scholarly journals Eksplanasi Sejarah Dan Implikasinya Dalam Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran SKI Untuk MI

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Nur Saidah

<p><em>This article describes the explanation of history and its implications in the development of Islamic Culture History learning models in Islamic Primary School. As an independent science, history has a different methodology. Therefore, the explanation is different from the history of other scientific explanations, though conceptually adopted the theory of social and natural sciences to support the explanation. These rules include the historical explanation; regularity, generalization,  statistical inference, periodical, historical narrative and the implications for the development of Islamic Culture History interpretation in Islamic Primary School learning model which requires teachers choose a model student-oriented learning (student centered). For an explanation of the history of the reconstruction of historical events that allow teachers to give crude learning materials so students should be involved to design his own knowledge until he is able to think critically and learn many values from explanation history. One of the today’s appropriate learning models is Contextual Teaching and Learning. This model is a holistic view of learners not only on psychological but also on social and neurotical. This model also requires the integral learning, bringing together the experience of learning in the classroom with daily experiences of students.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: explanation, contextual teaching and learning</em><em></em></p>

Rosimeire Aparecida Soares Borges ◽  
Cristiano José de Oliveira

Este estudo histórico investigou apropriações das propostas reformistas da Escola Nova no que tange ao ensino da Aritmética para a escola primária em cinco cadernos de um aluno, de terceiro e quarto anos do curso primário, dos anos de 1952 e 1953, respectivamente, e no primeiro volume do manual didático “Práticas Escolares” que teve sua primeira edição em 1940 e décima edição em 1965, de autoria de Antonio D’Ávila. Utiliza-se como base teórico-metodológica a História Cultural na direção de dar significado às apropriações que foram feitas em relação à aritmética da escola primária em tempos da Escola Nova. Há uma predominância da resolução de problemas aritméticos ligados ao cotidiano dos alunos, indicando uma preocupação com a abstração dos conceitos com foco em uma aritmética prática, que tinha por finalidade preparar o aluno para a vida fora da escola após quatro anos de estudo no curso primário. Observa-se uma valorização do aluno como indivíduo, com respeito ao seu ritmo e dificuldades apresentadas na aprendizagem da Aritmética, um dos aspectos marcantes da Escola Nova, o aluno considerado como protagonista do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, podendo interagir no meio social em uma formação mais humana.Palavras-chave: Aritmética. Ensino Primário. Manual Didático para Professores. Cadernos de aluno. Cultura escolar. História da Educação Matemática.AbstractThis historical study investigated appropriations of the New School for the teaching of Arithmetic for the primary school in five books of a student, of the third and the fourth years of the primary course, of the years of 1952 and 1953, respectively, And in the first Volume of the didactic manual “School Practices” that had its first edition in 1940 and tenth edition in 1965, authored by Antonio D’Ávila. It is used as a theoretical-methodological basis for the Cultural History in the direction of provide meaning the appropriations that were made in relation to the primary school in times of the New School. There is a predominance of solving arithmetic problems related to students’ daily life, indicating a preoccupation with an abstraction of concepts with a focus on an arithmetic practice, whose purpose was to prepare a student for the life outside of school after four years of primary school. It is observed the evaluation of the student as an individual, with respect to its rhythm and difficulties presented in the learning of Arithmetic, one of the markers of the New School, the student considered the protagonist of the process of teaching and learning, being able To interact in the social environment in a more humane formation.Keywords: Arithmetic. Primary school. Didactic Manual for Teachers. Books of a student. School culture. History of Mathematics Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (33) ◽  
Muaripin Muaripin

The purpose of this paper is to know how far the understanding of training participants on the development of teaching materials on the training of teacher competence improvement History of Islamic culture MTs in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of West Java Province. The method used is descriptive analysis because this method describes in general about the ability of training participants about the development of teaching materials in text form on the subjects of Islamic Culture History MTs through the analysis of Core Competence and Basic Competence. The results of the study that the authors do that that the preparation of teaching materials in text form on the subjects of History of Islamic Culture MTs is needed and help teachers and simplify the process of teaching and learning in the classroom and can improve the quality of learning. Even teaching materials in text form can be developed as teaching materials based on e-learning. In developing teaching materials in text form, teachers should perform KI and KD analysis first.  Keywords: development, teaching materials, KI and KD

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hamnidar Hamnidar

This research was motivated by the learning outcomes of students' natural sciences that were still low. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes with the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning approach. This research is a classroom action research consisting of II cycles with research subjects in class VI of 007 Kampung Baru State Primary School Gunung Toar District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The results showed that, judging from the basic score, the lowest value of students was 50 while the highest score of students was 85 with an average grade of 62.78 with an incomplete category. in the first cycle the lowest value of students was 65 while the highest value of students was 90 with an average grade of 74 with a complete category. For learning outcomes in cycle II, the lowest value of students is 75 while the highest value of students is 100 with the average value of class 84.47 with complete categories. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning learning approach assisted by media images can improve the learning outcomes of Natural Sciences students of class VI 007 Public Primary School Kampung Baru, Gunung Toar District, Kuantan Singingi Regency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-115
Depi Adela Sari ◽  
Chika Rahayu ◽  
Indah Widyaningrum

This service uses the Pretest Posttest Design design. The purpose of this service is to determine the effect of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning models on student learning outcomes on cube material with the context of tofu in grade VIII? Data collection uses documentation and test methods. The data is processed using the t test statistical test. Based on data analysis, the average value of experimental class students is 83.90 and control class 73.11. From the average value obtained by students, it can be seen that mathematics learning using contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning models with context knows that it has a positive effect on student learning outcomes on cube material

