2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ade Dewi Maharani ◽  
Zulfitri Aima

The result of supervision and evaluation of  KTSP 2009 finds some things that become difficulties for teachers in managing the psychomotor assessment tools. Difficulties referred to, among others, how to determine the operational verb in accordance with the level of competence in psychomotor, techniques to develop indicators of achievement in the field of psychomotor, assessment tools and strategies to prepare the appropriate exam materials related to characteristics of psychomotor aspects and how to carry out an objective assessment, so that the necessary development of assessment instruments psychomotor valid and practical in the material of digestive system. This research is a development (research for the development) that uses model Fenrich, namely analysis (analysis), planning (planning), design (design), development (development), implementation evalution (implementation), evalution (evaluation) and revision (revision) Implementationdan evalution phase was not conducted. Validation of data was obtained from the validation sheet filled out by experts and practical that were obtained from a questionnaire completed by the practitioner. Validity measured includes material aspects, aspects of instrument construction, and aspects of the language. The practicalities of measuring the ease of designing and using assessment instruments psychomotor developed. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis in the form persentage.Instrument of psychomotor assessment on the material digestive system is designed in the form of performance assessment, products, projects which are completed with assessment rubrics of each instrument. The tests of psychomotor assessment instruments are categorized as very valid with an average value for the performance appraisal instrument (performance) i.e. 90.3%, 92.2% is product assessment instruments, and project assesment insrument i.e.97.4%. While the level of psychomotor assessment instruments is categorized practicality with an average value i.e 72.23%.

Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra ◽  
Jamal Fakhri ◽  
Dewi Fitriani

This study aims to develop teaching materials gamification-based problem solving on the material in terms of four. To view the judging of the validator against the feasibility of teaching materials gamification-based problem solving on the material  terms of four and see the response of students to the attractiveness of the teaching materials gamification-based problem solving on the material in terms of four. This research use type research of research and development with a research model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Stage of development (development) involving 9 validator (three validator matter experts, three media experts and three language experts) to assess the feasibility of the material, the media and the Indonesian language good and right. Stage of Implementation (field trials) involving 80 students ( 20 students trial of small group and 60 students test a large group). The assessment of the attractiveness of the teaching materials gamification-based problem solving on the material in terms of four using the questionnaire i.e. a questionnaire the validator and questionnaires of learners. Data analysis using descriptive analysis using Microsoft Office Excel 2010. The results of the validation matter experts from the 3 validator shows that the overall product to obtain an average value of 3.7 and the Results of the validation media experts obtained an average value of 3.3 while the results of the validation of language experts to obtain an average value of 3.4. While the results of the trials of a small group of 10 students of MTs N 1 Bandar Lampung obtained the results of the attractiveness of the teaching materials with an average value of 3.4. while the test is a large group that was conducted in SMP 30 Bandar Lampung to obtain an average value of 3.5. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of teaching materials gamification-based problem solving on the criteria of very worthy and interesting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Kadek Apriliani ◽  
Gede Satya Hermawan ◽  
Yeni Yeni

The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of authentic assessment and assessment instruments used in carrying out authentic assessments in Japanese language learning in class X SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja. Data collection methods used in this study were observation, interviews and document study. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The subjects used in this study were class X SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja. The object of this research is the implementation and assessment instruments used for the implementation of authentic assessment in Japanese language learning in class X SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja. The results showed that the implementation of authentic assessment in Japanese language learning in class X SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja includes knowledge assessment using oral test techniques and assignments. Attitude assessment uses observation or observation techniques and attitude assessment journals. Assessment of skills using performance appraisal techniques. The assessment instruments used for the implementation of authentic assessment in Japanese language learning in class X SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja are online RPP, syllabus, knowledge assessment rubric, attitude assessment journal, speaking skills assessment rubric, writing skills assessment rubric and listening skills assessment rubric.

Amirhud Dalimunthe ◽  
Marwan Affandi ◽  
Eka Dodi Suryanto

Abstrak: Masalah yang dihadapi saat melaksanakan praktikum Teknik Digital adalah modul praktikum yang tersedia belum belum sesuai dengan kompetensi lulusan. Masalah lainnya adalah beberapa modul yang membutuhkan perbaikan. Selain itu, panduan praktikum Teknik Digital juga belum lengkap. Solusi untuk permasalahan diatas salah satunya adalah mengembangkan modul praktikum Teknik Digital. Pengembangan modul praktikum Teknik Digital dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Project Based Learning. Model ADDIE diadaptasi dalam prosedur pengembangan modul praktikum dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Prosedur penelitian meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu analisis Potensi dan masalah, Pengumpulan data, Desain produk, Validasi desain, Revisi desain, Uji coba, Revisi produk, Uji coba pemakaian, Revisi produk dan Produksi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi, keterampilan, kreatifitas dan inovasi mahasiswa.  Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Modul Praktikum, Teknik Digital, Model ADDIE. Abstract:  When attending digital engineering lectures and digital engineering internship courses, students often encounter difficulties because they need to have high logic skills when producing a series of works. Imperfect learning tools is one of the reasons for the above problems. However, some facilities and infrastructure do not support the practical and theoretical learning process. One of them is learning tools, especially practical modules that are not yet available. The purpose of this research is to develop a module and a Digital Engineering practicum jobsheet in accordance with the materials and competencies that students must achieve by utilizing the tools and materials available in the laboratory. The design of this research is R&D. The product of this research will be validated by experts and tested on students after the product is revised. The development procedure adapted from the ADDIE model developed by Dick and Carry. The data analysis technique used a simple qualitative descriptive analysis technique. This research produces a practicum module that contains work procedures and job sheets. The results of the assessment obtained from 2 media experts were 89,4% in the category of easy to understand, useful, interesting and worthy of being used as a practicum guide. The results of the assessment obtained from 2 media experts show that this module is valid and very good with an average value of 90,3%. Students using this module gave an average rating of 89% for ease of learning, attractiveness, design and benefits. Keywords: Development, Practicum Modul, Digital Engineering, ADDIE Model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 384
Ida Saidah

