scholarly journals Establishment of metrological parameters of the method for measuring the protein mass fraction in fish food products by the Kjeldahl method

Food systems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-245
A. V. Kozin ◽  
L. S. Abramova ◽  
E. S. Guseva ◽  
I. V. Derunets

In laboratory practice, there are many protein quantification methods, and all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. The most common and widely used method for the protein analysis in food products, including fish, is the Kjeldahl method. However, the current standards for measurement methods for the determination of the protein content in fish food products do not provide for the use of devices that meet the modern level of technical development, and also do not contain metrological indicators that guarantee the reliability of the results obtained. The aim of the study was to substantiate the method for measuring the protein mass fraction in fish food products by the Kjeldahl method on an automatic analyzer and to establish metrological parameters. The assessment of the quality indicators of the Kjeldahl measuring method was carried out using a Kjeltec System 2300 Nitrogen Analyzer (Foss Analytical AB, Sweden) in the form of a characteristic of the measurement error and its components, which will provide results with the required accuracy.

2020 ◽  
pp. 64-70
Mariya Y. Medvedevskikh ◽  
Anna S. Sergeeva

The article raises the problem of ensuring metrological traceability of the measurement results of indicators of quality and nutritional value for food products and food raw materials: water (moisture), nitrogen (protein, crude protein), fat, ash and carbohydrates. The problem under consideration can be solved by applying reference materials of food composition, traceable to state primary measurement standards GET 173-2017 and GET 176-2019 and primary reference measurement procedures (PRMP), for attestation of measurement procedures and accuracy checking of measurement results. The article discusses the results of the PRMP development of mass fraction of fat, ash and carbohydrates in food products and food raw materials, as well as mass fraction of crude fat (oil content) in oil crops seeds and products based on them. The paper also presents metrological characteristics of reference materials of composition of dry dairy products, grain-milk dry porridges for nutrition of babies, grain dry porridges for nutrition of babies, egg powder, freeze-dried meat products, animal feed. The results of the work allow for building a chain of metrological traceability from GET 173-2017, GET 176-2019 and PRMP to routine measurement procedures, thereby ensuring the uniformity of measurements of nutritional value of food products.

A. Vovkohon ◽  
V. Nadtochiy ◽  
G. Kalinina ◽  
O. Hrebelnyk ◽  
N. Fedoruk ◽  

The article highlights comparative research results of milk quality indices obtained from the milking in specialized milking halls with such milking units as «Parallel», «Carousel» or in stalls with the milking unit «Molokoprovid». The fat and protein mass fraction, dry matter and fat-free dry matter, density, titratable and active acidity, heat resistance and freezing point have been determined according to the accepted techniques. The electrical conductivity of milk has been determined by using the analytical device MD-20 MAS-D-TEC. The total amount of milk bacteria has been determined by reductase reduction test and by seeding method in Petri dish. The milk quality has been investigated by the fermentation and rennet fermentation tests. The higher indices of the fat mass fraction, the protein mass fraction and the dry substance concentration of milk, obtained in specialized milking halls, have been established. This is not statistically significant. Milk, obtained from the milking unit «Molokoprovid», has higher index of titratable acidity, lower thermal stability in comparison with milk, obtained from specialized milking halls with milking units «Parallel» and «Carousel». It has been determined that there is the bacteria insemination increase in milk received from milking cows in stalls in comparison with milk, obtained from milking in specialized halls. Milk, obtained from the milking unit «Carousel», indicates the subclinical form of mastitis in cows or «Carousel» operation violationif there is in 1,8 mS/cm conductivity increase above average index 4,6 mS/cm. Key words: technology, quality and safety of milk, milking, milking unit, milking hall, bacterial insemination.