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. p21
Iswan - ◽  
Herwina Bahar ◽  
Farihen - ◽  
Riza Yanti

This research aimed to investigate whether or not there was an effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model towards the improvement of students’ learning creativities. A total number of 40 students of 4th grade of Public Primary School Lengkong Karya, South Tangerang, Indonesia, participated in this study. This was a quantitative research with descriptive quantitative method. The hypothesis of the study stated that there was an influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model towards 4th grade students’ learning creativities improvement. The results of the research revealed that there was a significant influence of CTL towards students’ learning creativities in which in the significant level of 5%, there was a significant correlation between variable X and Y. Additionally, in the significant level of 1%, rtable was lower than rxy (0.376<0.468), hence, at this level, there was a significant correlation between variable X and Y. Based on the statistical test, it was concluded that learning model of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) had significant influence towards the learning creativities of 4th graders of Public Primary School Lengkong Karya. South Tangerang. Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-86
Muhtar Luthfie Al Anshory

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui problematika pembelajaran SKI di Madrasah Tsanawiyah YAPI Pakem Kabupaten Sleman. Jenis penelitian yang akan kami digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menekankan pada penggunaan data lapangan (alamiah). Data yang bersumber dari tatanan realitas yang dilakukan langsung oleh peneliti dalam situasi apa adanya. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif berusaha mendeskripsikan seluruh gejala atau keadaan yang ada, yaitu keadaan gejala menurut apa adanya pada saat penelitian dilakukan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketika dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dilapangan tentang pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam di MTs YAPI Pakem Kabupaten Sleman mengalami beberapa kendala. Diantara kendala yang dialami dalam pembelajaran SKI adalah; pertama, adanya latar belakang peserta didik yang berbeda-beda. Kedua, latar belakang pendidikan guru yang tidak berkompeten. Ketiga, kurangnya sarana dan prasaranya dalam menunjang proses belajar mengajar SKI. Keempat, keterbatasan waktu dalam proses pembelajaran SKI di kelas. Title: Problematics Ski Learningin Madrasah Tsanawiyah YAPI Pakem       Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the learning problems of SKI in Madrasah Tsanawiyah YAPI Pakem. This type of research is descriptive qualitative that emphasizes the use of field data (natural). Data sourced from the order of reality is carried out directly by researchers in the situation it is. Qualitative descriptive research seeks to describe all the symptoms or conditions that exist, namely the state of symptoms according to what they are at the time the study was conducted. The resullt of this reseaarch is  in reality, when conducted research using a qualitative approach and data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation in the field of learning the history of Islamic Culture in MTs YAPI Pakem Sleman Regency experienced several obstacles. Among the obstacles experienced in SKI learning are; First, there are different backgrounds of students. Second, the educational background of teachers who are not competent. Third, the lack of facilities and infrastructure in supporting the SKI teaching and learning process. Fourth, limited time in the SKI learning process in class.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Muhammad Teguh Saputra

This study aims to find out what kind of learning model is used by the teachers of Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran Musholla Darussalam from time to time, which is explained by analyzing: (1) what learning paradigm is used, (2) what learning theory and methods are applied, (3) and what activities are carried out. This research is important to describe because it raises the learning strategies carried out in research from time to time, so that they are relevant to the problems of the times that require teachers to quickly adapt to the dynamic development of science and technology. The method used in this research is qualitative in the form of field research. The results used are: (1) the paradigm used shifts from teacher-centered to student-centered (2) the theory used consistently uses behavioristic theory and the dominant method used is the demo method (3) the activities carried out include; (a) reading iqra and quran books; (b) summarize books on Islamic creed and the history of Islamic culture; (c) memorizing the quran and hadith, and so on.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-55
Azhar Azhar

The quality of life of the nation is largely determined by educational factors. In carrying out this research, the author uses quantitative research methods. quantitative approach, descriptive analysis through library research and field research. The results teacher's ability to manage classes in MTs Negeri Baturaja is in the moderate category 45.62%. means to be quite good because it is supported by the sincerity of teachers in providing religious understanding and guidance to these students. The results of the next study can be concluded that the teaching and learning process in the subjects of Islamic Culture History (SKI) in Baturaja State MTs is in the moderate category 59.65%. that the teaching and learning process in Islamic Culture History (SKI) subjects at Baturaja State MTs seems to be quite good because it is supported by positive student habits and activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-52
Jhoni Lagun Siang ◽  
Moch. Sukardjo ◽  
Beatrix J.M. Salenussa ◽  
Yayan Sudrajat ◽  
Uswatun Khasanah

This study aims to determine the influence of learning models (Contextual Teaching and Learning and Quantum Learning) and the ability to think creatively about the learning outcomes of science education in junior high school students in SMPN 226 Jakarta. This research uses treatment design by level with sample number of 48 students at State Junior Secondary School (SMPN) 226 Jakarta. The data analysis was done by Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) two lane. The results showed that (1) Contextual Teaching and Learning model (CTL) was more effective in improving learning outcomes of IPA SMP Inclusion than Quantum Learning model (QL); (2) there was interaction effect between learning model and student's creative thinking ability toward science learning outcomes 3) for junior high school students in inclusion schools with high creative thinking skills more appropriately using Contextual Teaching and Learning models (CTL), (4) and for students with low creative thinking skills more appropriately using Quantum Learning models (QL).

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