scholarly journals PAISAGENS E EMPIRISMO, ELEMENTOS CONSTITUTIVOS DAS EXPERIÊNCIAS EM GEOGRAFIA: um estudo sobre as veredas do chapadão de Catalão (Goiás)

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (02) ◽  
pp. 213-239
Jean Carlos Vieira Santos ◽  
Vandervilson Alves Carneiro ◽  
Lorranne Gomes da Silva ◽  
Vinícius Polzin Druciaki

O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de um trabalho de campo que teve como área de estudo as veredas do chapadão de Catalão (Goiás, Brasil), nos municípios de Goiandira, Catalão e Ipameri, onde as mudanças no uso do solo são constantes, pois as chapadas são formas de relevo mecanizadas, adubadas e irrigadas que sofreram grande emprego de agrotóxicos nas últimas décadas. Partiu-se do levantamento bibliográfico, fotográfico e de observações empíricas, sendo que o desenvolvimento desta investigação vem ao encontro do método e das técnicas das pesquisas qualitativas que enfatizam a participação dos pesquisadores no contexto estudado. Entre os conceitos trabalhados neste texto estão paisagem, percepção e veredas, com destaque para as obras de Bertrand (1968), Ab’Sáber (1969), Rougerie (1971), Bernaldez (1981), Ribeiro (1989), Christofoletti (1993), Santos (1997), Feltran Filho (1997), Ferreira (2006), entre outros. Esses teóricos mostram que, ao analisar uma paisagem, é preciso considerar fatores condicionados à ecologia, como usos do solo, percepção, compreensão e gerenciamento dela. Palavras-chave: Trabalho de Campo. Região. Cerrado. Drenagem. Agronegócio.   LANDSCAPES AND EMPIRISM, CONSTITUTIVE ELEMENTS OF EXPERIENCES IN GEOGRAPHY: a study on the paths of chapadão de Catalão (Goiás) ABSTRACT The present article presents the results of a fieldwork that had the paths of chapadão de Catalão (Goiás, Brazil) as a study area, in the municipalities of Goiandira, Catalão and Ipameri, where changes in land use are constant, since the plated are mechanized, fertilized and irrigated forms of relief that have suffered great use of pesticides in the last decades. It was based on the bibliographical, photographic and empirical observations, given that the development of this research meets the method and techniques of qualitative research which emphasizes the participation of researchers in the studied context. Among the concepts worked on in this text are landscape, perception and paths, with na emphasis on the works of Bertrand (1968), Ab’Sáber (1969), Rougerie (1971), Bernaldez (1981), Ribeiro (1989), Christofoletti (1993), Santos (1997), Feltran Filho (1997), Ferreira (2006), among others. These theorists show that when a landscape is analyzed, it is necessary to consider factors that are conditioned to ecology, such as land uses, perception, understanding and management of it.  Keywords: Fieldwork. Region. Cerrado. Drainage. Agribusiness.   PAISAJES Y EMPIRISMO, ELEMENTOS CONSTITUTIVOS DE LAS EXPERIENCIAS EN GEOGRAFÍA: un estudio sobre las veredas del chapadón de Catalão (Goiás) RESUMEN El presente artículo presenta los resultados de un trabajo de campo que tuvo como área de estudio las veredas del chapadão de Catalão (Goiás), en los municipios de Goiandira, Catalán e Ipameri, donde los cambios en el uso del suelo son constantes, pues las las chapadas son formas de relieve que fueron mecanizadas, abonadas, irrigadas y sufrieron un gran empleo de agrotóxicos en las últimas décadas. Para la producción del mismo, se partió del levantamiento bibliográfico, fotográfico y observaciones empíricas. El desarrollo de esta investigación viene al encuentro del método y de las técnicas de las investigaciones cualitativas, que enfatiza la participación de los investigadores, en el contexto investigado. En el caso de las obras de Bertrand (1968), Ab’Sáber (1969), Rougerie (1971), Bernaldez (1981), Ribeiro (1989), Christofoletti (1993), Santos (1997), Feltran Filho (1997), Ferreira (2006), entre otros. Estos teóricos muestran que al analizar un paisaje, tenemos que considerar una serie de factores que están condicionados a la ecología, usos del suelo, percepción, comprensión y gestión de la misma.   Palabras clave: Trabajo de campo. Región. Cerrado. Drenaje. Agroindustria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 181-200
Vanderlei Oliveira Ferreira ◽  
João Guilherme Machado Barbosa

