scholarly journals Upaya Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPA tentang Benda dan Sifatnya melalui Penerapan Metode Eksperimen di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

Windiastuti Windiastuti

<pre><em>This research generally aims to improve student learning achievement through the application of the Experimental Method in Mathematics Subjects Materials and Their Properties in class III SD Negeri Gununglarang 02 Academic year 2018/2019. In this study, it was carried out with two learning cycles and two meetings at each the cycle with research stages namely Planning, Implementation, Action and Reflection which focuses on increasing student achievement. The results of the research that has been carried out in the first cycle are as follows from 14 third grade students who experienced learning mastery only 8 students or 57% the remaining 6 students or 42% had not experienced learning mastery while the average grade of the class was 70.3. cycle II with the following results students who experienced mastery learning had reached 12 students or 86% while the remaining 2 students or 14% did not experience mastery learning with an average value of 76.0. It can be concluded from the two cycles that have been implemented that The application of the Experimental Method in learning science material objects and their properties in class III SD Negeri Gununglarang 02 proved effective because it can improve student achievement.</em></pre>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ni Made Warsiki

This research was conducted in Class IX-13 SMP Negeri 2 Singaraja in odd semester of 2016/2017, with condition of learning achievement of IPA not yet fulfill KKM. The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve students' learning achievement through experimental methods. The method of data collection through the test of learning achievement, which then analyzed by using descriptive method quantitative. The data were presented in the form of average learning achievement and learning mastery procession. The results obtained from this study is the students' learning achievement initially averaged only 73.56 with mastery learning 52.78%, then after the implementation of Cycle I student achievement increased to an average of 79.22 with learning completeness reached 83.33 %. Cycle II also happened improvement of student achievement reach 79,76 and learning comprehension 86,11%. The conclusion obtained from this research is Implementation of experimental method can improve student achievement in class IX-13 odd semester, academic year 2016/2017.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Hascita Istiqomah

This study aims to improve student achievement in Aqeedah Akhlak through the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach. This research is a class action research carried out in two cycles in the first cycle conducted 2 meetings while in the second cycle conducted 1 meeting. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. Data on student learning pest obtained through student test results at the end of cycle I and cycle II, the results of learning activities are seen by racing on the guidelines for student activity observation sheets and teacher activities. The indicator of the success of this study is to improve student learning achievement in the subject of aqidah moral through the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach. Seen at an average value of 86.31 with a classical completeness percentage of 89.43%. The application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach can improve student achievement in class III MI Assa'adah Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency Academic Year 2017/2018.   [Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkann prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak melalui pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning(CTL). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang di laksanakan dalam dua siklus pada siklus I dilakukan 2 pertemuan sedangkan pada siklus II dilakukan 1 pertemuan. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Data pestasi belajar siswa di peroleh melalui hasil tes siswa pada akhir siklus I dan siklus II, hasil aktivitas kegiatan pembelajaran dilihat dengan berpacu pada pedoman lembar observasi aktivitas siswa dan aktivitas guru. Indikator keberhasilan penelitian ini yaitu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak melalui pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Dilihat pada nilai rata-rata 86,31 dengan presentase ketuntasan klasikal yaitu 89,43%.Penerapan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas III MI Assa’adah Kecamatan Labuapi Kabupaten Lombok Barat Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018]

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-31

This study aims to investigate the improvement students’ learning outcomes after the application of the experimental method in heat concept. The research design used was classroom action research with data collection techniques using observation sheets, tests, and student worksheets. The subjects of the study were students of class VII.1 of SMPN 7 Muara Bungo in the academic year 2019/2020 with 31 students. This research was conducted in three cycles, starting from October 28, 2019 to November 26, 2019. The results of this study indicate that the application of the experiment method can improve students’ learning outcomes in heat concept. Improved students’ learning outcomes can be seen from the average value, students' absorption capacity, and mastery learning from cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III. For the average value of students in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III, are: 80, 85, and 88. For the absorption of students in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III, are: 80%, 86% and 89%. As for mastery learning in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III, are: 72%, 89%, and 94%.

