scholarly journals Developing E-Learning Media with the Contiguity Principle for the Subject of Autocad

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Nur Hidayat ◽  
Samsul Hadi ◽  
Abd. Basith ◽  
Suwandi Suwandi

Technological advances have made possible to reduce limitation of space and time in learning. Students can interact with teachers and other students indirectly without face to face meetings through e-learning media. To create effective e-learning media, factors to be mainly considered are multimedia learning principles, one of which is contiguity. Thus, this study was aimed at developing e-learning media with the contiguity principle and examining its quality. The media were tested for measuring its effectiveness by statistically analyzing the differences in students’ learning achievement and motivation. This study was research and development using quasi experimental techniques whose subject is Vocational High School also known as Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. The result of this study was e-learning media with the contiguity principle. The feasibility evaluation showed that the product had good quality in the aspects of media and materials. The effectiveness testing showed insignificant differences in learning achievement and motivation between the students using e-learning media with the contiguity principle and without the contiguity principle with the scores of 0.325 and 0.873 respectively.

Jurnal Common ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-190
Radisya Eka Putri H. ◽  
Tine Agustin Wulandari

The pandemic of Covid-19 caused the Indonesian government to issue regulations about the implementation of e-learning as a substitute for face-to-face learning. Zoom Cloud Meeting application is one of the e-learning media used in order to achieve students understanding in the midst of pandemic. The research was conducted through a qualitative approach with a case study in one of the department which has the largest number of students at Universitas Komputer Indonesia. Through the purposive technique, six research informants were obtained, consisting of quality assurance coordinator, lecturers and students involved in the learning process using Zoom Cloud Meeting application. Results showed that planning contained an overview of learning activities to be held with Zoom Cloud Meeting media as well as preparations made by lecturers and students. Implementation is the use of Zoom Cloud Meeting application as the media of e-learning to deliver learning materials, in the same way as face-to-face learning, consisting of lectures and discussions. Evaluation is related to technical barriers and the development of learning materials that should be adjusted to e-learning method through Zoom Cloud Meeting application. Researchers concluded, the use of Zoom Cloud Meeting application as the media of e-learning in general has successfully achieving students understanding in the midst of pandemic through various features that support the implementation of e-learning, this happens after all parties involved can adapt to the e-learning system. For that, it is necessary to conduct further research about the impact of e-learning in the improvement the learning quality of students. This research was conducted as part of e-learning development, although it cannot completely replace face-to-face learning but at least supports the learning process by utilizing technological advances so that students are more active and independent, because the learning process is no longer centered on lecturers.

Layla Fatimatutz Zahroh

<p>This research was conducted based on the researcher’s observation that every student and teachers had facilities for using e-learning system, but they couldn’t use it effectively. The aims of this research were 1) to explain the extent to which the product development needed to teach the writing of descriptive text; 2) to explain how the media potentially developed through Moodle e-learning media to teach descriptive text writing; 3) to explain the effectiveness of Moodle e-learning media to teach descriptive text writing. The subject of this research was students at tenth grade of SMK NU Ma’arif 01 Semarang. The scientific involved 47 students. 22 students were in the control class, and 25 students were in the experimental class. The data were collected through pre-test and post-test. The result of this research described as follow: 1) the extent needed of developing Moodle e-learning media is as follow: a) the students’ need analysis mentioned in the rate 96%, that students agreed toward Moodle e-learning media because it was very helpful. b) the total of validation result from expert validation 1 and 2 was 79.1% 2) The researcher developed Moodle e-learning media was done by using seven steps R and D research adapted by Borg and Gall. 3) the effectiveness of product supported by the results of students posttest that obtained 76.04. Based on those findings, this Moodle is valid to be implemented in an English learning process.</p>

Yuliana Prativi ◽  
Muhammad Zaenuri

Online learning is a learning via internet without meeting face-to-face between teachers and students. This online learning system is relatively new, therefore teachers and students should adapt quickly. This study aims to determine the online Arabic learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Surakarta. Researcher used a qualitative approach and observation, interview, and documentation as data collection techniques. The results described that e-learning madrasah was used as the main media for online Arabic learning at MTsN 1 Surakarta during the covid-19 pandemic, then assisted by Whatsapp and Youtube channel. The subject matter was presented in video, powerpoint, and pdf. The learning stages were divided into three: preparation, implementation (pre-activities, whilst-activities and post-activities), and evaluation stage. This online learning helps teachers to coordinate with and supervise students easily, on the other hand, it is difficult for them to monitor the students’ understanding and bad internet network make some students could not follow the learning process in time. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani

