scholarly journals Implicit ways to express the author’s opinion in the publicistic discourse of Runet blogosphere

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 481-495
Svetlana A. Shumilina ◽  
Vera N. Levina

The modern analysis of journalist discourse is based on many extralinguistic factors: ethnocultural characteristics of the social environment, creating and sustaining discourse; conditions of political loyalty and the orientation of journalist discourse to the target audience, sources of discourse replenishment and conditions for its self-development in the general discourse-forming environment. These factors have a direct impact on specific ways of delivering information by the authors of the journalistic message to the individual recipient and the mass audience. The relevance of the research is determined, first of all, by the study of the features of the Russian language functioning on the Internet, which fits into the foremost problems of modern Russian studies. The novelty is associated with the analysis of specific ways of linguistic expression of the authors position in Runet journalism, which have not been specially studied so far. The purpose of the research is to consider the ways of expressing evaluation in the texts of the Runet blogs authors. The article shows that implicit ways of expressing the authors evaluation in the Runet texts have the same function as any other evaluative statements: to specifically influence the addressee. The studied material shows that the evaluativeness of the Runet blogosphere authors statements, closely interacting with expressiveness and emotionality, depends on their subjective perception of information and helps them express their point of view. The article highlights the implicit ways of expressing the authors position, which allow in an implicit but understandable form to convey the meaning of the statement to the recipient. The study used materials from Runet blogs, which most vividly and representatively show the features of the Russian-language network journalistic discourse. When working with speech material, analytical methods were used - descriptive (descriptive-analytical) and contrastive, which revealed the linguistic specifics of journalistic discourse, identified and interpreted intra-contextual and intertextual connections, established communication features. The research approaches of discourse analysis and stylistics were also used. The studied material and the results allow to conclude that implicit ways of expressing the authors position have the same goals as explicit value judgments: they emotionally affect the recipient and accurately convey the meaning of the statement. At the same time, implicitness in the Russian language successfully solves the problem of creating and maintaining the authors individuality. The prospects for this study are seen in further scientific development of various implicit ways of expressing the authors position in Runet journalism for further understanding of new processes in the Russian language, in the formation of journalistic discourse and in Russian communication in the digital space.

R. E. Shkilev

The article deals with the phenomenon of gaps in legal terminology of the English language from the point of view of its Russian translation. The author analyzes the approaches to understanding lexical gaps. Examples of terminological gaps have been selected from English-English explanatory dictionaries. The selected terminological units have no equivalents in legal terminology of the Russian language. The study reveals the role of the commentary in rendering the meaning of terminological gaps. While considering the factors determining the existence of gaps, the author pays attention to both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. The research revealed a number of lexical gaps among the terms of international law. English-Russian termninological dictionaries in some cases contain the explanations of notional gaps. The use of transliteration is a signal of notional gap. The conclusion is made about the connection between the perception of gaps and the structures of one’s mother tongue. The social and historical character of the gaps under study has been proved to be well-grounded. The author emphasizes the importance of detailed definitions for adequate rendering of the gaps.