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-87
Леонид Чеславович Бурак ◽  
Андрей Петрович Завалей

Авторами статьи впервые разработана технология производства соков прямого отжима и высокой концентрации из плодов бузины садовой и дикорастущей, собранных на территории Беларуси. Сок прямого отжима получали при помощи ферментации с последующей фильтрацией. Концентрированный сок был получен из сока прямого отжима и экстрагирования выжимок. Для максимального извлечения сока после дробления при ферментативной обработке была использована температура 50 °С в течение 240 мин, количество ферментного препарата составляло 400 см/т. Были исследованы органолептические и физико-химические показатели сока прямого отжима и сока концентрированного: массовая доля сухих веществ, aктивная кислотность (рН), массовая доля пектиновых веществ, cодержание антоцианов, белка, массовая доля органических кислот. Исследованы показатели безопасности продукции, впервые определен состав аминокислот (качество и количество) в концентрированном соке бузины. Установлено, что совокупность физико-химических показателей позволяет отнести сок прямого отжима из бузины к профилактическим напиткам. В состав сока бузины высокой концентрации входят 18 аминокислот в количестве 4,84 г/100 мл. Незаменимых аминокислот выявлено 7 в количестве 1,51 г/100 мл. Также сок суммарно содержит фенолы в соотношении 42,95 мг-экв галловой кислоты/г сухого вещества и большое количество гидролизованных танинов. При этом большинство полифенольных соединений избежали разрушения в процессе концентрации. The authors of the article developed for the first time a technological process for the production of direct-squeezed juice and concentrated juice from the fruits of garden and wild elderberry growing in the Republic of Belarus. Direct-squeezed juice was obtained by fermentation followed by filtration. Concentrated juice was obtained by processing direct-squeezed juice and extracting the marc. For maximum juice extraction after crushing during enzymatic treatment, a temperature of 50 °C was used for 240 min, the dose of the enzyme preparation was 400 cm/t. Direct-squeezed juice and concentrated juice were studied by organoleptic and physicochemical parameters: mass fraction of solids, active acidity (pH), mass fraction of pectin substances, content of anthocyanins, protein, mass fraction of organic acids. The product safety indicators were studied, the qualitative and quantitative composition of amino acids in concentrated elderberry juice was first determined. It has been established that by the combination of physicochemical parameters, direct squeezed juice from elderberry can be considered a preventive drink. The composition of concentrated elderberry juice includes 18 amino acids, in the amount of 4.84 g/100 ml. 7 essential amino acids were detected in the amount of 1.51 g/100 ml. The concentrated juice contained phenols in the quantity of 42.95 mEq gallic acid / gram dry matter and a large number of hydrolyzed tannins. Most polyphenolic compounds were preserved after the juice concentration.


