2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Asasuddin Luqman

Abstract: The character is a subject of an education that is very interesting and always discussed by educators in educational practice today. The Qur'an as an educational book also teaches the importance of both; morality education (aqidah) and character education (akhlaq), which are an integral and inseparable. This shows the importance of education and character building in every educational process at all levels. Despite the struggle between good characters and bad characters in every human being, but basically a good character can be formed through the soul treatment, habituation of right conduct, exemplary and good social environment. The teachers are demanded to treat a pupil’s soul and habituation right conduct so that the pupils have a good character. Besides a good social environment, the more important in order to build the character is the teacher should be an exemplary model for the surrounding community. Rosululloh is the best role model for anyone who wants to follow his character in order to be a person who has a noble character.ملخص: إن التربية الأخلاقية موضوع تربوي جذّاب يناقشها المربون الآن تطبيقيا. والقران ككتاب تربوي يعلّمنا شيئين، هما التربية العقدية والتربية الأخلاقية وهما شيئ واحد لا يتجزأ. دل هذا على أهمية التربية وبناء الأخلاق في جميع مستويات العملية التربوية. ومهما هناك صراع بين الأخلاق الكريمة والأخلاق الذميمة في الحياة، فإن الأخلاق الكريمة يمكن تكوينها عن طريق التعامل النفسي، وتعويد أفضل الأعمال، وبالمثال والبيئة الاجتماعية الجيدة. ويرجى أن يعامل المدرس طلابه نفسيا وأن يعوّدهم فعل الخيرات ليكون لهم أخلاق كريمة. بجانب البيئة الحسنة، والأهم من ذلك أن يكون المدرس قدوة في هذا التكوين في مجتمعه. والرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم خير مثال لجميع الناس في الالتزام بالأخلاق الكريمة.  Keywords: Pendidikan karakter, kebiasaan, keteladanan

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-188
Elisa Nurul Laili ◽  
Sakhi Herwiana

Formal, informal and non-formal educations are major milestones of post-family care that concern with shaping the character of their students. One form of education which has always been the choice of the majority of parents is pesantren education. Tradition in pesantren is a miniature of community tradition that deserves to be called a community which certainly has a major influence on the mindset and behavior of the students and alumni. One of traditions is the usage of a typical pesantren lexicon. The pesantren lexicon is one of the indirect efforts in character-building education. As it is well known, the majority of students in pesantren have good character as one of the goal of education carried out in pesantren. The educational process in the context of a pedagogical social environment such as pesantren is very interesting to be studied further so that it can be carried out also in the scope of other formal, informal, and non-formal education. This research is conducted to study the pesantren lexicons as an effort to plant character education in pesantren. This research usees ethnolinguistics theory by applying descriptive qualitative design. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-230
Santi Fauziah

In life, the main goal of a human being is to become a complete human being, who can be self-sufficient and socialize well. Have self-awareness to live a better and peaceful life. It is through education that humans are trained and accustomed to achieve complete goals. Character education is not a process of memorizing exam question material or techniques for answering exam questions. But character education is an habituation. The habit of doing good, habituation of respecting others, habituation of being honest, habituation not to be lazy, habituation of respecting time, and so on. All of that must be trained seriously and proportionately in order to achieve the ideal form and strength. Character education is a very important stepstrategic in rebuilding the national identity and mobilizing the formation of a new Indonesian society. The approach in this research is literature study. As we all know Luqman Al Hakim is a wise person who is a role model for many human beings including writers. This time, a literature study on how the character education instincts of al-judge will be discussed by the author. How is the series of moral decisions (Moral Choice) which are followed up with real action by Al Hakim, in full will be explained by the author in the following discussion