Анна Юрьевна Саркисова

Введение. Описание лингвоаксиологической природы парадокса является перспективным вектором его лингвистического исследования. Этому способствуют имманентные свойства парадокса. Для парадоксального высказывания характерны экспликация глубоко личностного мировосприятия, смыслообразование как интенция, присутствие фоновой аксиологически значимой для данного лингвокультурного сообщества информации, отражение противоречивости мира и парадоксальности самого человеческого сознания. Цель статьи – выявить и описать избранные ценностные смыслы и установки, укорененные в русском сознании и вербализованные посредством парадоксального высказывания. Материал и методы. Анализ языкового материала осуществляется с использованием методов аксиологической лингвистики: лингвоаксиологической рефлексии, лингвоаксиологического описания и лингвоаксиологической интерпретации. В качестве материала привлекаются русские высказывания парадоксального характера – как авторские, так и анонимные, а также являющиеся продуктом коллективного творчества. Результаты и обсуждение. Исследование ценностного компонента парадоксального высказывания позволяет уточнить и проиллюстрировать яркими языковыми примерами такие свойства русского менталитета, как неприятие догматизма и иррациональный характер доминирующих ментальных моделей; приоритет эмоционально-душевной сферы личности над интеллектуально-рациональной, который проявляется в недоверии к формально-логическим постулатам. Реализация гносеологической функции парадокса оборачивается в аксиологической плоскости вновь открываемым смыслом прописных истин и базовых ценностей; провоцируемая парадоксом активация понимания и осмысления созвучна стремлению русского человека к познанию и самопознанию, пытливым духовным поискам, желанию «присвоить» истину, т. е. обрести личный смысл. С синтаксической точки зрения парадоксальное высказывание часто строится по принципу параллелизма и антитезы: помимо корреляции узнаваемого и нового, проясняются ценности, чуждые и присущие русской концептосфере (на примере концептов «совесть» и «справедливость»). Парадоксальное высказывание интересно также как форма метаязыковой рефлексии, что особенно актуально для русского менталитета с его высоким отношением к слову как логосу. Заключение. Аксиологически окрашенные особенности русского языкового менталитета находят активное выражение в парадоксальных языковых формах. Результаты исследования и предлагаемая подборка примеров могут иметь теоретическое и практическое значение для лингвоаксиологического моделирования и реконструкции аксиосферы русской языковой картины мира. Introduction. The description of the linguo-axiological nature of the paradox is a promising vector for its linguistic research. The very properties of the paradox determine this. The following properties characterize the paradoxical statement: the explication of a deeply personal world perception, meaning formation as an intention, the presence of background axiologically significant information for this linguistic cultural community, the reflection of the world’s contradictions and the paradoxical nature of human consciousness itself. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the fragments of values and attitudes of the Russian consciousness, which a paradoxical statement expresses. Material and methods. When analyzing the language material, the author uses the methods of axiological linguistics: linguo-axiological reflection, linguo-axiological description and linguo-axiological interpretation. Russian statements of a paradoxical nature are used as material: author’s, anonymous, and also the products of collective creativity. Results and discussion. The study of the axiological component of paradoxical statements allows to specify and illustrate vivid language examples the following properties of the Russian mentality: the rejection of dogmatism and irrational nature of the dominant mental models; the priority of the emotional-mental sphere of the individual over the intellectual-rational, which is manifested in distrust of formal logical postulates. The realization of the epistemological function of the paradox turns into an axiological plane with the newly discovered meaning of capital truths and basic values. The activation of understanding provoked by the paradox is in tune with the Russian person’s desire for knowledge and self-knowledge, inquisitive spiritual searches, and the desire to “appropriate” the truth, that is, to find a personal meaning. From the syntactic point of view, a paradoxical statement is often based on the principle of parallelism and contrast: in addition to the correlation of the recognizable and the new, values that are alien and inherent in the Russian conceptual sphere are clarified (for example, the concepts “conscience” and “fair”). Paradoxical statement is also interesting as a form of metalanguage reflection, which is especially relevant for the Russian mentality with its high attitude to the word as a logos. Conclusion. Axiologically colored features of the Russian language mentality find active expression in paradoxical language forms. The results of the research and the proposed selection of examples may have theoretical and practical significance for the linguistic axiological modeling and reconstruction of the axiosphere of the Russian language picture of the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-20
A. V Kiriakova ◽  
V.V. Moroz ◽  

Interest in creativity as a subject of research has been growing exponentially since the second half of the 20th century in all areas of human history. A wide range of both domestic and foreign studies allows authors to assert that creativity is a personality trait, inherent to one degree or another. Whereas the development of such trait becomes an urgent necessity in the new reality. The entire evolutionary process of the social development illustrates its dependence on personal and collective creativity. The aim of this research is to study the phenomenon of creativity through the perspective of axiology, i.e. the science of values. Axiology allows us to consider the realities of the modern world from the perspective of not only external factors, circumstances and situations, but also of deep value foundations. Creativity has been studied quite deeply from the point of view of psychology: the special characteristics of a creative person, stages of the creative process, the relationship between creative and critical thinking, creativity and intelligence. Some psychologists emphasize motivation, creative skills, interdisciplinary knowledge, and the creative environment as the main components that contribute to the development of creativity. The authors of the article argue that values and value orientations towards cognition, creativity, self-realization and self-expression are the drivers of creativity. In a broad sense, values as a matrix of culture determine the attitude of society to creativity, to the development of creativity of the individual and the creative class, and to how economically successful a given society will be. Since innovation and entrepreneurship are embodied creativity. Thus, the study of creativity from the perspective of axiology combines the need for a deep study of this phenomenon and the subjective significance of creativity in the context of new realities

