2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  

Penelitian ini dilakukan karena permasalahan keterbatasan media yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan rancang bangun pengembangan konten e-learning kontekstual, (2) menguji validitas hasil pengembangan konten e-learning kontekstual PKn untuk siswa kelas VIII, dan (3) mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan pengembangan konten e-learning kontekstual terhadap hasil belajar PKn siswa kelas VIII. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Model yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan AM3PU3 (Santyasa, 2015) yang terdiri dari lima tahapan, yaitu (1) menentukan mata pelajaran yang menjadi objek pengembangan, (2) melakukan analisis kebutuhan, (3) mengembangkan draft (analisis tujuan dan karakteristik isi bidang studi, analisis sumber belajar, analisis karakteristik pebelajar, menetapkan indikator dan isi pembelajaran, menetapkan strategi pengorganisasian isi pembelajaran, menetapkan strategi penyampaian isi pembelajaran), (4) menyusun draft penegmbangan konten e-learning kontekstual, (5) melakukan uji ahli dan uji coba pengguna. Uji coba pengguna dalam penelitian pengembangan ini meliputi: 1) uji coba perorangan yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang siswa, 2) uji coba kelompok kecil terdiri dari 9 (sembilan) orang, dan uji coba lapangan yang terdiri dari 30 (tiga puluh) siswa dan 1 (satu) orang pendidik. Hasil review dari ahli isi dan ahli media menyatakan bahwa konten e-learning kontekstual yang dikembangkan sudah sesuai. Kelayakan kualitas hasil validasi pengembangan konten e-learning kontekstual terdiri dari: ahli isi mata pelajaran dengan kualifikasi sangat baik (95,17%), ahli desain pembelajaran dengan kualifikasi sangat baik (90,76%), ahli media pembelajaran dengan kualifikasi sangat baik (91,11%), uji perorangan dengan kualifikasi sangat baik (91,54%), uji kelompok kecil dengan kualifikasi baik (94.05%), dan uji coba lapangan dengan kualifikasi sangat baik (98,11%) dilihat dari guru mata pelajaran dan predikat baik (88,83%) dilihat dari 30 (tiga puluh) siswa. Efektivitas penggunaan konten e-learning kontekstual menunjukkan bahwa terdapatnya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam penerapan konten e-learning kontekstual terhadap hasil belajar PKn. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan uji-t memberikan hasil signifikansi sebesar 0,001 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05. Ini berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar peserta didik sebelum belajar dengan bahan ajar konten e-learning kontekstual dan setelah belajar dengan bahan ajar konten e-learning kontekstual. Hasil belajar berdasarkan pencapaian nilai rata-rata posttest (M= 89,2000) (SD=5.67147) lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai rata-rata pretest kategori rendah (M=43,0667) (SD=9,28823). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konten e-learning kontekstual mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswaKata Kunci : pengembangan, konten e-learning, kontekstual, mata pelajaran PKn This research is done because of the problem of media limitations used in the learning process. This study aims to (1) describe the design of content contextual e-learning development, (2) to examine the validity of the content development of the contextual e-learning content of VIII students, and (3) to know the effectiveness of the use of contextual e-learning content development on the results learn PKN students of class VIII. This type of research is development research. The model used is a model of development AM3PU3 (Santyasa, 2015) which consists of five stages, namely (1) determine the subjects that become the object of development, (2) conduct a needs analysis, (3) develop draft (analysis of the purpose and characteristics of the contents of a field of study , analysis of learning resources, analysis of the characteristics of learners, establish indicators and learning content, define the strategy of organizing learning content, define the strategy of delivering learning content), (4) drafting penegmbangan e-learning content contextual, (5) perform expert testing and trial users . The user trials in this development study include: 1) individual trials of 3 (three) students, 2) small group trials consisting of 9 (nine) persons, and field trials of 30 (thirty) students and 1 (one) educator. The results of a review of content experts and media experts stated that content of contextual e-learning developed is appropriate. The quality of validation result of contextual e-learning content development consists of: highly qualified subject matter expert (95.17%), highly qualified learning design expert (90.76%), highly qualified instructional media ( 91,11%), individual test with excellent qualification (91,54%), small group test with good qualification (94.05%), and very good qualified field trial (98,11%) seen from subject teacher and good predicate (88.83%) seen from 30 (thirty) students. The effectiveness of the use of contextual e-learning content indicates that there is a significant difference in the application of contextual e-learning content to the learning outcomes of the PKn. The result of calculation by using t-test gives result of significance equal to 0,001 less than 0,05. This means that there is a significant difference between the learners' learning outcomes before learning with the content of contextual e-learning content and after learning with the content of contextual e-learning content. The learning outcomes based on the achievement of posttest mean (M = 89,2000) (SD = 5.67147) were higher than the low average pretest category (M = 43,0667) (SD = 9.28823). The results show that contextual e-learning content can improve student learning outcomes.keyword : development, e-learning content, contextual, subjects PKn

