scholarly journals An integrative model of emotional intelligence development of the Chinese secondary language personality in the context of modern management

2020 ◽  
Vol 183 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 142-149
Natalia Vanyushina ◽  
Anna Makarova ◽  
Galina Shanturova ◽  

The formation of skill of understanding the interlocutor’s emotions and correcting one’s own emotions with regard to a specific communication situation, the development of adaptive abilities of the individual through emotional interaction with others, as well as the ability to predict the resulting failures in various types of social activity, should be considered as mandatory conditions for ensuring the success of communication. To study a peculiar aspect of emotional intelligence formation, a research task was set: taking into account the ethno-psychological and cultural characteristics of the Chinese audience, to use the phenomenon of «double alienation» in order to create a role-playing situation that allows one to communicate from another person, removing the protective psycho-emotional mechanisms of the Chinese language personality; in other words, realizing a «compulsion to double alienation». An important place here is also given to a multi-level emotional and communicative reflection, directed both externally and internally. The hypothesis of the study is to investigate the possibility of using emotional intelligence by native Chinese speakers. At the centre of our task was the choice of certain forms of work and the construction of the educational process in a way that would contribute to the development of emotional intelligence of the secondary language personality of Chinese students. In order to prove or refute the research hypothesis put forward by us, we conducted a formative experiment that allowed us to test the methodological innovation and evaluate its impact on the parameter under study. The following interactive methods for developing emotional intelligence were chosen for the experiment: psychological role-playing game-discussion using the «Six Thinking Hats» technique developed by the famous British researcher Edward de Bono as a system for organizing thinking and describing tools for structuring group discussion. The technique helps to develop the emotional intelligence of a manager of a modern company with international activities and improve interaction in multinational project teams. Our experiment showed a non-random connection between the inclusion of a new method of «forcing to double alienation», which takes into account the ethno-psychological characteristics of participants, and the resulting effectiveness, which allowed us to choose it as the optimal one for the effective forming of the emotional intelligence of a secondary Chinese language personality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Olga Sergeevna Afanasyeva ◽  
Yanina Samvelovna Morozova

The article discusses the pedagogical conditions for organizing the educational process of teaching foreign languages, which contribute to the formation of communicative competence of students. There has been presented the analytical review of modern methods of instructing non-linguistic students in foreign languages. The analysis of methods of interactive teaching a foreign language (a group discussion, a discussion, a case method, a role-playing game, a conference) has been carried out. It has been inferred that the introduction of interactive teaching methods into the educational process has distinct advantages

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 691-695
O.V. Muntian ◽  
M.A. Goray ◽  
V.L. Muntian ◽  
M.M. Shinkaruk-Dykovytska ◽  
T.O. Tepla

The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the “Business Game” method in shaping the skills of a future dentist among students of the 5th year of the dental faculty. The main part of the article includes the experience of using the method of “Business Game” at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry at National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, which facilitates the formation of professional skills and abilities of the future dentist in conditions that are as close as possible to practical health care, stimulates active participation of students in collective collaboration, promotes the introduction of interdisciplinary integration into the educational process. Modelling the professional situation using the “Business Game” method allows students not only to solve the problem, but also to develop tactics of behaviour in conditions that are most closely related to the actual clinical situation that they will encounter during practical activities. They learn to work in a team, defend their own opinion, hold discussions with their opponents. Educational games allow you to improve practical skills and teach students to solve complex clinical problems in the absence of a patient. Using role-playing games during practical classes can increase the interest of students in future professional activities. So, Application of interactive methods in the educational process allowed to reveal the creative abilities of students, promoted the development of clinical thought, the practice of practical skills and skills in conditions that are as close as possible to practical health care. The study showed that the use of the “Business Game” method has increased material absorption by 11.2% compared to the control group. “Business games” stimulates active participation of all students in collective cooperation, promotes the introduction of interdisciplinary integration into the educational process. The usage of the “Business Game” improves the quality of clinical training of the future dentist in the context of reforming the modern health system.