Edukid ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Intan Martha Fidiyani ◽  
Ali Nugraha ◽  
Rita Mariyana

Abstract :  Improved Child cognitive ability through application of Experimental Methods in Learning Science Kids ON. Purpose Of Research Singer is implementing the Learning WITH using experimental method / Attempted to review improve cognitive abilities Children in kindergarten. Kartini Village Jatitengah Jatitujuh District of Majalengka. Used operates Namely Research Action Research (PTK) that includes cognitive development Namely ASPECTS OF ASSESSMENT 1). Know And Mixing Colors, 2). Know the Cause and Effect Occurrence Rain, 3). Know the Differences Rough and Smooth, 4). Imitating the Pattern, 5). Develop Pieces of Puzzle. The subject of research is the Son of group B TK. Kartini Village Jatitengah Jatitujuh District of Majalengka in the academic year 2014-2015 That amounts to 39 Children. Based on the findings that the application of the experimental method, observation / experiment to improve cognitive abilities Children's review showed Developments That Are Very Good. It Singer visible from EVERY improvement cycle, including CYCLE I 18.97% Children Not Evolve (BB) 72.82 Children From Growing (MB), 8.20% Emerging accordance Hope Kids, Kids and 0% Emerging Very Good (BSB ). TIN average value of 1.9 and mastery learning reached 47.24%. THE CYCLE II increased 1.54% including Son Not Yet Evolving (BB), 41.74% Start Child Development (MB), 41.54% Emerging accordance Children Hope (BSH), 11.28% Children Growing Very Good ( BSB) The value of the average TIN mastery learning by 2.56 and reached 64.49% and the ON CYCLE III Namely increased The Very encouraging Ie 0% Children Not Evolve (BB), 0.51% Start Child Development (MB) 46.67% Emerging accordance Children Hope (BSH) and 52.82% of Children growing Very Good (BSB) averaged TIN value of 3.5 and mastery learning reached 87.44%. Based on the research findings of CAN concluded that the application of the experimental method CAN improve cognitive abilities of the Child. Recommendations Of Research Singer is professor CAN hearts experimental method using learning activities in kindergarten.Abstrak: Peningkatan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Melalui Penerapan Metode Eksperimen Dalam Pembelajaran Sains Pada Anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen/percobaan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak di TK. Kartini Desa Jatitengah Kecamatan Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Peneletian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang mencakup aspek penilaian pengembangan kognitif yaitu 1). Mengenal dan Mencampur Warna, 2). Mengenal Sebab Akibat Terjadinya Hujan, 3). Mengenal Perbedaan Kasar dan Halus, 4). Meniru Pola, 5). Menyusun Kepingan Puzzle. Adapun subjek penelitian adalah anak kelompok B TK. Kartini Desa Jatitengah Kecamatan Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka tahun pelajaran 2014-2015 yang berjumlah 39 anak. Berdasarkan hasil  observasi bahwa penerapan metode eksperimen/percobaan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak menunjukan perkembangan yang sangat baik. Hal ini terlihat dari peningkatan setiap siklusnya, diantaranya siklus I 18,97%  anak Belum Berkembang (BB), 72,82 anak Mulai Berkembang (MB), 8,20% anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan, dan 0% anak Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB). nilai rata-ratanya diperoleh sebesar 1,9 dan ketuntasan belajarnya mencapai 47,24%. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan diantaranya 1,54% anak yang Belum Berkembang (BB), 41,74% anak Mulai Berkembang (MB), 41,54% anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH), 11,28% anak Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB)  nilai rata-ratanya diperoleh sebesar 2,56 dan ketuntasan belajarnya mencapai 64,49% dan pada siklus III yaitu mengalami peningkatan yang sangat  mengembirakan yaitu 0% anak Belum Berkembang (BB), 0,51% anak mulai Berkembang (MB), 46,67% anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH) dan 52,82% anak yang Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB)  nilai rata-ratanya diperoleh sebesar 3,5 dan ketuntasan belajarnya mencapai 87,44%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode eksperimen dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah guru dapat menggunakan metode eksperimen dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di TK.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-115
I Gede Sugita

Student achievement is shown by the results of the initial observations indicate that learning is done not run maXI-MIAmum. Therefore to improve student achievement required learning model with the model and the right strategy. One is the learning model of Problem Solving This study aims to improve student achievement. The location of this research at SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar with the number of students 46 people. The data in this study were obtained from the learning achievement test which is then carried deskriptif. The research analysis was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle is done based on the following steps: ( 1 ) develop a plan of activities, ( 2 ) carry out actions , ( 3 ) observation, and ( 4 ) refleksi. The result of research shows that according to the preliminary observations of student learning outcomes are less active, easily bored, and the students' attention on teacher's explanation is so small that the average value of 72.97 students only. After the first cycle measures mastery learning materials increased to an average of 78,24 with 27 students and the students completed the unfinished 10 students . The results of the action in the second cycle after the material mastery learning achievement test given rise to an average of 84.19 with 35 students completed and unfinished 2 students. Percentage of mastery learning in the second cycle is in compliance with defined indicators of success and the cycle is declared not followed, with the conclusion that the use of problem solving learning model has been able to either to be used as an alternative in improving student achievement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Wahyu Rokhati