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Isyarotullatifah Isyarotullatifah

Problems found in SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja that is still the lack of learning media used and the results of study IPS students VIII class that many have not completed. This study aims to describe the design of e-learning development in IPS subjects, and also describe product effectiveness e-learning based on self regulated learning on IPS class VIII subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja. This research is development research and development model which used is Luther model. Data collection methods used were questionnaires and written tests. The results of the study are e-learning of IPS subjects developed valid by: (a) the result of the expert review shows the predicated product is good, (b) individualized trial, small group trials and field trials are showing e-learning predicate with good classification. The effectiveness of using SRL-based e-learning content shows a significant difference between the learners' learning outcomes before learning with the content of e-learning content based on SRL and after learning with the content of e-learning content based on SRL. The learning outcomes based on the mean posttest score were higher than the mean pretest score. The results show that SRL-based e-learning content can improve student learning outcomes.

Afrina Sari Dewi ◽  
Harun Sitompul ◽  
Efendi Napitupulu

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan e-modul pembelajaran yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran dan dapat dipakai untuk pembelajaran individual, (2) untuk mengetahui keefektifan e-modul pembelajaran yang dikembangkan pada pembelajaran Ekonomi. Jenis penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model Borg dan Gall dengan model pengembangan pembelajaran Dick dan Carey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; (1) uji ahli materi pelajaran Ekonomi berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,12%), (2) uji ahli desain pembelajaran berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (83,5%), (3) uji ahli rekayasa perangkat lunak berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (86,07%), (4) uji coba perorangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,57%), uji coba kelompok kecil berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (96,27%), uji coba lapangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat  baik (98,46%). Produk akhir dari pengembangan e-modul pembelajaran ini dilanjutkan dengan uji keefektifan produk. Hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh t hitung = 4,25 pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 dengan dk 96 diperoleh t tabel = 1,67  sehingga t hitung > t tabel. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan e-modul pembelajaran sebesar 84,83% lebih tinggi dari kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan buku teks ekonomi sebesar 75,2%. Kata Kunci: e-modul pembelajaran, pembelajaran ekonomi Abstract: This study aims to: (1) produce learning e-modules that are suitable for use in learning and can be used for individual learning, (2) to determine the effectiveness of e-learning modules developed in economic learning. This type of development research uses the Borg and Gall models with the learning development model of Dick and Carey. The results of the study show; (1) Economic subject matter expert test is in very good qualification (88.12%), (2) learning design expert test is in very good qualification (83.5%), (3) test of software engineering expert is in qualification very good (86.07%), (4) individual trials were in very good qualifications (88.57%), small group trials were very good qualifications (96.27%), field trials were very qualified good (98.46%). The final product of the development of this learning e-module is continued by testing the effectiveness of the product. The results of hypothesis testing obtained t count = 4.25 at the significance level α = 0.05 with dk 96 obtained t table = 1.67 so that t count> t table. It was concluded that the group learning outcomes of students who were taught using the e-learning module were 84.83% higher than the group of students who were taught using economic textbooks of 75.2%. Keywords: e-module learning, economic learning

Akademika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 81-100
Eva Kristiyani ◽  
Iffah Budiningsih

The aim of this research is to know the influence of e-learning learning strategy and interest in learning to accounting learning result. This research was conducted at SMK Permata Bangsa Kelurahan Jakasetia, South Bekasi Subdistrict, Bekasi City involving 56 samples taken with random sampling technique to the equivalent class. Instrument used in this research is the accounting test and questionnaire interest in student learning; and the data analysis using two-way ANAVA and Tukey Test. The results of this study obtained: (1) there is a significant difference between the learning outcomes of students who are taught with e-learning learning strategies and expository strategies in which the results of student accounting learning taught by e-learning strategy is higher than the students taught by strategy expository learning. (2) There is an interaction between students who are taught using learning strategies with interest in learning on accounting learning outcomes. (3) This means that the result of group accounting learning which is taught using e-learning learning strategy is significantly higher than that taught using expository learning strategy in students who have high learning interest. (4) While the learning result of student group accounting that is taught using e-learning strategy is same as learning result which is taught using expository learning strategy to students who have low learning interest, influenced by student environment factor and learning design factor in research.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 8042
Wolfgang Kremser ◽  
Stefan Kranzinger ◽  
Severin Bernhart

