sub-district Dagangan of Madiun Regency. Selection of livestock group is done by purposive that is the only group of livestock that have made compost that is group of livestock of Mekar which is located in Kepet village. The research method used is case study with quantitative descriptive approach with scoring. The population is 44 people, the sample is based on the census. The results showed that: 1) the level of competence of farmers in composting is classified with the details of the competence of the preparation stage is low, the competence of the manufacturing process is low, and the competence of the storage stage is classified; and 2) drafting the extension plan based on the target and the purpose of extension so that the breeder know, understand and able to increase the C-Organic content and C / N Ratio on the compost according to the standard. Success shows the improvement of compost quality before and after counseling in accordance with the purpose of counseling.   Keywords: competence of breeder, livestock group of Mekar, draft extension, composting, extension

Megalia ◽  
Ujang Sumarwan ◽  
Imam Teguh Saptono

This study examines the strategic influence of promotion mix on the volume of aggregation and to know whether the marketing mix run by the Restaurant XYZ affect consumer spending. The theory used in this research is the promotion mix. The research design was conduced with a quantitative descriptive approach through an interview using quisionaire. Sampling method used is a purposive sampling technique with the number of respondents counted 200 people. In this study measure the influence caused by the promotion mix variables such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct selling to increase sales volume. The results show that advertising variables are the most influential variabel of sales volume and the promotion mix simultaneously influences the buying decision of the customer. The findings of this research provide managerial implications that restaurant should not only focus on promotions costs for advertising alone, but also need to pay close attention to the allocation of appropriate funds to see the effectiveness of increased sales volume.

2020 ◽  
pp. 0734242X2095970
P Agamuthu ◽  
Jayanthi Barasarathi

Malaysia recorded 8904 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases and 124 deaths as of 27 July 2020. Globally, everyday there are thousands of new cases of COVID-19 being recorded. Due to the high number of infections globally and nationwide the increase in the amount of clinical waste (CW) generation was expected. Malaysia has reported a 27% (by weight) increase in the generation of CW which was mostly attributed to COVID-19 related waste. This article presents the impacts of COVID-19 in waste generation, policy and regulation of CW management (CWM) in Malaysia and a case study on the CWM at a selected hospital used as a COVID-19 focal point. The current practice of CWM due to COVID-19 related cases follows the existing policy and legislation of CWM detailed in the Schedule Waste Regulation (2005), Environmental Quality Act, 1974, and with the standard operating procedure provided by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. The case study conducted through survey and questionnaire interviews revealed that the CWM in government hospitals followed existing guidelines for CWM for COVID-19 waste, with some additional precautions and rules by the waste management contractors.

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