scholarly journals Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Ganitri (Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb.) dengan Metode DPPH (2,2 Difenil-1-Pikrilhidazil)

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-67
Naelaz Zukhruf Wakhidatul Kiromah ◽  
Sadam Husein ◽  
Titi Pudji Rahayu

Free radicals are one of the cause of various diseases. The use of synthetic antioxidant compounds could prevent the effect of the free radicals, however may cause adverse effects on the human body such as impaired liver, lung, intestinal and poisoning. Therefore antioxidant from natural resources needs to be developed. The purpose of this research was to determine the antioxidant activity and IC50 value of the ethanol extract of ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxbs.) leaves. Ganitri leaf ethanol extract activity test was carried out using DPPH method with vitamin C as a standard. Antioxidant activity was determined as a decreas in the absorbance of DPPH at 517 nm wavelength after an addition of the extract with the concentrations of 20, 40, 80, and 100 ppm. The antioxidant acitivity measurement of the ganitri leaf extract showed that the linier regression equation obtained was y = 0.3669x + 29.546, r = 0.4573 while the IC50 value was 54,12 ppm. Based on the result, it is concluded that the ethanol extract of ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb.) leaf showed was categorized as strong antioxidant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Muhammad Ainul Yahya ◽  
Iif Hanifa Nurrosyidah

Unhealthy lifestyles and air pollution cause the number of free radicals in the body to increase. To protect the body from free radicals, there are antioxidant compounds as an antidote and stabilize free radicals. One of the Indonesian plants that can be used as antioxidants is gotu kola (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. Objective: This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of gotu kola herb using the DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-pikrilhidrazil) method. with IC50 value. Method: Gotu kola (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) was extracted by the soxhletation method using 96% ethanol solvent. The testing of antioxidant activity was carried out using the DPPH (2.2 Diphenyl-1-Pikrihydrazil) method. Result: Test results of antioxidant activity The ethanol extract of gotu kola herb showed an IC50 value of 78.20 ppm. Conclusion: This indicated that the ethanol extract of gotu kola herb was included in the criteria for strong antioxidants. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nurlaila Agustikawati ◽  
Yayuk Andayani ◽  
Dedy Suhendra

This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity and secondary metabolism of pakoasi leaf extract and kluwih leaf. Analysis using DDPH method (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl). Result of antioxidant activity test in. Concentration Barriers (IC50). IC50 values for leaf extract of pakoasi and kluwih leaves were 89.659 μg / mL and 54.719 μg / mL greater than IC50 vitamin C of 46.74 μg / mL. Qualitative analysis of antioxidant compounds using TLC technique showed seven chromatogram profiles for pakoasi leaf extract and four chromatogram profiles for kluwih leaf extract. In addition, phytochemical analysis of leaf extract of pakoasi and kluwih leaves showed the presence of saponin compounds, tannins, phenols, flavonoids, steroids and triterpenoids. Based on the results of this analysis concluded that leaf extract of pakoasi and kluwih leaf as natural source of antioxidant which can be seen with IC50 value in the sample is in strong category and supported from phytolyte analysis result which according to phenol and flavonoid which act as antioxidant.Keywords: Antioxidant activity, phytochemical analysis ethanol extract, green bean leaves, kluwih leaves, leaves of pakoasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 29-37
Oktariani Pramiastuti ◽  
Fiqih Kartika Murti ◽  
Sri Mulyati ◽  
Ulfatun Khasanah ◽  
Rima Harsa Atqiya Alquraisi ◽  

ABSTRACTAntioxidants have a function to scavenge and neutralize oxidation effect caused by free radicals by preventing the formation of radicals. Temu blenyeh (Curcuma purpurascens Bl) is one of the curcuma species which is still under-researched. Traditionally, temu blenyeh is used to treat stomachache, cough, itch, and skin infection. Some studies show that temu blenyeh extract had antioxidants activity and anti-cancer. The extract contains flavonoid, terpenoid, steroid, triterpenoid, essential oil. The study aimed to determine antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of temu blenyeh using DPPH method. Temu blenyeh was extracted by maceration with 96% ethanol solvent. The antioxidants activity test described that the value of IC50 was 48.697 ppm. Keywords: Temu blenyeh, DPPH, antioxidants Abstrak Antioksidan berfungsi untuk menangkal dan menetralisasi efek oksidasi yang disebabkan radikal bebas dengan cara mencegah terbentuknya radikal. Temu blenyeh (Curcuma purpurascens Bl) salah satu spesies curcuma yang masih sedikit diteliti. Temu blenyeh secara tradisional digunakan untuk mengobati sakit perut, batuk, gatal, dan infeksi kulit. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa ekstrak rimpang temu blenyeh memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan anti kanker. Temu blenyeh mengandung flavonoid, terpenoid, steroid, triterpenoid dan minyak esensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya aktivitas antioksidan pada ekstrak etanol temu blenyeh menggunakan metode DPPH. Temu blenyeh diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Dalam penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol temu blenyeh menunjukkan hasil nilai IC50 sebesar 48,697 ppm. Kata kunci : Temu blenyeh; DPPH; Antioksidan