In gesture-aided learning (GAL), learners perform specific body gestures while rehearsing the associated learning content. Although this form of embodiment has been shown to benefit learning outcomes, it has not yet been incorporated into e-learning. This work presents a generic system design for an online GAL platform. It is comprised of five modules for planning, administering, and monitoring remote GAL lessons. To validate the proposed design, a reference implementation for word learning was demonstrated in a field test. 19 participants independently took a predefined online GAL lesson and rated their experience on the System Usability Scale and a supplemental questionnaire. To monitor the correct gesture execution, the reference implementation recorded the participants’ webcam feeds and uploaded them to the instructor for review. The results from the field test show that the reference implementation is capable of delivering an e-learning experience with GAL elements. Designers of e-learning platforms may use the proposed design to include GAL in their applications. Beyond its original purpose in education, the platform is also useful to collect and annotate gesture data.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 147
Achmad Buchori

Media Development E-Learning in Computing I course at the university.This study aims to acquire e-learning instructional media are valid for self-study student in the course of computing I. Population in the study were all students of third semester of mathematics education IKIP PGRI Semarang. This study is a research and development. In media studies e-learning development is carried out with 4 (four) stages, namely (a) a preliminary analysis, (b) Design, (c) Evaluation, (d) Revised. Processing the data using descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. Corresponding results of questionnaires about the development of e-learning in the obtained value sig = 0.00 and R = 0,541, which means it affects the motivation for 54.1% of the student learning outcomes. Gained an average of better learning outcomes between the experimental class at 84.27 compared with 80.05 for the control class. The results obtained from the e-learning instructional media are valid for independent study students on computing courses I according to developmental theory Akker and student learning outcomes.

Try Ade Jumita Wulandari ◽  
Abdul Muin Sibuea ◽  
Sahat Siagian

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk :”menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif yang layak digunakan, mudah dipelajari pebelajar dan dapat dipakai untuk pembelajaran individual”. Jenis penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model pengembangan produk Borg dan Gall yang dipadu dengan model desain pembelajaran Dick dan Carey. Subjek uji coba terdiri dari dua ahli materi pelajaran Biologi, dua ahli desain pembelajaran, dua ahli media pembelajaran, tiga orang siswa untuk uji coba perorangan, Sembilan siswa untuk uji coba kelompok kecil dan 69 orang siswa untuk uji lapangan terbatas. Hasil penelitian produk akhir menunjukkan: (1) uji ahli materi berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (83,08%), (2) uji ahli desain pembelajaran berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (84,12%), (3) uji ahli media pembelajaran berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (83,51%), (4) uji coba perorangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (91,67%), (5) uji coba kelompok kecil berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (93,00%), dan (6) uji coba lapangan terbatas berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (94,24%), dan layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran Biologi. Hasil pengujian hipotesis membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif dengan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan konvensional. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh thitung = 25,08 > ttabel= 2,0105, dengan dk = (n1+n2-2) pada taraf signifikansi α =0,05. Disimpulkan efektivitas penggunaan media interaktif sebesar 78,32% sedangkan media konvensional 67,00%. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, hasil belajar biologi Abstract: This study aims to: "produce interactive multimedia-based learning media products that are feasible to use, easily learned by students and can be used for individual learning". This type of development research uses the Borg and Gall product development model combined with Dick and Carey's learning design models. The trial subjects consisted of two experts on Biology subject matter, two learning design experts, two instructional media experts, three students for individual trials, nine students for small group trials and 69 students for limited field testing. The final product research results show: (1) the material expert test is in very good qualification (83.08%), (2) the learning design expert test is in very good qualification (84.12%), (3) learning media expert test are in very good qualifications (83.51%), (4) individual trials are in very good qualifications (91.67%), (5) small group trials are in very good qualifications (93.00%), and (6) limited field trials are in very good qualifications (94.24%), and are suitable for use in the Biology learning process. The results of hypothesis testing prove that there are significant differences between student learning outcomes learned by using interactive multimedia-based learning media with student learning outcomes that are taught using conventional learning. This is indicated by the results of data processing obtained by t = 25.08> t table = 2.0105, with dk = (n1 + n2-2) at the significance level α = 0.05. It was concluded that the effectiveness of interactive media use was 78.32% while conventional media was 67.00%. Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, biology learning outcomes

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 1369-1372

The advantage of presence learning is the ability to spontaneously discuss issues and problems with students face to face. Individual learning can be improved by changing teaching methods, for example through project work or tele -tutoring. by combining presence learning with phases of e-learning and also intensive telephone counselling. The following question is the focus of the report: What guiding principles for learning should the teachers at schools or universities stri ve for in the digital age and how can they implement these guidelines in the work assignments? "The belief that education can, in any case, be replaced by a computer program is a myth. Human contact and mentoring make a significant difference in the learning outcomes", says Sebastian Thrun (Professor at Stanford University and vice president of Google). He looks at both educational traditions, which see the trust and the relationship between the teachers and the pupils or students as the basis of learning, as well as at the results of empirical research on learning. "Even for the digital technology and new media the educational primacy applies: Man is and remains the teacher of man" (Lankau, 2014).

