Aris Wibowo

Indonesian people who live in the village daily take care of plants in the fields and in the garden. The crop that is currently being planted is rice as a staple food. In managing rice, it is usually done by husband and wife together. Even so, the husband still does the heavy part and the wife does the light part, just like the husband who irrigates the plants and hoes and then the wife takes the weeds around the plants so that the plants grow optimally. The farmer household is one of the most decisive decision-making units in managing household needs, the decision-making process in the family is often dominated by the head of the family, researchers are interested in examining how social stratification and the implementation of rights and obligations of married couples in Banjarejo Village, Rejotangan District, Tulungagung Regency. This research method is qualitative with a field research approach. The data collection technique used in this study was conducted by interview. The results of the interview become primary data, this data is then analyzed using reduction techniques, presentation and conclusion drawing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Tesa Ocdiyana, SH

The title of this research is the role of the Village Guidance Officer (BABINSA) in Supporting Public Order and Security in Pengasi Baru  Village, Bukit Kerman District.  This study aims to determine the role of the Village Guidance Officer (BABINSA) in Supporting Public Order and Security in Pengasi Baru  Village, Bukit Kerman District.  This research uses a qualitative research approach with qualitative descriptive research type, this research is conducted in order to explain objectively and rationally about the object of research.  Sources of data in this study were 9 people.  What is taken is primary data and secondary data.  The data collection technique was carried out by means of in-depth interviews, namely data collection techniques carried out by researchers to obtain information verbally through question and answer, who faced directly with a number of informants who could provide information related to research problems.  That the routine activities carried out by babinsa are currently quite influential in their implementation. In realizing the professionalism of the TNI AD, every soldier should increase knowledge and improve higher education levels.  The results of this study are expected to help contribute to the thoughts of the author for all parties, especially for the village of Pengasi Baru  and members of the babinsa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Jehan M. Malahika ◽  
Herman Karamoy ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES)  towards the government organization in Suwaan Village Kalawat Subdistrict North Minahasa Regency. This research using qualitative research approach as using primary data, which were in the form of interview and secondary data. The informants are the village head, the village secretaries, and the head of village government affairs. The result showed that : (1) The implementation of Village Financial System in Suwaan Village has running well (2) The procedure of SISKEUDES utilization done by 4 stages which are : Planning, Implementing, Administrating, and Reporting (3) Village Financial System has been giving the positive influence towards the performance of each employee. Therefore, Village Financial System holds an important role upon village government that impact directly by the employee of village. This is as accordance with the purpose on the implementation of Village Financing System which is to assist the work of villagers’ employee.Keywords: Village Financial System, Village Government

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-94
Wihastinelahi Wihastinelahi ◽  
Teguh Erawati

This research was conducted to find out the role of village financial system (Siskeudes) on the performance of village administration with good governance as an intervening variable in Kulon Progo Regency. This research employed quantitative research approach. The data used were primary data. The informants used were village Kaur  and Kasi, the village secretaries, the village financial system operators (Siskeudes). The result showed that: (1) village financial system (Siskeudes) influences on the good governance; (2) good governance influences on the performance of the village administration; (3) village financial system (Siskeudes) no effect to performance of village administration; (4) village financial system (Siskeudes) on the performance of village administration with good governance an an intervening variable.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Erni Erawati

One of traditional settlements in Indonesia is located in the residential area of Kajang, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province. Settlement community in Kajang is classified into two levels, the first is meso level consisted on spatial villaes, homes, and forest, and the second is macro level consisted on the spatial region consisting of kamase-masea region, and the region kuassayya. From the shape and function of artefacts and sites in Kajang area, it can be mentioned that the Kajang district has the Megalithic sites and Islamic sites which are still functioned until recently. The aim of this research is determining the  pattern of settlement in the area of the Kajang based on the location of the sites. The source of data consist of two namely secondary data which is obtained from literary research, and primary data obtained  through field research by observation and survey. The pattern of settlement in the Kajang area shows two characteristics; firstly,  Settlement patterns and placement of home in group, leading to the altitude, facing to the west; the sacred building that is located at high altitude and surrounded by indigenous forest areas and settlers' houses. Secondly, settlement patterns extend lengthwise in a row on both sides of a pathway up to the foothills, and on riverbanks. Those houses are characterised by the location of owner's social stratification. There is no specific orientation of houses to the wind directions. Sacred building is placed in higher space surrounded by residents' houses. Ammatoa as the spiritual leader, and a site that functions to inaugurate Karaeng as leaders of the governance. Salah satu permukiman tradisional di Indonesia adalah permukiman di kawasan Kajang, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Permukiman masyarakat di kawasan Kajang terdiri atas dua tingkat, yaitu bersifat meso yang menyangkut tata ruang desa, rumah tinggal, dan hutan adat, dan bersifat makro menyangkut tata ruang kawasan yang terdiri atas kawasan kamase-masea dan kawasan kuassayyya. Dari bentuk dan fungsi situs-situs di kawasan Kajang, dapat dikatakan bahwa kawasan Kajang memiliki situs Megalitik dan situs Islam yang masih dipergunakan sampai sekarang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola permukiman di Kawasan Kajang berdasarkan letak situs-situs. Sumber data penelitian ada dua, yaitu data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui penelitian pustaka, dan data primer diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dengan cara observasi dan survei permukaan.Pola permukiman di kawasan Kajang menampilkan dua ciri, yaitu: 1). Pola permukiman dan penempatan rumah secara berkelompok mengarah pada ketinggian, arah hadap rumah ke arah barat, bangunan sakral berada di tempat ketinggian dan dikelilingi oleh kawasan hutan adat dan bangunan rumah penduduk, 2). Pola permukiman berbentuk memanjang dan berderet disebelah menyebelah jalan, kaki bukit, dan pinggir sungai dan pantai dengan ciri yang menunjukkan pelapisan sosial. Terdapat dua fungsi situs di kawasan Kajang, yaitu: situs yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pelantikan Ammatoa sebagai pemimpin di bidang spiritual, dan tempat pelantikan Karaeng yang dianggap pemimpin di bidang pemerintahan.

