Feed management and reduction of aquaculture wastes

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (10) ◽  
pp. 213-218 ◽  
L. Kolsäter

Proper feed management is based on precise prediction of fish growth and good knowledge of the dynamics in the relationship between feeding (SFR), growth (SGR) and feed conversion (FCR). Recent research at Laxforsen indicates that there is a relationship between SFR, SGR and FCR at any water temperature, fish size and at any level of digestible energy in the feed. The investigation clearly shows that there is a target area rather than a point for optimum feeding. Optimized local feed management together with further development of fish feed in terms of increased digestibility of feed components will lead to greater profitability to the farmer and also minimize aquaculture wastes.

Telematika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto ◽  
Dessyanto Boedi Prasetyo ◽  
Moh. Hafidz Randy Handigar

AbstractIn fish farming activities there are a number of important things that must be considered, namely feeding and controlling the quality of the water in the pond such as water temperature, pH level and water clarity, because these elements are important for fish growth and life. Adjusting the time to feed the fish is also very important so that the fish can stay alive, if it is too late to feed the fish the fish can be stressed and eventually starve to death. Fish owners who have a fairly busy level of activity, will feel a little difficulty when leaving the house in a long time, because meeting the needs of fish and continuous monitoring is very time consuming. Thus, an automatic fish feeding device was developed which can be adjusted when feeding and measuring the feeding. In this study, Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega 2560 are the "brains" that control inputs, processes and outputs. Servo motor as a cover drive where fish feed is released. Water temperature sensors, pH sensors and water clarity sensors or TDS to monitor the state of the water. The output generated from the auto fish feeder has issued the feed in accordance with the set hours when testing, only the size of the feed will affect the amount of feed that comes out, as well as testing the temperature sensor, pH, and water clarity working properly.Keywords : Arduino, microcontroller, fish feeder, sensorDalam Kegiatan budidaya ikan ada beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan yaitu pemberian pakan dan pengontrolan terhadap kualitas air yang ada dikolam seperti suhu air, kadar pH dan kejernihan air, karena unsur-tersebut penting bagi pertumbuhan dan kehidupan ikan. Penyesuaian waktu memberi makan ikan juga sangat penting agar ikan dapat tetap hidup, jika terlambat dalam memberi makan ikan maka ikan bisa stress dan akhirnya mati kelaparan. Pemilik ikan yang memiliki tingkat kesibukan yang cukup padat, akan merasakan sedikit kesulitan ketika akan meninggalkan rumah dalam waktu yang cukup lama, karena pemenuhan kebutuhan ikan dan pemantauan terus menerus sangat memakan waktu. Dengan demikian maka dikembangkanlah sebuah alat pemberi makan ikan otomatis yang dapat diatur waktu pemberian pakannya dan takaran pemberian pakannya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Arduino Uno dan Arduino Mega 2560 sebagai “otak” yang mengendalikan input, proses dan output. Motor servo sebagai penggerak penutup tempat keluarnya pakan ikan. Sensor suhu air, sensor pH dan sensor kejernihan air atau TDS untuk memantau keadaan air. Output yang dihasilkan dari auto fish feeder sudah mengeluarkan pakan sesuai dengan pengaturan jam yang sudah diatur ketika pengujian, hanya ukuran pakan akan mempengaruhi jumlah takaran pakan yang keluar, serta pengujian sensor suhu, pH, dan kejernihan air bekerja dengan baik.Kata Kunci : Arduino, mikrokontroller, fish feeder, sensor 

Telematika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Hidayatullah Himawan ◽  
Mangaras Yanu F

