scholarly journals Internalisasi nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman dalam pendidikan karakter di SMA Taruna Nusantara

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Mokhammad Unggul Wibowo ◽  
Djoko Suryo ◽  
Dwi Siswoyo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman yang diinternalisasi; (2) proses internalisasi nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman; dan (3) efektivitas internalisasi nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman di SMA Taruna Nusantara. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis data kualitatif Miles & Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman yang diinternalisasi di SMA Taruna Nusantara belum dirumuskan secara eksplisit. Internalisasi nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman dilaksanakan pada tahapan pertama pendidikan karakter, menggunakan pendekatan inspiratif dan pola tindak pengajaran, pengasuhan, dan pelatihan. Internalisasi nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman di SMA Taruna Nusantara telah memberikan pengetahuan moral (moral knowing) kepada para siswa. Nilai-nilai tersebut diinternalisasi oleh para siswa sehingga mereka memiliki perasaan moral (moral feeling). Dalam menghadapi permasalahan hidup, mereka mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai kejuangan Jenderal Soedirman tersebut sebagai perilaku moral (moral action).Kata kunci: nilai kejuangan, internalisasi nilai, dan pendidikan karakter THE GENERAL SUDIRMAN STRUGGLE VALUES INTERNALIZATION IN CHARACTER EDUCATION IN TARUNA NUSANTARA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLAbstractThis study aims to describe: (1) the General Sudirman struggle values which are internalized; (2) the process of the General Sudirman struggle value internalization; and (3) the effectiveness of the General Sudirman struggle values internalization in Taruna Nusantara Senior High School. This study is a qualitative descriptive by using phenomenology approach. Data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The data analysis used Miles & Huberman qualitative data analysis model. The study findings are the General Sudirman struggle values which are internalized in Taruna Nusantara Senior High School have not explicitly formulated.  The General Sudirman struggle values internalization done in the first step of character education, using inspirative and teaching pattern approach, parenting, and training. The General Sudirman struggle values internalization in Taruna Nusantara Senior High School Magelang has effectively given moral knowing. Those values then internalized by the students so that they have moral feeling. In facing life problem, they actualize the General Sudirman Struggle Values as moral action.Keywords: struggle values, value internalization, character education

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-225
Wiji Hidayati

Islamic education and character education within the 2013 Curriculum at Senior High School in Indonesia are included in group A topics which is considered as compulsory.  The central government has formulated purposes, learning outcome competence, core competence as well as basic competence of those two topics. Thus, it requires high-quality management to achieve the standards. However, in reality,  Islamic education and character education teachers, particularly at State Senior High School I Pakem, Yoyakarta, are rarely aware of this scientific content in relation to management activities.    It is admitted there that management activity is, in fact, teacher obligation yet it is often regarded merely as routine. This research, which is aimed at describing curriculum management on Islamic education and character education with integration –interconnection scientific content at Senior High School, is a field study using qualitative approach. The subjects are Islamic education and character education teachers at State Senior High School I Pakem Yogyakarta while the object is the curriculum management of Islamic education and character education of Senior High School class X, XI and XII. Data were gathered using observation, interview and documentation which are then analyzed based on  Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. Flow model was used as data analysis including three elements namely, data gathering which was done along with data reduction using classification, topic concentration and generalization, abstraction and rough data transformation; data analysis which comprises data display, information arrangement and conclusion or data verification under the topic of curriculum management of Islamic education and character education at Senior High School particularly on planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling phase related to integration-interconnection among bayani, irfani and burhani. The result shows that, at class X, there is core topic under the themes of ”Living virtuous life” and ”Managing wakaf truthfully”, while at class XI, the core topic is ”Hi Moslem warriors, wake up and rise!”, whereas at class XII, the core topic is ”Worshiping spiritfully by believing on the doomsday”.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Juliana Juliana

