scholarly journals Effects of Community-led Total Sanitation and Hygiene Implementation on Diarrheal Diseases Prevention in children less than five years of age in South Western Ethiopia: A Quasi- Experimental study

2020 ◽  
Gedamu Bushen ◽  
Hailu Merga ◽  
Fasil Tessema

Abstract Background: Diarrheal disease is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age in low and middle-income countries. Lack of improved sanitation is the most important contributing factor to diarrheal disease. Promotion of water, sanitation, and hygiene technologies combined with hygiene promotion is a key strategy for reducing diarrheal diseases in resource poor settings. Few studies have been conducted in rural areas of low-income countries where Community-Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene intervention is implemented. To our knowledge, no study was conducted in the study area to evaluate the effect of this intervention. This study was designed with the aim of finding the effects of Community-led Total Sanitation and Hygiene implementation for preventing diarrhea among under-five children.Methods: A community-based Quasi-Experimental study was conducted from March 01- April 10, 2019 in Kersa and Manna districts. Community-led Total Sanitation and Hygiene intervention is being implemented in Kersa district since 2005 Ethiopian calendar. Sample of 846 households were selected from intervention and comparison districts using four-stage random cluster-sampling method. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was collected by 8 data collectors who attended secondary school. Data was cleaned, coded and entered into Epi data entry version 3.1 and exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Difference-in Difference method with McNemar’s tests was used to compare the prevalence of diarrhea between the intervention and comparison districts, and significance of change between the pre-test and post-test was declared at p-value of less than 0.05 with 95% confidence interval.Results: The intervention led to decreased diarrhea prevalence [pp = -8.2, 95% CI: -15.9, -0.5], increased latrine ownership [pp = 5.6, 95% CI: 0.5, 10.8], and increased latrine utilization [pp = 10.7, 95% CI: 4.7, 16.6] in intervention district at post-test compared to the baseline; while presence of hand washing facility near latrine, home based water treatment, and proper water storage and handling practice were decreased at post-test compared to the baseline.Conclusion: Implementation of Community-Led Total Sanitation improved sanitation and hygiene status of community that resulted in reduction of diarrhea prevalence in children less than five years of age. Further implementation, evaluation, and scale-up of the intervention is needed to reduce diarrheal disease in children less than five years of age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Agune Ashole Alto ◽  
Wanzahun Godana ◽  
Genet Gedamu

Background. Diarrheal diseases are still one of the major causes of morbidity in under-five children in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ethiopia, diarrhea is responsible for 9% of all deaths and is the major cause of under-five mortality. Objective. To assess the impact of community-led total sanitation and hygiene on the prevalence of diarrheal disease and factors associated among under-five children in Gamo Gofa Zone. Methods. Community-based comparative cross-sectional study design was used to compare the impact of community-led total sanitation and hygiene intervention on under-five diarrheal disease. Multistage sampling method was employed. The data were collected by using pretested structured questionnaires. Data quality was ensured by daily supervision completeness and consistency. The data were coded, entered, and cleaned by using Epi Info version 7 and were analyzed by using SPSS version 20. Bivariate and multivariable analyses were carried out by using binary logistic regression. Significance was declared by using p value of <0.05 and AOR with 95% confidence intervals. Results. The response rate of this study was 93.3%. The overall diarrhea prevalence was 27.5% (CI = (24.06, 30.97)) which was 18.9% (CI = (14.94, 23.2)) in implemented and 36.2%. (CI = (30.41, 41.59)) in nonimplemented woredas. Children whose age was between 12 and 23 months (AOR = 1.6) and greater than 24 months (AOR = 5), availability of handwashing facilities (AOR = 4), disposal of waste in open field (AOR = 9.7), unimproved source of drinking water (AOR = 6.5), using only water for handwashing (AOR = 6), children who started complementary feeding less than 6 months (AOR = 5.6) and greater than 6 months (AOR = 5.2), and utensils used to feed children such as bottle (AOR = 3.9) were the factors positively associated with diarrhea. Conclusion. The overall prevalence of under-five diarrhea was 27.5%. The prevalence was low in CLTSH woredas as compared with non-CLTSH woredas. The study showed that handwashing facility, using only water for handwashing, open refuse disposal, and unimproved source of drinking water among under-five had a statistically significant association with diarrhea occurrence in CLTSH nonimplemented areas. Integrated efforts are needed from the Ministry of Health together with the WASH Project in improving drinking water, handwashing facilities, and solid waste disposal practices.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204275302098701
Ünal Çakıroğlu ◽  
Mustafa Güler