Abstract Smart Feeding IoT based is an automatic fish feeding concept that allows for remote control in feeding and monitoring pond conditions such as water temperature, Ph levels, water clarity levels so that fish growth can be maximized by using arduino as a tool. IoT based Smart Feeding is a concept that combines architectural and mechanical electrical design in order to provide speed of movement / mobility and ease of control as well as access from any direction and time at any time in terms of automation in which all activities that occur in fish farming can ease the task of breeders fish cultivation. Information on fish ponds can be quickly detected thanks to the help of the Dallas DS18B20 sensor, pH Probe E201-BNC and TDS meter sensors which can find out the condition of pond water then the reading data is sent in real time and stored in a database. Internet of Things (IoT) Integrated Fish Farming Monitoring System to remotely control and monitor fish ponds using cloud computing is carried out with several design stages, the first stage which is an analysis of system problems to find out more about monitoring fish ponds. exist in fish cultivation activities. The output resulting from the fish feed testing is in accordance with the feed opening time set from the application as well as the calibration sensor testing of water temperature, pH and water clarity obtained the same results, only decimal fractions that distinguish. Keywords: Smart Feeding Internet of Things, Monitoring, Fish Feed AbstrakSmart Feeding berbasis IoT adalah sebuah konsep pakan ikan otomatis yang memungkinkan untuk mengontrol jarak jauh dalam pemberian pakan dan memantau/memonitoring kondisi kolam seperti suhu air, kadar Ph, kadar kejernihan air agar pertumbuhan ikan bisa maksimal dengan menggunakan arduino sebagai alat. Smart Feeding berbasis IoT merupakan sebuah konsep yang memadu padankan desain arsitektur dan mekanikal elektrikal agar dapat memberi kecepatan gerak/mobilitas serta kemudahan kontrol juga akses dari arah mana pun dan waktu kapanpun dalam hal otomatisasi di mana semua aktivitas yang terjadi pada pembudidayaan ikan dapat meringankan tugas peternak budidaya ikan. Informasi kolam ikan dapat dengan cepat diketahui berkat bantuan sensor Dallas DS18B20, pH Probe E201-BNC dan sensor TDS meter yang di mana dapat mengetahui kondisi air kolam kemudian data hasil pembacaan di kirimkan secara real time dan disimpan pada database. Sistem Monitoring Kolam Budidaya Ikan Terintegrasi Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) untuk mengontrol jarak jauh dan memantau kolam ikan dengan menggunakan cloud computing dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap-tahap perancangan, tahap pertama yang merupakan analisis masalah sistem untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai tentang monitoring kolam ikan yang ada pada aktivitas pembudidayaan ikan.Output yang dihasilkan dari pengujian pemberian pakan ikan sudah sesuai dengan waktu buka pakan yang diatur dari aplikasi serta pengujian sensor kalibrasi suhu air, ph dan kejernihan air didapatkan hasil yang sama, hanya pecahan decimal yang membedakan. Kata Kunci : Smart Feeding; Internet of Things, Monitoring, Pakan Ikan

Fishes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 76
Cosmas Nathanailides ◽  
Markos Kolygas ◽  
Konstantina Choremi ◽  
Theodoros Mavraganis ◽  
Evangelia Gouva ◽  

Probiotics for freshwater fish farming can be administered as single or multiple mixtures. The expected benefits of probiotics include disease prophylaxis, improved growth, and feed conversion parameters, such as the feed conversion rate (FCR) and specific growth rate (SGR). In the current work, we review the impact of probiotics on freshwater finfish aquaculture. Data were gathered from articles published during the last decade that examined the effects of probiotics on fish growth, FCR, and water quality in freshwater fishponds/tanks. While the expected benefits of probiotics are significant, the reviewed data indicate a range in the level of effects, with an average reduction in ammonia of 50.7%, SGR increase of 17.1%, and FCR decrease of 10.7%. Despite the variability in the reported benefits, probiotics appear to offer a practical solution for sustainable freshwater aquaculture. Disease prophylaxis with probiotics can reduce the need for antibiotics and maintain gut health and feed conversion. Considering that fish feed and waste are two significant parameters of the aquaculture ecological footprint, it can be argued that probiotics can contribute to reducing the environmental impact of aquaculture. In this direction, it would be beneficial if more researchers incorporated water quality parameters in future aquaculture research and protocols to minimize aquaculture’s environmental impact.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Salamah Salamah ◽  
Zulpikar Zulpikar