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Bhayu Gita Bhernama ◽  
Witri Maulidy Ayu ◽  
Cut Nuzlia

Antioxidants are compounds that can delay, reduce, slow down or inhibit oxidation reactions from free radical reactions. Antioxidants donate electrons to unstable free radicals so that these free radicals can be neutralized to not interfere with the body's metabolic processes. Red seaweed Galaxaura rugosa has potential as an antioxidant. The study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of red seaweed Galaxaura rugosa against DPPH free radicals based on the IC50 value. Phytochemical testing and determination of antioxidant activity were carried out using the DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), which was carried out quantitatively using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of the phytochemical screening of red seaweed ethanol extract contained alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, and polyphenols and the IC50 value of red seaweed ethanol extract was 4.59 ppm, while the positive control for Vitamin C was 6.64 ppm. It was concluded that the ethanolic extract of red seaweed Galaxaura rugosa in the South Aceh District had high antioxidant potential, as evidenced by the small IC50 value of <50 µg/mL.Keywords: Antioxidants, Galauxara rugosa, phytochemicals, DPPH  ABSTRAKAktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak etanol rumput laut merah Galaxaura rugosa Antioksidan merupakan senyawa yang mampu menunda, memperkecil, memperlambat atau menghambat reaksi oksidasi dari reaksi radikal bebas. Antioksidan menyumbangkan elektron kepada radikal bebas yang tidak stabil sehingga radikal bebas ini dapat dinetralkan agar tidak mengganggu jalannya proses metabolisme tubuh. Rumput laut merah Galaxaura rugosa berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol rumput laut merah Galaxaura rugosa terhadap radikal bebas DPPH berdasarkan nilai IC50. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian fitokimia dan penentuan aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) yang dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil dari skrining fitokimia ekstrak etanol rumput laut merah mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, steroid dan polifenol serta nilai IC50 ekstrak etanol rumput laut merah sebesar 4,59 ppm sedangkan kontrol positif Vitamin C sebesar 6,64 ppm. Ekstrak etanol rumput laut merah Galaxaura rugosa di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan memiliki potensi antioksidan yang tinggi. dibuktikan dengan nilai IC50 yang yang kecil yaitu < 50 µg/mL.Kata kunci: Antioksidan, Galauxara rugosa, Fitokimia, DPPH

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Dwi Rizki Febrianti ◽  
Rakhmadhan Niah ◽  
Novia Ariani

Daun Kumpai Mahung (Eupathorium inulifolium H.B & K) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan endemik Kalimantan Selatan. Secara turun temurun digunakan sebagai obat tradisional Dayak Meratus sebagai obat diare, demam, dan malaria. Tanaman ini dicurigai memiliki nilai antioksidan tinggi karena mengandung metabolit skunder fenolik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak metanol daun E. inulifolium serta nilai IC50-nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode DPPH dengan instrumen spektofotometri UV-vis dengan panjang gelombang 517 nm. Dari hasil perhitungan dan replikasi nilai IC50 yang didapat sebesar 38,9 ppm. Ekstrak daun E. inulifolium memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang sangat kuat dalam meredam radikal bebas. Kata Kunci: Daun, Potensi Antioksidan, Endemik, IC50, Ekstrak Etanol, Fenolik Kumpai Mahung (Eupathorium inulifolium H.B & K) leaves are one of the endemic plants of South Kalimantan. From generation to generation it is used as a traditional medicine for Dayak Meratus as a medicine for diarrhea, fever, and malaria. This plant is suspected of having high antioxidant value because it contains phenolic secondary metabolites. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of E. inulifolium leaves and its IC50 value. This study used the DPPH method with spectophotometer UV-vis instrument at wavelength of 517 nm. From the calculation and replication, the IC50 value obtained is 38.9 ppm. E. inulifolium leaf extract has very strong antioxidant activity in reducing free radicals. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Astuti Amin ◽  
Andi Paluseri ◽  
Rahmat Priyandi Linggotu