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 402
Novrian Satria Perdana

Abstract, Various efforts to make education more meaningful for individuals concerning affective domain has been conducted through several subjects, including Religion Education, Civics Education, Social Sciences Education, Indonesian Language Education, and Physical Education. However, those efforts could not effectively hold character building which is dynamic and adaptive to fast changing era. The failure of character building at formal school must be anticipated, so it is necessary to develop relevant teaching model and education system. The problem of character education in school which is not yet able to build students’ character is affected by several factors: school management, teacher, and learning model. Some researches on best practices of character educationhave been conducted in order to obtain relevant teaching model at several Islamic boarding schools in North Sumatera Province, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province, West Sumatera Province, Riau Province, Jambin Province and South Sumatera Province. The data was collected using indepth-interview and observation. It was found that salafiyah Islamic boarding school put more priority on teacher (ustadz) role model, while modern Islamic boarding school applied tight rules to develop students’ discipline, and responsibility. Islamic boarding schools build the characters of caring for other people, sincerity of devotion, modesty, and independence. The policy that could be suggested based on this research is that of the application of character education must be holistically embedded in school program and must be comprehended and obeyed by school’s educators and students alikeBetter implementation could be achieved if the character education is explicitly formulated in the mission statement of the school.   Keywords:  character education, learning model, Islamic boarding school  Abstrak, Berbagai upaya untuk menjadikan pendidikan lebih mempunyai makna bagi individu yang menyentuh tataran afektif telah dilakukan melalui mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Pendidikan IPS, Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, dan Pendidikan Jasmani. Namun demikian upaya-upaya tersebut ternyata belum mampu mewadahi pengembangan karakter secara dinamis dan adaptif terhadap perubahan jaman yang sangat cepat. Permasalahan gagalnya pendidikan formal di sekolah dalam membentuk karakter siswa sangat perlu diantisipasi, sehingga perlu dikembangkan suatu model pembelajaran dan system pendidikan yang dapat digunakan untuk membentuk karakter siswa. Permasalahan pendidikan di sekolah yang belum dapat membentuk karakter siswa dipengaruhi oleh beberapa factor, diantaranya factor manajemen sekolah, guru, dan model pembelajaran. Untuk memperoleh model pembelajaran yang cocok, telah dilakukan penelitian tentang best practices pendidikan karakter di beberapa pesantren yang berada di propinsi Sumatera Utara, propinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, propinsi Sumatera Barat, propinsi Riau, propinsi Jambi, dan propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua tehnik yang lazim digunakan dalam penelitian dalam penelitian kualitatif, yaitu; observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Ditemukan bahwa pesantren salafiyah lebih mengutamakan keteladanan ustadz, sedangkan pesantren modern menerapkan aturan yang ketat untuk menumbuhkan sikap disiplin dan tanggungjawab. Pesantren menumbuhkan atribut karakter saling tolong menolong, ihklas mengabdi, kesederhanaan, dan kemandirian. Kebijakan yang dapat diambil berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini adalah menerapkan pendidikan karakter secara holistic melalui program sekolah yang harus dipahami dan dipatuhi oleh semua unsur pendidik dan peserta didik.  Untuk itu, lembaga pendidikan seharusnya menetapkan misi yang eksplisit terkait pengembangan karakter siswa.  Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, model pembelajaran, pondok pesantren 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Wahab Wahab ◽  
Ahmad Muntakhib

The character of students should be able to describe the implementation of the educational process. However, so far, the educational process has emphasized more knowledge orientation than character building. It is reflected in the pride of almost every educational institution if its students succeed in achieving a high National Exam or UAN Final Score. This orientation is supported by the growth and development of tutoring institutions, private lessons, study groups, or teacher rooms. This condition triggers a real thought and action to restore the primary function of education as character building. One model of strengthening character education is through the community of Sekolah Perjumpaan in West Nusa Tenggara. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this study were student participants in the Sekolah Perjumpaan in West Nusa Tenggara. This research was conducted at the community point of Sekolah Perjumpaan in Bangket Bilong Village, Midang, Mantang, and at the initiator of the Sekolah Perjumpaan. This study found that the Sekolah Perjumpaan is a model of strengthening character education, positioning students as subject to subject, and awakening students to fulfill each participant's obligations as complementary beings collectively. Thus, the character education model of the Sekolah Perjumpaan can be applied in other educational institutions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Laelatul Badriah

<p>Education is a necessity for every human being, education has the task to form the character, both the character of educators and the character of learners. Al Qur'an letter of Imam Ali 79 paragraph emphasizes the formation of rabbani human beings who will form human beings who love science, love to learn and nagging amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. This review is important to provide an overview of the importance of Islamic education in character building. Therefore, this study can provide a new color for the change of paradigm of Islamic education in conducting academic and non academic activities in an effort to form the character from an early age. So that it can reach the rabbani man in accordance with the Qur'an letter of Imran Ali 79 paragraph and can be implemented in the Islamic education practice both formal and non formal.</p><p>Keyword: Character Education, Insan Rabbani, Philosophical Foundation - Teleologis</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 3293-3304
AR Muhammad ◽  
Suhaimi Suhaimi ◽  
Teuku Zulfikar ◽  
Sulaiman Sulaiman ◽  
Masrizal Masrizal