The lack of the students ' interest and attention toward the local wisdom values of the local culture is this research background. The phenomena are due to the absence of interactive media to strengthen character education based on local wisdom in school. The purpose of this research is to create an interactive media based on local wisdom values with the implementation of the iconic card to strengthen the local wisdom values of Malay culture which is useful to build students’ character education. The research used a qualitative descriptive method with social anthropolinguistics approach. The subject of this research was students of Nurul Hasanah Senior High School, Medan. The data were collected through field observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the iconic card might be used as a media to teach Malay wisdom values with the use of the Pak Belalang icon and Malay pantun. Pantun in this research has local wisdom values of Malay culture such as moral, ethical and norm values. Therefore, it can be concluded that the iconic card can be used as media in strengthening the local wisdom values of Malay culture that useful for students' character education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Endrise Septine Rawanoko ◽  
Wuri Wuryandani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter demokratis pada siswa di SMAN 1 Kesamben Kabupaten Jombang melalui pembelajaran PPKn. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Observasi digunakan oleh peneliti untuk memperoleh data saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Wawancara digunakan oleh peneliti untuk memperoleh data dari guru dan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Kesamben Kabupaten Jombang. Data dokumentasi yang diperoleh peneliti berupa perangkat pembelajaran yang dimiliki guru yaitu RPP. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui triangulasi teknik (observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi) dan pencocokan data dengan teori. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai karakter demokratis di masukkan guru melalui mata pelajaran PPKn dengan menggunakan metode diskusi. Sedangkan evaluasi dari penanaman karakter demokratis dilakukan dengan evaluasi tertulis dan tidak tertulis untuk melihat moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action.Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter demokratis, pembelajaran PPKn THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DEMOCRATIC CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH PANCASILA AND CIVIC IN GRADE XIIAbstractThis research was aimed to explain the implementation of a democratic character education through Pancasila and civics in grade XII students of senior high school. This was a descriptive qualitative study. The research data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. The observation was used to obtain data during the learning process. Interview was used to obtain data from the teacher and students in Senior High School in Kesamben Jombang Regency. The document used as information research way a set of lesson plan. Data validity of this research was obtained through triangulations technique (observation, interview, and documentation) and data theory verification. Data analyses used were data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. This research showed that the implementation of a democratic character education through the Pancasila and civics in grade XII students of senior high school could be applied well using a discussion learning method. The evaluation for character democratic used written evaluation and non test evaluation for know a moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action.Keywords: democratic character education, Pancasila and civic learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Eros Cahyati

This research is aimed at analyzing the ideational meaning realized on recount texts in English textbook for Senior High School Grade X.  The objectives of this study are to describe the dominant processes and circumstances realized on recount texts in English textbook. The researcher employed qualitative descriptive as the research design.  The data were taken and collected through a documents collection.  The documents were collected from English textbook for Senior High School Students Year X (revised 2017). This book was published by Pusat Kurikulum and Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud (2017). There were 4 recount texts that analyzed and identified. The researcher used transitivity analysis as tool to analyzes recount texts. The results of data analysis showed that the dominant processes found on recount texts is material processes. It   occurred 90 times (51.8%) in the textbook and it refers to process of construing material of action and doing. Meanwhile, the dominant circumstances found on recount texts is circumstances of time. It is occurred 40 times (44.4%) and it refers to answer question such as “when?” and also to give information about times. Finally, this research is recommended for the students of English education program who want to improve their understanding about SFL especially in ideational meaning. Keywords: Ideational meaning, recount texts, textbook