Mirza Rahmatillah ◽  
Ridwan Nurdin

The success of developing a village cannot be separated from the role of the Village Head and the entire community. A developed village can be seen from the adequate facilities and infrastructure. The head of government has a big responsibility for the progress of his village in order to create a prosperous society. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the role of the village head in the implementation of development in Li-Eue Village and how the Siyasah Fiqh and Village Law review the role of the village head in the implementation of development in Li-Eue Village. This type of research is classified as field research (field research), which is descriptive analysis, namely research that tells and describes data sourced from primary data through interviews, observations and reports in the form of documents and secondary data by conducting library research in the form of Al- Qur'an, Hadiths, opinions of scholars, laws and regulations, documents and books and other scientific works. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the role of the Li-Eue Village head in the implementation of development in Li-Eue Village is generally less than optimal so that it is less trustworthy or responsible for the duties as village head. Judging from the existence of several developments that have not been implemented. And less transparent and less mobilizing community participation. Review of Siyasah Fiqh and Village Law, namely leaders who are less trustworthy and less responsible.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Ismet Sulila

Therefore, this study aims at examining the realization of the allocation of village fund, income per capita, and what factors determine the effectiveness of the implementation of village fund allocation policies in Gorontalo District. The complexity of implementing village fund policies requires caution in empirical studies in the field. Therefore the research approach uses qualitative methods. The data source in this study was primary data, which was conducted using a matrix of problem-based interview guidelines. Further, the data analysis techniques used consisted of data collection, data display, data condensation and verifying drawing conclusions. Data obtained in the field show that the allocation of village fund continues to increase. The impact of an increase in the allocation of village fund to the level of development in the village can be seen through per capita income in the last five years that has increased. Furthermore, the results of empirical studies in the field show that there are five important factors that determine the effectiveness of the implementation of village fund policies in Gorontalo District, namely 1) Participation, 2) communication, 3) resources, 4) attitude of implementers 5) organizational structure of implementers, 6) environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 716-725
Yusraa Yusraa