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 18 ◽  
Yuri Andrea Arango-Bernal

Objetivo: analizar los significados que construyen las madres de personas en condición de hemofilia, sobre ser portadoras de la enfermedad. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque del interaccionismo simbólico que, a través de una etnografía particularista y el uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciones y revisión documental, rescató el punto de vista de 17 madres pertenecientes a la Liga Antioqueña de Hemofílicos que participaron de manera voluntaria y residen en diferentes municipios del departamento de Antioquia. Resultados: Las participantes se reconocen a sí mismas como seres potenciales, es decir, no sólo como trasmisoras o cuidadoras de la enfermedad de sus hijos, sino como sujetos cognoscentes de su realidad dispuestas a reflexionar sobre sus aprendizajes e incorporarlos a favor de la relación consigo mismas y con los demás. Los significados más relevantes son: empezar a vivir con hemofilia, asumir la enfermedad, la familia, el cuidado y la crianza, la relación con los servicios de salud, caminando con algo que no se puede desprender y darse cuenta. Conclusiones: La salud colectiva es la posibilidad de tener un acercamiento más comprensivo al proceso salud – enfermedad – atención de los colectivos humanos, tomando en cuenta las condiciones económicas, sociales y culturales en las que estos se inscriben. La pregunta por los significados de estas madres develó el tejido de lo individual y lo colectivo, como un asunto que trasciende el plano biológico de la enfermedad y da cuenta de la construcción social en la que confluyen prácticas, saberes, imaginarios y sentimientos.Palabras Clave: Cuidadores, enfermedad crónica, hemofilia A, madresSignifi cance of being a hemophilia carrierAbstractObjective: Analyzing the meanings that mothers of people with hemophilia, build about being carriers of the disease. Materials and methods: Study based on the qualitative method supported by the approach of symbolic interaction, which through a particularistic ethnography, and the use of semi-structured interviews, observations and document review, rescued the point of view of 17 mothers belonging to the Liga Antioqueña de Hemofílicos. They participated voluntarily and reside in different municipalities of Antioquia. Results: The participants recognize themselves as potential beings, that is, not only as disseminators or carers of the illness of their children, but as cognocentes subject of their reality willing to reflect on their learning and incorporate them in favor of the relationship with herself and others. The most important meanings are: start living with hemophilia, assuming the disease, the family, the care and upbringing, relationships with health services, walking with something that can not be detached and realize. Conclusions: Collective health is the ability to have a more comprehensive approach to process health - disease - care of human groups, taking into account the economic, social and cultural conditions in which they are registered. The question of the meaning of these mothers, unveiled the tissue of the individual and the collective, as a matter that transcends the biological level of the disease and accounts for the social construction that blends practices, knowledge, imaginary and feelings.Key Words: Hemophilia A, chronic disease, mothers, caregivers. Significado de ser portadora de hemofiliaResumo                                   Objetivo: Analisar os significados construídos pelas mães de pessoas com hemofilia, sobre ser portadores da doença. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo qualitativo com foco no interacionismo simbólico, que, através de uma etnografia individualista e o uso de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observações e revisão documental, resgatou o ponto de vista de 17 mães pertencentes à Liga Antioquia de Hemófilos que participaram voluntariamente e residem em diferentes municípios do departamento de Antioquia. Resultados: Os participantes se reconhecem como seres potenciais, ou seja, não apenas como transmissores ou cuidadores da doença de seus filhos, mas como sujeitos cognitivos de sua realidade que estão dispostos a refletir sobre sua aprendizagem e a incorporá-los em favor do relacionamento com eles mesmos e com os outros. Os significados mais relevantes são: começar a viver com hemofilia, assumir a doença, família, cuidados e educação, relacionar-se com os serviços de saúde, caminhar com algo que você não pode separar e perceber. Conclusões: A saúde coletiva é a possibilidade de ter uma abordagem mais abrangente para o processo saúde-doença-cuidado de grupos humanos, levando em consideração as condições econômicas, sociais e culturais nas quais estão registradas. A questão dos significados dessas mães revela o tecido do indivíduo e o coletivo como um problema que transcende o plano biológico da doença e explica a construção social em que as práticas, o conhecimento, o imaginário e os sentimentos convergem.Palavras-Chave: Cuidadores, doenças crônicas, hemofilia A, mães  

