scholarly journals Analisis Shariah Compliance Praktik Murabahah Lil Aamir Bisy-Syiraa' pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Azwar Iskandar ◽  
Hendra Wijaya ◽  
Khaerul Aqbar

Abstract: This research aims to analyze the extent of the practice of murabahah in sharia banking Indonesia according to the concepts and rules of sharia, jurisprudence, and fatwa (shariah compliance). The study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach with a critical study method and library research. The results showed that the practice of murabahah in sharia banking has not fully fulfilled the rules in shariah compliance. Among the irregularities that have occurred to shariah compliance: (i) the murabahah agreement is directly agreed between the sharia bank and the customer, while the goods have not belonged to the bank and have not been accepted (al-qabd) with the result that the contract becomes void; (ii) the designation of the deputy by sharia bank in the murabahah lil aamir bisy-syiraa' is feared falling on the riba, namely as ‘hilah’ for debt with interest; (iii) the practice of the murabahah agreement may fall on the type of double contract (al-'uquud al-murakkabah) which is prohibited if the agreement between the customer and the bank is binding and there is no right to vote between the parties (khiyar); (iv) in its practice, sharia banks do not take profit based on the ra’sulmāl, but from the money incurred by the bank; and (v) in the event of a guarantee position, the sharia bank lays it as a necessity. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana praktik murabahah di perbankan syariah Indonesia telah berjalan sesuai konsep dan aturan syariat Islam, baik berdasarkan nas-nas syariat, batasan-batasan fikih, maupun fatwa-fatwa DSN-MUI (shariah compliance). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif dengan metode studi kritis dan riset kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik murabahah pada perbankan syariah belum sepenuhnya memenuhi aturan dalam syariat (shariah compliance). Di antara penyimpangan yang terjadi terhadap kepatuhan syariah (shariah compliance): (i) akad jual-beli murabahah langsung disepakati antara pihak bank syariah dan nasabah, sementara barang belum menjadi milik bank dan belum diterima (al-qabd) sehingga akad tersebut menjadi fasid (batal); (ii) penunjukan wakil oleh bank syariah dalam akad murabahah lil aamir bisy-syiraa’ dikhawatirkan terjatuh pada syubhat riba, yaitu sebagai hilah (rekayasa) atas hutang dengan bunga; (iii) praktik jual-beli dengan akad murabahah dapat terjatuh pada jenis akad berganda (al-‘uquud al-murakkabah) yang terlarang jika perjanjian antara nasabah dan bank bersifat mengikat dan tidak ada hak khiyaar (memilih) antara kedua belah pihak; (iv) dalam praktiknya, bank syariah tidak mengambil keuntungan berdasarkan besaran dari ra’sulmāl, namun dari besaran uang yang dikeluarkan oleh bank; dan (v) dalam hal kedudukan jaminan, bank syariah menetapkannya sebagai suatu keharusan. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Hindun Maisaroh ◽  
Toriquddin Toriquddin

Thematic interpretation (maudhu’i) is a pattern of interpretation by collecting verses of the Koran that have the same goal, meaning they both discuss one topic and arrange them based on the period of the verse down and pay attention to the background of the causes of the descent, then given explanation, description, comments, and points of content of the sentence. The purpose of this literature research is to find out thematic interpretations (maudhu'i) of the subject of the concept of student management in Islamic Education Institutions. In this study, the authors used a qualitative descriptive approach, and the type of research used was library research. The results of the literature review are: Based on the verses that have been described and analyzed, in the field of student management, the thematic interpretations are raised on QS. Al-Kahfi verses 23-24 and 69, QS Al-Hasyr verse 18, QS Az-Zumar verse 29, QS An-Nahl verse 125, and QS Al-Furqan verse 74, provide an explanation and explanation of the meaning of how student management is in perspective Al-Qur'an. Each of which is in the content as described above, namely that every activity to be carried out must be made with good planning, organization, and implementation and control, which in this case is especially in Surah Al-Kahfi verse 69 and Al-Furqan verse. 74 regarding guidance to students, so that students can develop their talents and interests as well as their competencies so that they become dzurriyah which are qurrota a'yun for parents and their second parents, namely the board of teachers in the Islamic educational institution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-105
Agung Nugroho

