2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Winda Anggunita Lestari

This study aims to: 1) Know the implementation of character education; 2) Identify supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of character education; 3) Unveil solutions to overcome obstacles faced in the implementation of character education at Nurul Hidayah Orphanage. Approach and type of research used is descriptive qualitative with kind of field research. Research location one month research. Data collection techniques usedare observation, interview and documentation study. Analytical technique using Milles and Huberman model with technique of validity of data of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Based on the research results obtained as follows: 1) Character Education at NurulHidayah Orphanage has been strived to develop intellectual and spiritual intelligence with different backgrounds of parenting. 2) Supporting factors in the implementation ofCharacter Education at NurulHidayah Orphanage are: While the inhibiting factors are: the tendency of caregivers to take care of limited to the level of cognitive and religious only; there are still some caregivers who subordinate character education; the varying character of each child and the lack of recognition of the caregiver of each character; and there are still violations of regulations in the Orphanage. 3) Solutions in overcoming the obstacles that occur are: through the direction and evaluation of all Orphanage management; spiritual guidance and counseling; control of the child's intercourse synergistically by the carer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Effendi Yusuf

Penelitian ini mengkaji kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMA N 4 Magelang dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan spiritual SMA N 4 Magelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan penelitian di lapangan (field research). Teknik pengumpulan data, berupa observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, yakni ROHIS sebagai lembaga yang ada di sekolahan yang memiliki kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan. Kegiatan tersebut berimplikasi pada pengembangan pengetahuan dan wawasan agama Islam peserta didik yang kurang tergarap pada kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran Pendidikan agama Islam di kelas. ROHIS juga membantu siswa dalam menggali potensi diri, kreativitas, pengalaman keagamaan dan menguatkan keimanan.[The paper examines extracurricular at SMA N 4 Magelang in developing emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The study uses a qualitative approach in the field (field research). Data collection techniques, in the form of observation, documentation, and interviews. The conclusion talks ROHIS as an institution in schools that have religious activities. These activities have implications for the development of knowledge and insight into spiritual faith students who have not been explored in religious worship with learning activities in the classroom. ROHIS also helps students to explore their potential, creativity, religious experiences and strengthen their faith.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-195
Ina Ambar Wati

AbstractThis study aims to determine the application of spiritual guidance and the significance of the research conducted by developing Islamic counseling guidance. Then the problem that will be discussed is about the methods, inhibiting factors and supporting factors of environmental-based spiritual guidance in dealing with drug patients at the PondokTetirahDzikirBerbah Rehabilitation, Sleman Yogyakarta. The method used is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The main data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentary study. The results showed that spiritual therapy based on environmental therapy was applied through the Ilaahiyah approach with the Islamic Sufism of the TaradQadriyahNaqsabandiyah (TQN) method and based on environmental therapy by interacting with the community and nature. The spiritual guidance includes bathing repentance, obligatory prayers and sunnah, dzikirjahar and khofi, and fasting. While environmental therapies such as community service, participating in rice harvest events, herding goats and da'wah safaris. Inhibiting factors: facilities and infrastructure, lack of therapists and lack of assistance from the government. Supporting Factors: Motivation of the victims to recover, a cool and comfortable atmosphere of the orphanage. The results of the therapeutic method for victims of drugs can make them experience changes and return to continue their lives better. Spiritual guidance combined with a conducive and comfortable environment therapy and social interaction with the community will make patients more optimal in the healing process. Keywords: spiritual guidance, environmental therapy, drug victim, tetirah dzikir.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Zalussy Debby Styana ◽  
Yuli Nurkhasanah ◽  
Ema Hidayanti