The focus of this article's discussion is related to the integration of character education based on local culture at Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School) in Aceh. The participants were determined purposively, and they were six Madrasah principals, and 50 teachers served at Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic secondary school ) throughout Aceh. The data were analyzed following the procedures of qualitative research. The results of the study suggest that the integration of character education based on local Acehnese culture was carried out through integration in learning, the preparation of a Characteristic Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) module, the role of the teacher as a role model, and the development of pesantren (boarding school) culture. The integration of character education based on local wisdom at Madrasah Aliyah in Aceh has implications for student character development, such as religion, integrity, critical thinking, independence, participating in social activities, and responsibility. Furthermore, the implementation of character education in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out through a distance-learning system (online). However, the use of this system still faces technical problems, but as a whole, it can be implemented effectively. Keywords: Character building, Integration, Online Learning, Covid-19

2005 ◽  
pp. 185-192
A. Armor

The purpose of this article is to talk about the development of cooperation with Russian teachers over the past ten years as part of assisting in the use of the Bible in order to include ethics and character-building lessons in the educational process in schools and higher educational institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Retno Triningsih

This study describes the development of character education through scouting activities. The purpose of this study is to find out about how to realize character education in schools, forms of scouting activities that can realize character education, and form the results of character education through scouting activities. The research method used is a qualitative method by using thought analysis by reference to various journals and books that have appeared before. The results of writing indicate that character building through scouting activities is carried out through the role of scout coaches as partners or mentors, providing support and facilitating students with activities that are modern, interesting, and challenging. The methods include: applying the scout honor code on each activity; learning activities while doing, grouping, working together, and competing; outdoor activities such as camps; awards in the form of skill marks, as well as separate units for male and female shelter. The writing results show that scouting activities can develop students' character to be better and can be a role model in the community in daily life by practicing and carrying out Tri Satya and Dasa Dharma as a reference to the young generation of the Indonesian nation with the Pancasila foundation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Harpan Reski Mulia

ABSTRACT. Character Building is so important to discuss after the moral crisis that has happened a lot lately. In addition to, Indonesia lacks figures who can be used as a role model. That done because many public figures commited the crimes such as corruption, collusion, prostitution, and so on. Ibnu Miskawaih is one of the Islamic philosophers who touches on the concept of character education in his book tahzib al-akhlak wa tahir al-a'raf. By literature studies, this paper attempts to describe the concept of character education offered by Ibnu Maskawaih, namely The Golden (The Doctrin of The Mean). He stated that human character is built from four foundations, namely restraint, courage, wisdom, and justice. Ibnu Miskawaih views education as a means of instilling noble character, humanizing humans, individual socialization, and instilling shame. So, the thought of Ibn Miskawaih is suitable for this era of morality crisis like today. ABSTRAK. Pendidikan Karakter merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk dibahas mengingat krisis moral marak yang terjadi belakangan ini. Selain itu, Indonesia juga kekurangan tokoh-tokoh yang dapat dijadikan teladan. Hal ini disebabkan para figure pablik sekarang banyak yang melakukan kriminalitas seperti korupsi, kolusi, prostitusi, dan lain sebagainya. Ibnu Miskawaih adalah salah satu tokoh filsafat Islam yang menyentuh konsep tentang pendidikan karakter dalam bukunya tahzib al-akhlak wa tahir al-a’raf.  Dengan menggunakan studi literature, tulisan ini berusaha untuk memaparkan konsep pendidikan karakter yang ditawarkan oleh Ibnu Maskawaih yang dikenal dengan jalan tengah. Ia mengungkapkan bahwa karakter manusia terbangun dari empat landasan yaitu menahan diri, keberanian, kebijaksanaan, dan keadilan. Ibnu Miskawaih memandang pendidikan sebagai sarana menanamkan akhlak mulia, memanusiakan manusia, sosialisasi individu, dan menanamkan rasa malu. Sehingga, pemikiran ibnu Miskawaih ini sangat cocok digunakan di era krisis moralitas seperti sekarang ini.  

Ju. M. Tsarapkina ◽  
N. V. Dunaeva ◽  
A. M. Kireicheva

The article describes the use of BYOD technology (Bring Your Own Device) in educational practice using the Lecture Racing mobile application. This application provides feedback between the teacher and students both in the classroom and during distance learning, contributes to the visualization of educational material and, in general, the informatization of the educational process. The purpose of the study is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of BYOD technology in Russia and abroad, and to test the benefits of using this technology in educational practice using the specific mobile application. During the study, an analysis of scientific, theoretical and practical literature on BYOD technology was carried out. In the process of experimental work, test tasks were the instrument of measuring knowledge and skills of students. As a result of a theoretical analysis and study of the practical possibilities of using BYOD technology (using the Lecture Racing mobile application as an example), it was found that this technology allows you to visualize information that is displayed in real time on the screen of each student's mobile device, regardless of its location. This technology also allows both the student and the teacher to quickly work with information, provide feedback, receive an independent assessment (since the assessment is set automatically), saves time, and develops the information culture of students.

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