This study attempts to determine whether gamification can be used as a pedagogical technique to overcome the challenges in teaching statistics. A post-test quasi-experimental design was carried out in gamified and non-gamified groups in order to reveal the effect of gamification elements in cultivating students’ statistical literacy skills. Students in gamified group were also interviewed to understand the function of gamification process. The results suggest that; although gamifying the instructional process had a positive impact on developing students’ statistical literacy in medium and high score students; surprisingly the influence of the gamification to the low- achieved scores were not positive. The positive impact was discussed in accordance with the gradual structure of statistical literacy and suggestions for successful gamification applications due to the context were included.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 416-421
Nurul Azmawati Mohamed ◽  
Mohd Dzulkhairi Mohd Rani ◽  
Tengku Zetty Maztura Tengku Jamaluddin ◽  
Zarini Ismail ◽  
Shalinawati Ramli ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-121
Andi Asrina ◽  
Arsyad Aryadi ◽  
Nilawati Andi

This study aims to determine the comparison of prostaglandin and endorphin levels in adolescents with primary dysmenorrhea with and without warm (37-40oC) and cold (18-20oC) hydrotherapy. This quasi-experimental study with a post-test only controls group design was carried out in Islamic Boarding Schools with a sample of 36 young girls divided into 3 groups: 12 teens given warm hydrotherapy, 12 teens given cold hydrotherapy and 12 teens not given intervention (control). Blood plasma is taken after an intervention is given on the first day of menstruation. Examination of prostaglandin and endorphins levels using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit method. After cold hydrotherapy, the mean levels of prostaglandins in the cold hydrotherapy group were twice higher (569 pg/ml) compared to controls (394 pg/ml). The mean prostaglandin level in the warm hydrotherapy group also showed an increase prostaglandin (437 pg/ml) compared to the control (394 pg/ml). In addition to increasing levels of prostaglandins, increased levels of endorphins also occurred in the group given warm hydrotherapy (154 pg/ml) and the group was given cold hydrotherapy (187 pg/ml) compared to the control (119 pg/ml) p = 0.001. The conclusion in this study is that warm and cold hydrotherapy can increase levels of prostaglandins and endorphins in adolescents with primary dysmenorrhea. However, cold hydrotherapy increases endorphin levels higher than warm hydrotherapy. Key words: Prostaglandin, Endorphin, Hydrotherapy, Primary Dismenorrhea.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Paskah Rina Situmorang ◽  
Edy Syahputra Ritonga

Sikap kerja 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu dan Shitsuke) merupakan suatu sikap yang harus dimiliki seorang pekerja dalam sebuah organisasi. Dimana sikap kerja ini berawal dari kebulatan tekat yang dimiliki oleh anggota dalam suatu organisasi untuk mencapai suatu tujuan dalam hal pemilahan alat-alat di Rumah Sakit. Dengan proses pemilahan, penataan, pembersihan, pemantapan dan pembiasaan terhadap alat-alat kesehatan serta komitmen yang kuat dari seluruh perawat sangat dibutuhkan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan sehingga asuhan keperawatan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Salah satu komponen penting dalam mendukung upaya penyembuhan adalah peralatan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pelatihan dan penerapan metode 5S oleh kepala ruangan terhadap perencanaan logistik di Rumah Sakit Swasta Kota Medan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasi experimental study dengan desain one group pre test-post test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala ruangan rawat inap yang ada di rumah sakit swasta kota medan berjumlah 25 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh pelatihan dan penerapan metode 5S terhadap perencanaan logistik dimana Uji Mc Nemar pada fungsi perencanaan, penyimpanan, pemeliharaan dan pengendalian sebesar 0,002. Setelah intervensi penerapan metode 5S perencanaan logistik kepala ruangan yang meliputi fungsi perencanaan, penyimpanan, pemeliharaan, dan pengendalian mengalami peningkatan yaitu dalam kategori baik sebanyak 25 orang (100 %). Hasil observasi yang dilakukan peneliti kepada seluruh kepala ruangan di ruang rawat inap rata-rata sudah melaksanakan penerapan metode 5S yaitu pemilihan kebutuhan alat sesuai dengan pedoman penerapan metode 5S. Saran kepada seluruh kepala ruangan dan perawat yang ada di rumah sakit khususnya diruangan untuk terus melakukan perencanaan logistik dengan baik dan melaksanakan tugas pokok masing-masing sehingga fungsi perencanaan berjalan optimal sesuai prosedur dan pengadaan alat dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu asuhan keperawatan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1055-1064 ◽  
Christopher J. H. Davitt ◽  
Stephanie Longet ◽  
Aqel Albutti ◽  
Vincenzo Aversa ◽  
Stefan Nordqvist ◽  