Dalam usaha budidaya ikan, pakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan dalam budidaya. Selain itu pakan juga memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap biaya mencapai 60-70% dari biaya produksi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan teknik untuk meningkatkan kadar protein dari pakan, salah satunya dengan cara fermentasi. Selanjutnya limbah dari pakan juga merupakan suatu kendala dalam usaha budidaya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut perlu dilakukan terobosan dalam sistem budidaya, salah satunya dengan menggunakan system bioflok dengan memanfaatkan bakteri heterotrofik. Selain memperbaiki kualitas air, bioflok juga menyediakan pakan secara insitu, sehingga mampu mengurangi biaya pakan dengan meningkatkan nilai efesiensi pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aplikasi pakan berprotein terfermentasi terhadap pertumbuhan dan konversi pakan ikan lele (Clarias sp.) menggunakan sistem bioflok. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan ditempat pembudidayaan lele di desa mesjid punteut dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan mengaplikasikan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 9 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini meliputi laju pertumbuhan ikan, kelangsungan hidup dan efesiensi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik pada pakan memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap laju pertumbuhan ikan 4.95%, tingkat kelangsungan hidup 97.77% dan efesiensi pakan 98.86%.Kata kunci: bioflok; ikan lele; kinerja; probiotik In aquaculture, fish feed is one of the factors that determine success in aquaculture. Besides, the feed also contributes significantly to costs reaching 60-70% of production costs. Based on this, it is necessary to use techniques to increase the protein of the feed; one of them is by fermentation. In addition, waste from the feed is also a problem in the aquaculture business. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in the aquaculture system, one of these is using a biofloc system by utilizing heterotrophic bacteria. Besides improving water quality, biofloc also provides in situ feed, so it would reduce feed costs by increasing the value of feed efficiency. This study aims to analyze the application of fermented protein feed on growth and feed conversion of catfish (Clarias sp.) using the biofloc system. This research was carried out in the catfish culture at punteut mosque village using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method by applying three treatments and three replications to obtain nine experimental units. Parameters observed in this study include fish growth rate, survival and feed efficiency. The results showed that the administration of probiotics in feed gives the best results on fish growth rate of 4.95%, survival rate of 97.77% and feed efficiency of 98.86%.Keywords: biofloc; catfish; performance; probiotics

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Jojo Subagja ◽  
Vitas Atmadi Prakoso ◽  
Otong Zenal Arifin ◽  
Yanto Suparyanto ◽  
Endang Haris Suhud

Ikan baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) merupakan salah satu ikan asli yang terdapat di Indonesia. Ikan ini memiliki harga lebih tinggi dibandingkan beberapa jenis ikan lainnya yang telah populer di kalangan konsumen. Saat ini, ikan ini sedang pada program domestikasi dimana informasi mengenai lokasi yang sesuai untuk pemeliharaan ikan baung belum banyak dipelajari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pertumbuhan benih ikan baung pada dua lokasi pemeliharaan dengan ketinggian yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan pada lokasi dengan ketinggian rendah (< 200 m dpl) di daerah Cijengkol dan lokasi dengan ketinggian sedang (200-400 m dpl) di daerah Maleber, Jawa Barat. Benih ikan baung hasil domestikasi (bobot: 21,62 ± 0,57 g) ditebar pada tiga buah jaring masing-masing berukuran 2 m x 2 m x 1 m dengan padat tebar 15 ekor/m3 di kolam berukuran 40 m x 20 m yang terletak pada masing-masing lokasi pengujian. Ikan diberi makan dengan pakan komersial (30% protein) sebanyak 5% biomassa per hari dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan dua kali sehari selama 180 hari masa pemeliharaan. Kualitas air yang diamati meliputi suhu, oksigen terlarut, dan pH. Parameter yang diukur yaitu pertambahan panjang, pertambahan bobot, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, rata-rata pertumbuhan harian, pertambahan biomassa, rasio konversi pakan, dan sintasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih ikan baung yang dipelihara pada ketinggian < 200 m dpl menunjukkan pertambahan bobot dan biomassa yang lebih baik (30,93 ± 2,29 g dan 7,44 ± 0,79 kg) dibandingkan jika dipelihara pada ketinggian 200-400 m dpl (22,32 ± 1,26 g dan 5,97 ± 0,65 kg) (P<0,05). Rasio konversi pakan pada ikan baung yang dipelihara pada dataran rendah lebih rendah (2,37) dibandingkan jika dipelihara pada dataran sedang (2,68). Suhu air pada ketinggian < 200 m dpl lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada ketinggian 200-400 m dpl (P<0,05). Benih ikan baung tumbuh lebih optimal jika dipelihara di daerah dataran rendah, karena pada daerah tersebut memiliki suhu lebih tinggi yang dapat memengaruhi laju pertumbuhan.Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) is one of Indonesia’s native fish species. This species has a higher commercial value compared to some other fish species already popular among consumers. The fish is currently under a domestication program which information regarding the suitable rearing location has yet to be established. This research was aimed to study the growth of Asian redtail catfish fingerlings reared in two different-altitude locations. The evaluate was conducted at low-altitude location (< 200 m above sea level) in Cijengkol area and mid-altitude location (200-400 m above sea level) in Maleber area, West Java. In each location, the fingerlings of domesticated Asian redtail catfish (weight: 21.62 ± 0.57 g) were stocked in three net cages sized 2 m x 2 m x 1 m in a pond (40 m x 20 m) with a stocking density of 15 fish/m3 per net cage. The fingerlings were fed with commercial feed (30% protein) of 5% fish biomass per day with feeding frequency twice a day for the period of 180 days. The water quality parameters observed were temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. The measured experimental parameters were length gain, weight gain, specific growth rate, average daily growth, biomass gain, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate. The results showed that the fish reared at <200 m above sea level had better weight and biomass gains (30.93 ± 2.29 g and 7.44 ± 0.79 kg) than that of the fish reared at 200-400 m above sea level (22.32 ± 1.26 g and 5.97 ± 0.65 kg) (P<0.05). The feed conversion ratio of fingerlings reared at the low-altitude location was lower (2.37) than those of the mid-altitude location (2.68).The water temperature at < 200 m above sea level was significantly higher than that of 200-400 m above sea level (P<0.05). The growth of Asian redtail catfish fingerlings is more optimal in lowland areas due to higher water temperature accelerating the fish growth rate.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2123 ◽  
Ragnar Ingi Danner ◽  
Utra Mankasingh ◽  
Kesara Anamthawat-Jonsson ◽  
Ragnheidur Inga Thorarinsdottir