A análise da evolução do uso da terra através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto contribui para a compreensão das transformações socioambientais de uma determinada área. O presente artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisa dedicada a avaliar as transformações no uso e ocupação da terra na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Bom Jardim, em Uberlândia/MG, nos últimos 30 anos. O quadro de transformações no uso da terra é avaliado com ênfase nos debates pertinentes à preservação das áreas úmidas (AUs). Através de revisão bibliográfica e mapeamento utilizando imagens da série de satélites Landsat, foram constatadas as transformações e apresentadas recomendações. Verificou-se redução próxima de 12% das áreas naturais, sobretudo do bioma Cerrado, e aumento acima de 21% das áreas antropizadas ocupadas por cultura anual, o que impactou sobremaneira as Áreas de Preservação Permanente, incluindo as áreas úmidas. Palavras-chave: Legislação ambiental; Uso da terra; Áreas úmidas.   ANALYSIS OF THE EVOLUTION OF LAND USE AND CONFLICTS RELATED TO THE CONSERVATION OF THE HUMID AREAS IN THE RIBEIRÃO BOM JARDIM BASIN, IN UBERLÂNDIA/MG  Abstract The analysis of the evolution of land use through remote sensing techniques contributes to the understanding of the socio-environmental transformations of a given area. The present article presents results of a research dedicated to evaluate the transformations in land use and occupation in the Ribeirão Bom Jardim basin, in Uberlândia/MG, in the last 30 years. The land use transformation framework is evaluated with emphasis on the debates related to the preservation of humid areas. Through bibliographic review and mapping using images from the Landsat satellite series, the transformations were verified and recommendations were presented. There was a reduction of around 12% in the natural areas, especially in the Cerrado biome, and an increase of over 21% in the anthropic areas occupied by the annual crop, which greatly affected the Permanent Preservation Areas, including the humid areas. Keywords: Land use; Environmental legislation; Humid areas.   ANÁLISIS DE LA EVOLUCIÓN DEL USO DE LA TIERRA Y CONFLICTOS RELACIONADOS CON LA CONSERVACIÓN DE LAS ÁREAS HÚMEDAS EN LA BACIA DEL RIBEIRÓN BOM JARDÍN, EN UBERLÁNDIA / MG Resumen El análisis de la evolución del uso de la tierra a través de técnicas de percepción remota contribuye a la comprensión de las transformaciones socioambientales de una determinada área. El presente artículo presenta resultados de investigación dedicada a evaluar las transformaciones en el uso y ocupación de la tierra en la cuenca hidrográfica del Ribeirão Bom Jardim, en Uberlândia/MG, en los últimos 30 años. El cuadro de transformaciones en el uso de la tierra se evalúa con énfasis en los debates pertinentes a la preservación de las zonas húmedas (AUs). A través de revisión bibliográfica y cartografía utilizando imágenes de la serie de satélites Landsat, se constataron las transformaciones y las recomendaciones presentadas. Se verificó una reducción cercana al 12% de las áreas naturales, sobre todo del bioma Cerrado, y aumento por encima del 21% de las áreas antropizadas ocupadas por cultivo anual, lo que impactó sobremanera las Áreas de Preservación Permanente, incluyendo las áreas húmedas. Palabras Clave: Legislación ambiental; Uso de la tierra; Áreas húmedas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
Cristian Fernando Cedeño Sarmiento ◽  
Alex Gregorio Mendoza Arteaga ◽  
Gregorio Isoldo Mendoza Cedeño ◽  
Enrique Javier Macías Arias

