scholarly journals Developing of MITRA learning model of problem solving-based to solve mathematical problems in elementary school

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Rika Damayanti ◽  
Mawardi Mawardi

The research aimed to develop the steps of MITRA learning model of problem solving-based to solve mathematical problems in elementary school, to know the product’s validity level of MITRA learning model of problem solving-based according to expert’s validation, and to assure the effective level of MITRA learning model of problem solving-based. The research type was Research and Development (R&D), which is a procedure to develop a new product or improve the existed product. The research procedure was divided into three stages, they are: preliminary study, developing model stage, and testing product. The research results found: (1) the steps of MITRA learning model of problem solving-based are: problems identification, implementation of MITRA, and evaluation of MITRA; (2) product’s validity level of MITRA learning model of problem solving-based according to expert’s validation was 3,75 (75%) on high category, and the media expert was 214 (76,5%) on high category; and (3) product’s effectiveness was on very effective category for students of grade 4 elementary school reaching 97%, and the result was significantly higher than pretest (60%).

Marita Cahya Purnama ◽  
Tri Yuniantari Redyoningrum ◽  
Liftahul Sekar Aji ◽  
Moh Salimi

<em>In mathematics, students' ability to solve problems is very much needed. Every student has different abilities. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a research in order to find out the students' abilities in solving problems in mathematics, especially in fractional material. In researching, quantitative description is the method chosen by the researcher. In this study using a research instrument in the form of a test to measure students' ability to solve mathematical problems and conducted interviews. Data analysis of the results of mathematical tests about solving fractions of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 2 Kalirejo is in the high category. This is evident from the results of tests at SD Negeri 2 Kalirejo that included in the high category were 61.29%, moderate were 23.80% and the low and very low categories were 12.89%.</em>

Hanifah Hanifah ◽  
Nanang Supriadi ◽  
Rany Widyastuti

Mathematical problem solving is a problem solving that uses mathematical problem solving. Students in the problem solving did not use the polya method so that students succeeded in difficulties. Educators still use conventional learning models so that students become bored, passive and reluctant to ask whether going forward working on the questions given by the educator, so that new learning models need to be applied. The e-learning learning model assisted with Edmodo learning media is an online presentation material on an Edmodo account using the mobile phone of students. PAM is the knowledge learned by students before getting learning material. This study aims to study the interaction of e-learning learning models assisted by Edmodo learning media to solve mathematical problems. This study is quantitative research. Data collection used with tests, interviews, collection and collection. The data analysis technique uses two-way anava test with cells that are not the same. From the results of the analysis, the influence of the e-learning learning model on mathematical problem solving abilities. It is necessary to question the high, medium, and low mathematical initial knowledge of Great mathematical problem solving ability, then there is no difference between assisted e-learning learning models edmodo, mathematical initial knowledge of mathematical problem solving abilities.

Gunahumas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 357-386
Yomi Chaeroni ◽  
Nizar Alam Hamdani ◽  
Akhmad Margana ◽  
Dian Rahadian

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis merupakan salah satu kemampuan matematika tingkat tinggi yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap peserta didik. Selain itu kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis jarang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat menjadi alternatif bagi pembelajaran matematika dan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis adalah model pembelajaran IMPROVE. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen karena penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas kontrol sebagai subyek penelitian. Cara pengambilan subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian dipilih sebanyak dua kelas dari keseluruhan peserta didik kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Banyuresmi tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Dari hasil penelitian dan perhitungan statistik diperoleh kesimpulan: 1) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE; 2) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional/direct instruction; 3) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE dibandingkan dengan peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional/direct instruction; 4) Tidak terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE dan yang menggunakan model konvensional/direct instruction.Kata kunci: Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis, Model IMPROVEABSTRACT This research is motivated by the fact that the ability to understand and the ability to solve mathematical problems is one of the high-level mathematical abilities that must be possessed by every student. In addition, the ability to understand and the ability to solve mathematical problems are rarely applied in mathematics learning in schools. One learning model that can be an alternative for mathematics learning and mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities is the IMPROVE learning model. This study aims to determine the application of ispring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model to improve students' mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities. The research method used is quasi-experimental because this study uses one experimental class and one control class as research subjects. The method of taking the research subject used was purposive sampling. The research subjects were selected as many as two classes from all grade XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah Banyuresmi in the 2019/2020 academic year. From the results of research and statistical calculations conclusions: 1) There is an increase in the ability to understand and solve mathematical problems of students who in learning use the i-spring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model; 2) There is an increase in the ability of understanding and solving mathematical problems of students who in learning use conventional learning models / direct instruction; 3) There is an increase in students' mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities in learning using i-spring suite 8 in the IMPROVE learning model compared to students in learning using conventional learning models / direct instruction; 4) There is no difference in the ability to understand and solve mathematical problems of students who in learning use the i-spring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model and who use the conventional model / direct instruction.Keywords: Mathematical Understanding Ability, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, IMPROVE Model