The research objective was to analyze the structure of drama manuscript of Musi Rawas folklore. The approach used was qualitative descriptive approach with library research method. The data were collected through reading technique, inventory technique and noting technique. The data were obtained from reading and coding were classified based on the object, described, organized into the report. The results presented: the conflict was when Gentayu recognized her mother was still alive and she kept meeting her, so that  Remas Samar, whose father, was angry. It becomes the main problem in drama manuscript in Musi Rawas folklore "Gentayu Ulak Dalam". The plot in the drama was straightforward. The settings were in the village, forest, Baru Hill and river. In conclusion, according to the analysis, the drama included as tragedy because the climax of the story described the sadness and death.  Keywords: Analysis, drama manuscript, structural approach

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-115
Nur Jannah ◽  
Khairul Umam

AbstractThis research explains the role that parents should play in the educational process of their children during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using a qualitative descriptive approach to this type of research library, the researchers concluded that the role of parents in the current pandemic is becoming more urgent to develop children's character in a better direction. Three main points need to be internalized to children, namely religious education, social education, and moral education. Religious education is related to the issue of belief in God and all aspects related to Him. Social education is related to the cultivation of the values ​​of social interaction, both those originating from culture and religion and so on which have positive values. Meanwhile, moral education is related to the refraction of moral values, both individually and socially. Individual moral values ​​are related to how to treat oneself, while social moral values ​​are related to how to treat others well. Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan peran yang sewajarnya dan patut untuk dilakanakan oleh orang tua dalam proses pendidikan anak-anak mereka di masa pandemic covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif jenis library research, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa peran orang tua di masa pandemi saat ini menjadi lebih urgen dalam rangka menumbuhkembangkan karakter anak ke arah yang lebih baik. Terdapat tiga poin utama yang perlu diinternalisasikan kepada anak, yaitu pendidikan agama, pendidikan sosial dan pendidikan akhlak. Pendidikan agama terkait dengan masalah keyakinan kepada Tuhan dan segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan-Nya. Pendidikan sosial berkaitan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai interaksi sosial, baik yang bersumber dari budaya dan agama dan sebagainya yang bernilai positif. Sementara pendidikan akhlak berkaitan dengan pembiasan nilai-nilai moral, baik individual maupun sosial. Nilai moral individual berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan diri, sementara nilai moral sosial berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan orang lain dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Peran Orang Tua, Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Keluarga, Pandemi Covid-19

2020 ◽  
pp. 163
Rizki Fadli

This article discusses the payment of rice plow from the perspective of Economic Jurisprudence in Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo, Kecamatan Batipuah Selatan, Kabupaten Tanah Datar. The problem is that there has been a change in the tradition of plowing rice fields from using cattle to using tractor engines. These changes also bring changes to the practice of plowing, the efficiency of time, costs, and how wages are calculated. In connection with this the question arises how the review of Economic Jurisprudence on wage plows in Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo Kecamatan Batipuah Selatan Kabupaten Tanah Datar? The type of research I use is library research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data that the author gets is through interviews. Data sources are farmers who have rice fields or plowsmen. Data is processed by classifying or categorizing the data and analyzed with the theory of Economic Jurisprudence. This study found that the Review of Economic Jurisprudence on wage plows in Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo, Kecamatan Batipuah Selatan, Kabupaten Tanah Datar may be permissible (mubah) due to the addition of wages requested by the plowman to use the machine in accordance with the work produced and in accordance with the Qur'an.

