2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 265 ◽  
Achmad Zuhrudin

<p class="IIABSTRAK333">Verbal abuse for child is often unrealized by teachers at school and parents at home. It is worrying because it brings negative impact until he grows into adulthood. As a result, the spoken words may affect his emotional condition. Generally, verbal abuse is committed by adults to child for the sake of expressing caring and affection. However, it is actually forbidden for parents and teachers to control their child's behavior by committing violence. They might give punishment to their children by abandoning his right to do what he likes, while parents could reward their children when he does goodness. Indeed, parents and teachers should not give punishment or scold their child in front of his friends because it can break his self-esteem. Before scolding or punishing a child, parents or teachers should try to find out the reason why the child commits bad behavior.</p><p class="IIABSTRAK333">_________________________________________________________</p><p align="justify">Kekerasan verbal terhadap anak sering tidak disadari oleh guru di sekolah dan orang tua di rumah. Hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan karena membawa dampak negative sampai anak tumbuh menjadi dewasa. Akibatnya, ucapan atau kalimat yang dilontarkan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kondisi emosional anak. Umumnya, kekeras­an verbal dilakukan oleh orang dewasa kepada anak, alasannya sebagai ungkapan kepedulian dan tanda kasih sayang. Akan tetapi tidak diperbolehkan bagi orang tua dan guru mengatur perilaku anak dengan kekerasan. Jika melalui wejangan tidak efektif, guru atau orang tua bisa memberikan hukuman misalnya dicabut haknya dalam melakukan hal yang disukainya, dan memberikan hadiah ketika anak melakukan hal-hal yang baik. Orang tua maupun guru sebaiknya tidak memberikan hukuman ataupun memarahi anak terutama di hadapan teman-temannya karena bisa menjatuhkan harga diri anak. Sebelum memarahi atau menghukum anak sebaiknya coba mencari tahu alasan anak mengapa melakukan tindakan tersebut.</p><p align="justify"> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-104
Nursyam Nursyam

Children are a gift from Allah SWT that is always expected by every family. However, not everyone (parents) can take good care of their children according to what is commanded by Allah through religious teachings. For various reasons and reasons, parents no longer pay attention to children's religious education. In the end, the negative impact will be felt by parents even more so for their own children. To be able to form a religious awareness of children, the mother as the first person known to the child, then the mother needs to provide an understanding of the religious dimension of children is important, the child is essentially a mandate from Allah SWT that must be grateful, and we as Muslims must carry out the mandate with good and right. The way to be grateful for the gift of God in the form of children is through caring for, caring for, and educating and coaching the characters properly and correctly, so that they will not become weak children, both physically and mentally, and weak in faith and weak in their worldly lives. The aim of education is to be a perfect Muslim, who has faith and fear Allah. Mother as a parent is the first primary educator for children, before the child knows the outside world, first the child knows the mother and after that his father is the closest person to the child. As for women's efforts in fostering religious awareness as follows: to destroy personality, to form good habits , forming civilizations in the Muslim world and helping to encourage them to encourage things that lead to obedience to God and educate them with different ways of worship. Like prayer, recitation, prayer at home and at school.

2020 ◽  
Piotr Długosz ◽  

The article presents the results of research on psychosocial condition among Polish and Ukrainian students during the quarantine. The aim of the research was to verify the impact of the pandemic and its accompanying phenomena on the well-being of youth. In order to achieve this goal, the CAWI on-line survey method with double measurement was used. The first measurement carried out at the beginning of the quarantine resulted in 3659 filled out surveys in Poland and 739 in Ukraine. The second measurement conducted at the end of distance learning brought 1978 filled out surveys in Poland and 411 in Ukraine. The results of research indicate that the quarantine had a negative impact on the psychosocial condition of youth. The deterioration of emotional condition and the increase in mental disorders has been observed. Due to the pandemic and distance learning, the mental health of youth deteriorated significantly. Polish youth were negatively influenced by the pandemic to a greater extent than young Ukrainians.

2014 ◽  
Vol 142 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 492-497 ◽  
Branka Jablan ◽  
Vesna Vucinic ◽  
Branka Eskirovic ◽  
Milorad Ljutica

Binocular vision is characterized by a harmonious relation between sensory and motor systems of both eyes. This relation enables directing visual axes toward the observed object simultaneously, fusing images from two eyes, and the sense of threedimensionality. Motility and binocular vision disorders occur in manifest and latent strabismus. The irregular position of eyes in strabismus is perceived by most people as an esthetic defect. Also, psychosocial consequences and the importance of treating strabismus are very superficially explained in this context. Bearing in mind the results of recent researches, which indicate that individuals of all ages with strabismus face different difficulties in psychosocial functioning, we believe that this issue in our surroundings should be dealt with. Strabismus leads to forming prejudices which usually have a negative impact on socialization and employment opportunities. Timely treatment of strabismus has a positive influence on the functionality of binocular vision, building self-esteem and self-satisfaction, being accepted by typically developing population, the quality and quantity of social interaction. The aim of this paper is to present the relation between strabismus and psychosocial reactions with regard to the available literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-36
Iqra Nazar ◽  
Fatima Kamran ◽  
Afsheen Masood