لارك ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (20) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Sanaa Lazim Hassan

Sam Shepard is one of the controversial modern American playwrights who wrote about issues that are concerned with the individual in America rather than the institution In his theatre, the audience expects to see everything that concerns itself with the western culture and ignores that which is global. He is very much interested in the inner landscape of America rather than its position as the leader of the world. Thus, in his drama he preaches such ideology urging the US Administration to focus the attention on the American welfare. The research attempts an analysis on his play The States of Shock using the New Historicism approach through studying the writer’s point of view concerning the craft of war. Modern politics has been very influential on both the social as well as the literary scene. Wars, whether launched or were only loomed at, has been considered the most controversial subject about which plays, poems, and books were written. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, writers

Laura Monsalve Lorente

ABSTRACTSchools with families are socializing areas where it takes place the development of people in their early stages, exerting an important role in the configuration of behavior and social values of children and adolescents. When we consider the health as understood by the WHO, that is, as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellness and not only as the absence of disease we see that the attainment of good educational results by a school save a very close relationship with the attainment of optimal levels of health within the educational community. According to this fact schools that incorporate the health promotion as part of its educational are building the bases that will enable them better achieve the educational objectives, including academics. On the other hand in this time of life people are more receptive to learning being the time of the vital development which are acquired the major lifestyle that will be consolidated over the years (physical activity, diet, etc.). Also this is an area of social intervention that have health agents which have highly qualified from the pedagogical point of view: teachers, whether in the kindergarten level, and Primary and Secondary level. In this context the main objective of the Health Education, is to develop activities and encourage the students to achieve the highest attainable standard of health, through the acquisition of knowledge and skills that promote choice and adoption of healthy lifestyles; Seeking participation, interaction and social integration, and the ability to work critically and creatively, and the search for solutions. Schools, with the home are two of the key places where it takes place the individual and social development of people in its earliest stages, exerting an important role the configuration of the conduct and the social values of childhood, adolescence and youth.RESUMENLos centros educativos junto con el hogar, son los ámbitos socializadores clave donde tiene lugar el desarrollo de las personas en sus estadios más tempranos, ejerciendo un importante papel en la configuración de la conducta y los valores sociales de la infancia y la adolescencia. Cuando se considera la salud como la entiende la OMS, es decir, como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social y no solamente como la ausencia de enfermedad, vemos que el logro de buenos resultados educativos por parte de un centro educativo guarda una relación muy estrecha con la consecución de unos niveles óptimos de salud en el seno de su comunidad educativa. De acuerdo con esta realidad, las escuelas que incorporan la promoción de la salud como parte integrante de su planteamiento educativo, están construyendo las bases que les permitirán alcanzar mejor los objetivos educativos, incluidos los académicos. Por otro lado, en esta época de la vida, las personas se hallan más receptivas para el aprendizaje, siendo la época del desarrollo vital en la que se adquieren los principales hábitos de vida que se consolidarán con los años (actividad física, alimentación, etc.). Además se trata de un ámbito de intervención social que cuenta con agentes de salud que disponen de alta calificación desde el punto de vista pedagógico: el profesorado, ya sea en el nivel de educación Infantil, como en Primaria y Secundaria. En este marco, el principal objetivo de la Educación para la salud, es desarrollar actividades e incentivar al alumnado para conseguir el mayor grado posible de salud, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades que favorezcan la elección y adopción de estilos de vida saludables; buscando la participación, la interacción y la integración social, y trabajando la capacidad crítica y creativa, así como la búsqueda de soluciones. Los Centros escolares, junto con el hogar, son dos de los lugares clave donde tiene lugar el desarrollo individual y social de las personas en sus estadios más tempranos, ejerciendo un importante papel en la configuración de la conducta y los valores sociales de la infancia, la adolescencia y la juventud.