En el presente artículo se realiza un análisis de la usabilidad del Documento Nacional de Identidad electrónico en países desarrollados y su futura implementación en el Ecuador, la necesidad de tener un documento de identificación electrónico legal que permita validar la identidad de los ciudadanos al momento de acceder a los servicios electrónicos públicos y privados. Se analizan conceptos referentes a la firma electrónica, las entidades que intervienen en el proceso, los mecanismos de encriptación de un mensaje, hasta culminar con la implementación de dicha firma electrónica. Finalmente, se hace una reflexión sobre la implementación de un nuevo documento de identidad en el Ecuador el cual debería contener las características necesarias acorde a las nuevas tecnologías existentes, los estándares internacionales y sus posibles usos en los servicios informáticos disponibles en el país.  Palabras clave: Encriptación, tecnologías, servicios informáticos, identificación electrónica   Applications of electronic signatures using digital certificates: The National Electronic Identity in Ecuador   Aplicaciones electrónicas en Ecuador    Abstract  In the present article itself performs an analysis of the usability of the National Electronic Identity Document in developed countries and its future implementation in Ecuador, the need for a legal electronic identification document to validate the identity of citizens at time by accessing the electronic government and corporate services. Discusses concepts related to electronic signatures, the entities involved in the process, the mechanisms for the encryption a message, culminating with the implementation of electronic signatures. Finally, a reflection on the implementation of a new identity in Ecuador that should contain the necessary characteristics according to the new existing technologies, international standards and their possible uses and computer services available in the country. Keywords: Encriptación, tecnologías, servicios informáticos, identificación electrónica

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Afrital Rezki, S.Pd., M.Si ◽  
Erna Juita ◽  
Dasrizal Dasrizal ◽  
Arie Zella Putra Ulni

Perkembangan penggunaan tanah bergerak horisontal secara spasial ke arah wilayah yang mudah diusahakan. Penggunaan tanah juga bergerak secara vertikal dalam rangka menaikkan mutunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola penggunaan lahan, bagaimana manajemen penggunaan lahan di satu wilayah berdasarkan batas Nagari. Metode yang digunakan adalah analsisis spasial dengan interpretasi citra penginderaan jauh, survey lapangan, dan analisis deskriptif. Pertumbuhan pemukiman Nagari Sungai Sariak Kecamatan VII Koto Kabupaten Padang Pariaman mengakibatkan pemanfaatan ruang menjadi tumpang tindih. Diperlukan cara-cara pengelolaan dan managemen penggunaan tanah dalam rangka pembangunan berkelanjutan yang menaikkan taraf hidup masyarakat dan tidak menimbulkan kerugian lingkungan.Terdapat 9 jenis penggunaan lahan yang ada di Nagari Sungai Sariak. Penggunaan lahan tersebut adalah Primary Forest, Secondary Forest, Paddy Field, Settlement, Mixed Plantations, Crop Fields, Water Bodies, Bushes, dan Plantations. Penggunaan lahan yang paling luas di Nagari Sungai Sariak adalah jenis penggunaan lahan Primary Forest, sebesar 48% dari total luas wilayah Nagari Sungai Sariak. Pada tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2016, penggunaan lahan paling luas terjadi pada penggunaan lahan jenis Primary Forest yang kemudian menjadi Mixed Plantations. Land use Changes moved horizontally spatially towards areas that are easily cultivated. The land use also moves vertically in order to increase its quality. This study aims to analyze land use patterns, how land use management in one area is based on Nagari boundaries. The method used is spatial analysis with interpretation of remote sensing images, field surveys, and descriptive analysis. The growth of Nagari Sungai Sariak in Kecamatan VII Koto, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman resulted in overlapping use of space. Management methods are needed and management of land use in the framework of sustainable development that raises the standard of living of the community and does not cause environmental losses. There are 9 types of land use in the Nagari Sungai Sariak. The land uses are Primary Forest, Secondary Forest, Paddy Field, Settlement, Mixed Plantations, Crop Fields, Water Bodies, Bushes, and Plantations. The most extensive land use in Nagari Sungai Sariak is the type of Primary Forest land use, amounting to 48% of the total area of the Nagari Sungai Sariak. From 2011 to 2016, the most extensive land use occurred in Primary Forest land uses which later became Mixed Plantations.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 627
Duong H. Nong ◽  
An T. Ngo ◽  
Hoa P. T. Nguyen ◽  
Thuy T. Nguyen ◽  
Lan T. Nguyen ◽  

We analyzed the agricultural land-use changes in the coastal areas of Tien Hai district, Thai Binh province, in 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, using Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 data. We used the object-oriented classification method with the maximum likelihood algorithm to classify six types of land uses. The series of land-use maps we produced had an overall accuracy of more than 80%. We then conducted a spatial analysis of the 5-year land-use change using ArcGIS software. In addition, we surveyed 150 farm households using a structured questionnaire regarding the impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity and land uses, as well as farmers’ adaptation and responses. The results showed that from 2005 to 2020, cropland decreased, while aquaculture land and forest land increased. We observed that the most remarkable decreases were in the area of rice (485.58 ha), the area of perennial crops (109.7 ha), and the area of non-agricultural land (747.35 ha). The area of land used for aquaculture and forest increased by 566.88 ha and 772.60 ha, respectively. We found that the manifestations of climate change, such as extreme weather events, saltwater intrusion, drought, and floods, have had a profound impact on agricultural production and land uses in the district, especially for annual crops and aquaculture. The results provide useful information for state authorities to design land-management strategies and solutions that are economic and effective in adapting to climate change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5433
Rui Alexandre Castanho ◽  
José Manuel Naranjo Gómez ◽  
Gualter Couto ◽  
Pedro Pimentel ◽  
Áurea Sousa ◽  