ABSTRACT: EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE AND USE OF FAMILY SUPPORT FURTHER POSYANDU AGE IN THE VILLAGE OF LAKE DISTRICT PARIS SIKORAN ACEH SINGKIL  Background Background: At this time the population of the elderly is increasing, therefore the government has formulated various policies for elderly health services. The aging process should be accompanied by the ability and awareness of the elderly in playing a role to be actively involved in the utilization of posyandu. The low percentage of elderly visits in the work area of the Danau Paris Puskesmas, Danau Paris District, was due to the lack of knowledge of the elderly about the benefits of the posyandu, then a lack of support from the family or family attention to the elderly because they were busy with their respective activities.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of knowledge, and family support for elderly Posyandu utilization in the village Sikoran Lake District of Aceh Singkil Paris.Method Design of this study is a survey using explanatory research approach. The population of this research is all elderly people in the village Sikoran Lake District of Paris. A population of 57 people and sample using total sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire distributed to the elderly. The data analysis using logistic regression.Results: Results of analysis of knowledge on the utilization of Posyandu elderly based on the knowledge obtained by logistic regression test (p = 0.000 <0.05), then there is a significant effect so Ha is received. Results of analysis of family support was obtained (p = 0.085> 0.05), the Ha rejected.Conclusion:The results of this study suggested to To the leaders in order to further improve the management of health centers, especially the supervision of health personnel and support of cadres Posyandu elderly in order to improve the health of the elderly. Keywords: Awareness, Family Support, Utilization of Posyandu Elderly       INTISARI: PENGARUH PENGETAHUAN DAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA TERHADAP PEMANFAATAN POSYANDU USIA LANJUT  DI DESA SIKORAN KECAMATAN DANAU PARIS  KABUPATEN ACEH SINGKIL  Latar Belakang: Populasi Lanjut Usia (Lansia) pada masa ini semakin meningkat, oleh karena itu pemerintah telah merumuskan berbagai kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan usia lanjut.  Proses penuaan hendaknya diiringi dengan kemampuan dan kesadaran lansia dalam menampilkan peranan untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam pemanfaatan posyandu. Rendahnya persentase kunjungan lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Danau Paris Kecamatan Danau Paris dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan lansia tentang manfaat dari posyandu tersebut, kemudian kurangnya dukungan dari pihak keluarga atau perhatian keluarga kepada lansia karna sibuknya dengan aktifitas masing-masing.Tujuan :Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan, dan dukungan keluarga terhadap pemanfaatan posyandu lanjut usia di Desa Sikoran Kecamatan Danau Paris Kabupaten Aceh Singkil.Metode: Desain penelitian ini bersifat  survei dengan menggunakan pendekatan explanatory research. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia yang ada di Desa Sikoran Kecamatan Danau Paris. Populasi berjumlah 57 orang dan sampel menggunakan total sampling.  Metode pengumpulan data dengan  menggunakan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada lansia. Analisis data menggunakan regresi logistic.Hasil : analisa pengetahuan terhadap pemanfaatan posyandu usia lanjut berdasarkan pengetahuan dengan uji regresi logistik diperoleh  (p= 0,000 < 0,05), maka ada pengaruh yang signifikan maka Ha diterima. Hasil analisa dukungan keluarga diperoleh (p = 0,085 > 0,05) maka Ha ditolak.Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini disarankan kepada Kepada pimpinan agar lebih meningkatkan manajemen Puskesmas khususnya pengawasan terhadap tenaga Kesehatan dan dukungan dari kader posyandu lanjut usia. agar dapat meningkatkan derajat kesehatan pada lanjut usia. Kata Kunci :   Pengetahuan, Dukungan Keluarga, Pemanfaatan Posyandu Usia Lanjut

2021 ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi

Village financial management includes all activities, including planning, implementation, administration, and village financial accountability. Village finances are managed based on transparent, accountable, participatory principles and are carried out in an orderly and disciplined budget. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the presentation of the financial statements of the Padang Loang Village government, Chinese District, whether it is following the government accounting standards mandated by the Indonesian government. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach, where the Village Financial Accountability Report (LPJ) is the main object of the study. The informants were the Village Head, Village Secretary, Village Treasurer, and all government staffs in Padang Loang Village, Cina District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Data sources consisted of primary data and secondary data, namely interviews and field observations, and available documents sourced from the village government office under study. Simultaneously, the research stage is carried out through data collection, data processing, data presentation, and concluding. The study results indicate that the evaluation of the production of financial accountability reports in the village of Padang Loang is quite good and following the accounting standards recommended by the government. Besides, the accountability reporting procedure carried out by the Padang Loang Village government, either the village treasurer to the Village Head or from the Village Head to the District Government (Camat) and Regency Government (Bupati), is considered fair enough, transparent, and accountable.

Gumilar Mulyana

Tourism activities are human activities driven by curiosity and enjoying tourist attractions and tourist attractions without knowing administrative boundaries. Therefore, the concept of integrated regional development can overcome and assist organizational differences between districts into a unity of regional planning and development with tourism activities in Sukabumi Regency. In this research, the method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study come from primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique used is field research, such as observation, interviews, and library research. The analysis used by the pen is descriptive-qualitative. The research results on tourism's role in developing tourism potential in the Sukabumi Regency are dominant as a facilitator compared to other parts. This role as a facilitator can be seen mainly in the provision of object infrastructure, which is still largely borne by the Tourism Office. Facilities for distributing stimulant fund assistance for people who want to develop a tourism object, promote tourism objects, and facilities provided to third parties such as investors and tourism entrepreneurs to develop their tourism businesses in Sukabumi Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Nizrah Nizrah ◽  
Nasaruddin Nasaruddin ◽  
Hamiyuddin Hamiyuddin

This research has a problem that how is the implementation of the topo salia custom in Desa Maninili Barat, Kecamatan Tinombo Selatan, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, and what is the view of Islamic law on the topo salia custom. The research method used is a qualitative method that describes field research. In the data collection technique, the writer used the method of observation and direct interviews with informants, namely the village head and several religious figures as well as documentation. Then, the results of the research found that first the topo salia custom is a ritual that is carried out in the month of Rabiul Awal to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. namely on the 12th of Rabiul Awal, this tradition was carried out with the aim of rejecting calamities and making their children live and cultured. Second, according to the view of traditional Islamic law, topo salia does not contradict Islamic law because it contains Islamic values, such as deliberation, mutual cooperation, strengthening friendship, and a form of gratitude to Allah swt.

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