The present study was designed to examine psychosocial predictors of quality of life (QoL) such as body image, self-esteem, impact of Vitiligo (psychologically and socially), and perceived stigmatization in patients with Vitiligo. The sample (N =120) comprised of individuals with Vitiligo recruited from dermatology units of different hospitals in Lahore. Body Image State Scale (Cash, Fleming, Alindogan, Steadman, & Whitehead 2002), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), Vitiligo Impact Scale (Rammam, Khaitan, Mehta, Sreenivas, & Gupta, 2014), Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire (Lawrence, Fauerbach, Heinberg, & Thomas, 2006) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (Finlay & Khan, 1994) were used as assessment measures. Results revealed that most of the individuals with Vitiligo reported poorer perception of QoL; while, men with Vitiligo expressed better perceived QoL as compared to women. Individuals with both types of Vitiligo (lesions on exposed/unexposed regions) expressed poor body image, negative impact of Vitiligo on their psycho-social functioning, and higher levels of perceived stigmatization. Individuals with exposed Vitiligo affected regions exhibited lower self-esteem. In addition, body image, impact of Vitiligo (psychologically and socially), and perceived stigmatization (absence of friendly behavior) significantly predicted QoL. It was concluded that Vitiligo had a greater impact on individual’s psychological health and social functioning rather than physiological complications.

Guilherme Welter Wendt

ABSTRACT Objective To explore distinctive links between specific depressive symptoms (e.g., anhedonia, ineffectiveness, interpersonal problems, negative mood, and negative self-esteem) and cyberbullying victimization (CBV). Methods This cross-sectional study collected data from 268 adolescents between the ages of 13 to 15 years-old (50.7% female) who responded to the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) and to the Revised Cyberbullying Inventory (RCBI). Results CBV was positively associated with all CDI’s domains (anhedonia, ineffectiveness, interpersonal problems, negative mood, and negative self-esteem). Demographics – such as age and gender – were not significant in explaining CBV. However, ineffectiveness (B = .46, p = .04) and negative mood (B = .37, p < .05) significantly predicted CBV. Conclusion This study reports the first Brazilian examination of the links existing between CBV and specific types of depressive symptoms. Data reinforce the negative impact of cyberbullying experiences on youth’s mental health, highlighting stronger associations between negative mood and CBV, which could inform more tailored interventions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Grace Amin

Bullying is deliberate aggressive action, using an imbalance of strength physically or mentally by hurting physical, verbal, or emotional / psychological forms repeatedly. In the last decade, cases of bullying in Indonesia continue to increase and if not handled properly will increasingly have a negative impact on the development of the children of the nation's next generation. Bullying does not only affect children who are bullied but can also affect children who bully, children who witness bullying. Some of the effects of bullying include anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The purpose of community engagement is to socialize the impact of bullying and how to increase self-esteem to adolescents. Through psychoeducation programs in adolescents such as schools and teenagers religious communities in the Cikarang - Bekasi region, young people gain an in-depth understanding of bullying, its effects and how to increase their confidence. Through this psychoeducation, teenagers understand the understanding, types and effects of bullying both short term and long term so they promise to resist bullying starting from themselves. Teenagers learn that humans are social beings who need each other. They learn about the meaning of diversity and bhineka tunggal ika and try to implement it in their next lives by respecting the differences in their environment. These teenagers learn to respect themselves more, see the positive things that God has given them. They try to always believe in themselves that they are perfect and valuable beings in God's eyes so that even though the environment around them may not appreciate, they can still see positive things in themselvesABSTRAK:Bullying adalah tindakan agresif yang disengaja, menggunakan ketidakseimbangan kekuatan secara fisik atau mental dengan cara menyakiti bentuk fisik, verbal, atau emosional/ psikologis secara berulang – ulang. Dalam satu decade terakhir, kasus bullying di Indonesia terus meningkat dan bila tidak ditangani dengan baik akan semakin berdampak negative bagi perkembangan anak – anak generasi penerus bangsa. Tindakan bullying tidak hanya berdampak pada anak yang di-bully tetapi juga dapat berdampak pada anak yang mem-bully, anak yang menyaksikan bullying. Beberapa dampak bullying diantaranya kecemasan, depresi, serta rendahnya harga diri (self-esteem). Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk mensosialisasikan dampak bullying serta cara meningkatkan self-esteem kepada para remaja. Melalui program psikoedukasi di lingkungan remaja seperti sekolah maupun komunitas keagamaan remaja wilayah Cikarang – Bekasi, para remaja mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam mengenai bullying, dampaknya serta bagaimana cara meningkatkan kepercayaan diri mereka. Melalui psikoedukasi ini, para remaja memahami pengertian, jenis serta dampak bullying baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang sehingga mereka berjanji untuk bersikap menolak bullying mulai dari diri mereka sendiri. Para remaja belajar bahwa manusia adalah mahluk social yang saling membutuhkan. Mereka belajar tentang makna keberagaman dan Bhineka Tunggal Ika serta berusaha mengimplementasikannya dalam kehidupan mereka selanjutnya dengan cara menghargai perbedaan yang ada di lingkungannya. Remaja ini belajar untuk lebih menghargai diri mereka, melihat hal positif yang telah diberikan Tuhan kepada mereka. Mereka mencoba untuk selalu menanamkan dalam diri bahwa mereka adalah mahluk yang sempurna dan berharga di mata Tuhan sehingga walaupun lingkungan di sekitar mereka mungkin tidak menghargai, mereka tetap dapat melihat hal positif dalam diri mereka.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 75
Maram Banakhar ◽  
Maha Alzahrani ◽  
Amani Omar Essa ◽  
Asal Fathi Al-dhahry ◽  
Rahma Farooq Batwa ◽  

