Ethnology and the Study of Culture Change

Africa ◽  
1932 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-392
Fritz Krause

The ‘Five Year Plan of Research’ of the Institute described in this Journal, vol. v, no. 1, aims at a scientific study of the change in the cultural life of African peoples which, like an inevitable destiny, takes place under the influence of Western civilization. The object of the study is to provide a sound basis for dealing with practical questions of administration and education. Such an investigation must be based on an intensive knowledge of the original culture of the people to be studied; it must ascertain the foreign influences effecting the change, as well as the way in which they affect the culture of the people; and it has to study the changes being brought about by them in the culture. In order to start with concrete phenomena the investigation should, in the first instance, be confined to the changes that are being brought about by world economic conditions in the traditional social order of selected African communities, and in particular to the changes in the economic organization of native society. The study of changes in economic conditions must, however, inevitably lead to an examination of the way in which these affect the family, tribal organization, religious beliefs and sanctions, and the whole social organization. Regarded from the scientific point of view, this is a task which touches upon the most important problems of culture. Ethnology, as the most comprehensive and the most fundamental of the culturesciences, is to an especially high degree interested in this problem and in this investigation. Being myself a student of ethnology as a culturescience, I am venturing to discuss here the questions of principle involved, especially since the principles of culture-science underlying the ‘five year plan’ coincide to a large extent with my own conceptions.

Comunicar ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (31) ◽  
Alejandro Ruiz-Trujillo ◽  
Rosa Ángela Vázquez-Romero

Television is an important part of our daily life. TV has become «one of the family» and we cannot imagine our homes without one, two or even several TV sets. This situation of privilege in our families may turn into a double-edged sword: depending on the use given it may determine the people development and even manipulate the youngest ones if it is not used correctly. Making all the viewers –and especially the most vulnerable ones, the children- aware of the need for the use of TV from a critical and responsible point of view is a common task for all of us, family, school and society. And the fact is that we cannot only use the media passively, but in a dynamic and active way. La televisión forma parte de nuestra vida diaria. Se ha convertido con el tiempo en «uno más de la familia» y no concebimos nuestros hogares sin una, dos o incluso varios aparatos de televisión. Esta situación de privilegio en nuestras familias puede llegar a convertirse en un arma de doble filo: dependiendo del uso que se le dé puede condicionar el desarrollo de las personas, pudiendo manipular los más pequeños si no se emplea de un modo correcto. Es tarea de todos -familia, escuela y sociedad en general- colaborar para poder concienciar sobre el uso de la televisión de una manera crítica y responsable a todos los espectadores y en especial al colectivo más vulnerables, los niños. Y es que no podemos limitarnos a utilizar este medio de comunicación de una manera pasiva, sino de manera dinámica y activa.

2021 ◽  
pp. 178-184

Ukrainian homeland pedagogy has deprived the whole of the vikhovna system, the basis of which is laid down by the family, the values and traditions, the spiritually-moral qualities of the children are formed, the cognitive interest, the addictiveness of thinness. The lucky quick development of the suspension is significantly infused into the spiritual device of the present day. There is a great number of native values and traditions, without which the Zhodna Ukrainian family could not do without, at the same time. Suchasnі naukovtsі tse pov’yazuyut іz vtratoyu tsіnnostі Laws shlyubnih stosunkіv, great kіlkіstyu rozluchen that nepovnih sіmey negatively tendentsіyami in rozvitku protsesіv narodzhuvanostі, smertnostі, malodіtnostі sіmey, їh konflіktogennostі, devіantnіy povedіntsі dіtey, zmіnoyu traditsіynih roles cholovіka that zhіnki in sіm’ї, from the daytime to the interest of young people to the history of their own kind is too small.In addition to the warehouse state educational policy in Ukraine, the modernization of the system of preschool education based on the principles of the unity of the suspension and family development, the recognition of the priority of the harmonious development (of children) of the first With the head method of national preschool education є the establishment of friendly minds for the special development and creative self-realization of the skin child, the development of life competence, development in a sense of sainthood, self-culture, self-culture.In connection with the world, it is important to borrow the knowledge of the whole system of the Ukrainian native vikhovannya, prompted by folk ambushes and scientific knowledge of pedagogical wisdom. Even among the skin people, as meaning K. Ushinsky, “its own particular national system of vikhovannya, its own particular meta and its own particulars in order to reach the goal” (Ushinsky K., 1983) For the solution of the problem posed, it is necessary to persuade for all the modernization of the family of values and traditions of the Ukrainian people, which is rich and original culture, overpowered by numerous generations.Everything is laid down in Ukrainian zvichy, saints, rituals, folklore. Ukrainian traditions to explain and to rim in mutual relations between people, between people and nature, spiritual value of the skin environment of people, and the people in love. Maybut of Ukraine to lay aside the preservation and revival of traditional Christian moral values, behind its zmist spivzuchny zalnoludskim. The culture of the Ukrainian people was shaped by the flow of thousands of years. With a glance at the whole successful teacher, he is guilty of being spiritually rich, professionally competent, erudite, intelligent, cultural and creative.

