scholarly journals Multimedia Interactive Learning on Indonesian Language Content

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Ni Made Ayu Christina ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ganing

The impact of covid-19, which requires all types of learning activities to be carried out online. As a result, teachers have limitations in finding learning media suitable for student characteristics and suitable for use in online learning conditions. The purpose of this development research was to determine the feasibility of designing interactive multimedia learning. This type of research is development research. The research model used is the ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were 3 grade III elementary school students. The data collection methods used were observation, interview and questionnaire methods. The product design test was carried out by several experts and students, learning material experts, learning design experts, instructional media experts, and individual trials consisting of three students. The form of data analysis used in this research was descriptive quantitative data analysis. Based on the results of the study, showed the feasibility percentage level of interactive multimedia according to learning material experts was 95%, the percentage level of the feasibility of interactive learning media according to learning design experts was 90%, and according to individual trials, the percentage level of the feasibility of interactive learning multimedia was 96.52% with excellent qualifications. This development research indicated that the development of interactive multimedia learning assisted was suitable for use in the learning process on Indonesian language content in literary appreciation for grade III elementary school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Mega Putri Islamyati ◽  
Ida Bagus Surya Manuaba

Teaching materials and online learning outcomes that are less than optimal affect the learning process. Students need visualization that can help concrete understanding of the material, especially in implementing online learning. This study aimed to develop interactive multimedia learning in science subjects according to the validation of expert tests and individual trials. This development research applies the DDD-E model (Decide, Design, Develop, Evaluate). The method used to collect data is a questionnaire equipped with observations and interviews. The data analysis used is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The subject of this development research is interactive learning multimedia. Then a review is carried out from subject content expert validators, instructional design experts, learning media experts, and individual trials on students. The results of data analysis based on validation by subject matter content experts obtained a percentage score of 96.15% with very good qualifications, instructional design experts obtained a score percentage of 87.5% with good qualifications, learning media experts obtained a percentage score of 93.00% with very good qualifications, and the results of the review of 3 students in individual trials obtained a percentage score of 91.66% with very good qualifications. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the interactive learning multimedia developed is very feasible in science learning for sixth-grade elementary school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Lilis Diah Kusumawati ◽  
NFn Sugito ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Interactive multimedia is a technology that mediates the development of learning activities to make it more interesting and enjoyable so that it can motivate students to learn. This study aims to determine feasibility of interactive learning multimedia product in motivating student for fourth grade of elementary school to learn mathematics. The research method uses the concept of ADDIE models to develop products with five stages, 1) analyze; 2) design; 3) develop; 4) implement; and 5) evaluate. The result showed that the development of interactive learning multimedia is feasible used for motivating students in grade 4 to learn mathematics. The result of validation by material experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 43 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 59 so that it was included in the "very good" category. Teacher responses related to the practicality of product use reached a score of 113 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while student responses related to the practicality of using the product reached a score of 83 so that it was included in the "very good" category. In motivating students to learn mathematics, interactive learning multimedia can be applied to elementary school students in grade 4.AbstrakMultimedia interaktif adalah teknologi yang memediasi pengembangan kegiatan pembelajaran agar lebih menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga mampu memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam memotivasi siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar untuk belajar matematika. Metode penelitian menggunakan konsep model ADDIE untuk mengembangkan produk dengan lima tahap, 1) menganalisis; 2) desain; 3) berkembang; 4) mengimplementasikan; dan 5) mengevaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif layak digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar matematika. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 43 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 59 sehingga masuk dalam kategori "sangat baik". Tanggapan guru terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 113 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan respons siswa terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 83 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Dalam memotivasi siswa untuk belajar matematika, multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dapat diterapkan untuk siswa sekolah dasar di kelas 4.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 737
Angga Bramansta Putrantana ◽  
Eko Hariyanto ◽  
Saichudin Saichudin

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research aims to determine the feasibility of interactive multimedia-based teaching materials for elementary school students on traditional game materials. This research is a research development of traditional game teaching materials for small grade elementary school students. The product development then goes through a validation test by game experts, physical &amp; health education learning experts, multimedia experts and user experts. The results of the feasibility test are then analyzed descriptively. The results of this research product development in the form of interactive multimedia-based traditional game teaching materials, the percentage of product viability ranges from 75% to 100%. These results indicate the learning material developed in the appropriate category and can be used with a little revision.</p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar berbasis multimedia interaktif untuk siswa sekolah dasar pada materi permainan tradisional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar permainan tradisional untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas kecil. Produk pengembangan kemudian melalui uji validasi oleh ahli permainan, ahli pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani &amp; kesehatan, ahli multimedia dan ahli pengguna. Hasil uji kelayakan kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian produk pengembangan ini berupa bahan ajar permainan tradisional berbasis multimedia interaktif, persentase kelayakan produk berkisar antara 75% hingga 100%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam kategori layak dan dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi.