Background: Verbal abuse, in the context of workplace violence, is increasing, with nurses at high liability of being subjected to it since they are the first line of care delivery. This phenomenon is now receiving greater recognition due to its negative impact on nurses. This study aims to assess the prevalence of verbal abuse faced by Saudi nursing intern students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted via a modified online questionnaire completed by Saudi intern nurses in Jeddah in March 2020. Descriptive statistical analysis was executed using statistical software SPSS Version 21.Results: From a total of 132 nurses, 94 participants met the study criteria. The findings show that 39.4% of Saudi intern nurses have experienced verbal abuse. The common perpetrators are patient/client (73%) and other staff members (73%), followed by patients’ relatives (45.9%). 48.6% of the participants did not report incidences of verbal abuse, commonly citing fear of the negative consequences (51.4%) and not knowing who to report it to (45.9%). A significant relation between working night shifts (6 pm to 7 am) and being verbally abused was found.Conclusions: Saudi nursing interns are vulnerable to verbal abuse. This study’s results highlight the possible risk to nursing interns, which may be diminished by modifying perceptions of verbal abuse and by clarifying the rules and regulations for both nursing interns and suspected perpetrators. We recommend future studies of verbal abuse are conducted in larger groups of nurses across different provinces in Saudi Arabia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (T4) ◽  
pp. 347-353
Bertha Tesma Wulandari ◽  
Arianti Arianti

BACKGROUND: The condition of middle adult patients with palliative disease is prone to experiencing physical weakness and psychological suffering, disrupting dignity. As a caregiver at home, the family plays an essential role in providing support to maintain patient dignity. AIM: This study aims to determine the image of the dignity of the middle adult patient with palliative care needs by family at home. METHODS: This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Participants were seven people with the purposive sampling method. Data collection methods were conducted using in-depth interviews and semi-structured observation. Research instruments included interview guidelines, field notes, and an observation form. Data validity used reference material, rich and thick description, and peer debriefing. Data analysis included data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. RESULTS: The results showed that the dignity of patients was considered by six themes; self-esteem went up and down, the meaning of illness and death, family response to the patient, sources of decision-making, an image of the quality of life, and future wishes. CONCLUSION: This study had six themes depicting the dignity of patients that consisted of subthemes. The themes included self-esteem went up and down, the meaning of illness and death, family response to the patient, sources of decision-making, an image of the quality of life, and future wishes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 739-752
Qiran Wang ◽  
Yang Li

The negative impact of the verbal abuse on student by the elementary school teachers is a big issue. A total of 416 students from four provinces and cities in China were enrolled in this study. We found that the occurrence rate of the verbal abuse by elementary school teachers was not high, whereas it still caused psychological trauma to students once happened by manifesting as the frustration of learning efficacy, self-confidence and interrelationship. Regarding the causes, student’s poor academic performance was the major reason, and it was significantly related to students’ gender, i.e., male students who had poor academic performance were far more vulnerable to be verbally abused by their teachers. Further, the study also found that students who were verbally abused by teachers were more easily bullied at school. The findings suggest that the government and schools should take joint measures to clarify the specific boundaries of teachers’ verbal punishment to students and standardize their verbal behavior to get teachers respect and care for students and create a healthy learning environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-27 ◽  
V.N. Galyapina ◽  
J.J. Khojiev

The paper focuses on the study of the of impact ethnic, religious, civil and Russian identities, ethnic stereotypes on the strategies of acculturation and on the adaptation of migrants from Central Asia in the Moscow region. Representatives of two ethnic groupsparticipated in the research: 105 Uzbeks and 96 Tajiks (N= 201). The methods of the study included the scales of acculturation strategies, ethnic and national identities from the MIRIPS (Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies) project questionnaire. The results of path analysis in AMOS program showed that integration and assimilation are the most successful strategies for migrants from Central Asia: integration contributed to self-esteem, while assimilation promoted life satisfaction. Integration is basically determined by ethnic and Russian identities, whereas assimilation is determined mostly by identification with the country of origin and by Russian identity as well as by the negative impact of ethnic identity. Separation and marginalization do not contribute to self-esteem of the migrants; however, positive heterostereotype of the Russians and Russian national identity prevent the migrants from choosing separation and marginalization. The choice of strategy is largely affected by religious identity. Expressed religious identity has a negative impact on the socio-cultural adaptation of the migrants from Central Asia in the Moscow region.

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