scholarly journals Strategi Pengembangan LKMS-BMT Maslahah Sidogiri Pasuruan (Studi Analisis Pendekatan Interpretatif Struktural Modeling) (Strategy of LKMS-BMT Development Maslahah Sidogiri Pasuruan (Analysis Study of Structural Modeling Interpretative Approach))

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Parmujianto Parmujianto

BMT (BMTM) is one of the LKMS that provides Sharia-based financial services. BMTM has not made specific identifications related to the behavior of the target audience which could potentially be a challenge in the future. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely descriptive analysis and Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). The results showed that consumer behavior in BMTM is positive in the utilization of BMTM products. Understanding and positive attitude towards BMTM products is based on the motives of daily necessities and business development. The efforts of BMT in building consumer loyalty to BMT by bringing services closer to the community, increasing the ratio of supervisors and discipline of supervision and developing several products according to community needs, as well as strengthening human resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Muh Turizal Husein

Since the opening of the MEA door in 2015 to 2020, it will be colored by a strategy competition and a tighter level of financial services business competition. Sharia Banking products based on partnerships with "profit-loss sharing" such as Musyarakah currently have not shown significant growth like other products. One of the musyarakah derivative contracts that has the potential to be practiced as an innovation product in Islamic banking is the musyarakah mutanaqisa contract. This study examines the need for living space for customers by using musyarakah mutanaqisa agreement and musyarakah mutanaqisa practice in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis design. In Indonesia, only a few Sharia Banks have offered financing products with mutanaqisa musyarakah contracts, namely Sharia Maybank, Panin Sharia Bank, Mega Syariah Bank and Bank Muamalat. Of the four BUSs, the products they offer have ownership of assets namely home ownership and vehicles. But in their practice they still give customers the choice in choosing, which contract they will use. such as murabahah contracts in home ownership products and vehicles.Keywords: Musyarakah, Mutanaqisa, Profit, Banks

AJAR ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 143-157
Alfonsus Jantong ◽  
Yakobus Kaditti Bangun

This study aims to criticize village fund reporting by using qualitative approach. The data used in this study is secondary data in the form of literature related to village fund as well as related research journals. Descriptive analysis method as an analyst tool. The results of the analysis showed that the reporting of village funds in accordance with the regulation of the minister of home affairs number 113 of 2014 concerning the reporting of village funds but not in accordance with the prevailing government accounting standards, other findings indicate a late reporting process, the existence of interfensions in the use and reporting of village funds, obstacles to infrastructure and human resources are lacking. The existence of village funds is very beneficial for the village government in development. Reporting must be consistent with higher regulations, the need for specific reporting for village funds, as well as increased community supervision and participation roles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Chandra Bahari ◽  
Leza Lijayanto ◽  
Suci Fitriyani ◽  
Ahmad Arofiqi ◽  
Rida Nurfarida Rahmat

In 2030-2040 Indonesia will face a demographic bonus so efforts to prepare for this mental revolution must be made to improve the quality of human resources. One way to do that is by increasing literacy culture among early childhood. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the 15-minute miss reading innovation program in Ciamis Regency and to find out the factors that hamper the implementation of the 15-minute miss reading innovation program. The method used is a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. Where data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the 15-minute miss reading innovation program has the support of the local government with the issuance of the Regent's Decree as the basis for the running of this program, lack of coordination and human resources that have become a hindering factor for this program so that it has not run optimally, therefore the strategy undertaken is to carry out socialization about the importance of implementing an innovative 15-minute miss reading program for school children to create an independent, productive and quality young generation in facing the challenges of demographic bonus in Indonesia. 

Eka Apriyani ◽  
Dinda Safira ◽  
Rhoni Rodin

This study aims to determine the management of static archives in the South Sumatra Archives Service. The research method used is a qualitative approach using a survey design type to obtain  valid data by conducting observations and  interviews directly to the speakers and  the results using descriptive analysis. Management of static records carried out at the South Sumatra Archives Service covers the activities of collecting static records, acquisition of static records, archival search lists (DPA), management of static records, maintenance of static records, access or static archive retrieval systems and archival information systems. In the management of static records carried out at the South Sumatra Archives Service, it is quite good, but it is still constrained by human resources, funds and lack of awareness of agencies under the archives service that must submit static records that have a use and historical value so that this becomes one of the obstacles in managing records in the South Sumatra Regional Archives Service.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Haris