Целью исследований явилась оценкавлияния обработки горячим туманом биологического препарата Азотовит и гуминовых продуктовГумат калия, Экоростсемян ячменя перед посевом, а также сравнение результатов с общепринятымитехнологиями обработки с помощью протравителя семян этими же препаратами. Для полноты исследований обработку производили и химическим препаратом Атик. Высокодисперсный аэрозоль получали с помощью генератора горячего тумана GreenFogBF-130.Обработку производилис помощью устройства с наклонными полками, по которым зерно многократно пересыпалось под действием силы тяжести и подвергалось перемешиванию и воздействию горячего тумана. В результате разницы температур холодного семенного материала и горячего тумана происходил фазовый переход тумана в жидкость, что позволяло получить тонкую плёнку на обрабатываемой поверхности семянячменя.Это способствовало обеззараживанию и активизации физико-химических процессов в зерне. Экспериментальные исследования включали восемь вариантов обработки и один без обработки (контроль). Оценивались результаты продуктивности и структура урожая: число растений на 1 м2, число сорных растений на 1 м2, число продуктивных стеблей (колосьев) на 1 м2, кустистость на 1 м2, продуктивная кустистость на 1 м2,среднее число зерен в колосе, масса 1000 зерен, высота стеблей, биологическая урожайность. В соответствии с ГОСТ 53900-2010 Ячмень кормовой, ГОСТ 5060-86 Ячмень пивоваренный, ГОСТ 28672-90 Ячмень.Требования при заготовках и поставках,ТРТС 021/2011 О безопасности пищевой продукции из качественных показателей рассматривались массовая доля влаги, массовая доля протеина, массовая доля клетчатки, массовая доля сахара, массовая доля жира, массовая доля золы, массовая доля крахмала, обменная энергия, крупность, мелкие зерна, сорная и зерновая примесь, фузариозные зерна, общая токсичность, микотоксиндезоксиниваленол (DON). Лучшие показатели были получены в результате аэрозольной обработки гуминовыми продуктами Гумат калия и Экорост.The aim of the research was to assess the effect of hot mist treatment of the biological preparation Azotovit and humic products potassium HUMATE, barley seeds Ecorost before sowing, as well as to compare the results with conventional technologies of treatment with the help of seed protectant with the same drugs. To complete the research and produce treatment chemicals of Atik. The highly dispersed aerosol was obtained using The greenfogbf-130 hot mist generator. The treatment was carried out using a device with inclined shelves, on which the grain was repeatedly poured under the influence of gravity and was subjected to mixing and the influence of hot fog. As a result of the temperature difference between the cold and hot mist of the seed material, a phase transition of the mist into a liquid occurred, which allowed to obtain a thin film on the treated surface of the barley seeds. This contributed to the disinfection and activation of physical and chemical processes in the grain. Experimental studies included eight treatment options and one without treatment (control). The results of productivity and crop structure were evaluated: the number of plants per 1 m2, the number of weeds per 1 m2, the number of productive stems (ears) per 1 m2, bushiness per 1 m2, productive bushiness per 1 m2, the average number of grains per ear, the weight of 1000 grains, the height of stems, biological yield. In accordance with GOST 53900-2010 barley fodder, barley brewing GOST 5060-86, GOST 28672-90 Barley. Requirements for procurement and supply, TR CU 021/2011 on food safety from qualitative indicators considered the mass fraction of moisture, mass fraction of protein, mass fraction of fiber, mass fraction of sugar, mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of ash, mass fraction of starch, metabolic energy, size, small grains, weed and grain admixture, Fusarium grains, total toxicity, mycotoxindeoxynivalenol (don). The best results were obtained as a result of aerosol treatment with humic products potassium HUMATE and Ecorost.

Artem Yur’evich Nikolaenko ◽  
Alexey Arlenovich L’vov ◽  
Peter Alekseevich L’vov ◽  
Olga Mikhaylovna Glukhova

The paper describes advantages and disadvantages of the approach to measuring parameters of vibration using contact sensors, i.e. sensors having a mechanical contact with researched object. Several contactless measuring methods were analyzed: ultrasonic, radio wave, and optical. The contactless radio wave displacement gauge based on a classical multi-port reflectometer has been described. A new contactless measuring method of object displacement based on using multi-port reflectometer with frequency down conversion unit is proposed. Scheme of this meter and its basic equations are given. The advantages of proposed measurement scheme are discussed. The optimal statistical algorithms for measuring displacement of a surface under test is developed, which consists in optimal processing of the output signals of frequency down conversion unit by maximum likelihood method. The proposed measurement scheme in combination with developed optimal algorithm for processing information allows one to create a relatively inexpensive and precision meter of displacement and vibration parameters, which is capable to measure coordinates of researched object having an arbitrary shape with submillimeter accuracy and working under conditions of poor optical visibility and high temperatures. The results of carried out computer simulation of measurement process confirmed the theoretical conclusions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (12) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Oksana V. Shlyamina ◽  
Albina A. Samatova ◽  
Yulia G. Ataeva ◽  
Zilya D. Murtazina ◽  