Eryl Davies

The chapter examines the relation between ethics and worship in ancient Israel. It focusses on the way in which the cult was instrumental in instructing the people of Israel and Judah in the basic tenets of the moral life by drawing clear distinctions between the ways of the good and those of the wicked. It was in the context of worship that the people were reminded of the moral aspects of the character of God, and some psalms suggest that his character should be imitated in the lives of the pious. The chapter discusses the prophetic critique of Israel’s worship, especially their focus on the disconnect between the conspicuous displays of piety and the lack of ethical behavior on the part of the people. Some aspects of Israel’s worship are highly problematic from the ethical point of view, and the chapter discusses the so-called “imprecatory psalms,” which reflect a tone of resentment and a hunger for retaliation on the part of the worshipper.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Mohanraj R

The experience of economic liberalisation began to be felt by every co­mmon person in India during the mid 90s.The effects, however, were not uniform. It had a number of resultant outcomes depending upon the variables in the respective situations. The effects, for example, on rural and urban lives, were different. The receiver-benefits by the 'haves' and 'have-nots' were not the same. The economic liberalisation had two broad economic contributes to the people in India: emergence of monetary economy over and above other forms of economies, and increase in the options and opportunities for livelihood. The social con­sequences of economic liberalisation could be seen in the three main constituents of the social system: the individual, the family and the community. And the consequences are not all very encouraging.The paper argues that identifying change is the first step towards managing change and acknowledging change is a precondition for effective change management. Identifying and acknowledging the social consequences of economic liberalisation is most likely to help in the continuation of interventions that are needed for the constructive strengthening of the social order of society

2018 ◽  
Vol 76 (303) ◽  
pp. 597-616
Junior Vasconcelos do Amaral
De Se ◽  

Síntese: Buscamos perceber como os personagens se contracenam no relato da Paixão de Jesus em Marcos (14,1–16,8). Eles aparecem no ponto de vista do narrador de Marcos e formam o escopo e significado da cristologia na Paixão de Jesus. A cristologia corresponde à maneira como Jesus aparece nas cenas fundamentais do evangelho de Marcos, nos momentos decisivos de sua vida, desde sua ida e chegada em Jerusalém, sua ida para Betânia e seu retorno para Jerusalém, a fim de se entregar na cruz do Calvário.Palavras-chave: Cristologia. Marcos. Paixão de Jesus.Abstract: We seek understand how the people who interact in the Passion story of Jesus in Mark (14.1 to 16.8) manifest themselves in the point of view of Mark’s narrator and thus form the scope and meaning of Christology in the Passion of Jesus. Christology corresponds to the way Jesus acts in key scenes of Mark’s Gospel in the decisive moments of his life, on his trip to and his arrival in Jerusalem, on his trip to Bethany and on his return to Jerusalem to give himself up on the cross of Calvary.Keywords: Christology. Marcos. Passion of Jesus.