In the eyes of literature, existentialist thinkers focus on the question of concrete human existence and the conditions of this existence rather than hypothesizing a human essence, stressing that the human essence is determined through life choices. The ideal, however, is that humans exist in a state of distance from the world that they nonetheless remain in the midst of. This distance is what enables humans to project meaning into the disinterested world of in-itselfs. This projected meaning remains fragile, constantly facing breakdown for any reason— from a tragedy to a particularly insightful moment. In such a breakdown, humans are put face to face with the naked meaninglessness of the world, and the results can be devastating. It is porposed that literature and the media combined have a powerful impact on those who wish to truly realize and understand their message. By studying, reading, learning, experiencing, and knowing the culture of the present and those cultures of the past then one can understand the ideas of life and how the two work together to help us better understand each other and ourselves. In what ways our present culture, our technological advances, and the media shape who we are as individuals is not a simple question. The answer seems to elusively hide in a world filled with cultural complexities. But, it is no secret to find that literature is a source of power. It does influence, guide, and shape the human become as they continue their journey through life. Hence, since human are never without the influence of literature, they will always have factors working to modify the human being. However, it is their choice as to how they internalize what they are exposed to, and in turn, it is up to them to determine the individual that ultimately prevails.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-102
Febria Demayanti ◽  
Sunaryo Soenarto

Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) menghasilkan materi video yang layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran bagi siswa SMK Jurusan Tata Boga secara umum, dan secara khusus untuk SMK Ma’Arif 2 Sleman. Materi video lebih menekankan pada pengenalan bumbu dan rempah kontinental (continental spice) pada mata pelajaran Pengolahan Makanan Kontinental; (2) mendokumentasikan beberapa bumbu dan rempah kontinental (continental spice) secara detail, meliputi: bentuk, sifat, karakter dan kegunaan bahan tersebut; (3) mengetahui manfaat penggunaan media video pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian pengembangan ini merujuk 3 langkah yang dikembangkan antara lain: (a) praproduksi; (b) produksi; dan (c) pascaproduksi. Uji coba program video dilakukan 2 tahap yaitu skala kecil dan besar. Produk video yang telah direvisi digunakanuntuk pembelajaran PMK. Subjek tes sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran menggunakan media video untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan angket. Teknik analisis menggunakan deskriptif. Validasi ahli materi dan ahli media hasilnya layak digunakan. Penilaian siswa tentang media video pembelajaran bumbu dan rempah kontinental rata-rata siswa memberi tanggapan “sangat layak” serta terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sesudah menggunakan program video pembelajaran.Kata kunci: video pembelajaran, bumbu dan rempah kontinental, hasil belajar DEVELOPING A VIDEO FOR THE LEARNING OF INGREDIENTS AND SPICES IN THE SUBJECT OF CONTINENTAL CUISINE PROCESSINGAbstractThis study aims to: (1) produce video materials appropriate to be used as learning media for students of Gastronomy in the vocational high school in general and in SMK Ma’arif 2 Sleman in particular; the video materials emphasize the introduction to continental ingredients and spices in the subject of Continental Cuisine Processing; (2) document several continental ingredients and spices in detail including their forms, nature, characters, and uses; and (3) investigate the benefits of the use of the learning video to improve students’ learning achievement. This was a research and development pouting 3 to the steps developed i.e.: (a) preproduction, (b) production, and (c) post-production. Video program testing is done in 2 to the steps; large & small scale. Revised video products are used for PMK learning. Tes subjects before and after learning using video media to the know the improvement of learning outcomes. The data were collected by interview technique, observation, and questioner. The analysis techniques were use descriptive. The results of the validation by the materials and media experts of the results is feasible to be used. The students’ assessment of the video for the learning of continental ingredients and spices show very appropriate responses on the average and there is an increase on the learning outcome after using the learning video program.Keywords: learning video, continental ingredients and spices, learning achievement

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 533-537
Risnovita Sari ◽  
Rina Evianty ◽  
Haf niati

The purpose of this research is to produce a website-e-learning media product using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The method used in this research is a quasi-experimental method with a quantitative approach. The research design used was Pre-Test and Post-Test Control with a single treatment. In this study, there are two kinds of variables, namely the independent variable which is denoted as (X) and the dependent variable which is denoted as (Y). Independent variables are also known as influencing variables or causal variables. In this study, the variable is the use of website learning media (X). The data collection technique used in this study were tests, i.e. the pre-test and post-test learning achievement of Hören A1. The initial test was conducted to determine the learning achievement of students before receiving treatment, and the final test was to determine the learning achievement of students after receiving treatment. The research findings show that web-based learning is in accordance with basic needs in learning and can improve student achievement. This study is within the scope of teaching German and this research is new.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-144
Nazirin Nazirin

The research analyses the effect of cooperative learning model Jigsaw type and learning motivation on student’s understanding on citizenship subject. The research method uses quasi experimental design with post test only control design. The subject of research was 44 students which constitutes two classes, experiment and control classes. The data collection employs test and questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Two-way Anova test. The results show that cooperative learning model Jigsaw type hasa significant effect on student’s conceptual understanding. The ANOVA test produce significant level below 0.05, which indicates there is significant effect of the Jigsaw model and learning motivation on student achievement. It can be concluded that the cooperative learning model contributes better to learning achievement than conventional learning model, and a high learning motivation contributes better to students learning achievement in citizentship subject than a low learning motivation.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan motivasi terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep PPKn siswa sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan post test only control design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 44 siswa yang terdiri dari 22 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 22 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova 2 jalur. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw yang positif dan signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa berupa pemahaman konsep PPKn siswa. Siswa dengan tingkat motivasi yang tinggi lebih baik dalam hal penggunaan model Jigsaw dan hasil belajar, dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mempunyai motivasi rendah. Terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan motivasi belajar terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep PPKn. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran ceramah untuk mencapai  hasil belajar yang lebih baik, dan bahwa siswa dengan motivasi belajar yang tinggi lebih baik daripada siswa dengan motivasi belajar yang rendah dalam penggunaan atau pemanfaatan model pembelajaran Jigsaw dan hasil belajarnya.