Aquaponics is a sustainable method of food production, whereby aquaculture and hydroponics are combined in one circular system. A few aquaponics startup companies are emerging in Europe with a limited production area of a few hundred or a few thousand square meters, whereas hydroponics is a common practice in a commercially viable manner most often with production units of several hectares. In Iceland, greenhouse farmers operate on relatively small production units, often between 2000 and 5000 m2. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to develop and design aquaponic production systems towards integration into small greenhouse farming strengthening economic viability and sustainability. Since the local market in Iceland is small and import is relatively expensive due to the distance from other markets, the suitability of commercially available fish feed and the selection of plant species were assessed in relation to production efficiency and available market and resources. The effects of water flow on plant growth and on nutrient utilization in culture water were measured and evaluated. Four aquaponics test systems were designed, built and operated, and results were used to develop a pilot commercial aquaponics system implemented for greenhouse farming in Iceland. One of the test systems was a media filled flood and drain system and the other three were deep water culture systems. Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), one of the most popular fish in aquaculture, was reared in all systems, while different leafy greens and fruiting vegetables were grown in the hydroponics. The fish was fed with commercial aquaculture feed made for cod and charr. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was used to assess the effectiveness of feed on fish growth. The FCR observed in this research was between 0.9 and 1.2, within the typical values for tilapia growth in aquaculture. The production of the leafy green plants (e.g., pak-choi) was approximately four times, by weight, that of the production of fish, a similar yield as shown in other researches in the field. The continuous rise of nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the aquaponic system indicated the potential to support even higher crop yield. Long daylength in the summer in Iceland is clearly beneficial for crop production in aquaponics. Based on the results, it is concluded that aquaponics can be a feasible opportunity for greenhouse farming at least to diversify the current business model. Not only can the fish provide an extra income but also the effluent from the aquaculture is easily used as fertilizer for the plants, thus the circular production system offers new innovative ideas for diversifying and value-adding the business further, for example into crayfish production and/or into educational and experience tourism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
G. L. B. E. Gunathilaka ◽  
Min-Gi Kim ◽  
Chorong Lee ◽  
Jaehyeong Shin ◽  
Bong-Joo Lee ◽  