The background of this research was carried out because of the low activeness and learning outcomes of students in class III about the measurement of long units motivating the activeness and student learning outcomes of mathematics in Basic Competencies Using Measuring Tools in Problem Solving. This research is a Classroom Action Research with the subjects of third grade students of SD Negeri 1 Karanganyar with a total of 19 students. Data sources come from documents, students, and peers. Data collection techniques with test and non-test. The research process was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings each meeting 2 lesson hours. To measure the ability of students in mastering the material that has been given, each end of the cycle carried out an evaluation. The results obtained from the data there is an increase in learning outcomes seen from the initial study before the action and after the action. The data about the learning outcomes obtained are as follows: the average grade of the class in the initial study was 53 with 21% mastery learning; the average value of cycle 1 is 61 with a 42% mastery learning; the average value of the second cycle is 72.5 with 95% mastery learning. It can be concluded that the use of the ladder playing method can increase the activeness and learning outcomes of students, especially the Long Unit Measurement material.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Gabriel Sabatini ◽  
Saut Mahulae ◽  
Dewi Anzelina ◽  
Patri Janson Silaban

This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is divided into 3 stages, namely general ideas, exploration, and action plans. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes. In the pretest, it was found that the average value was 50.93 and the classical completeness level was 27%. In the first cycle there was an increase after using the Discovery Learning model with an average value of 61.13 and a classical completeness level of 43%. And after the actions taken and given posttest cycle II, 25 students who completed their study results and 5 students who did not complete the posttest with the average value of the second cycle posttest increased to 83.3 and the classical completeness level reached 83%. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the Discovery Learning model can improve the learning outcomes of third grade students at SD Negeri 104186 Tanjung Selamat, Sunggal District, for the 2020/2021 academic year. Based on the results of the study, teachers are advised to use the Discovery Learning model because it is proven to improve student learning outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-14
Marlini Bante ◽  
Sukman Sukman ◽  
St Umrah

Students' understanding of hijaiyah material is the background of this research. This is based on observations and interviews conducted with teachers at the school. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in hijaiyah letters using hijaiyah letter cards in class III students of SD Inpres 1, Sorong Regency. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) with the subjects of third-grade students of SD Inpres 1 Sorong Regency who is Muslim in the even semester of the academic year 2017/2018, amounting to 22 students. This research was conducted in 2 cycles using the Kemmis and Mc Taggart models with 4 stages of continuous repetitive research. Retrieval of data taken using teacher teaching observation sheets, student activity sheets, student learning outcomes data. The results obtained after the action are the percentage of completeness of the value from the pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II respectively are 27%, 68%, and 86%. From the results of this study, in general, it can be concluded that an increase in student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) subjects in grade III students of SD Inpres 1 Sorong Regency after the implementation of learning using the hijaiyah letter card media.

Rohayati Rohayati

<p><em>This study aims to improve thematic learning outcomes by using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in class III SD Negeri Ketangan 02. In this study applying the type of classroom action research (CAR) using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research subjects were third grade students of SD Negeri Ketangan 02 semester 2 for the 2019/2020 academic year with a total of 16 students. This research was conducted in two cycles. The results of the first cycle research on RPP an average of 81,48% (B), increased in the second cycle to 92.59% (SB), the implementation of the first cycle on teacher activities an average of 82.50% (B) increased in the second cycle to 95.00% (SB), the implementation of the first cycle on student activity an average of 82.50% (B) increased in the second cycle to 95.00% (SB). Student learning outcomes in the first cycle averaged 78 (C), increased in the second cycle to 93 (SB). So it can be concluded that learning by applying the Problem Based Learning model is able to improve student learning outcomes in class III teamtic learning at SD Negeri Ketangan 02.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Lilis Suharty

This study aims to find out how to improve learning outcomes Mathematics students class III SD Negeri 028226 can be increased by using learning model quantum teaching. This study is a classroom action research. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to the type of classroom action research. The subject of this research is the third grade students of SD Negeri 028226 Binjai with the number of respondents 25 students. Data from this study were collected through test results and observation results. Based on the results of the action obtained 87.5% who have completed learning. Thus in accordance with the established criteria that the model of quantum teaching can improve student learning outcomes in the Material rectangle students class III academic year 2016/2017

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