Sukma Adelina Ray ◽  
Abdurahman Adisaputera ◽  
Isda Pramuniati

The aims of this study to find out the quality of E-learning based on learning media using Moodle LMS on text of observation. This type of research is development research in the field of education known as Research and Development (R&D). Development research (development research) is research that is used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products (Tegeh and I.M, 2013). The result of this study show that The quality of e-learning based learning media using LMS Moodle which was developed as a learning media on the observation report text material is stated to be a useful and effective contribution in improving the quality of learning outcomes of 10th grade TJA1 Vocational School Telkom Shandy Putra Medan. This is because there is a significant difference in the learning outcomes of the average value of students before using e-learning based learning media (pre-test) ie 57.0 or only about 52% are able to exceed KKM and after using e-based learning media learning using LMS Moodle (post-test) the average value of students increased to 77.0% or can be interpreted as 100% of students able to exceed the KKM. Based on these data the difference is increased by 20% or can be interpreted student learning outcomes increased by 58%.

Handriani Milladya Ginting ◽  
R Mursid ◽  
Samsidar Tanjung

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuank: (1) menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran, (2) mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan pada pembelajaran ekonomi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model Borg dan Gall dengan rancangan pembelajaran model Dick dan Carey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) uji ahli pada kualifikasi sangat layak (95,33%) (2) uji ahli desain pembelajaran kualifikasi sangat layak (91,25%) (3) uji ahli rekayasa perangkat lunak dan desain grafis  pada kualifikasi sangat layak (92,68%), uji coba perorangan pada kualifikasi sangat layak (91,25%) uji coba kelompok kecil pada kualifikasi sangat layak (93,59%) uji coba lapangan pada kualifikasi sangat layak (93,33%). Hasil hipotesis membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang sangat signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis economic literacy dengan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan buku teks. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh t hitung> t tabel atau 5,785 > 1,667 atau terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif dan menggunakan media pembelajaran buku teks. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran interaktif, buku teks, economic literacy, pelajaran ekonomi Abstract: This study aims to: (1) produce interactive learning media that are feasible to use for learning, (2) find out the effectiveness of interactive learning media developed in economic learning. The type of this research is development research using the Borg and Gall model with the learning design model Dick and Carey. The results of the study showed: (1) expert testing in very feasible qualifications (95.33%) (2) expert design tests of very feasible qualification learning (91.25%) (3) software engineering and graphic design tests in very decent qualifications (92.68%), individual trials in very decent qualifications (91.25%) small group trials in very decent qualifications (93.59%) field trials in qualifications are very feasible (93.33%). The hypothesis results prove that there is a very significant difference between student learning outcomes learned by interactive learning media based on economic literacy and student learning outcomes learned by using textbooks. This is indicated by the results of data processing obtained t count> t table or 5.785> 1.667 or there are significant differences between the learning outcomes of students who are taught using interactive learning media and using learning media textbooks. Keywords: interactive learning media, textbooks, economic literacy, economic lessons

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jon-Chao Hong ◽  
Kai-Hsin Tai ◽  
Ming-Yueh Hwang ◽  
Pei-Hsin Lin

Different approaches to stimulating perceptions in learning can be easily designed with technology-enhanced learning systems. This study aimed to explore how different approaches can influence learners' perceptions that may negatively or positively affect their learning performance of writing Chinese characters using the correct Chinese order of strokes (COS). We therefore designed an e-learning system which was subdivided into two modes: stroke-appearing (i.e., using red to mark incorrect strokes) and stroke-disappearing (i.e., using blanks to mark incorrect strokes) to indicate strokes written in the incorrect order. We then investigated the modes that would facilitate a higher level of attention and better learning outcomes. A total of 10 third-grade elementary school students participated in the experiment, divided into two test groups. Their EEG data were collected, and time series analysis and t-tests were utilized to analyze the differences. The results indicated that: (1) there was a significant difference in the attention levels of the students practicing with the stroke-appearing and stroke-disappearing modes when learning COS, and (2) there was a significant difference in the learning outcomes of the students practicing with the stroke-appearing and stroke-disappearing modes when learning COS. These findings support the specific role of stroke order knowledge in learning Chinese characters and the need for the design of an effective method for teaching children to learn Chinese characters.

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