Deswita Davi Isa ◽  
Ninuk Lustyantie ◽  
Ratna Dewanti

The objective of this study is to understand comprehensively the directive speech acts contained in the comic Tous Super-Héros by Jean-Christophe Camus, Lilian Thuram and Benjamin Chaud which includes forms, meanings and functions. The data analysed were dialogues between the characters in the Tous Super-Héros comic that were found in the dialogue balloon. The data, hereafter processed through a content analysis method with a qualitative approach. Qualitative approach used here is an approach that investigates a social phenomenon and human problems which the data collected consists of words (or text) from the expressions between speakers and interlocutors in the dialogue. Analysis of the findings shows that literal direct speech acts as a form of directive speech act has the highest intensity of 65.12%, the context of commands and warnings as the meaning of directive speech acts has the highest intensity of 20.93%, and advisories as a directive speech act function has the highest intensity of 24.41% . The findings in this study have implications for general French language insights, and for understanding the social and cultural of French expressions.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Johan Arifin

Abstract: This research deals with directive speech in the Mario Teguh Golden Ways. This study uses a qualitative approach. That is, data that has been found later identified, analyzed and classified through a qualitative analysis. In line with the approach, the method used is descriptive method. From the results of the study, it is showed that the speech act in Mario Teguh Golden Ways is a directive speech act, which is seen from the number of words used by Mario in giving advice. This can be seen in terms of understanding that researcher found. Directive speech acts (directives) illocutionary aim to produce an effect of an act committed by the addressees; this illocutionary is for example, ordering, commanding, pleading, demanding, and giving advice. Keywords: Discourse, Directives Speech Acts, Mario Teguh Golden Ways Abstrak: Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan bentuk tidak tutur direktif dalam acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Artinya, data yang telah ditemukan kemudian diidentifikasi, dianalisis dan diklasifikasikan melalui analisis secara kualitatif. Sejalan dengan pendekatannya, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur yang banyak terdapat pada acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways adalah tindak tutur direktif yang dapat diamati dari banyaknya kalimat yang digunakan oleh Mario Teguh dalam berbicara memberi saran dan nasihat. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari segi pengertian yang telah peneliti dapatkan. Tindak tutur direktif (directives) ilokusi ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu efek berupa tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petutur; ilokusi ini misalnya, memesan, memerintah, memohon, menuntut, memberi nasihat.Kata kunci : Wacana, Tindak Tutur Direktif, Acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways

Mariana Lewier ◽  
Merlyn Rutumalessy ◽  
Viona Sapulette

Up to the present time, there are still many children games played with their respective accompanying songs by young children in Maluku. The lyrics of these children songs can be categorized as one form of texts that can be analyzed in terms of language aspects. This paper discusses directive speech acts contained in the children songs-attached games in Maluku. The purpose of this paper is to describe the various acts of directive speech, the social-cultural context that embodies it, and the level of politeness they may carry. The approach used was pragmatic approach, specifically the framework of speech act theory. The data used in this study was children songs in Ambon-Maluku, both oral and written data containing directive statements. Data analysis was done by interpreting, making inferences, and presenting it in the form of descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is intended to describe, provide an overview and identify the relationship between the phenomena being studied. The directive act of speech contained in the children game songs in Maluku can be categorized as direct or indirect. The direct way of directive speech acts is used for requesting, ordering, inviting, and forbidding, while the indirect way is preferred than imperative mode by using interrogative sentence, news report, and a particular request statement. Thus, through this analysis, we may come to an understanding of the dynamics of socio-cultural realm that underlies the presence of children game traditions in Maluku.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-223
Nanang Heryana