Isnawati Isnawati ◽  
Dwi Yulianti ◽  
Siti Samhati

The concern in this study is children's inability to solve primary school math problems, with a goal to establish how students' capacity to solve mathematical problems in primary school and to describe the best method or learning model for delivering materials for the circumference and area of parallelograms and triangles using a problem-based learning model with portfolio assessment. This studi is qualitative in nature, employing a total of 30 elementary school chosen through a random sampling technique. The results showed that the problem based learning model based on the portfolio assessment was suitable for use in elementary school mathematics learning compared to conventional learning approaches because students were more active in participating in learning and the teacher was only a facilitator.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Arief Cahyo Utomo ◽  
Zaenal Abidin ◽  
Henry Aditia Rigianti

This study aimed to find out the different of efectiveness of Think Pair Share (TPS) and Jigsaw learning model on problem solving ability of 6th grade students. This study compared which has a greater effect on problem solving ability of 6th grade students. This study was a quasy experiment. The subjects of this study were 6th grade elementary school students in Ngadirojo Kidul, Wonogiri, Indonesia. Data collection used were pretest and post test technique. Data analysis used was Anova with T-test where previously preceded by prerequisite test (homogenity test and normality test). The result of this study is there is difference between TPS learning model and Jigsaw learning model. TPS learning model has a greater influence in improving problem solving ability of 6th grade elementary school students.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
I Made Padri

This paper is the result of tried out of innovation in Mechanics course with problem solving teaching-learning model based on concept by using computer, conducted in DUE Like project at Physics Department of FPMIPA UPI in academic year 2002/2003.In principle, the objective of this innovation is to improve the student role (student centred) in attending Mechanics course, which in turn will improve the quality of the student learning result.Concretely, the main point of the implementation of this learning model in Mechanics course includes:1. Group discussion in finding and solving problem, based on problem and concept structure that presented in handout.2. Presentation the result of group discussion to get comments from all students.3. Strengthening and completing the discussion result by lecturer using computer media.4. Tutorial to guide students in finishing some problems taken from textbook.Derived from the average score and the percent of the success student in each examination, it can be concluded that the usage of problem solving teaching- learning model based on concept by using computer media, significantly can improve the student learning result, compared to the result of the same course when it is just using OHP. While from the answer of the questioner which just returned by 50% students, generally stated that the teaching-learning model and the media used in Mechanics lecture are good enough, even though there is an impression that the students found difficulty in learning alone which based on textbook and handout. It happened, may be, because of the previous learning style which is teacher-centred.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
M Nur Al Awwalul Waliq ◽  
Sukmawati Sukmawati ◽  
Randy Saputra Mahmud