Servis plus ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-106
Валентина Костоварова ◽  
Valentina Kostovarova ◽  
Галина Чудайкина ◽  
Galina Chudaykina

The article is devoted to the introduction of innovative technologies in the learning process. The authors emphasize the fact that innovative teaching activities are an important component of the educational process. The authors note that this is the foundation on which to build a competitive institution in the education market. Innovative activities are related to both scientific and methodical work of teachers and to teaching and research and scientific practice of students. The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the personality of a student. This differs from the traditional education system and involves the use of interactive teaching methods. High-performance, implementing non-traditional forms of training, development and education of students are the following approaches: brainstorming workshops, project development, role-playing game, excursions. The paper examines in detail one of the methods of interactive learning foreign languages - excursion. The authors conclude that the use of this method is dictated by the specifics of training of future professionals who will work in the tourism and hospitality industry and it helps to transform foreign language from passive to active skill. Based on the analysis of joint activities it is established that there is an interaction of students with each other and the teacher, who becomes an equal partner and consultant. The task of the authors of this article is to determine the value of the excursion as one of the interactive methods of teaching foreign languages in high school, to familiarize the reader with the experience of the application of this method in the teaching of foreign languages at Russian State University of Tourism and Service.

10.12737/2645 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-28
���������� ◽  
Elena Abrosimova

The article addresses issues teaching of law in the secondary school using interactive methods. The analysis of different types of students and different ways of presenting legal information to schoolchildren. Practical recommendations for using the following methods and forms of teaching of law: an interactive lecture, small group activities, common group discussion, role-playing activities, using fragments of films and cartoons, as well as recommendations on formulating an interactive homework.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 7667-7670

the article deals with the issues based on interactive strategies and methods of education. Author analyses the efficiency of using interactive technologies during the lesson. Currently, modern methods of teaching are widely used in the educational process. The use of modern teaching methods will result in higher learning efficiency. While choosing teaching methods, it is advisable to choose from each lesson's didactic task. Maintaining a traditional form of teaching and enriching it with techniques that enhance the activity of different learners will lead to an increased level of student learning. For this purpose, the organization of the classroom process, the learner's interest in the learning process, the constant encouragement of the learner in the learning process, the breakdown of the learning material into small pieces, the brainstorming in small groups, the debate, the problem, the direction and using techniques such as text, project, role-playing, and encouraging learners to carry out practical exercises independently. These techniques are also called interactive or interactive methods. Interactive methods are those that encourage learners to think independently and are at the center of the learning process. When these methods are used, the educator encourages the learner to participate more actively. The learner is involved throughout the process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-39
Osaulchyk O.B.