Sunarti dan Deri Anggraini

Abstrak: Pengembangan Bank Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif dengan Macromedia Authorware 7.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bank soal dan pembahasan UN SD berbasis multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dengan macromedia authorware 7.0. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model penelitian pengembangan. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mengembangkasan bank soal dan pembahasan UN SD berbasis multimedia pembelajaran yang dikemas dalam bentuk CD pembelajaran dan telah divalidasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, serta telah diujicobakan pada pengguna produk. Ditinjau dari aspek isi dan pembelajaran validator menilai kualitas produk sangat baik. Dengan menggunakan rentang skor 1 sampai 5, skor rata-rata aspek isi 4,67, aspek pembelajaran 4,68, aspek tampilan 3,95, dan pemrograman 4,13. Aspek daya tarik menunjukkan bahwa produk sangat menarik dengan skor rata-rata 4,15. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa persentase ketuntasan belajar latihan UN IPA rata-rata 85% (baik), Bahasa Indonesia mencapai rata-rata 90% (sangat baik), dan Matematika 31% (sangat kurang). Produk ini diharapkan mampu untuk membantu siswa dalam mempersiapkan UN SD. Kata Kunci: pengembangan bank soal, multimedia, pembelajaran interaktif, UN Abstract: Development of The Interactive Learning Multimedia-Based National Examination Item Bank and Its Discussion Using The Macromedia Authorware 7.0. This study aimed to develop the interactive learning multimedia-based Elementary School National Examination (UN SD) item bank and its discussion using Macromedia Authorware 7.0. The development research model of Borg & Gall, Arief S, Sadiman et al., and Sugiyono was used in this study. This research was successfully to develop the interactive learning multimedia-based UN SD item bank and its discussion in learning CD and validation was carried out by material and media experts, and trials were also conducted among product users. From the content and learning aspects, the product was assessed as excellent by the validators. Based on the scale of 1 to 5, the average scores of content, learning, display, and programming aspects were 4.67, 4.68, 3.95, and 4.13, respectively. From interest aspect, it was shown that the product was highly interesting averaged of 4.15. From the trial, the percentage of students’ learning mastery in Science, Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematics UN trials were 85%, 90%, and 31% in averages with the criteria of good, excellent, very poor, respectively.It is expected that this product will be able to assist Elementary School students in preparing their UN. Keywords: development, multimedia, National Examination

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 365
Ni Luh Putu Jayanti Dewi ◽  
I Wayan Sujana

It is known that the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic causes students to become bored quickly and online learning multimedia is not yet available. To overcome this, development research is carried out to produce designs and learn multimedia that are suitable for use after going through the material expert test, learning media experts test, learning design experts test, individual trials, and small group trials. This research develops circumference and area of flat shapes for fourth-grade elementary school students based on RPG Maker MV by using the Hannafin and Peck model. The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative, with data collection methods and instruments namely questionnaires. Data analysis methods and techniques used are descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of this development research are: 1) The design of learning multimedia based on RPG Maker MV is made for elementary students using the Hannafin and Peck model, 2) Feasibility of learning multimedia based on RPG Maker MV for circumference and area of flat shapes in elementary school students which include: (a) Material expert test get a percentage of 90% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (b) Learning media expert test get a percentage of 96.7% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (c) Learning design expert test get a percentage of 95% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (d) The individual trials get a percentage of 96.7% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (e) The small group trial get a percentage of 95.6% with very good qualifications (very feasible). So it can be concluded that the resulting learning multimedia is very feasible to be used in the learning process.