Antora Goswami ◽  
Sunjida Islam

Bangladesh is a developing country and most of the people of this country is a woman. The social and economic conditions of the women in here are not good and complex as well. They are struggling every moment to keep their position settle in the family and in the society by overcoming different embodiments and multilateral pressures. Equal participation of men and women in any uplift activities in the society is not facile here. Many operations taken by women are not considered as work in society. Now-a-days women are working in different sectors such as administrative sectors, judicial sectors, medical sectors and other sectors which are not safe for them but they can’t their proper respect and status. Moreover, they are often neglected, tortured and persecuted in their family and society. It is a devaluation and this devaluation hinders the rights of women. And that’s why women can’t stay parallel with men and can’t enjoy equal right to overcome gender disparity. But the better news is that recently women are raising their voice in favour of their rights. This article provides the importance of women empowerment, how the dignity of women can increase, what types of roles are fulfilled by the women as well as how they overcome the obstacles behind the development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 556-562
S. A. Popova ◽  

Introduction: the article is devoted to the study of religious ideas and events of one of the periods of the Mansi people’s life, which is designated by Sheshkin as nāy sānyt jis ‘the ancient time of fire [stored] in a box’. The article presents information about the family and public fire storage, construction of the box, the use of fire in different situations, its keepers. Ideas about fire are considered from the point of view of its personification (Fire-Mother, Fire-Woman); embodiment (it is alive, can talk, visit, revenge); mythologization (deity, special spirit of fire voytyl); object of veneration (holy mothers, dedication, sanctuaries). Folklore plots reflecting the ideas about «living» fire are revealed. Objective: to reconstruct the events and ideas of the northern Mansi group about fire in the era nāy sānyt jis. Research materials: handwritten texts of P. E. Sheshkin, published materials of the XIX–XXI centuries. Results and novelty of the research: the analysis reveals historical information on the way of life and organization of the Mansi during the period «the time when the Mansi kept fire in the nāy sānyt ‘box of fire’». The features of storing and using of family and collective fire are analyzed. The awareness of fire as a value is transmitted in the ideas of its supernatural essence, in the veneration of the Fire-Mother. The past fire, lost by people, is perceived as a super-fire (more powerful in brightness and heat, it lives together with a man and takes care of him). The attitude to fire as a shrine is reflected in the prohibitions, the dedication of it to animals (cat, frog), the construction of temples (sanctuaries). The novelty lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of the traditional ideas of the Mansi about the early stage of their ethnic history

2021 ◽  
Vol - (3) ◽  
pp. 64-78
Sergii Proleiev

The article analyzes the problem of Ukraine's development since independence. A comparison of the way of organizing social reality in modern Ukraine and in the Soviet period is carried out. The main regulatory factor in the life of Soviet society was the principle of domination. Ukraine has inherited the principle of domination and retains its leading role in the current social order. Its various manifestations that determine the structure of Ukrainian society, in particular the growth of the bureaucratic class and bureaucratic pressure on all spheres and sections of life, are analyzed. The dominance of bureaucracy contains latent violence, feeds corruption and minimizes social dynamics. It is also a phenomenon of power rent, which finds its expression in a kind of "privatization of the state." Another universal effect of the principle of domination is the doubling of social reality into apparent and hidden. The apparent reality becomes a space for the existence of ordinary citizens and the implementation of legal procedures, while the hidden one contains a system of real circulation of power, which is not regulated by any legal regulations, instead, controls all movements of the social body. The systemic role in the hidden society is played by cliques — informal groups of influential people who really control the course of events. The con- sequence of the principle of domination is the passivity and marginalization of the Ukrainian citizen, associated with the defect of political participation. Such non-participation in power is embodied in such forms of consciousness as hope, liking, and despair. Today, independence is not a given, but a chance that must be realized. The way to this is through the restoration of the role of the people as a sovereign power and the development of non-dominant regulatory factors of sociality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
Ney Brasil Pereira