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to analyze the synergy between sharia bank and fintech to effort and develop micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Data and information were obtained through interview to expert respondents in their fields such as BNI Syariah, Ammana Fintek Syariah and the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). This study has been conducted from July 2018 to March 2019. To provide a deep understanding, this study uses a qualitative approach. The results of the study to show that the opportunity to create synergy between Sharia Bank and Sharia Fintech in order to develop MSMEs in Indonesia is still very wide open. This synergy can be done through several existing patterns or synergy models, including through cross-selling schemes, channeling, references, shadow investors, outsourcing platform and Fintech consortium. The benefits of this synergy include empowering MSMEs, facilitating financial services that are practical, comfortable, safe, have speed, sophistication and up-to-date and are more efficient. The challenges ahead are in terms of human resources competence and support from regulators for policy relaxation. Risks that must be properly mitigated from these synergies, such as the risk of credibility, technology, default and operations.KEYWORDS: Synergy, Sharia Bank, Financial Technology (Fintech), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Dandy Ashghor Dawudi ◽  
Kamidjan Kamidjan ◽  
Agus Sulton

This research takes the object of Sebening Syahadat by Diva SR, this work is a novel that tells the story of the journey ofa teenager named Sam who is in the process ofsearching for identity. The journey is filled with interesting twits and turns embelissed with a love story that is very suitable if consumed by the younger generation who are learning to find identit. This study aims to reveal the value motives that led Sam’s character in finding his identity, which expected to be a material for reflection for readers, especially young people who are in the process of discovering his identity, the scope of the problem in this study is to reveal the value motives that affect the character’s psyche. Sam is told to have a rascal character.The research method used in this study took a descriptive qualitative approach, data colletion used was a literature study technique with stages of reading, note taking, coding for futher analysis. The analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis technique.The result of the research in this research process indicate that the mental process of Sam’s character influenced by several factors, including: a. Motives in cultural factors (Situasional Factors), b. The motive for love begins with admiration for the attitude of someone who is full of noble values of character, c. The motive of curiosity and fulfillment of his needs for true value.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Iis Yeni Sugiarti

Abstrak. Desa Trusmi merupakan sentra batik sekaligus kuliner di Kabupaten Cirebon. Banyaknya pemegang usaha di bidang produksi batik mengakibatkan persaingan dagang diwilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)  di salah satu usaha batik milik H. Edi Baredi atau sering dikenal dengan EB Batik Tradisional melalui inkuri terbimbing. Analisis meliputi profil usaha, aspek produksi, aspek tenaga kerja, aspek pemasaran dan aspek keuangan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripstif analisis. Berdasarkan analisis internal dan eksternal analisis SWOT, strategi yang  dilakukan oleh EB Batik Tradisional yaitu menghindari kehilangan penjualan dan profit yang disebabkan banyaknya persaingan dagang di kawasan sentra batik Trusmi dengan munculnya inovasi baru. Penguatan karakter pada produksi batiknya dapat mengatasi pesaingan dagang dan menambah daya tarik pembeli. Kata Kunci: SWOT, Inkuiri Terbimbing, dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Abstract. Trusmi village is a center of batik as well as culinary in Cirebon Regency. A large number of business holders in the field of batik production has resulted in trade competition in the region. This study aims to analyze SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) in one of the batik business owned by H. Edi Baredi or often known as EB Traditional Batik through guided injury. The analysis includes the business profile, production aspects, labor aspects, marketing aspects, and financial aspects. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Based on internal and external analysis of the SWOT analysis, the strategy carried out by EB Traditional Batik is to avoid losing sales and profits due to the high level of trade competition in the Trusmi batik center area with the emergence of innovations. Strengthening the character of batik production can overcome trade competition and increase the attractiveness of buyers. Keywords: SWOT, Guided Inquiry, and Economic Activities