2018 ◽  
pp. 249
Muh. Hizbul Muflihin

This study aims to explore the pivotal role of the school principal in escalating his/her capacity as a supervisor. Supervision constitutes one of the principal’s duties that needs to be carried out for the purpose of supervising, evaluating performance, guiding, and motivating teachers to be able to make improvements, maintain teaching quality, and organize a better learning process. A qualitative descriptive approach was employed in this library research. The findings demonstrate the roles that principals take to maximize their role as a supervisor. Firstly, the principals should be able to understand the nature of supervision. This indicates that this re-understanding aims to enhance the process of supervision and guidance to teachers so as to improve the quality of their performance and teaching processes. Secondly, principals should be able to adapt and adopt various approaches to the implementation of supervision. The application in the supervision approach can be noticed in the exchange of information between principals and teachers, including the quality of learning. Thirdly, school principals should be able to increase human resources. The improvement should be carried out systematically and continuously through professional development. This illustrates that the principals’ role as a supervisor is very essential to promote the professionalism of teachers and educational staff.

Abdul Ghofar ◽  
Usman Abubakar ◽  
Muhammad Azhar

The teacher should have a steady, stable, adult, wise, and authoritative personality competence, be an example for learners, and have a noble character, but in reality, his personality competence is still low and still far from the personality that teachers should have. The authors offer an alternative solution with the Islamic psychology approach that is Tazkiyatun nafs that can be used as a basis of teacher personality strengthening. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach and literature or library research. The essence of tazkiyatun nafs tends to talk about the soul (an-nafs). It is a process of purification of the human soul from the impurities, both visible dirt and inner dirt. Therefore, the notion of tazkiyatun nafs is closely related to morals and psychology, and in Islam, it serves as a pattern of human formation of good character and cautious to Allah. In this study, the authors found some of the following findings. First, the growth of one's personality is influenced by factors from within that is the integration of elements of aql (mind), qalb (heart), lust and outside factors such as the process of interaction with the environment. Second, the soul is very functional to one's personality. A clean soul will produce good behavior while a dirty soul will result in a low or weak personality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Ashfira Nurza ◽  
Munawar Rahmat ◽  
Fahrudin Fahrudin

This research aims to find the concept of education according to Mahmud Yunus and its implication to Islamic Religious Education at school. This research is library research by using qualitative-descriptive approach. Based on this research, it is known that Islamic Education goal according to Mahmud Yunus is to form noble character (akhlak mahmudah) of the students and they are experts in both general and religious sciences. Materials of Islamic Education in Mahmud Yunus’ view in geleral can be divided ito three: math, skill,and drawing. In specific, Mahmud Yunus divides materials of Islamic Education based on levels of education.Methods of Islamic Education to him are story telling, question-answer, discussion, modelling, accustoming, and speech. The last, evaluation of Islamic Education used are school examination, general examination, and modern examination. The concept of education according to Mahmud Yunus, in the researchers’ view has implication to the process of Islamic Religious Education insctruction at school, either in the goal, materials, method, or in the evaluation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus dan  implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran PAI di sekolah.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa tujuan pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus adalah membentuk akhlak mulia peserta didik dan peserta didik dapat dihandalkan dalam ilmu umum dan ilmu agama.Materi pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus secara umum dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu matematika, keterampilan, dan melukis. Secara khusus Mahmud Yunus membagi materi Pendidikan Islam berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan.Metode pendidikan Islam yaitu metode kisah, metode tanya jawab, metode diskusi, metode teladan, metode pembiasaan dan metode ceramah. Evaluasi pendidikan Islam yang digunakan yaitu berupa ujian sekolah, ujian umum, dan ujian modern. Konsep pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus ini memiliki implikasi terhadap proses pembelajaran PAI di sekolah, baik pada tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 75-90
Asripa Asripa ◽  
Devy Habibi Muhammad ◽  
Ari Susandi