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Muhammad Tang

The problem of this research, namely whether the Civics learning outcomes of material sovereignty of the people and the system of government in Indonesia can be improved through creative simulation methods in class X.1 students of SMA 1 Bengo, Bone Regency. Based on the problems in this study, efforts were made to solve the problem of Civics learning outcomes in the matter of people's sovereignty and system of governance in Indonesia through creative simulation methods in class X.1 Bengo 1 Senior High School Bone District. The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement in Civics learning outcomes of material sovereignty and the system of government in Indonesia through creative simulation methods in class X.1 Bengo 1 Senior High School Bone District. This research is classroom action research (PTK), using a descriptive qualitative approach. The focus of this research is to improve the process and learning outcomes of Civics in the matter of people's sovereignty and the system of government in Indonesia. Data collection is done through observation and tests. The data analysis technique used is a data analysis model consisting of three activity lines, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion / verification. The results of the study show that creative simulation methods can improve creativity and student learning outcomes. This can be seen in the results of the study stating that the creativity of students has increased when the teacher uses the Creative Simulation Method in the lessons of the People's Sovereignty and Government System in Indonesia. This increase can be seen both in each cycle in the researched class  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Dian Triwulandari

Dewa Ruci's Batik motif is the work of Sapuan a Junior High School (SMP) teacher from Pekalongan. Dewa Ruci is a unique batik work that represents the life story of the journey of Bima, a puppet character. The story of Bima's life journey visualized through this motif brings the value of character education which is full of goodness values. This research will examine the value of character education contained in the Batik Dewa Ruci motif in terms of the perspective of character education Thomas Lickona. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, using interview data with the creator of the batik to see the intrinsic motivation of the work, observations of the batik, and supported by library data. Data analysis uses a hermeneutic approach, which is interpreting the expressions that appear in the visuals of the batik. The results of the study show that the Batik Dewa Ruci by Sapuan contains the character values of Thomas Lickona's kindness, It is hoped that this research can inspire educators and artists, to be able to insert value of character education into works of art, and for readers to be able to understand the philosophical meaning of Dewa Ruci's batik.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 207
Najihaturrohmah Najihaturrohmah

This study aims to determine the implementation of boarding school programs in the formation of student characters in State Senior High School of Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School Pandeglang Banten. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. The research data was collected with several techniques, such as observation, interview, and documentation. Triangulation technique is done by means of triangulation method, that is by checking the information result of interview with documentation and observation. The results of the discussion of the implementation of boarding school programs in the formation of student characters include: There is guidance of character education that appear in State Senior High School of Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School Pandeglang Banten include: 1) Religious, attitude, and behavior; 2) Discipline, actions that demonstrate orderly conduct and abide by various rules and regulations. 3) Honest behavior based on an attempt to make himself or herself a person who can always be trusted in words, actions, and work. 4) Mandiri, 5) Responsibility of the attitude and behavior of a person to carry out his duties and obligations, which he should do, to oneself, society, environment (nature, social and culture), state, and god almighty. Keywords. Boarding school, character education, religious, discipline

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-264
Stevani Lika Sari Tarigan ◽  
Marta Rejeki Manalu ◽  
Ayu Supriani Tampubolon ◽  
Yenita Br Sembiring

The research aims to find out the student's strategies in translating idioms. The method used in this study qualitative descriptive, this study was conducted at SMA SwastaPencawan Medan with the samples were 23 students of XI-MIA-2. The researcher used an essay test with 25 questions to translate idioms sentences. The result collection collected data from the students convert sentence researchers provided the database on the results of students' strategies in translating idioms on an essay test. Using a phrase of similar meaning in form result show there were 61 (34,27%), using a language of same meaning but dissimilar form in form show there were 19 (10,67%), translating by paraphrase in form result show there were 70 (39,33%) and translation by omission in form show there were 28 (15,73%). The result showed that many students translate idioms sentences with translation by paraphrase. The dominant strategies students are predominantly translation by paraphrase, and most students cannot turn the idiom in to the sentence that has been given. Keywords: strategies, translation idiom sentences, senior high school