 Jumpai (Glinus Oppoitifolius (L.) Aug. DC) contains flavonoids compounds that can act as antioxidants by donating hydrogen so as to stabilize the lack of electrons in free radicals. This study aims to determine the antioxidant potential of stem, leaf, and flower extracts by looking at the IC50 value. The stems, leaves, and flowers were extracted by maceration using 70% l ethanol solvent. The results of the antioxidant activity test using the DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydrazil) showed very strong antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 9.523 µg / ml stem, 32.89 µg / ml leaves, and 23.07 µg / ml flowers with vitamin comparisons. C obtained IC50 value of 1,698 µg / ml. Based on these results, it can be rejected that the stems, leaves, and flowers have antioxidant activity with a very strong category against DPPH free radicals (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydrazil). 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Nur Alim ◽  
Nurul Jummah ◽  
Agus Sangka Pratama ◽  
Nurdiyanti Nurdiyanti

Phytochemical screening research on the ethanol extract of soursop (Annona muricata Linn) peel and antioxidant activity was tested using the DPPH method. The purpose of this study was to determine several classes of compounds found in soursop rind and to determine the antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of soursop rind against DPPH free radicals. The results showed ethanol extract of positive soursop fruit skin containing flavonoids, tannins, and terpenoids. of soursop fruit skin extract was carried out by DPPH method results obtained IC50 value of 192.13 µg / mL ± 5.198137 which was categorized as weak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Rahmi Muthia ◽  
Muhammad Hidayatullah ◽  
Rahmi Hidayati

The free radical is an unstable molecule because contains one or two unpaired electrons. The antioxidant substance is a simple way to decrease the illness caused by free radicals. Cawat hanoman (Bauhinia aculeata L.) was known to contain tannin components one of the benefits as an antioxidant. This research aims to determine the antioxidant activity of the B. aculeata stem tested by qualitatively used thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and quantitatively using the DPPH method. Bauhinia aculeata stem was extracted using a maceration extract method with 96% ethanol. Antioxidant activity test was done qualitatively by eluent of ethyl acetate : methanol : purified water (6 : 2 : 1) using TLC and quantitatively using the DPPH method. The result of antioxidant activity from 96% ethanol extract of B. aculeata stem qualitatively showed the presence of yellow spots on a purple background at TLC after syringed DPPH 0.5 mM and quantitative test that resulted in an IC50 of 21.862 �g/mL. These results indicate that 96% ethanol extract of B. aculeata has very strong antioxidant activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-19
Inas Fadiyah ◽  
Iin Lestari ◽  
Shelly Victory

Rukam fruit (Flacourtia rukam) is one of the wild plants that are widely distributed in Indonesia, especially on the island of Bangka. The results of previous studies stated that rukam fruit has a phenolic content of 40 mg GAE / 100 grams. Phenolic compounds have major benefits as antioxidants, where antioxidants have the ability to inhibit the work of free radicals. Therefore a study was conducted to assess the content of secondary metabolites and the antioxidant bioactivity of the Flacourtia rukam species using maceration method. Rukam fruit extract was obtained using the Maceration method. As for the antioxidant test using the DPPH` method. The results of the antioxidant activity test of rukam extract with ethanol solvent obtained IC50 value 236,169 µg / mL and in rukam extract with acetone solvent obtained IC50 276,443 µg / mL which showed that the antioxidant properties of this rukam were moderate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (05) ◽  
pp. 946-953
Samsuar Samsuar ◽  
Dina Hanifa

In this paper we reported gel formulation that containing Jamblang Leaf extract (Syzygium cumini L) and activity test as antioxidant. The Jamblang Leaf plant contained polyphenols compound which function as antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of gel formulation that containing jamblang leaf extract. Extraction of Jamblang Leaf were formulated with three varation of concentration and gel basis as negative controls. The gel formulation were evaluated for organoleptic observations, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, dispersion test, adhesion test, accelerated stability test for 4 weeks storage, and measurement of antioxidant activity was carried out using the DPPH method with wavelength of 519 nm. The results of gel formulation IC50 value shows the ability of a substance to inhibit 50% DPPH radical of 47.735 ppm. The gel extract of Jamblang Leaf has a very strong antioxidant activity.

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