From the results of observation of researchers as principals, so far the teachers at SMK Jakarta 60 have data and information that the school environment is very rarely used by teachers as a source of learning. For this reason, through guidance and discussion with the KKG about professionalism in implementing learning by utilizing the school environment as a learning resource and believed to be able to improve the quality of learning in Jakarta State Vocational High School for the field of Tourism expertise. This school action research was carried out with the aim of increasing teacher professionalism in utilizing the school environment as a learning resource. This research was designed in the form of School Action Research which was planned to be carried out in two cycles, where each cycle was carried out in two meetings. The subjects of this study were teachers at SMK Jakarta 60 which consisted of six productive teachers and two adaptive and Normative teachers. The implementation of this study begins with collecting data and using the observation format, learning scenario assessment instruments and assessment instruments for learning implementation. Furthermore, the collected data was analyzed using descriptive analysis whose results were in the first cycle the average value obtained was 79.38, while in the second cycle the average value obtained was 84.88. So that it can be concluded that coaching and guidance through the teacher working group discussion approach can improve the professionalism of teachers in the use of the school environment as a learning resource for teachers in SMK 60 Jakarta is very effective.

El Dinar ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Siti Mahtumah ◽  
Fitriyah Fitriyah

<p>The purpose of this study is to measure the performance of Shari’ah KANINDO Malang in East Java by using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). BSCis a performance measurement method which not only reflects the financial performance, but also non-financial performance (aspects of the customer, internal business processes and learning and growth). The method of analysis in this research is by using descriptive analysis. The research result, the average value for each of the perspective that is the financial perspective is needed to be improved</p> <p>because there are several ratios that are still not as stable as the LDR. Customer perspective, which is indicated by the level of customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction) foward the services provided by KANINDO to the members and the prospective members. In the internal business perspective, it needed targetsin the performance assessment by which it can easily know the barometer of success of a program of work in order the company’s goals can be achieved optimally and the learning and the growth are quite good as indicated by the increased of productivity of employees from year to year. So it can be concluded that the performance of Shari’ah KANINDO Malang of East Java is included in criteria of quite well and it is suggested that KANINDO implements the Balanced Scorecard method for performance appraisal.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Imam Nuraini ◽  
Sutama Sutama ◽  
Sabar Narimo

The purpose of this research is to develop learning media using power point I Spring Suite 8 which are valid, practical and effective on the concept of the Central and Local Government Systems. The method used is development research with reference to the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The assessment instruments consisted of three, namely (1) validity instruments in the form of validity assessment tools of interactive learning media Power Point Ispring Suite 8 and validity assessment instruments questionnaire, (2) practicality instruments in the form of teacher responses and students' responses to learning media using Power Point Ispring Suite 8, and (3) effectiveness instruments in the form of student learning outcomes. Based on data analysis, obtained an average of media validity is 4.15 (valid). Practicality of the media obtained 93.40% teacher response (very strong) and student responses of 91.40% (very strong). Learning Media has fulfilled the effectiveness criteria, namely 91% of students achieve mastery learning value. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the learning media based on Power Point Ispring Suite 8 on the concept of central and regional government that is developed is valid, practical, and effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Ilham - Nurseha ◽  
Mieke Miarsyah ◽  
Rizhal Hendi Ristanto

<em>Digestive health literacy is important for students to be able to determine their diet, choose healthy foods, prevent and know the actions that need to be taken in treating diseases or disorders of the digestive system, and even promoting healthy living behaviors to others. This study aims to develop instructional designs to improve student health literacy with the ADDIE model. The development carried out consisted of developing lesson plans, assessment instruments, and learning media DD Mag'z (digestive disease magazine). Based on the results of the analysis, the learning design was determined using DD Mag'z and Google Meet synchronously. Expert validation was carried out assessing three aspects consisting of the feasibility of media, content, and language. The results of the validation of the developed media obtained an average value of 3.58 and were included in the very valid category so that it was suitable to be used as an alternative learning media on the concept of the digestive system. Measurement of the improvement of students' digestive health literacy skills used a dual choice instrument as a pre-test and post-test. The effectiveness analysis used a one group pre-test post-test design and obtained data that were not normally distributed. The Wilcoxon test results showed an effect of the synchronous use of DD Mag'z media with Google Meet on students' health literacy. While the results of the effectiveness test using N-Gain showed an average value of 0.41 so that the effectiveness of the instructional design developed was moderate.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Sukma Raviasta ◽  
Zulhelmi Zulhelmi ◽  
Zuhdi Ma’aruf