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 371
Rissari Yayuk

<p><em>This study examines the focal point of illustration of the first winner of the contest for writing opinion of the senior high school level in South Kalimantan. This study aims to describe 1) the focus point of illustration of the title of the first winner of the contest writing opinion of the senior high school level in South Kalimantan? 2) the focal point of information information of the first winner of writing contest for high school level opinion in South Kalimantan; 3) the focal point of illocution of the moral message of the first winner of the high school opinion writing contest in South Kalimantan. The study was conducted in October 2016 at Balai Bahasa Balai. The method used is qualitative deskreptif. The technique used in this paper is the sampling purposive sampling. The sample used as data is the first winner of the contest for writing the opinion of the senior high school level in South Kalimantan, in South Kalimantan Language Hall, in 2016. This first winner is named Norhidayah, a student of SMAN 4 Banjarbaru, with the title of Language Role in Introducing Children of Nation. Data analysis is done by steps, data collection, data identification, classification, selection and interpretation. The results of data analysis are presented in ordinary words with technical terminology. Based on the results of the study of the focal point of the article, the first winner of the South Kalimantan high school opinion writing contest includes the focus point of the title illusion, the focus point of information illocution, and the focus point of the illustration of the moral mandate. The focus of the title illustration can be seen in the meaning of its ilokusinya, language, and suitability of the theme in the title. The focus point of the information illumination of the article can be seen in its meaning of ilokusinya, its language style, and the type of discourse. The focus point of the illustration of its moral mandate can be seen in the author's expectations contained in the title, the focus of the information, and on the final paragraph of the paper</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>Masalah yang dibahasa mengenai titik fokus ilokusi  artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan 1) titik fokus ilokusi judul artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan? 2) titik fokus ilokusi informasi artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan; 3) titik fokus ilokusi amanat moral  artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2016 di Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskreptif kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Sampel yang dijadikan data adalah artikel pemenang pertama lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan, di Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 2016. Pemenang pertama ini bernama Norhidayah, siswa SMAN 4 Banjarbaru, dengan judul Peran Bahasa dalam Mencerdaskan Anak Bangsa. Analisis data dilakukan dengan  langkah-langkah, pengumpulan data, indentifikasi data, klasifikasi, seleksi dan  interpretasi. Hasil analisis data disajikan dengan kata-kata biasa dengan terminologi yang teknis sifatnya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian titik fokus ilokusi artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan  meliputi titik fokus ilokusi judul, titik fokus ilokusi  informasi , dan  titik fokus ilokusi amanat moral.Titik fokus ilokusi judul dapat dilihat pada makna ilokusinya, gaya bahasanya, daya bahasa, dan kesesuaian tema pada judul. Titik fokus ilokusi informasi artikel dapat dilihat pada makna ilokusinya, gaya bahasanya, dan jenis wacananya.Titik fokus ilokusi amanat moralnya dapat dilihat pada harapan penulis yang terdapat pada judul, fokus informasi, dan pada paragrap akhir karya tulis</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ageng Pratiwi ◽  
Erny Roesminingsih ◽  
Karwanto Karwanto

Senior High School Muhammdiyah 10 Surabaya is a school that dares to make a different curriculum from Diknas. It was rejected because it did not fit the existing curriculum. In its first year, the school receives two classes of students. This achievement soared in the second year. Second year there are five classes. The curriculum used at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya is called "Talent Executive School." This study aims to find out the development of outstanding school culture at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya, also describe the form of outstanding school culture, the process of planting values and ethos of achievement to students and knowing the implications of the development of outstanding school culture at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya. Although the facilities and infrastructure at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya have limitations but they are able to continue to develop the potential and ethos of interpreting in the academic and non-academic fields. So it becomes an attraction for researchers to conduct a researcher in the school with a different school style than usual. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The planting of values and ethos of achievement in students is carried out through school orientation activities, learning process, learning evaluation, extracurricular, achievement awards, love for alma mater, teacher conscientiousness, cooperation with parents of students and planting an outstanding culture. The results showed that the school culture developed at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya is through educational programs and potential interests including archery, futsal, athletics, pencak silat, archery, music, hockey, dance and others.

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