Статтю присвячено особливостям патріотичного виховання і розвитку почуття толерантності як основоположного складника патріотичного виховання в умовах сучасних політичних подій. На фоні загострення міжнаціональних конфліктів та суспільних кризових явищ виявлено необхідність і доцільність переформатування основних підходів у напрямі патріотичного виховання молоді нині. У зазначеному контексті акцент має бути зміщено у бік виховання толерантного ставлення громадянина-патріота до інших громадян як у межах своєї країни, так і з-за кордону, що уособлює мирне співіснування людей з різними поглядами на життя, незалежно від їхнього віросповідання, політичних поглядів чи мови, яку вважають рідною. Увагу акцентовано на важливості розвитку поваги, шанобливого ставлення, бажанні примножувати та берегти культурні цінності і надбання рідного народу, проте разом із тим почуття патріотизму не повинне бути абсолютизованим і загостреним. У статті доведено, що останнє є рушійною силою у виникненні конфліктів через різне бачення і ступінь виявлення патріотизму. Головним чинником на шляху примирення та запобігання цьому є розвиток почуття толерантності як основоположного складника патріотичного виховання в умовах сьогодення, що визначено нами як виховання свідомого громадянина-патріота. У статті наголошено, що формування такого свідомого патріотизму має тривати впродовж усього навчально-виховного процесу всіма закладами освіти, включаючи домашнє виховання. Принагідно було зазначено, що найкращим способом виховання толерантності є власний приклад, тому вчитель має сам бути свідомим патріотом і взірцем для тих, хто навчається. Також було визначено, що оптимальні умови для продуктивного виховного процесу у зазначеному контексті можуть бути створені на заняттях з іноземної мови: пізнання культури іншого народу, говоріння іноземною мовою створює невидимий дотик до іншого світу, відмінного від власного, і формує шанобливе ставлення до нього. Розуміння того, що наш світ є багатогранним, сповненим різних культур, віросповідань, мов, звичаїв, поглядів, що саме ця різнобарвність має створювати певну гармонію, є шляхом до мирного співіснування і визначається нами як толерантне ставлення до оточуючих свідомого патріота. У межах вивчення іноземних мов окреслено спеціальний інструментарій у вигляді, зокрема, таких інтерактивних методик, покликаних сприяти в розвитку зазначених особистісних якостей, як: рольові ігри, підготовка спільних проєктів і презентацій, кейс-метод, дискусії у стилі толерантності.Ключові слова: патріотичне виховання, толерантність, свідомий громадянин-патріот, власний приклад, пізнання інших культур, інтерактивні методики. Viewing the political events today the article is devoted to the peculiarities of patriotic education and upbringing a sense of tolerance as its fundamental component. The need of reformatting the main approaches to patriotic education of young people today has been revealed taking into consideration growing quantity of interethnic conflicts and social crises. In this context, the emphasis should be shifted towards developing a tolerant attitude of the patriot-citizen to other citizens both within his own country and abroad, that makes possible the peaceful coexistence of people with different views on life, regardless of their religion, political views or the spoken language. Emphasis has been given to the importance of developing the sense of respect, desire to multiply and preserve the cultural values and heritage of the native country, but at the same time the sense of patriotism should not be absolute and sharpened. The article proves that the latter is a driving force in the emergence of conflicts, both multinational and among citizens of one country and nationality, that often happens because of different views on patriotism. The main factor in reconciling and preventing such conflicts is upbringing the sense of tolerance as a fundamental component of patriotic education in today’s conditions, that we define as the education of a reasonable citizen-patriot. The article emphasizes that the formation of such a reasonable patriotism should be continued throughout the educational process by all educational institutions, as well as be supported at home. It has been also stated that the best way to become tolerant is to see the true to life example, so the teacher himself must be a real patriot and a role model for students. It has been also determined that the optimal conditions for a productive educational process in this context can be created at foreign language classes: learning the culture of other people, speaking a foreign language creates an invisible touch to another world, different from their own and forms a respectful attitude to it. Understanding that our world is unique, full of different cultures, religions, languages, customs, views and that this diversity should create a certain harmony, is a way to peaceful coexistence and is defined by us as a tolerant attitude to others by a reasonable patriot. Within the study of foreign languages, special tools have been singled out, namely interactive methods for promoting the development of these personal qualities: role-playing games, preparation of joint projects and presentations, a case method, discussions in the style of tolerance.Key words: patriotic upbringing, tolerance, reasonable citizen-patriot, true to life examples, learning other cultures, interactive methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Yulia Lukianets ◽  

The role of communicative-activity approach in the process of mastering English by students on the basis of a professional college is described. The importance of focusing the English language course on the development of skills and abilities to produce their own statements in the personal and professional spheres is noted. The emphasis is placed on the content of this approach through the prism of the development of the speed of speech activity and the formation of speech patterns and structures. The orientation of the communicative-oriented approach to the formation of communicative competence, which determines the students' worldviews, the system of value orientations, the development of professional and critical thinking is considered. Six principles of the organization of educational activity of students studying English are allocated. The importance of the principle of communicative-personal organization of educational activity for realization of communicative orientation of the educational process is determined. The effectiveness of the use of game, active and interactive methods, group, pair and individual forms of work as ways to implement a communicative-oriented approach during English language learning is noted. The active role of the teacher in directing the discussion, debate or dispute in the right direction during the classroom classes using interactive methods is highlighted. The emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of modeling a communicative situation close to real life using professional vocabulary and mastering certain socio-cultural aspects. The classification of parts of speech is considered and the presence of a specific set of grammatical properties and basic syntactic functions is noted. The importance of role-playing games in the study of parts of speech by students of a professional college is considered. The examples of effective grammar games are given: ball games, dice, gifts, etc. The emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of the communicative-oriented approach in the study of parts of speech.