Waste from agricultural and industrial production is one of the factors of environmental pollution. Together with this, they are a valuable raw material and can be used, for example, for the manufacture of additional animal feed. The article provides information on the rational use of valuable agricultural and industrial waste as additives in the rations of feeding farm animals and poultry. The health of farm animals and poultry, their productivity depends on the quality and balance of feed. An unbalanced diet leads to metabolic disorders. The data on the chemical composition of molasses, cake and meal, which are used in animal husbandry and poultry farming, as an additional feed with a high protein content, are given. Molasses, which is a by-product of sugar beet production, contains easily digestible carbohydrates, and its use in animal husbandry as an additional feed solves the problem of sugar deficiency. The Testing Center (IC) of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FSBSI «FCTRBS-RRVI" conducted research on sunflower cake, rapeseed and sunflower meal in terms of feed value (mass fraction of moisture, mass fraction of crude protein, mass fraction of crude fiber, mass fraction of crude fat). The results of the study of beet molasses samples are presented in terms of quality indicators: mass fraction of dry substances, mass fraction of sugar (by direct polarization), and mass fraction of reducing sugars. The studies carried out indicate that 95% of cake, meal and beet molasses obtained from agricultural and industrial waste, in terms of feed value, meet the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

Food systems ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-17 ◽  
V. V. Eveleva ◽  
T. M. Cherpalova

The scope of the project consisted in research-based development of new complex food additives from lactic acid and its derivatives for enhancing microbiological safety and shelf life extension of healthy food products. The object of research included: trial samples of complex food additives from lactic acids and its derivatives. The samples were obtained chemically using the following basic components: food grade lactic acid with 79.6% base substance mass fraction; acetic acid with 99.8% base substance mass fraction; propionic acid with 99.6% base substance mass fraction; neutralizing agents for synthesis of salts of the acids used, and propylene glycol with 99.8% base substance mass fraction. The optimal balance of the ingredients in the formula of the additive delivers the optimal level of true acidity combined with antimicrobial and antioxidant effect, and enhances organoleptical performance and process parameters of food products. This complex food additive containing lactate and acetate features high counter-regulatory effect on testing cultures of pathogenic organisms of rope spoilage of wheat bread and can be used for production of non-perishable products. The use of complex food additive in the production of dressed fish preserves activates biochemical processes related to fish maturation and delivers improved product quality and extended shelf life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
A. K. Kakimov ◽  
Zh. S. Yessimbekov ◽  
B. K. Kabdylzhar ◽  
A. K. Suychinov ◽  
A. M. Baikadamova

When processing cattle and poultry, a large quantity of secondary slaughter products in the form of bone raw materials are formed in enterprises of the meat and poultry processing industry. Nowadays, its use is not optimal and rational. One of the promising directions of using bone raw materials in enterprises is production of finely ground meat and bone paste. The aim of this research was to study the chemical and mineral compositions, as well as the content of toxic elements in meat and bone paste from poultry and cattle bones obtained after complex grinding on a grinder and ultra-fine grinder. Chicken bone products (chicken necks, drumsticks, wings, breasts) and cattle costal and vertebral bones with residues of muscle tissue were used for investigation. The comparative analysis of the nutritional value of the meat and bone paste showed the following results: protein mass fraction was 18.5% in the meat and bone paste obtained from poultry bones, and 12.1% in the meat and bone paste obtained from cattle bones. The mass fraction of fat was two times higher in the meat and bone paste from poultry bones. As for the mineral composition, it has been established that meat and bone paste is a rich source of calcium: the calcium content was 1,654.02 mg/100g in the poultry meat and bone paste, and 5,318.13 mg/100g in the cattle meat and bone paste. In regard to the toxic element content, the normed values of lead and arsenic, cadmium and mercury were not revealed in the poultry and cattle meat and bone paste. The obtained meat and bone paste can be used for food purposes as a food additive in meat product manufacture, which will allow rational and economic use of bone raw materials in cattle and poultry processing.

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