This research aims to identify, describe, and analyze the politeness of speech acts of the moderator directive the Presidential Election Final Debate in 2019. Method used is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data source is a moderator speech act in debate. Research data are the politeness of the moderator's directive of debate in the form and strategies used in the form of words, phrases and sentences. Data collecting technique used is exposure techniques and documentary data collection tool is video recordings. The explanation technique was used to elaborate the moderator directive form and strategy of speech act politeness in the Final Debate. Data analysis method used the referral method with proficient SBLC and context analysis. Based on the results, there are 160 data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences which are included in directive speech acts. There are seven forms of moderator speech directives in debate, namely directive speech acts inviting, persuading, requesting, prohibiting, asking, reminding, and ordering. The politeness of directive speech acts can be direct politeness, irreverent politeness, positive politeness, and negative politeness. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mendeskripsikan, dan menganalisis kesantunan tindak tutur direktif moderator dalam Debat Final Pilpres 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data berasal dari tindak tutur moderator dalam debat. Data yang dihimpun berupa kesantunan direktif moderator debat dalam strategi yang digunakan untuk memilih kata, frasa, dan kalimat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik pemaparan dan alat pengumpulan data dokumenter berupa rekaman video. Teknik pemaparan digunakan untuk menguraikan bentuk dan strategi kesantunan tindak tutur direktif moderator dalam Debat Akhir. Analisis data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC) dan analisis konteks. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan 160 data berupa kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat yang termasuk dalam tindak tutur direktif. Ada tujuh bentuk tindak tutur direktif moderator dalam debat, yaitu tindak tutur mempersilakan, mengajak, meminta, melarang, bertanya, mengingatkan, dan tindak tutur memerintah. Kesantunan tindak tutur direktif dapat berupa kesantunan langsung, kesantunan tidak langsung, kesantunan positif, dan kesantunan negatif. Kata Kunci:  Kesantunan, Tindak Tutur Direktif, Moderator, Debat

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Tira Nur Fitria

The aim of this research is to find out the type of directive speech acts and to find out which directive speech acts most frequently used in “Koi Mil Gaya” movie. The research is conducted by using a qualitative approach. This research describes the phenomenon, the data, the situation, as it is really found. The technique of data collection in this research is a documentary study. From the result of this study, the writer finds that there are 246 utterances of directive speech act produced by the characters in the movie as 196 data. The form of the directive act can be found in utterances which contain words, phrase, clause, and sentences. From the analysis shows that in “Koi Mil Gaya” movie shows a directive speech act which contains three aspects, they are command, request, and suggestion. First, in command, there are 165 data (utterances) or 84.18 %. Second, in suggestion, there are 20 data/utterances or 10.20 %. Third, in a request there are 11 data//utterances or 5.61 %. While the most dominant type of directive speech act is in command.Keywords: Speech Act, Directive, Movie

Sakdiah Sakdiah ◽  
Maulidya Cahyani ◽  
Rahmad Nuthihar

Abstrak— Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan jenis dan fungsi tindak tutur direktif yang digunakan pedagang asongan pada Kapal Motor Penyeberangan (KMP) di Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh dalam interaksinya dengan pembeli. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik rekam dan catat. Data diolah dengan langkah mengidentifikasi data, mengklasifikasi data, menganalisis data, dan menyimpulkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1) Jenis tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat pada interaksi jual-beli pedagang asongan pada Kapal Motor Penyeberangan (KMP) di Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh meliputi: jenis pertanyaan (questions), permintaan (requstives), larangan (prohibitive), pemberian izin (permissives), desakan dan saran, (2) Fungsi tindak tutur direktif yang ditemukan dalam interaksi jual-beli pedagang asongan pada Kapal Motor Penyeberangan (KMP) di Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh sebanyak enam fungsi tindak tutur direktif. Fungsi tindak tutur direktif yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: delapan fungsi bertanya, satu fungsi memohon, dua fungsi melarang, tiga fungsi mendesak, satu fungsi membolehkan, dan dua fungsi menyarankan. Kata Kunci: Tindak Tutur Direktif, Interaksi Jual Beli. Abstract— This study aims to describe the type and function of directive speech acts used by hawkers in Motorized Crossing Ships (KMP) in Ulee Lheue Port, Banda Aceh, in their interactions with buyers. This research includes the type of qualitative research using a descriptive-qualitative approach. Data collection is done by recording and recording techniques. Data is processed by step identifying data, classifying data, analyzing data, and concluding. The results of the study show that, (1) the type of directive speech acts that occur in the interaction of selling and buying peddlers at the Crossing Motorboat (KMP) at Ulee Lheue Port in Banda Aceh include: questions, requests (requstives), prohibitions (prohibitive ), permissives, pressures and suggestions, (2) The directive function of speech acts found in the interaction of the sale and purchase of hawkers at the Crossing Motorboat (KMP) at Ulee Lheue Port in Banda Aceh is six directive speech acts. The directive speech act functions found in this study include: eight question functions, one invoking function, two prohibiting functions, three urgent functions, one function allows, and two functions suggest. Keywords: Directive Speech, Buy and Sell Interactions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Arum Murdianingsih