Abstract Background Taurine is a conditional essential amino acid for fish. A study was conducted to investigate the compensating effect of supplemental taurine in diets for red seabream (Pagrus major) on impaired growth performance by fish meal (FM) replacement with soybean meal (SM) at low water temperature (14.15 ± 1.95 °C). Methods A FM-based diet was considered as a high FM diet and three other experimental diets were formulated to replace FM with SM by 20, 35, or 50% (HFM, SM20, SM35, or SM50, respectively) without taurine and other four diets were formulated by adding 1% taurine to the diets (HFM-T, SM20-T, SM35-T, or SM50-T, respectively). Triplicate groups of fish (108.9 ± 1.58 g/fish) were distributed into 24 polyvinyl circular tanks (215 L) with 20 fish per tank and fed one of the diets to satiation for 20 weeks. Results Growth performance and feed utilization of red seabream were significantly improved by the dietary taurine supplementation. SM20-T and SM35-T diets increased fish growth that are comparable to HFM diet. Feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio of fish fed SM20-T and SM35-T diets were not significantly different from those of HFM group. Dietary taurine supplementation in each FM replaced group numerically increased innate immunity of the fish. Lysozyme and superoxide dismutase activities were significantly decreased in fish fed SM35, SM50, and SM50-T diets compared to those of fish fed HFM diet while they were not significantly lower in SM20, SM20-T, SM35, and SM35-T groups. Glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly lower in fish group fed SM50 diet while SM50-T group did not significantly lower compared to that of HFM group. The relative expression level of hepatic IGF-1 mRNA was improved in fish fed taurine-supplemented diets compared to their respective SM diets. Conclusions Growth performance and feed utilization of red seabream can be accelerated or restored by 1% taurine supplementation when they are fed high level of SM up to 35% in diets during low water temperature season.

Svetlana Sergeevna Kozunova ◽  
Alla Grigorievna Kravets

The article highlights the aspects of risk management in the information system. According to the analysis of the work of Russian and foreign scientists and world practices in the field of risk management, it is stated that there is a need to improve the effectiveness of risk management of information system and to develop a method for managing the risks of the information system. As a solution to the problem of effective risk management of the information system, there has been proposed a formalized procedure for managing the risks of the information system. The scientific novelty of this solution is the use of decision space and optimization space to reduce risks. This procedure allows to assess the damage, risk and effectiveness of risk management of the information system. The risks of the information system are determined and analyzed; a pyramidal risk diagram is developed. This diagram allows you to describe the relationship of risks with the components of the information system. The negative consequences to which these risks can lead are given. The analysis of methods and approaches to risk management has been carried out. Based on the results of the analysis, the methods GRAMM, CORAS, GOST R ISO / IEC scored to the maximum. The weak points of these methods and the difficulty of applying these methods in practice are described. The developed formalized risk management procedure to control the risks of information system can be used as management system’s element of the information security quality that complies with the recommendations of GOST R ISO / IEC 27003-2012. The prospect of further development of the research results is the development of management systems of risk of information system.

1988 ◽  
Vol 20 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 11-17 ◽  
T. Ito ◽  
T. Okumura ◽  
M. Yamamoto

The study of the relations between the senses of smell and taste and odorant concentration is important for the solution of odor problems. The threshold concentrations of odor and taste (TOC, TTC) of 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin were measured by the non-forced choice triangle method using 12-20 panelists. Both TOC and TTC were found to be functions of water temperature and the concentration of residual chlorine. The TOC and TTC of mixed samples were rather lower than the concentrations calculated from the mixing ratio. The sensitivities of the consumer panel and the number of musty odor complaints from consumers are related to MIB or geosmin concentration. The ratio of the number of complaints to MIB (or geosmin) concentration decreased after maximum complaint, but the sensitivity of the consumer panel remained the same.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-488
Thomas M.J. Möllers

AbstractThe Europeanisation of domestic law calls for a classical methodology to ‘update’ the established traditions of the law. The relationship between European directives and national law is difficult, since directives do apply, but European legal texts need to be implemented into national law. Whilst directives are not binding on private individuals, there is no direct third-party effect, but only an ‘indirect effect’. This effect is influenced by the stipulations of the ECJ, but is ultimately determined in accordance with methodical principles of national law. The ECJ uses a broad term of interpretation of the law. In contrast, in German and Austrian legal methodology the wording of a provision defines the dividing line between interpretation and further development of the law. The article reveals how legal scholars and the case-law have gradually shown in recent decades a greater willingness to shift from a narrow, traditional boundary of permissible development of the law to a modern line of case-law regarding the boundary of directive-compliant, permissible development of the law.

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