 This research’s goal was to develop learning tools with video using a flipped-classroom approach which is valid on the kinetic theory of gas for students in class XI MIPA SMA. This research uses a research and development method with the ADDIE development model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation), which in this research is limited to the development phase. The research instrument used was a problem-fulfillment questionnaire filled out by students and a validation assessment sheet that was filled in by a validator. The data collection technique was based on the results of filling out a questionnaire by students at SMA N 1 Pekanbaru and from the validation analysis sheet by the validator. The data analysis technique used the percentage method and continued with data validation using descriptive analysis. This research produces learning tools in the form of lesson plans, student worksheets, and learning videos. The results of the assessment of learning tools using the flipped classroom approach obtained an average value for lesson plans with a very high category value of 4.36, video learning with a value of 4.56 in the very high category, and LKPD with a score of 4.2 very high categories. Each assessment indicator has a value greater than 3, and the validity value is declared valid. Thus, the learning device using video media using the flipped-classroom approach to the kinetic theory material of gas for students of class XI MIPA SMA is declared to be valid and suitable for use.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Masadah Masadah

Education is a conscious and systematic effort not only to humanize human beings but also for human beings to realize their position as khalifatullah fil ardhi, which in turn will increasingly increase itself to be a pious, faithful, knowledgeable and virtuous man. In general the problems formulated in this research is whether Implementation of Contextual Learning with Learning Community approach can improve student's motivation and achievement in FIQH study field? How Implementation of Contextual Learning has a Learning Community approach that can improve students' motivation and achievement in FIQH? Field. This research was conducted in Mojokerto Regency, precisely at MI Mambaul Hidayah Mengelo Sooko Mojokerto. This research is a classroom action research with collaborative type. This research phase follows a model developed by Kemmis and Taggart, which is a spiral cycle that includes planning activities, action execution, observation, and reflection. The data collection techniques used are: (1) observation; (2) measurement of learning result test; and (3) documentation. Data obtained from the action are then analyzed. Qualitative data consisting of observation and documentation are analyzed qualitatively, while data collected in the form of numbers or quantitative data, simply by using descriptive analysis and visual presentation. Based on the results of research that has been implemented can be concluded that the Implementation of Contextual Learning with Learning Community approach can improve student's motivation and achievement in the field of FIQH study. From the data in the field shows that there is an increase in student learning motivation that the initial average value of pre-test of 20 increased to 24 or about 20% in cycle I, in cycle II more increased to 31 or about 55%, and in cycle III the more increased to 45 or about 125%. Level of increase between cycle I with cycle II about 29%, between cycle II with cycle III about 45%, between cycle III with cycle I about 87%. With the increase of students' learning motivation, their learning achievement also increased, whereas the average value of pre test of 6.60 increased to 6.84 or about 4% in cycle I, in cycle II more increased again to 7.75 or about 17 %, and in cycle III it increases to 8.80 or about 35%. The level of improvement between cycle I with cycle II is about 13%, between cycle II with cycle III about 15%, between cycle III with cycle I about 30%.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 320
Siwi Enggar Makarti

The background of this study is the low learning outcomes IPS. It is characterized by the acquisition of the average value of social studies students at 59.10 with the percentage of students learning completeness amounted to 50.00% from 20 students. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) which aims to improve student learning outcomes through the implementation of strategies IPS Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). This study was conducted in 010 primary schools Silikuan Ukui Hulu subdistrict, with research subjects fifth grade students with a number of 20 students. This study was conducted by two cycles. The data used in this study are the activities of teachers, student activities, and learning outcomes are collected using the observation technique teacher and student activities and written tests, while the analytical techniques used in this research is descriptive analysis. The study states that the acquisition of the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes in each cycle has increased. This is supported by: (1) the percentage of activity the teachers in the first cycle of the first meeting by 45%, in the first cycle of meetings II percentage teacher activity by 52%, the percentage of teacher activity in the second cycle of the first meeting by 65%, the percentage of teacher activity in the second cycle meeting II by 75%; (2) the percentage of student activity in the first cycle of the first meeting by 49%, in the first cycle of meetings II percentage of student activity by 60%, the percentage of the activity of students in the second cycle the first meeting by 63%, the percentage of student activity on the second cycle of meeting II by 79% ; (3) learning outcomes in basic score of 59,10.Dan which reached KKM 65 only 10 students or (50%). The first cycle of the average value obtained by the students reached 63.6. Students who achieve KKM there are 13 students or 65 (65%). Cycle II average value obtained students achieve value above 67 means the KKM. Students who reached the last 16 students or (80%).

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