Abstract Directive and Expressive Speech Acts for Early Childhood 5-6 Years at SitiKhadijah Kindergarten in Banjarmasin. This study aims to describe the form andfunction of the children directive and expressive speech acts at Siti KhadijahKindergarten in Banjarmasin. This study uses a qualitative approach. Sources ofdata were obtained from children who attended Siti Khadijah Kindergarten inBanjarmasin and the data analyzed in this study were directive and expressivetypes of speech in early 5-6 years old children. The research results obtained inthis study can be summarized as follows: (1) directive speech acts forms that is (a)requestives, (b) questions, (c) requirement, (d) prohibitions, (e) advisories, whilepermissives is not found in the child's speech; (2) the forms of expressive speechacts that is (a) apologizing, (b) thanking, (c) congratulations and praise, (d)condoling, (e) deploring, (f) lamenting, (g) boasting , and the form of expressivespeech acts such as forgiving and welcoming are not found in the child's speech;(3) the functions of the directive and expressive speech acts are to declare, toorder, and to ask. Key words: directive speech act, expressive speech act, early childhood Abstrak Tindak Tutur Direktif dan Ekspresif Anak Usia Dini 5-6 Tahun di TK SitiKhadijah Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wujud dan fungsi dari tindak tutur direktif dan ekspresif pada anak di TK Siti Khadijah Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber datadiperoleh dari anak-anak yang bersekolah di Taman Kanak-Kanak Siti KhadijahBanjarmasin dan data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturan-tuturanjenis direktif dan ekspresif pada anak usia dini 5-6 tahun. Hasil penelitian yangdiperoleh dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) Bentukbentuktindaktuturdirektifberupa(a)permintaan,(b)pertanyaan,(c)perintah,(d)larangan,(e) nasihat, dan bentuk tindak tutur direktif berupa persilaan tidakditemukan dalam tuturan anak; (2) Bentuk-bentuk tindak tutur ekspresif berupa (a)meminta maaf, (b) berterima kasih, (c) ucapan selamat dan memuji, (d)berbelasungkawa, (e) menyesalkan, (f) meratap, (g) membanggakan diri, danbentuk tindak tutur ekspresif berupa memberi maaf dan menyambut tidak ditemukan di dalam tuturan anak; (3) Tindak tutur direktif dan ekspresif inimemiliki fungsi untuk menyatakan, memerintah, dan menanyakan. Kata-kata kunci: tindak tutur direktif, tindak tutur ekspresif, anak usia dini 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Evi Jovita Putri

<p>The research entitled Directive Speech Act Seen on Family 2.0 Drama Script Written by Walter Wykes purposes to describe and uncover the types of form and intended meaning of directive speech act on that drama script. This descriptive research uses pragmatic approach and theory. The collecting and analysing data are focused on the using of declarative, imperative, and interrogative sentences in the text of drama. The forms of those sentences will be analysed to find out the types of form of directive speech act, while the context of those sentences will be used to analyze the intended meaning of directive speech act uttered by speakers. The results of the research are found that, first, there are two types of the form of directive speech acts, direct directive speech acts and indirect directive speech acts. Direct directive speech acts are represented by imperative sentence without subject; imperative sentence with let; and negative imperative sentence. Meanwhile the indirect directive speech acts are represented by declarative sentence statement; declarative sentence if clause; negative declarative sentences; and interrogative sentences. Second, the intended meanings seen on drama script of Family 2.0 are command, prohibition, request, treat, and persuasion. It can be concluded that, the most frequent intended meaning appeared in directive speech acts on this script is command by the use of imperative forms. Then, the declarative and interrogative forms are used to request something by adults charaters; in contrast the kids characters use them to command and prohibit the hearer.<strong></strong></p><strong>Keywords: </strong> family 2.0, pragmatic, speech act, directive, form and intended meaning