<p>This study is a qualitative reseachthat aims to describe how the spiritual guidance of Islam in cultivating spiritual adaptive response for stroke patients in hospitals Islam CempakaPutih Jakarta. This research is qualitative research. Source of research data is binroh officers as well as all stroke patients with mild stroke were treated qualification and post-stroke patients who are undergoing physiotherapy in Jakarta, CempakaPutih RSI. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. The first results showed that stroke patients had a spiritual response adaptive, second, implementation of Islamic spiritual guidance in cultivating spiritual response is adaptive stroke patients with stroke patients to visit. Efforts are being made binroh officers to cultivate spiritual adaptive response is to encourage motivation, suggestion, support and education of worship during illness, such as providing guidance procedures for prayer, ablution, tayammum and exercising. Not only officer binroh who provide spiritual touch but all stakeholders in the hospital as nurses, physiotherapists, doctors, etc. also participated giving spiritual touch, the facilities and the best service both medical and non-medical patients, so that patients become optimistic about the pain and able to achieve adaptive spiritual response.</p><p align="center"><strong>***</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana bimbingan rohani Islam dalam menumbuhkan respon spiritual adaptif bagi pasien stroke di rumah sakit Islam Jakarta Cempaka Putih. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian adalah petugas binroh serta seluruh pasien stroke dengan kualifikasi stroke ringan yang dirawat dan pasien pasca stroke yang sedang menjalani fisioterapi di RSI Jakarta Cempaka Putih. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, meliputi data reduction, data display, conclusion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama pasien stroke memiliki respon spiritual adaptif, kedua, Pelaksanaan bimbingan rohani Islam dalam menumbuhkan respon spiritual adaptif pasien stroke adalah dengan visit ke pasien stroke. Upaya yang dilakukan petugas binroh untuk menumbuhkan respon spiritual adaptif adalah dengan memberikan semangat motivasi, sugesti, support dan edukasi ibadah selama sakit, seperti memberikan tuntunan tatacara sholat, wudhu, tayammum beserta prakteknya. Tidak hanya petugas binroh saja yang memberikan sentuhan rohani tetapi seluruh stakeholder yang ada dirumah sakit seperti perawat, fisioterapis, dokter dll juga ikut serta memberikan sentuhan rohani, fasilitas dan pelayanan terbaik medis maupun non medis kepada pasien, sehingga pasien menjadi optimis terhadap sakitnya dan mampu mencapai respon spiritual adaptif.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Margaretha Diah Retno Sulistyowati

Initially, this research was conducted to know and present the description or information about (1) MGBK program management in improving the professionalism of teachers and counseling SMA / MA Bantul Regency, as a recommendation material for the management of MGBK next period. (2) the participation of guidance and counseling teacher of SMA / MA of Bantul Regency in following MGBK activities; (3) the efforts made in increasing teacher participation in MGBK activities. However, after the research was conducted for almost a semester, not only those things in advance were found, but also information about the fulfillment of standard development of MGBK as well as fulfillment of operational standards of organization of MGBK SMA / MA Bantul Regency.The method used in this research is qualitative based on postpositivism / Interpretative philosophy. The focus of the research is the active participation of the BK Teachers in the MGBK activities in relation to the increased professionalism of BK Teachers SMA / MA Bantul District. The research data was obtained from the event during the activity process of MGBK activity, with the informants of BK Teachers, BK Board, Principals, and Subject Teachers. The techniques used in this data collection are interviews, observations and document studies, which are complemented by photographs of activities. Analysis begins from the field or empirical facts by plunging into the field, studying, analyzing, interpreting, and drawing conclusions from existing phenomena in the field.Keywords: Teacher Participation BK; MGBK, Professionalism

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Hatami Ritonga

<p><em>This study aims to discuss the empowerment of marriage guidance in realizing a sakinah family. This type of research is a descriptive analytic field research. Data collection is used by interviewing, and documentation to produce data about the object of this research study. The research data were collected through interviews and documentation. Analysis using the inductive method and also deductive analysis. The results showed that the empowerment of marriage guidance in realizing the sakinah family had not been carried out optimally, so it was impressed as an administrative requirement. As a result, many divorces occur after marriage.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Muslimah Muslimah

