scholarly journals Pola Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Di SMP Negeri 5 Malang

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Syaiful Rahman ◽  
Akhsanul In'am

Abstract: The students 'reading ability is low, it certainly affects the students' writing ability. Implementation of the School Literacy Movement is a solution to students' low reading ability. This study aims to describe the pattern of Implementation of School Literacy Movement that took place in SMP Negeri 5 Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type that describes the School Literacy Movement in SMP Negeri 5 Malang. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the pattern of implementation of school literacy measures in SMP Negeri 5 Malang included: 1) The habituation phase was carried out by way of students bringing reading books from home or borrowing books to the library. At this stage a class reading corner was prepared, reading 15 minutes before learning began, and a literacy journal; 2) The Development and Learning Phase increases the school resources especially at the State Junior High School 5 Malang, namely the existence of a reading corner in each class, an increase in the number of books, a 30-minute reading club, and a product of the School Literacy Movement.Keywords: School Literacy Movement, Habituation Phase, Development Phase, LearningAbstrak: Kemampuan membaca peserta didik tergolong rendah pasti berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis peserta didik. Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah menjadi solusi atas kemampuan membaca siswa yang rendah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah yang berlangsung di SMP Negeri 5 Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif yang mendeksripsikan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMP Negeri 5 Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pola implementasi geakan literasi sekolah di SMP Negeri 5 Malang meliputi: 1) Tahap Pembiasaan dilaksanakan dengan cara peserta didik membawa buku bacaan dari rumah atau meminjam buku ke perpustakaan. Pada tahap ini sudah disiapkan pojok baca kelas, membaca 15 menit sebelum pembelajaran dimulai, dan jurnal literas; 2) Tahap Pengembangan dan Pembelajaran meningkatkan sumber daya sekolah khusnya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang yaitu adanya pojok baca di masing-masing kelas, penambahan jumlah buku, adanya club baca 30 menit, dan hasil produk Gerakan Literasi Sekolah.Kata Kunci: Gerakan Literasi Sekolah, Tahap Pembiasaan, Tahap Pengembangan,  Pembelajaran

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Syaiful Rahman

Abstract: The students 'reading ability is low, it certainly affects the students' writing ability. Implementation of the School Literacy Movement is a solution to students' low reading ability. This study aims to describe the pattern of Implementation of School Literacy Movement that took place in SMP Negeri 5 Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type that describes the School Literacy Movement in SMP Negeri 5 Malang. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the pattern of implementation of school literacy measures in SMP Negeri 5 Malang included: 1) The habituation phase was carried out by way of students bringing reading books from home or borrowing books to the library. At this stage a class reading corner was prepared, reading 15 minutes before learning began, and a literacy journal; 2) The Development and Learning Phase increases the school resources especially at the State Junior High School 5 Malang, namely the existence of a reading corner in each class, an increase in the number of books, a 30-minute reading club, and a product of the School Literacy Movement.Keywords: School Literacy Movement, Habituation Phase, Development Phase, LearningAbstrak: Kemampuan membaca peserta didik tergolong rendah pasti berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis peserta didik. Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah menjadi solusi atas kemampuan membaca siswa yang rendah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah yang berlangsung di SMP Negeri 5 Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif yang mendeksripsikan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMP Negeri 5 Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pola implementasi geakan literasi sekolah di SMP Negeri 5 Malang meliputi: 1) Tahap Pembiasaan dilaksanakan dengan cara peserta didik membawa buku bacaan dari rumah atau meminjam buku ke perpustakaan. Pada tahap ini sudah disiapkan pojok baca kelas, membaca 15 menit sebelum pembelajaran dimulai, dan jurnal literas; 2) Tahap Pengembangan dan Pembelajaran meningkatkan sumber daya sekolah khusnya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang yaitu adanya pojok baca di masing-masing kelas, penambahan jumlah buku, adanya club baca 30 menit, dan hasil produk Gerakan Literasi Sekolah.Kata Kunci: Gerakan Literasi Sekolah, Tahap Pembiasaan, Tahap Pengembangan,  Pembelajaran

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Saiful Rahman ◽  
Akhsanul In’am