The purpose of this research is to understand the thoughts of Gus Dur and Nurcholish Majid about pluralism. In Indonesian society, which is pluralistic, friction between understandings in various structures of community groups is unavoidable. For this reason, it is important to understand how Gus Dur and Nurcholish Majid think in terms of pluralism. And what are the similarities and differences in their thinking. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and the type of research is library research. Data collection comes from several books and scientific works in the form of journals that are relevant to the themes in the research. The data processing in this study was analyzed in accordance with a count approach (statistics) but through the presentation of thoughts, opinions of experts, or information related to the problem. Gus Dur's idea of ​​pluralism has the main goal of creating harmonization of a pluralistic Indonesian society. And according to Nurcholish majid pluralism is a positive value and grace from God to mankind to enrich the growth of diverse cultures.      Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memhami pemikiran Gus dur dan Nurcholish Majid tentang pluralisme. Dalam masyarakat indonesia yang mejemuk  pergesekan antar paham diberbagai struktur kelompok masyarakat tidak dapat dihindari. Untuk itu penting memahami bagaimana pemikiran Gus Dur dan Nurcholish Majid dalam hal pluralisme. Serta apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan dalam pemikiran keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library reseach). Pengumpulan data bersumber dari beberapa buku dan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal yang relevan dengan tema yang ada dalam penelitian. Adapun Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini  dianalisis sesuai dengan pendekatan hitungan (statistik) tetapi memalui penyajian pemikiran,pendapat para ahli, atau informasi yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan. Gasasan pluralisme Gus Dur memiliki tujuan utama yaitu menciptakan harmonisasi masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk. Dan  menurut Nurcholish majid pluralisme merupakan nilai positif dan rahmat dari Tuhan kepada umat manusia untuk memperkaya pertumbuhan budaya yang beraneka ragam. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Fakhry Zamzam ◽  
Havis Aravik

Abstract This article discusses Islamic economics during the Fatimid Dynasty. With the aim to find out how Islamic economics during the Fatimid Dynasty. This article uses literature-based qualitative research (library research) with a qualitative descriptive approach and technical descriptive analysis and content analysis. The results of this study show that Islamic economics during the Fatimid Dynasty progressed during the caliph al-Mu'izz, al-zAziz and al-Hakim. With several background factors such as the transfer of government centers from Tunisia to Cairo, extracting sources of economic income in all fields, integrated management of the fields of Agriculture, Trade and Industry, high exceptions to Science, harmonious relations with non-Muslims and tolerance which is very high for the community. The Fatimid dynasty experienced economic setbacks during the time of the Caliph al-hidAdhid until it was attacked by the Ayyubid dynasty led by Salahuddin al-Ayyubi. Keywords; Fatimid Dynasty, Progress, Setback, Economy  Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang perekonomian Islam pada masa Dinasti Fatimiyah. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perekonomian Islam pada masa Dinasti Fatimiyah. Artikel ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif berbasis kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan teknis analisis deskriptif dan content analysis. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa perekonomian Islam pada masa Dinasti Fatimiyah mengalami kemajuan pada masa khalifah al-Mu’izz, al-‘Aziz dan al-Hakim. Dengan beberapa faktor yang melatarbelakanginya seperti perpindahan pusat pemerintahan dari Tunisia ke Kairo, penggalian sumber pemasukan ekonomi dalam segala bidang, pengelolaan bidang-bidang Pertanian, Perdagangan dan Industri secara terpadu, kepedualian yang tinggi terhadap Ilmu Pengetahuan, hubungan harmonis dengan non-Muslim dan pemberian toleransi yang sangat tinggi terhadap masyarakat. Dinasti Fatimiyah mengalami kemunduran ekonomi pada masa khalifah al-‘Adhid hingga diserang Dinasti Ayyubiyah yang dipimpin Salahuddin al-Ayyubi.Kata Kunci; Dinasti Fatimiyah, Kemajuan, Kemunduran, Ekonomi 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Anastasya Ermin ◽  
Agus Fakhruddin

Health is important for every human being. Likewise, Islam advocates for a healthy life and being a strong human both spiritually and physically, and motivates its people to do physical activities that are useful for boy health. Islam shows the virtue of strength and health as a major asset in pious deeds and activites in religious affairs and world affairs of a Muslim. Swimming is one of the sports that recommended by Prophet Muhammad, based on the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari. Swimming is a sport that is done in water, involving almost all muscles in the body to move. Swimming is a fun and not boring sport. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to the type of library research. The benefits of swimming for the health, based on the results of this study are it can increase cardiovascular strength, burn 24% of body calories, can overcome joint pain, osteoporosis, and asthma, can increase the production of endorphins so as to reduce emotional feelings, both for pregnant and elderly, and improve children’s brain development.

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