Anwar Saleh ◽  
Sahat Siagian

Abstract The purpose of this research is to develop interactive learning multimedia in the form of an interactive CD, using several software including Lectora Inspire, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Bandycam, and AMR to MP3 Converter. This development research used the Borg and Gall research model adapted from Sugiyono. The target of this research is the Expert Lecturer at the State University of Medan. The eligibility test of interactive learning multimedia was carried out by media validators, material validators, and acceptance validators. Based on the data analysis conducted, it shows that the resulting learning multimedia is good with a score of 4.4 for material validation, a score of 4.5 for media validation, and a score of 4.2 for validation of acceptances. So the results of the validation show that the learning multimedia developed is eligible for use. Key Words: Interactive Multimedia, Lectora Inspire Software, Electrical Lighting Installation AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam bentuk CD interaktif, menggunakan beberapa software diantaranya Lectora Inspire, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Bandycam, dan AMR to MP3 Converter. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model penelitian Borg and Gall yang diadaptasi dari Sugiyono. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah Dosen Ahli Universitas Negeri Medan. Uji kelayakan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dilakukan oleh validator media, validator materi, dan validator penerimaan. Berdasarkan analisis data yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang dihasilkan baik dengan skor validasi materi 4,4, validasi media skor 4,5, dan validasi penerimaan skor 4,2. Sehingga hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan.Kata Kunci: Multimedia Interaktif, Software Lectora Inspire,  Instalasi Penerangan Listrik

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Diah Fitrotul Auliana ◽  
Arief Rahman Hakim ◽  
Dyah Triwayuningtyas ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti ◽  
Mohd. Faiz Mohd Yaakob ◽  

This study is motivated by teachers' existence in elementary schools (ES), especially in grades IV, V, and VI, because there are still many who use traditional teaching styles. This makes it difficult for students to understand the learning material, and students are less independent in the learning process. A significant influence between teacher teaching styles that are interactional on the independent character of elementary school students. This research uses quantitative methods with data analysis; validity test, reliability test, normality test, simple linear regression test. In contrast, the sample in this study was selected randomly, namely students in grades IV, V, and VI at ES at SDN Ketapanrame 1 Trawas. The data analysis results showed a significant influence between the interactional teaching style of the teacher on the independent character of elementary school students as evidenced by the t-test results of 5.386 with a significant level of .000. The interactional teaching style affected the independent character of students.

Ari Metalin Ika Puspita

This study aims was to investigate the metacognitive abilities of elementary school students. The subjects of this study were elementary school students and teachers from two districts namely Tulungagung and Trenggalek Regencies who had diverse scientific abilities. The data were collected through a questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed through several steps: data collection, data refinement, data processing, data analysis, data analysis process, and conclusions of research results. The results of the study are the aspects of strategic knowledge that is the problems found in schools based on learning strategies that are often done by students, namely repetition. In the aspect of task knowledge it was found that students did not use the right learning strategies with the assignments given by the teacher. While the students' self-knowledge, students have different characteristics. There are students who excel in the academic and non-academic fields. So that each student has advantages and disadvantages both mastery of learning material and outside of learning. This causes differences in achievement for each student.Keywords: elementary school students; metacognitive.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ika Maryani ◽  
Zia Sumiar

Natural science learning in elementary schools is considered difficult by students due to its complexity. Teachers have not been fully able to present the natural science lesson in accordance to the characteristics of elementary school students who are still love to play. Those making the learning process and outcomes have not been maximized and require learning media to overcome the problem. This study aimed to: (1) understanding the way to develop science monopoly in Force learning material; and (2) understanding the quality and feasibility of science monopoly. This study was research and development by ADDIE model in five stages, which are; analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The test of the product was conducted to the 4thgrade students of Muhammadiyah Bausasran 1 Elementary School, Yogyakarta. Instruments have been stated as valid by the expert judgement. The instruments were questionnaire of the feasibility of material, media, and learning expert; questionnaire of students response; and teacher response. Data analysis techniques were qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The assessment score of the media expert validation was 86.5 (very good), subject material expert was 87.5 (very good), learning expert was 85 (very good), teacher response was 100 (very good), and students response was 92.5 (very good).Thus, the learning media of science monopoly on force learning materials for elementary students was already feasible to use as a media of natural science learning.

Reda Ramadhani ◽  
Ali Muhtadi

This development research aims to: 1) produce interactive multimedia learning products for senior high school students in Islamic Religious Education subjects; 2) find out the feasibility level of the products developed. The research method refers to the Allesi & Trollip development model which is grouped into three development steps, namely: a) planning; b) design, and c) development consisting of components that cover standards, ongoing evaluation, and project management. This research produces interactive learning multimedia products in the form of Compact Disk (CD). The results of the product feasibility assessment score through the alpha test on material experts were 4.0 (feasible) and the media expert was 4.1 (feasible). In the beta test, the assessment results obtained were 4.0 (feasible).

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