D. V. Isyutin-Fedotkov

The article considers and analyzes various opinions on the category "forensic study of personality". From the point of view of the Russian language, the various meanings of the term "study" fully and in a multifaceted way reflect the activities of the investigator in the study of the person in the course of sufficient disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is concluded that forensic study of personality can be considered as a process, theory (doctrine) and part of criminalistics (educational discipline, special course). In this connection, the definition of the term "forensic study of personality" depends on understanding of its essence. Forensic study of personality as a process for the study of personality is associated with activity. Forensic study of the personality as a theory (doctrine) is associated with the objective laws that constitute the subject of criminalistics. Forensic study of the personality as a section of criminalistics (academic discipline, special course) is based on a theoretical basis, on the basis of which methods, approaches to studying personality are considered. The ultimate goal of forensic study of personality is solving the problems of disclosure and investigation of crimes. Author's definitions of the term "forensic study of personality" are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 129 ◽  
pp. 01014
Vladislav Kaputa ◽  
Frederik Kvočák ◽  
Miroslava Triznová ◽  
Andrej Tomić ◽  
Hana Maťová

Research background: The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 had a significant impact on all aspects of life, from the point of view of the individual by forcing social isolation, moving work and study to the home, enormous pressure on the social and health system, but also by forcing closures of services and direct contact with customers. These, as well as other factors, have also had an impact on the performance of economies around the world. Purpose of the article: The paper aims to evaluate the development of the world's major economies in terms of macroeconomic indicators and foreign trade in the pandemic period and previous periods. The social and environmental aspects of the impact of the pandemic on selected economies are also reflected. Methods: Analysis of the main macroeconomic data, comparison and synthesis of findings. Findings & Value added: The interdependence of economies and interconnectedness of markets on transport routes associated with reduced mobility, forced isolation of people and death of economic activity had a significant impact on all the observed indicators, where a significant decline in GDP could be observed in all countries except China. This country was the only one that managed to keep GDP growth in positive numbers. Unemployment development was not equal in the observed economies due to different labour market environment. On the contrary, the environment has benefited in some way.

Abdelmajid Nayif Alawneh

    The research aims to study the impact of unemployment on the social conditions in the Palestinian society from the point of view of the unemployed youth, especially in the current time period (2019), the researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and the research community consists of young people in the governorate of Ramallah. The researcher used the questionnaire tool, and the data were analyzed by the analysis program (SPSS). It was found that the majority of youth are unemployed, they are middle age, single and large families, urban residents, people with specialties and low income. As for the results of the research, there was an increase in the impact of the forms of unemployment on the social conditions of the individual, family and society and their outlook towards the future, came the highest degree on the social conditions of the individual (6. 90%) and then the social conditions of the family (3. 83%), Followed by the societal conditions to reach the value (78%), came the lowest values ​​for the outlook for the future, which amounted to (67%). Some of the features of the impact of unemployment, including the tension, anxiety and frustration of the young group. As for the nature of the relationship between the variables of the study, there was a statistically significant relationship between the combined unemployment and the low income, between the apparent, persuasive and compulsory unemployment, and the individual, family and societal situations and the outlook for them. At the end of the research a number of recommendations were made, most notably the need to balance the types of education and activate the social and cultural role of the family.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-44
M.P. Mulina

The article deals with the concept of «soul» from the methodological point of view: the effectiveness of its analysis at the Russian language lessons for the formation of linguistic, communicative and cultural competences in fifth class while studying the topic «Phraseologisms». The author shows that the complex analysis of the concept «soul» forms systemic thinking among pupils effectively and also teaches them to use the communicative and aesthetic means of the Russian language. The author emphasized that attention to the fact that it is important to explain to pupils the «mysterious Russian soul» in the perception of foreigners, because in their languages there's not so much meanings of the word «soul»

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