Resumo: O que se entende por “fundamentação bíblica” de um documento eclesiástico,no caso, da Exortação Apostólica “sobre a alegria do amor na família”?Obviamente, é a verificação da maneira como o autor do texto recorreu à Bíbliapara justificar suas afirmações. Em outras palavras, qual a hermenêutica dascitações bíblicas apresentadas pelo papa Francisco? Nesse sentido, meu trabalhonão se reduzirá à mera identificação dos textos bíblicos em cada um dos novecapítulos. Além de identificá-los, procurarei contextualizá-los e, quando for o caso,avaliá-los do ponto de vista da exegese, contribuindo assim, espero, para umamelhor apreciação do documento. O desenvolvimento do trabalho percorrerásimplesmente a sequência dos nove capítulos, em cada um deles examinandoas citações bíblicas explícitas, sem esquecer de aludir às citações implícitas.Palavras-chave: Argumentação bíblica. Hermenêutica. Matrimônio. Família.Abstract: What does one mean by “biblical foundation” of an ecclesiasticaldocument, namely, of the Apostolic Exhortation “about joy of love in the family”?Obviously, it is the examination of the way how the author of the text resortedto the Bible in order to justify his assertions. In other words, which was the hermeneuticsof the biblical quotations presented by pope Francis? In this way, thepaper won’t be reduced to the mere identification of the biblical texts in each oneof the nine chapters. Besides identifying them, the author will try to show theircontext and, when necessary, will evaluate them from an exegetical point of view,so contributing to a better appreciation of the document. The paper will simply gothrough the sequence of the chapters, in each one examining the explicit biblicalquotations, without forgetting to allude to the implicit quotations.Key-words: Biblical argumentation. Hermeneutics. Marriage. Family.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Miftakhul Choiri

AbstractEvaluate to program of policy to against poorness require to be done to get the model or more effective policy strategy. Strategy which on the market by emphasizing at participation of entire citizen as well as state requirement to develop the people potency as maximum. Dasawisma as local institutions at the RT level of 10 -20 members of the family, spearheading the success of an existing government programs. This study is a descriptive and comparative analysis, descriptive method is intended to discover concepts related to poverty alleviation based on local institutions. In this case some of the concepts will be presented as they are, to understand the way the mind poverty alleviation system comprehensively. The comparative method was intended to compare the concept that local institutions and other bases to be elaborated in a new concept of poverty alleviation by dasawisma basis.Conclusion from this research is policy to against poorness base on the dasawisma require not only a way of newly think of the policy content, but also the way of newly think of the policy structure. Keyword: strategy, poverty, dasawisma AbstrakEvaluasi terhadap program kebijakan pengentasan kemiskinan perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan model atau strategi kebijakan yang lebih efektif. Strategi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan menekankan pada partisipasi seluruh warga negara dan juga kebutuhan negara untuk mengembangkan potensi rakyat dengan semaksimal mungkin. Dasawisma sebagai institusi lokal di tingkat RT yang terdiri dari 10 -20 anggota keluarga, menjadi ujung tombak keberhasilan suatu program pemerintah yang ada. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptis, komparatif analisis, dengan metode deskriptif dimaksudkan untuk menemukan konsep yang berkaitan dengan pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis institusi lokal. Dalam hal ini beberapa konsep akan dipaparkan sebagaimana adanya, untuk memahami jalan pikiran sistem pengentasan kemiskinan secara komperhensif. Metode komparatif dimaksudkan untuk membandingkan konsep yang sudah dan basis institusi lokal yang lain untuk dielaborasi dalam sebuah konsep baru pengentasan kemiskinan dengan basis dasawisma. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kebijakan pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis dasawisma membutuhkan tidak hanya sebuah cara baru berpikir tentang isi kebijakan, tetapi juga cara baru berpikir tentang struktur kebijakan.Kata Kunci: strategi, kemiskinan, dasawisma

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