Abstract:Description Alternative: Abstract: The students 'reading ability is low, it certainly affects the students' writing ability. Implementation of the School Literacy Movement at the stage of habituation to reading, the lack of assistance in extracurricular reading clubs that are scheduled at the State Junior High School 5 Malang. This study aims to foster students' character through the culture of school literacy that embodies the Implementation of the School Literacy Movement so that students of SMP Negeri 5 Malang become lifelong learners. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type that describes the School Literacy Movement in State Junior High School 5 Malang by using data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The habituation phase was carried out by way of students bringing reading books from home or borrowing books to the library. At this stage a class reading corner was prepared, reading 15 minutes before learning began, and a literacy journal; 2) The Development and Learning Phase increases the school resources especially at the State Junior High School 5 Malang, namely the existence of a reading corner in each class, an increase in the number of books, a 30-minute reading club, and a product of the School Literacy Movement.Keywords: School Literacy Movement, Habituation, Development, and Learning Abstrak: Kemampuan membaca peserta didik tergolong rendah pasti berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis peserta didik. Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah pada tahap pembiasaan minat baca, kurangnya pendampingan pada ekstrakurekuler club baca yang di agendakan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkembangkan budi pekerti peserta didik melalui pembudayaan literasi sekolah yang mewujudkan dalam Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah supaya peserta didik SMP Negeri 5 Malang menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif yang mendeksripsikan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang dengan  menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Tahap Pembiasaan dilaksanakan dengan cara peserta didik membawa buku bacaan dari rumah atau meminjam buku ke perpustakaan. Pada tahap ini sudah disiapkan pojok baca kelas, membaca 15 menit sebelum pembelajaran dimulai, dan jurnal literas; 2) Tahap Pengembangan dan Pembelajaran meningkatkan sumber daya sekolah khusnya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang yaitu adanya pojok baca di masing-masing kelas, penambahan jumlah buku, adanya club baca 30 menit, dan hasil produk Gerakan Literasi Sekolah. Kata Kunci: Gerakan Literasi Sekolah, Pembiasaan, Pengembangan dan Pembelajaran

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 639
Sudiyono Sudiyono

ABSTRAK Masih kurang  minatnya siswa dalam belajar khususnya pelajaran matematika,  salah satu sebab adalah  metode yang digunakan oleh guru masih konvensional dan siswa bekerja secara individu, sehingga siswa yang kurang mampu kesulitan dalam memahami konsep dengan benar.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bilangan berpangkat dengan  model problem posing pada siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 4 Batu.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain  Penelitian Tindakan Kelas  (Classroom Action Research),  pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan  kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang datanya tanpa menggunakan teknik statistik. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi.Berdasarkan data yang diperolah dari pelaksanaan tindakan mulai siklus 1 sampai dengan siklus 2 dan berdasarkan hasil observasi tiap-tiap siklus terjadi peningkatan prestasi yaitu siswa yang mendapat nilai kurang dari KKM dari 17 siswa menjadi 7 siswa, mengalami peningkatan siswa yang mendapat nilai memenuhi KKM dari 18 menjadi 27 siswa, dan rata-rata tes siswa dari  62,29 menjadi 71,76 mengalami kenaikan 2,47%, serta prosentase ketuntasa juga mengalami peningkatan dari 48,6% menjadi 79,4% meningkat 30,8%.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan pendekatan model problem posing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa khususnya pada materi bilangan berpangkat. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan hasil belajar, Bilangan berpangkat, Problem Posing ABSTRACT The lack of student’s study interest especially on mathematics, one of the reason is the method is still conventional and students work individually, with the result that students harder to understanding the concept correctly. The purpose of this research is improving learning outcome on exponential numbers with problem posing model in 3rd years students on State Junior High School Batu. This research using Classroom Action Research design and qualitative approach, which is the research that not using statistics technique. This Classroom Action Research executed in two cycle. Every cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Based on data that obtained from the 1st cycle until 2nd cycle and based on observation from every cycle there is an achievement increase that is students that having under the minimum learning mastery standard from the initial is 17 students increase to 7 students, then there is increase the numbers of students that having on the minimum learning mastery standard from 18 to 27 students, and the average of students’ test from 62,29 to 71,76 (increasing 2,47%), so the percentage of learning mastery increased from 48,6% to 79,4% increase for about 30,8%. This shows that Problem Posing approach can increasing student’s study result especially on exponential numbers subject. Keyword: Increase of study result, Exponential numbers, Problem Posing

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Muhammad Amri ◽  
Saharuddin Saharuddin ◽  
La Ode Ismail Ahmad

Islamic Religious Education is an important and inseparable part of the educational curriculum in Indonesia. Besides being an obligation for its adherents, Islamic learning can instill the values of faith and make students possess noble morals (akhlakul karimah). This study aims to examine and discuss how the implementation process of Islamic education in instilling noble morals in students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This study uses a qualitative approach with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing as the data analysis. The sample of this study was the principal of the madrasah, vice-principal, students, and teachers of Islamic education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that through the implementation of Islamic Religious Education, the students could possess noble characters. There are eight behaviors that are applied to instill the noble characters, namely habituating the smiles, salaam, and greetings, mutual respect (tolerance), sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday, performing the Duha prayer, performing dhuhr prayers, reciting the Quran, congregational prayer, and getting used to alms giving (infaq). These eight commendable behaviors are recommended for teachers and principals to be applied in their respective schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 43

This research tries to apply the scaffolding teaching mode in English reading teaching, with the purpose of enhancing students’ interest in reading and improving their reading levels. This study explores whether scaffolding teaching can enhance students’ reading interest and thus improve junior high school students’ English reading ability. After a 3-month-long teaching experiment, through the comparison and analysis of questionnaires and English reading scores, it is found out that scaffolding teaching is beneficial to enhance students’ reading interest and improve students’ reading level.