AbstractCholera is a severe diarrheal disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) that results in 3–4 million cases globally with 100,000–150,000 deaths reported annually. Mostly confined to developing nations, current strategies to control the spread of cholera include the provision of safe drinking water and improved sanitation and hygiene, ideally in conjunction with oral vaccination. However, difficulties associated with the costs and logistics of these strategies have hampered their widespread implementation. Specific challenges pertaining to oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) include a lack of safe and effective adjuvants to further enhance gut immune responses, the complex and costly multicomponent vaccine manufacturing, limitations of conventional liquid formulation and the lack of an integrated delivery platform. Herein we describe the use of the orally active adjuvant α-Galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) to strongly enhance intestinal bacterium- and toxin-specific IgA responses to the OCV, Dukoral® in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. We further demonstrate the mucosal immunogenicity of a novel multi-antigen, single-component whole-cell killed V. cholerae strain and the enhancement of its immunogenicity by adding α-GalCer. Finally, we report that combining these components and recombinant cholera toxin B subunit in the SmPill® minisphere delivery system induced strong intestinal and systemic antigen-specific antibody responses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Enikő Kovács ◽  
Zsigmond Máté Jenei ◽  
Katalin Csordás ◽  
Gábor Fritúz ◽  
Balázs Hauser ◽  

Abstract Background Proper basic life support (BLS) is key in improving the survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. BLS skills deteriorate in three to 6 months after training. One method to improve skill retention may be using the “testing effect” to test skills at the end of a BLS course. The aim of our study was to investigate whether either testing or the timing of such testing after BLS training have any influence on skill retention. Methods This was a post-test only, partial coverage, prospective quasi-experimental study designed to evaluate a BLS training course among 464 fifth year medical students at Semmelweis University in the first semester of 2013/2014. Groups were systematically but non-randomly assigned to either a control group that took no exam or one of two experimental groups that took an exam (N = 179, NoExam group; N = 165, EndExam group – exam at the end of the BLS training; N = 120, 3mExam group – exam 3 months after the BLS training). The ability to perform ten prescribed essential BLS steps was evaluated during a skill retention assessment 2 months after the course in the NoExam, 2 months after the course (and the exam) in the EndExam and 5 months after the course (2 months after the exam) in the 3mExam group to measure skill retention and the effect of our intervention. Scores were calculated for each BLS step, and also summed up as a total score. We used Kruskal-Wallis test to assess differences in skill retention. Results Overall, NoExam and EndExam groups showed similar skill retention. The mean total score (and many of the sub-scores) of students was significantly higher in the 3mExam group compared to both the NoExam and the EndExam groups, and there was no difference in the total score (and many of the sub-scores) of the latter two groups. The 3mExam group had less variability in total scores (and many of the sub-scores) than the other two groups. Conclusion Our study provides evidence that testing these skills 3 months after BLS training may be more effective than either testing immediately at the end of the course or no testing at all.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Sandra Ruperta Pérez-Lisboa