Faridiah Aghadiati Fajri ◽  
RY. Kun Haribowo P. ◽  
Nurisqi Amalia ◽  
Dina Natasari

The digital world demands graduates who are accustomed to deal with technology. Blended learning is one of the strategies by combining online media with face-to-face classes. It cannot be denied that students who interact with technology experience stress and tension. This condition have an impact on the learning process so that a way out is needed to bring it down. Gamification is a gaming technique that is applied to non-game applications to increase pleasure when interacting with these applications. This feature has been implemented in business applications, social media, e-commerce, and e-learning. However, the impact of playfulness in mitigating technostress has not been studied. This research examined the role of feedback mechanism and presentation mechanism in giving pleasure in LMS. Furthermore, this playfulness is expected to reduce the stress experienced by users. The research was conducted using a quasi-experimental method by giving participants time to follow the course with the gamification feature. The results showed that the gamification mechanism is able to provide pleasure which in turn will reduce the user's stress level. Based on the user-perceived of playfulness, gamification can reduce stress levels so it will reduce user resistance and increase the effectiveness of technology implementation.

Lydiawati Kosasih ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

This study discusses some considerations in education to achieve a good quality of learning by utilizing technological advances such as E-Learning. This study uses a model of Community of Inquiry (COI) as a comparative study to improve the quality of E-Learning program. Implementation of COI model in discussionforum on BiNusMaya through E-Learning is able to improve the quality of a discussion as improvement of knowledge management. This study aims to provide a proposal to the Department of Information Systems Bina Nusantara University in enhancing the effectiveness of the use of discussion forums on BiNusMaya (ELearning). By presenting the survey results related to the Binusmaya current condition,s such constraints and development expectations of both the lecturers and students for Binusmaya can be described. In addition, the application of CoI model is presented in a learning process especially when meeting outside of class (without face-to-face). The results of this study is expected to be the basis for developing a COI model design and implementation plan in Management Information Systems course, that may improve the quality of the use of discussion forums as part of the knowledge management process in future study.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Heru Amrul Mu'arif ◽  
Herman Dwi Surjono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan produk e-learning berbasis pendekatan ilmiah pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam bagi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta dengan spesifikasi model dan isi yang ditetapkan, (2) mengetahui kelayakan produk e-learning, (3) mengetahui hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan e-learning. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dan diadaptasi dari model Alessi dan Trollip. Prosedur pengembangan meliputi tahap perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan sebagai berikut:  (1) produk e-learning berbasis pendekatan ilmiah berhasil dikembangkan dengan sebuah sistem manajemen pembelajaran (LMS) online yang dibuat dengan software aplikasi moodle. E-learning berbasis pendekatan ilmiah dikembangkan untuk pokok bahasan sistem tata surya dan kehidupan di bumi; (2) produk e-learning berbasis pendekatan ilmiah pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam telah memenuhi kriteria dan dinyatakan layak sebagai media pembelajaran berdasarkan validasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan siswa, kelayakannya mencapai rerata skor 4,15 dengan kategori baik; (3) keefektifan pembelajaran IPA lebih baik setelah menggunakan e-learning dibuktikan melalui peningkatan hasil belajar. Hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta mengalami peningkatan setelah menggunakan e-learning.Kata kunci: e-learning, pendekatan ilmiah, ilmu pengetahuan alam. DEVELOPING OF E-LEARNING BASED ON SCIENTIFIC APPROACH ON NATURAL SCIENCES LESSON AT SMPN 5 YOGYAKARTAAbstractThis study aims to: (1) develop e-learning based on scientific approaches on natural science subjects for students grade VIII of SMPN 5 Yogyakarta with model specifications and specified contents, (2) determine the feasibility of e-learningproduct (3) determine student learning achievement after using e-learning. This research was a research and development (R&D) adapted from models of Alessi &Trollip. The development procedure included the planning, design, and development. This study shows the following results. (1) E-learning-based on scientificapproaches was developed with a learning management system (LMS) online software applications created with Moodle. E-learning is developed based on a scientific approach for the subject of the solar system and life on Earth; (2) e-learning based on scientific approaches for natural science subjects is appropriate as a medium of learning based on the judgement from media expert, materials experts, and students, with the feasibility with mean score of 4.15 with both categories; (3) the learning achievement of class VIII student of SMPN 5 Yogyakarta increases after using e-learning.Keywords: e-learning, scientific approach, natural sciences

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