This study aims to describe the form of the religious day celebrations of Malay society across religions and the meaning of commemorating them in educational institutions. This field research uses a qualitative research approach with data collection through in-depth interviews, participant level observation and documentation. The results of the study describe that the form of religious day commemoration activities in SMPN 2 Arut Selatan are grouped into two, namely: commemoration of religious days which are commemorated based on certain moments, for instance are maulid of the Prophet Muhammad, Isra Mi'raj, and celebrations to welcome the Islamic New Year (Islam), Christmas and Easter (Christian Protestant and Catholic); and routine religious activities, for example is prayer with each of the followers of interfaith religions. Furthermore, the meanings of the religious days celebration are grouped into three views, trere are; as the obligation/ necessity of the learning process, empirical religion and individual's religion; as a culture / habit that becomes a system at school; as a requirement for the implementation of religious practices; and as a culture related to the commemoration of religious days.

Lina Herlina ◽  
Asep Suryana

The purpose of this study is to identify the fight against brawl culture in high schools (SMA) through the implementation of character education in the Child Friendly School policy. The approach used is qualitative with the object of research teachers and principals. Data collection in this study uses interviews, observation and recommendation studies. Based on research results found that through good character education management that involves teachers and principals as examples in the application of character education, it can encourage students not to fight.

Sumiyati S

This research is a qualitative research that is field research, researchers describe the findings sourced from the field. The research data were obtained from interviews with respondents, consisting of parents and community leaders as well as observations of children in Kajen Village Rt 04 / Rw 02. Data collection techniques used were through observation, interviews, and documentation. While the technical analysis of data includes data reduction, data presentation and verification.From the results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Rt 04 / Rw 02 Kajen Margoyoso Village Pati Regency related in Improving Early Childhood Speaking Behavior is mostly good, smooth and develops according to the development of his age. It's just that they as parents need to know and be aware that, educating children must be with patience and perseverance. Parents can teach polite speaking behavior by familiarizing children with things that are praiseworthy from an early age. Because children are a reflection of the actions of their parents. So that the hope of parents later children can behave and talk politely with everyone.

Mutia Sumarni

This study describes the practice of rounding prices on buying and selling rubber in Medang Ara village, Karang Baru District. The purpose of this study was to determine the practice of price rounding on the sale and purchase of rubber and to determine the analysis of Islamic business ethics on the practice of rounding prices on buying and selling rubber in the village of Medang Ara, Karang Baru District. The type of research used is field research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation, as well as data analysis techniques with a qualitative descriptive approach.Based on the results of the study note that the price rounding done by Medang Ara village rubber agent is rounding down prices. The agent did this rounding because there was no change which made it difficult to pay for the rubber and the agent thought that rounding was a common thing and was known by farmers, so farmers would be sincere if the money was rounded up. In addition, the price rounding done by an agent is contrary to the basic provisions in Islamic business ethics, namely unity, balance, free will, responsibility and truth, and rounding the price is also contrary to the principles in Islamic business ethics such as honesty and transparency in setting prices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-321
Muhammad Iwan Abdi

This research was inspired by some of the realities that the author found related to the implementation of character education, especially in several regencies/cities in East Kalimantan. Apart from the author’s concern toward the case of the moral decadence of the nation's children, this should be a demand and obligation for every educator to form the character of his students. Therefore, various models and innovations began to be developed by educational units led by creative teachers starting to package character-based learning designs and innovations. This research focuses on character models developed by the school. This research is a field work research that focuses on multi-site studies. Sources of data in this study include: teachers and students in several schools are the focus of research. The research locus is spread in several regions, namely: Tarakan, Bulungan, East Kutai and Bontang. The data collection techniques that the author uses in this study include: observations, interviews and documentations. Furthermore, the findings of the research data were processed using Milles and Hubberman's interactive analysis using the data reduction flow , data display and data conclusions . Based on the findings of the research, it can be concluded that the character values developed include: religious values, creative, independent and responsible, the spirit of nationality and love for the motherland, tolerance, communication and love the environment.

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