This study analyzed the development of phonological, semantic, and syntactic aspects by using augmented reality and interactive whiteboard with boys and girls in the kindergarten of Liceo San Felipe, San Felipe, Chili. With the implementation of these tools, learning experiences were carried out, enhancing the understanding of sentences and words in their successive components: linguistic segmentation, phonological awareness, and reflection on the meaning of words and sentences. The experiments were carried out in a didactic classroom of the course of Educacion Parvularia (Pre-School Education) at the University of Playa Ancha, San Felipe Campus, for 60 minutes, once a week for four months. It was a quasi-experimental study, and through pre- and post-tests, it was possible to verify the development of 18 children of a municipal school in San Felipe. The instruments used were the Linguistic Segmentation Test, Comprehensive and Expressive Language Examination Test (ELCE); Subtest semantic aspect, Test Evaluation O; Subtest words and phrases. The results, based on the comparison of pre- and post-test, showed changes in the management of the semantic, syntactic, and phonological aspects achieved by the children with this methodology. However, more research is needed to validate this proposal in teaching metalinguistic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (Suppl 3) ◽  
pp. A36.3-A37
Oluwasegun Adetunde

BackgroundNigeria ranks second globally only behind India in under-five mortality prevalence. In Nigeria, 108.8 children die per 1000 live births before their 5th birthday. It is of note that diarrhoea (15.3% prevalence) is the second leading cause of under-five mortality in Nigeria after pneumonia. General poor hygiene and nutritional status are contributory factors to diarrhea.MethodsData was collected for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) using the weight for height z-value (WHZ) and/or oedema criteria. In addition, data on diarrhoea prevalence, oral rehydration salt therapy (ORST), improved source of drinking water and improved sanitation were collected. These were obtained for 36 states and federal capital territory (FCT) from the National Bureau of Statistics headquarters in FCT, Abuja for 2015. Correlation analysis was first carried out to determine relationships followed by geographically weighted regression analysis (GWR). GWR was used to predict under-five mortality pattern and accuracy mapped.ResultsObserved correlation coefficients to diarrhoea prevalence were 0.59,–0.49, −0.35 and −0.63 for SAM, ORST, improved drinking water access, and improved sanitation, respectively. R2 varied across states, though positive, from 0.29 in Akwa Ibom to 0.95 in Kebbi states. Standard deviation of residuals in the regression model ranged from −3.89 to 3.33 in Borno and Gombe states respectively, while Sokoto and Bauchi had 0.006 and 0.024 respectively, thus having the best accuracy in predictions across all states in the country. Both correlation and GWR were at p<0.05.ConclusionThe results obtained support literature, confirming the inverse relationship between ORST prevalence, improved drinking water access and improved sanitation to diarrhea prevalence. It also supports the already confirmed positive relationship between poor nutrition of children and susceptibility to diarrhoea. The study however expanded knowledge by incorporating geocomputation to predict diarrhoea prevalence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Atalay Getachew ◽  
Tadesse Guadu ◽  
Alebachew Tadie ◽  
Zemichael Gizaw ◽  
Mulat Gebrehiwot ◽  

Background. Diarrheal disease remains one of the principal causes of morbidity and mortality in infants and children in developing countries, including Ethiopia. Risk factors for diarrhea vary by settings and have important implications for developing intervention strategies to reduce the burden of the disease. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess diarrhea prevalence and sociodemographic factors among under-five children in rural areas of North Gondar Zone. Methods. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from April to June 2016 among 736 randomly selected households with one child under five years old. A structured questionnaire was used for collecting information on sociodemographic characteristics and diarrheal occurrence. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. The bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis were used to determine the association between risk factors and diarrheal occurrence, and a p value < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Results. A total of 736 under-five children and their respondents were enrolled during the study period. Almost all respondents were biological mothers 96.4% (709/736), married 94.2% (693/736), and house wives 86% (632/736). The overall prevalence of diarrheal disease among under-five children was 22.1% (163/743). Of these, children with age group of less than one year old, 7.7 % (57/736), were commonly infected with diarrheal diseases. Children less than or equal to one year [AOR=1.82, 95% CI= (1.39, 4.63)], guardians [AOR=4.37, 95% CI= (1.73, 11.1)], and children with no breast feeding practice [AOR=3.13, 95% CI= (1.62, 6.03)] were the major risk factors for the occurrence of diarrhea. Conclusion. Childhood diarrhea remains an important health concern in the study area. Occurrence of diarrhea was statistically associated with child age less than or equal to one year, educational status of mother/guardians, and breast feeding. To minimize the magnitude childhood diarrhea, various designing and implementing strategies, such as health education, child care, breast feeding, and weaning practice, integrated with the existing national health extension are quite essential.

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