<p>This study describes students' ability to solve HOTS problems according to their self-confidence level in a grade 8 class at a junior high school in Pallangga. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The research procedure includes the preparation, implementation, and analysis stages of research results. The subjects in the study were 3 grade 8 students at SMP Negeri 5 in the district of Pallangga. The subjects were selected by giving a questionnaire to all grade 8 students to select students who had high self-confidence, moderate self-confidence, and low self-confidence. The research refers to the four stages of the ability to solve mathematical problems based on Polya's steps, namely: understanding the problem, planning problem-solving strategies, carrying out calculations, and evaluating the results of problem-solving. The research instrument was a self-confidence questionnaire, an ability test to solve HOTS math problems based on Polya's steps, and interview guidelines. The results showed that there were differences in the ability to solve mathematical HOTS questions based on Polya's steps by the three selected subjects. The results showed that subjects with high self-confidence and moderate self-confidence were able to meet the indicators of understanding the problem, while subjects with low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicators of understanding the problem. At the stage of planning a problem-solving strategy, subjects with high self-confidence and moderate self-confidence were able to meet the indicators, while subjects with low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicators. At the stage of carrying out calculations, subjects with high self-confidence were able to meet the indicators, while subjects with moderate self-confidence and low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicators. And at the stage of re-examining the results of problem-solving, subjects with high self-confidence were able to meet the indicators, while subjects with moderate self-confidence and low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicator.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika soal HOTS ditinjau dari kepercayaan diri pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Prosedur penelitian meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan dan tahap analisis hasil penelitian. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah 3 orang siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga. Subjek dipilih dengan memberikan angket kepada seluruh siswa kelas VIII untuk memilih siswa yang memiliki kepercayaan diri tinggi, kepercayaan diri sedang, dan kepercayaan diri rendah. Penelitian mengacu pada empat tahap kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika berdasarkan langkah Polya yaitu: memahami masalah, merencanakan strategi pemecahan masalah, melaksanakan perhitungan, dan memeriksa kembali hasil penyelesaian masalah. Instrumen penelitian adalah angket kepercayaan diri, tes kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika soal HOTS berdasarkan langkah Polya, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika soal HOTS berdasarkan langkah Polya oleh ketiga subjek yang dipilih. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi dan kepercayaan diri sedang mampu memenuhi indikator memahami masalah, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator memahami masalah. Pada tahap  merencanakan strategi pemecahan masalah, subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi dan kepercayaan diri sedang mampu memenuhi indikator, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator. Pada tahap melaksanakan perhitugan, subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi mampu memenuhi indikator, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri sedang dan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator. Dan pada tahap memeriksa kembali hasil penyelesaian masalah, subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi mampu memenuhi indikator, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri sedang dan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Johannis Takaria ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Jozua Sabandar ◽  
Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan

The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between statistical literacy and mathematical representation of students as pre-service elementary school teachers through the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) model. The relationship between statistical literacy and mathematical representation was analyzed by using a product-moment correlation with a sample of 35 students of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program at one of the state universities in Ambon City. The results showed that there was a positive and strong relationship between statistical literacy and mathematical representation with a correlation value of 0.66. This relationship means that if students have good mathematical representation abilities, statistical literacy abilities are also getting better. Exploration of statistical literacy and mathematical representation abilities can be facilitated by using The CPS learning model. The CPS learning model can facilitate student learning as a structure in mathematical thinking so that statistical literacy and mathematical representation abilities of students can be explored through the transformation of ideas among students. The CPS learning model aspects were implemented in high and very high categories while the indicators were at rating-2 and rating-3.

Asrat Dagnew Kelkay ◽  
Gebremedhin Dagnew

This study investigated the effects of problem-solving teaching method on elementary school students’ physics achievement at elementary school. In this investigation an experimental research procedure was used. Along with this, a sample of sixty students was drawn from a total of three hundred seventy-eight students using lottery method of sampling technique. Physics achievement test (pre-test and post-test) covering the unit ‘’Introduction to Electronics’’ was used as measuring instrument. Then, based on the pre-test scores, mixed ability groups such as fifteen high and fifteen low scoring 30 students each were assigned as experimental (13Fand17M) and control(15 and15M) groups using lottery method of sampling technique Students in the experimental group were taught using problem solving teaching method while those in the control group were instructed with lecture teaching method. The post-test constructed by the writer in the sample unit taught was administrated to both groups immediately after the treatment was over. Finally, the results of the study revealed that problem-solving teaching method was more effective in teaching physics as compared with lecture method at elementary school level.   Key words: Achievement, Effect, Elementary, Physics, problem    

Lala Septem Riza ◽  
Tyas Sawiji ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah ◽  
Haviluddin Haviluddin ◽  
Edy Budiman ◽  

This research aims to design the concept of learning media for the blind student and apply it to labyrinth game using problem-solving learning model. To design this media, 21 blind child characteristics, learning model, lesson plan and story concept of the game have been considered. After developing the proposed learn-ing media, some experiments on blind students are conducted. Then, the results of the experiments are processed and analyzed based on qualitative method. They shows that scores, perspectives, and focus of users are good. It means that the proposed learning media provides a positive impact on the blind child. Moreover, guidance and direction to students are the important things that have to do when the media is applied.

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