Shofwatul Fu'adah

For muslims, Arabic language is more important than the other languages. One of the ways to understand Arabic is learn about it. Learning strategies have an important role in learning Arabic, including learning vocabulary. But, in reality Many students feel difficult to learn Arabic, especially in mastering mufradat and other materials. One of the reasons is the wrong process when studying mufradat. This paper describes the implementation of mind mapping strategy in learning Arabic vocabulary at Junior High School (SMP) Alam Banyuwangi. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that mind mapping strategy can help the teachers to solve the problem of learning Arabic, especially to improve students' mastery of Arabic vocabulary. Because mind maps use visual and sensory reminders in a pattern of related ideas. This map evokes original ideas and triggers memories easily.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Dean May Julian ◽  
Baginda Simaibang ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

This thesis was concerned with the inquiry on the correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of the seventh grade students at State Junior High School of Lubai Ulu Sub-District of Muaraenim Regency. The problem of the study was to investigate the correlation among students’ learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability. The total number of the population were 474 students. The sample for this study was 83 students taken through a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by adopting a questionnaire for learning motivation, self-confidence, and test for writing ability. Data were analyzed by using r-Product Moment and Multiple Regression. Finding showed that: (1) there was significant correlation between learning motivation and writing ability; (2) there was not any significant correlation between self-confidence and writing ability; (3) there was not any significant correlation between learning motivation and self-confidence; (4) there were significant correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of seventh grade-students at state Junior High School of Lubai Ulu Muaraenim.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Susi Budiwati

Penelitian ini membahas kemampuan guru bahasa Sunda di SMP Piloting Project Kurikulum 2013 dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan menilai kemampuan mendongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 pada tahun pelajaran 2015-2016. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah (1) perkembangan Kurikulum 2013 yang sangat dinamis dan; (2) pedoman pelaksanaannya yang terus berubah, sehingga muncul pertanyaan apakah perubahan ini sampai kepada guru bahasa Sunda. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan menilai pembelajaran khususnya materi dongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi sekaligus sampel penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa Sunda kelas VII, dengan teknik observasi dan study dokumenter. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) guru bahasa Sunda mampu merencanakan pengajaran dongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013; (2) dalam proses pembelajarannya perlu ditingkatkan dan; (3) guru bahasa Sunda mampu menilai pengajaran dongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. ABSTRACTThis article discusses the ability of Sundanese teachers in junior high school Piloting Project Curriculum 2013 in planning, implementing, and assessing the ability of storytelling based on Curriculum 2013 in the academic year 2015-2016. The backgrounds of this study were (1) the development of Curriculum 2013, which is very dynamic and; (2) the implementation guidance that is constantly changing, so the question arises whether this change reaches the teachers. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of teachers to plan, implement, and assess fairytale learning materials based on curriculum 2013. This research employed descriptive method with qualitative approach. The population and sample is Sundanese language teacher of Grade VII. It used observation and documentary study. The instrument was the observation sheet. The conclusion of this study are that (1) the Sundanese teacher is able to plan teaching fairytale based on Curriculum 2013; (2) the learning process needs to be improved; and (3) the Sundanese teacher is able to assess fairytale learning based on the Curriculum 2013. 

Nadwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Puspo Nugroho

<pre>The purpose of this paper is to know the internalization process of religious tolerance values such as <em>tauhid, rahmah, musawah</em> in educational institutions. This study took place in the SMP Muhammadiyah Salatiga, the Junior High School, which using a qualitative approach. The results of this study are that <em>first</em>, to put tolerance values into the curriculum, <em>second, to </em>develop vertical relationships in Allah SWT and horizontal fellow humans, <em>third,</em> to emphasize the implementation of tolerance values in the daily lives of students in realizing Islam <em>rahmatan lil alamin</em>,  Fourth,  the teacher gives examples of tolerance behavior in the learning process.</pre><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan tulisan ini ingin mengetahui proses internallisasi nilai-nilai toleransi beragama seperti <em>tauhid, rahmah, musawah</em> di lembaga pendidikan. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah Salatiga dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah  <em>pertama</em> memasukkan nilai-nilai toleransi ke dalam kurikulum, <em>kedua </em>: membangun hubungan vertikal pada Allah SWT dan horizontal sesama manusia, <em>ketiga</em>: menekankan pelaksanaan nilai-nilai toleransi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari siswa dalam mewujudkan Islam <em>rahmatan lil alamin.</em> Ke empat: guru memberi contoh prilaku toleransi dalam proses pembelajaran.</p><p> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 147
Gianti Gunawan ◽  
Yus Nugraha ◽  
Marina Sulastiana ◽  
Diana Harding

Implementation of character education based on local wisdom has been implemented in Purwakarta through Sundanese architecture of education buildings, government and public places. Purwakarta also has a policy about 7 special days of education. This research method is descriptive with qualitative approach. Researchers conducted SWOT analysis from character education program based on local wisdom at Junior High School in Purwakarta. Research located at SMPN Kahuripan Purwakarta. Analysis from the research is use to make principes of management by George Terry, including planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. The methods researc are observation, interview, and quetionaire. The research find that the main obstacle that needs attention is the teacher's readiness / skill. In this case workshops can be conducted to assist teachers about the curriculum, in terms of reducing character education programs based on local wisdom in their respective subjects. Basically they have a positive assessment, it's just a constraint on the application.

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