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 77-97
Joanna Górnikiewicz

This article discusses the Polish independent infinitive, which constitutes a predicate in imperative utterances, and its French functional equivalents. The analysis was conducted at two levels. In the first part, the author describes the independent infinitive in the Polish language referring to the Polish formal structural syntax (Saloni, Świdziński 2012). This is to determine which place is occupied by this unit in a sentence, both in relation to other uses of the infinitive and in comparison to other units with the function of a predicate in statements of the same modality. The French structural equivalent has been determined on the basis of the same criterion of syntax dependency. However, even though both languages have corresponding structures, they do not use them in the same way. Only in Polish it is possible to form sentences with infinitive predicates in the spoken language, in face-to-face conversation. What are the factors that favour choosing this form? The author answers this question in her semantic and pragmatic analysis, conducted in the methodological framework of speech act theory (Searle 1979, Vanderveken 1988). She presents imperatives as a class of speech acts, which are extensively developed and specifies those, which can be executed by means of utterances with infinitive predicates. Additionally, factors of social and psychological character have been taken into consideration, as those which favour selecting the discussed form. What structure constitutes its functional equivalent in the French language? An analysis of a body composed of examples originating primarily from dialogues in contemporary literary works and their approved translations has allowed, on the one hand, to confirm the intuitive belief that grammar forms perform this function, in face-to-face oral communication the French language has only the command mode forms (l’impératif in French). On the other hand, we can launch a discussion about possibilities to translate them into a language which does not allow for an analogous use of the available infinitive structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Rd. Januar Radhiya ◽  
Asteria Permata Martawijaya

This study investigates speech act strategies used in earthquake mitigation handbooks in Japan, and focuses on finding the type of communicative functions of the speech act strategies used. The government of Japan has provided online and printed handbooks for the people, to reduce risks to a minimum level regarding the disaster so people can prepare beforehand. The data in this study were collected from online leaflet and handbook regarding earthquake mitigation provided by 9 government city’s websites, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and by collecting actual handbook and leaflets from Indonesian lives in Japan. The data were analysed using descriptive qualitative method. Collected data then categorized into assertive and directive speech acts, negative and positive politeness based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory, and focusing on expression of consideration (hairyo hyougen). This study found that there are 659 statements related to earthquake disaster mitigation collected from the data. Also, the findings showed that there are 179 assertive and 480 directives speech acts, with more of imperative directive speech than prohibition directive speech. Moreover, Japanese government tend to use hairyou hyougen on their leaflet and handbook disaster mitigation to show respect to the reader.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Fara Della ◽  
Barnabas Sembiring

This research aims to find out the types of Directive Speech Acts by the characters in “Sleeping Beauty” movie script based on the theory that proposed by Searle theory and analyze the types of directive speech acts that most frequently used in the movie script and the possible reason for it. The subject of the research was the script of the conversation between the characters. The type of this research is Descriptive Quantitative research. In this research, the researcher used documentation as the instrument. The object of this study is the “Sleeping Beauty” movie script by Casper Van Dien. The results of the research show that, first, the types of directive speech acts were Command, request, permission, prohibition, and question. Second, the types of directive speech act that most frequently used were command type. In terms of types, the command is in the highest rank (51 utterances) and prohibition ( 2 utterances)) is in the lowest rank. In terms of reason, the command types (51 utterances) is the most frequently used, because it usually shows the strength of each character very clearly. And also the movie genre also influences the use of its directive speech acts itself.

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