Л.А. Байкова

В статье раскрыта актуальность проблемы исследования, обусловленная необходимостью развития субъектной позиции обучающихся, их способности к рефлексии в условиях распространения смарт-образования, раскрыта сущность личностно-рефлексивного подхода к организации образовательного процесса как методологической основы организации различных видов деятельности, характеризующаяся направленностью на стимулирование осуществления субъектами образовательного процесса анализа и оценки, самоанализа и самооценки своего участия в этом процессе, его содержания, методов и средств и результатов. Отличием личностно-рефлексивного подхода от рефлексивного является обращенность на стимулирование рефлексивных процессов как у обучающихся, так и педагогов. Выявлена сущность гуманистической педагогической позиции как совокупности установок на себя, на обучающегося и свою профессиональную деятельность; уточнены определения понятий «активные» и «интерактивные методы обучения и воспитания», дано обоснование сущности личностно-рефлексивного подхода в контексте общепсихологической теории деятельности и понимания четырех типов рефлексии; обозначено место рефлексивной деятельности в технологиях таких методов, как мозговой штурм, проекты, ролевые, деловые, позиционные и блиц-игры, а также выявлены особенности применения приемов организации рефлексивной деятельности. The article highlights the relevance of the issue under investigation and maintains that its relevance is accounted for by the necessity to develop students' subjectivity and their reflexivity in the conditions of smart-education. The article focuses on the essence of personal-reflexivity approach to the educational process as a methodological basis for organizing various activities. The personal-reflexivity approach is aimed at motivating the participants of the educational process to analyze, assess, self-analyze and self-assess their efficacy and involvement with the educational process, its content, methods, means, and results. Personal-reflexivity approach is different form reflexivity approach in that it is aimed at stimulating both teachers’ and students’ reflexivity. The article treats the essence of humane pedagogy, which focuses on the learner, the teacher, and the teacher’s professional activities. The article deals with such notions as active and interactive methods of education and upbringing. It treats the essence of the personal-reflexivity approach within the context of the general psychological theory of activity, it deals with four types of reflexivity and investigates the role of reflexivity in such methods and activities as brainstorming activities, project activities, role-playing games, case studies, blitz-games. It also focuses on methods of organizing reflexive activities.

Evgeniya D. Platova ◽  

The changes at the world's labour market of the past decades demand a reconsideration of the education content, technologies and methods of teaching, ways of upbringing, and prove the importance of a deliberate development of future specialists' soft skills as an integrative personality characteristic which is necessary for successful work activities in modern society. This article aims at specifying the content of soft skills as a personality characteristic and searching the pedagogical ways of their development in acquiring professional education. The study was carried out using theoretical (analysis of pedagogical, psychological and sociological literature, synthesis of knowledge on the problem) and experimental (interviewing, conversation, polling, questionnaire, observation of educational process, analysis of learning materials and teaching resources, their experimental application, monitoring of students' soft skills development) research methods. The analysis of literature on the question allowed concluding that the structure of soft skills includes communicative-interactive, creative, reflexive, and cognitive components, and emotional intelligence. Thus, soft skills are an integrative personality characteristic representing a set of communicative, creative, and reflexive skills in combination with emotional intelligence, cognitive skills, and such personal characteristics as flexibility, friendliness, learnability, punctuality, timemanagement, leadership. Academic language disciplines, especially teaching business interaction in foreign language, are particular promising for the development of soft skills due to the diversity of applied activities and interactive methods based on communicative-interactive tasks. These tasks can be classified regarding their difficulty (simple and complex), content (social and professional), cultural barriers (monocultural and cross-cultural), and number of active participants (monologue, dialogue, group); they can be combined and deliberately made up by a teacher according to educational and professional needs. Experimental teaching business interaction with the help of communicative-interactive tasks demonstrated a systemic development of students' interactive and reflexive skills, critical and creative thinking through actualization of their own position in problem situations. The research shows that interactive learning on the basis of communicative-interactive tasks provides opportunities necessary for developing components of soft skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3 (99)) ◽  
pp. 161-165
O. Kmet ◽  
N. Filipets ◽  
O. Filipets ◽  
T. Kmet ◽  
S. Yurnyuk ◽  

The article highlights the peculiarities of teaching medical students the basics of "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety" using andragogic models of the educational process and interactive principles of learning, such as dialogic interaction, cooperation and collaboration, active-role (playing) participation, as well as organization of training to improve communication skills in combating bad habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Aim. To reveal the possibilities of andragogical methods of teaching "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety" in considering the issues of bioethical aspects of health, the formation of a professional approach and critical attitude of medical students to bad habits, motivation for a healthy lifestyle.Conclusion. The introduction of interactive methods of andragogy in the educational process deepens the knowledge and forms skills of medical students in the educational component "Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety", actualizes the problem of bad habits as a leading threat to health, promotes awareness of the role of future health professionals in promoting healthy lifestyle on the ground of knowledge and bioethical approaches to the factors of negative and positive effects on health.

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