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-108
Ni’matul Khasanah

The background of this research is the fact that the management of improving teacher‟s professionalism is still not effective. The role of teacher as planner, implementer, and developer of curriculum is also not optimal. Management of teachers is needed because teachers have a significant role in the success of learning process. This research was aimed at knowing Guardian Angel‟s concept of teacher management suggested by Munif Chatib and how it develops according to him. The implementation of Guardian Angel model of teacher management was presented through a testimony and direct interviews with Guardian Angel‟s trainees. This research used qualitative approach by studying Munif Chatib‟s books and direct interviews. Data were analyzed with content analysis, which included: (1) literary study of Munif Chatib‟s books, (2) description of Guardian Angel model of teacher management by Munif Chatib. This research found that (1) the concept of Guardian Angel teacher management uses humanistic approach, especially in regard to schedules of consultation, teaching strategies, and assessment through four kinds of teacher reports, including reports of morals, creativity, lesson plan, and student‟s learning results; (2) the basis used is the cornerstone of the scientific human resources and philosophical foundation that teachers carry out the work of teaching, which includes planning, teaching, evaluating, and learning. The first three points are teacher‟s obligations, while the last is their right. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya keprihatinan manajemenpeningkatan profesionalitas guru yang belum berjalan efektif. Peranan guru sebagai perencana, pelaksana dan pengembang kurikulum yang belum optimal. Manajemen guru diperlukan mengingat bahwa peran guru amat signifikan bagi setiap keberhasilan proses pembelajaran.Penelitian ini mengungkap tentang manajemen guru Guardian Angel menurut Munif Chatib. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep manajemen guru model Guardian Angel menurut Munif Chatib, dan berkembangannya Guardian Angel dalam pemikiran Munif Chatib. Implementasi manajemen guru model Guardian Angel dihadirkan melalui testimoni dan wawancara langsung dengan peserta pelatihan Guardian Angel. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan melakukan kajian terhadap buku - buku karya Munif Chatib dan wawancara langsung. Teknik anaisis data content analysis. Analisis meliputi: (1) kajian pustaka buku-buku karya Munif Chatib, (2) mendeskripsikan manajemen guru model Guardian Angel dalam pemikiran Munif Chatib.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) konsep model manajemen guru Guardian Angel menggunakan pola pendekatan manajemen humanis, terutama dalam jadwal konsultasi, strategi mengajar dan penilaian melalui empat rapor guru, yaitu rapor akhlak, rapor kreativitas, rapor lesson plan dan rapor hasil belajar siswa (2) landasan yang digunakan adalah landasan keilmuan sumber daya manusia dan landasan filosofi bahwa profesi guru mengemban pekerjaan manajemen, yaitu perencanaan , mengajar dan mengevaluasi dan belajar. Tiga hal pertama difahami sebagai kewajiban, sedangkan belajar dimaknai sebagai hak bagi seorang guru (3) Guardian Angel sebagai manajemen quality control yang meliputi: lesson plan, konsultasi, observasi dan umpan balik.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rif’an Harahap

System changes from centralized to decentralized governance has provided an opportunity for local governments to regulate and manage Natural Resources (NR) and Human Resources (HR) in the region to create a welfare society can be characterized by the growth of regional economic growth. The research was conducted to determine the contribution and sub-sectors growth in the agricultural sector and a base and competitive sub-sectors so that it can be seen the leading subsectors of agriculture. The analysis method used is descriptive analysis will illustrate how the rate of growth and the contribution of sub-sectors in the agricultural sector. Location Quetiont (LQ) Analysis was used to determine the base and non-base sub-sector. While the analysis of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) is used to see the sub-sector competitiveness. The combination of LQ and RCA analysis can then be used to determine the leading sub-sector. From the analysis it is known that sub-sector of the agricultural sector is a base sub-sector which has the potential to become the leading sub-sector. Meanwhile, from the RCA analysis is known that the base of the agricultural sector has a highly competitive sub-sectors are food crops, tree crops, livestock and forestry.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rif’an Harahap

System changes from centralized to decentralized governance has provided an opportunity for local governments to regulate and manage Natural Resources (NR) and Human Resources (HR) in the region to create a welfare society can be characterized by the growth of regional economic growth. The research was conducted to determine the contribution and sub-sectors growth in the agricultural sector and a base and competitive sub-sectors so that it can be seen the leading subsectors of agriculture. The analysis method used is descriptive analysis will illustrate how the rate of growth and the contribution of sub-sectors in the agricultural sector. Location Quetiont (LQ) Analysis was used to determine the base and non-base sub-sector. While the analysis of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) is used to see the sub-sector competitiveness. The combination of LQ and RCA analysis can then be used to determine the leading sub-sector. From the analysis it is known that sub-sector of the agricultural sector is a base sub-sector which has the potential to become the leading sub-sector. Meanwhile, from the RCA analysis is known that the base of the agricultural sector has a highly competitive sub-sectors are food crops, tree crops, livestock and forestry.

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