The remarkable richness and singularity of the Azorean Region (located 38° North) and its landscapes require a sharp, well-defined, and comprehensive planning policy. Bearing in mind the significance of this issue in the enlightenment of sustainability, planning strategies should be based and supported by different studies and thematic domains to understand the problem thoroughly. Using GIS (Geographic Information Systems), the present article enables us to identify the dynamics and patterns of the evolution of the Land-Use Changes in the Azores Region from 1990 to 2018. In aggregate, the Azores islands showed growth in artificial surfaces and forest and seminatural land-uses by essentially decreasing agricultural areas—most resulting from the economic and social development strategy pursued by several Azorean governments. Moreover, this study permits us to reinforce that the Azores Archipelago’s land-uses has undergone multiple changes—marked by increasing and decreasing periods. In fact, some of these reducing dynamics are disturbing. They require closer monitorization by regional government actors to give protection, preservation, and conservation to these incomparable ultra-peripheral landscapes, environments, ecosystems, and the region as a whole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Xiao Ren ◽  
Jinbo Zhang ◽  
Hamidou Bah ◽  
Christoph Müller ◽  
Zucong Cai ◽  

AbstractSoil gross nitrogen (N) transformations could be influenced by land use change, however, the differences in inherent N transformations between different land use soils are still not well understood under subtropical conditions. In this study, an 15N tracing experiment was applied to determine the influence of land uses on gross N transformations in Regosols, widely distributed soils in Southwest China. Soil samples were taken from the dominant land use types of forestland and cropland. In the cropland soils, the gross autotrophic nitrification rates (mean 14.54 ± 1.66 mg N kg−1 day−1) were significantly higher, while the gross NH4+ immobilization rates (mean 0.34 ± 0.10 mg N kg−1 day−1) were significantly lower than those in the forestland soils (mean 1.99 ± 0.56 and 6.67 ± 0.74 mg N kg−1 day−1, respectively). The gross NO3− immobilization and dissimilatory NO3− reduction to NH4+ (DNRA) rates were not significantly different between the forestland and cropland soils. In comparison to the forestland soils (mean 0.51 ± 0.24), the cropland soils had significantly lower NO3− retention capacities (mean 0.01 ± 0.01), indicating that the potential N losses in the cropland soils were higher. The correlation analysis demonstrated that soil gross autotrophic nitrification rate was negatively and gross NH4+ immobilization rate was positively related to the SOC content and C/N ratio. Therefore, effective measures should be taken to increase soil SOC content and C/N ratio to enhance soil N immobilization ability and NO3− retention capacity and thus reduce NO3− losses from the Regosols.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Igor Gallay ◽  
Branislav Olah ◽  
Zuzana Gallayová ◽  
Tomáš Lepeška

Flood protection is considered one of the crucial regulating ecosystem services due to climate change and extreme weather events. As an ecosystem service, it combines the results of hydrological and ecosystem research and their implementation into land management and/or planning processes including several formally separated economic sectors. As managerial and economic interests often diverge, successful decision-making requires a common denominator in form of monetary valuation of competing trade-offs. In this paper, a methodical approach based on the monetary value of the ecosystem service provided by the ecosystem corresponding to its actual share in flood regulating processes and the value of the property protected by this service was developed and demonstrated based on an example of a medium size mountain basin (290 ha). Hydrological modelling methods (SWAT, HEC-RAS) were applied for assessing the extent of floods with different rainfalls and land uses. The rainfall threshold value that would cause flooding with the current land use but that would be safely drained if the basin was covered completely by forest was estimated. The cost of the flood protection ecosystem service was assessed by the method of non-market monetary value for estimating avoided damage costs of endangered infrastructure and calculated both for the current and hypothetical land use. The results identify areas that are crucial for water retention and that deserve greater attention in management. In addition, the monetary valuation of flood protection provided by the current but also by hypothetical land uses enables competent and well-formulated decision-making processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 16 ◽  
Irina Matijosaitiene ◽  
Peng Zhao ◽  
Sylvain Jaume ◽  
Joseph Gilkey Jr

Predicting the exact urban places where crime is most likely to occur is one of the greatest interests for Police Departments. Therefore, the goal of the research presented in this paper is to identify specific urban areas where a crime could happen in Manhattan, NY for every hour of a day. The outputs from this research are the following: (i) predicted land uses that generates the top three most committed crimes in Manhattan, by using machine learning (random forest and logistic regression), (ii) identifying the exact hours when most of the assaults are committed, together with hot spots during these hours, by applying time series and hot spot analysis, (iii) built hourly prediction models for assaults based on the land use, by deploying logistic regression. Assault, as a physical attack on someone, according to criminal law, is identified as the third most committed crime in Manhattan. Land use (residential, commercial, recreational, mixed use etc.) is assigned to every area or lot in Manhattan, determining the actual use or activities within each particular lot. While plotting assaults on the map for every hour, this investigation has identified that the hot spots where assaults occur were ‘moving’ and not confined to specific lots within Manhattan. This raises a number of questions: Why are hot spots of assaults not static in an urban environment? What makes them ‘move’—is it a particular urban pattern? Is the ‘movement’ of hot spots related to human activities during the day and night? Answering these questions helps to build the initial frame for assault prediction within every hour of a day. Knowing a specific land use vulnerability to assault during each exact hour can assist the police departments to allocate forces during those hours in risky areas. For the analysis, the study is using two datasets: a crime dataset with geographical locations of crime, date and time, and a geographic dataset about land uses with land use codes for every lot, each obtained from open databases. The study joins two datasets based on the spatial location and classifies data into 24 classes, based on the time range when the assault occurred. Machine learning methods reveal the effect of land uses on larceny, harassment and assault, the three most committed crimes in Manhattan. Finally, logistic regression provides hourly prediction models and unveils the type of land use where assaults could occur during each hour for both day and night.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Fernando Allende Álvarez ◽  
Gillian Gómez-Mediavilla ◽  
Nieves López-Estébanez ◽  
Pedro Molina Holgado ◽  
Judith Ares Barajas

The present paper highlights the importance of hedgerows and enclosures in the mountains of Central Spain. Now, these landscapes have suffered profound variations in terms of agroforestry practices, especially in the Mediterranean mountains where the characteristic multifunctional has largely been lost. The article analyzes land uses changes, dynamics, and their morphological features between the first half of the 20th Century (1956) and the second decade of the present time (2019). The paper was divided into three sections. First, the identification of land uses using orthophotograph and aerial photograph; after that the info was checked with fieldwork. Eleven categories were identified according to the dominant use and land use changes and size of land parcels were taken into consideration. Second, the configuration and the information collected through the type and intensity of change in land uses made it possible to recognise and quantify their distribution and trend between these two dates. Also, the kernel density algorithm available in the Arcgis 10.5 software was used to obtain density and changes in land parcels. Finally, an overview is given of the main role that this agroforestry plays due to the social, ecological, and economic benefits that they provide for allowing sustainable development.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
João Frederico Alves ◽  
Sara Mendes ◽  
António Alves da Silva ◽  
José Paulo Sousa ◽  
Daniel Paredes

Olive growing has been intensified through the simplification of agricultural landscapes. In order to rethink the environmental drawbacks of these practices, conservation biological control techniques have been examined. In this work, Prays oleae and its natural enemy Chrysoperla carnea were monitored to account for the effects of the amount and diversity of different land-uses. We found that C. carnea showed an attraction to areas with high abundances of P. oleae but this predator did not display any affection by the different land-uses. Inversely, P. oleae abundance was lower in diverse landscapes and higher in simplified ones. Importantly, higher abundances of C. carnea were related to lower infestation levels of P. oleae in the late part of the season. These results corroborate the attraction of C. carnea to the olive moth, highlighting the potential of C. carnea as a biological control agent of this pest, assert that the promotion of land-use diversity can reduce P. oleae and confirm that landscapes dominated by olive groves can promote this pest. The present study aims at contributing to the discussion about the management of agricultural ecosystems by providing farmers with sustainable alternatives that do not have harmful effects on the environment and public health.

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