scholarly journals Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pelanggaran Disiplin Siswa dan Implikasinya terhadap Layanan Bimbingan & Konseling

Konselor ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ridho Ilahi ◽  
Syahniar Syahniar ◽  
Indra Ibrahim

Abstract Students’ discipline violation at SMA N X Padang are affected by internal and external factors. Findings in the field showed that many students broke the school’s discipline. This research is aimed to describe internal and external factors that affected students’ discipline violation and those implications for Counseling and Guidance services. This research is classified into quantitative research in descriptive type. The research subjects are 130 students who violate the discipline at SMA N X Padang. The research instrument is questionnaire. The findings of the research revealed: factors internal (psychology conditions) and external (school’s environment, family, and community).Keyword: Discipline violation

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Ridho Ilahi ◽  
Syahniar Syahniar ◽  
Indra Ibrahim

<p><em>S</em><em>t</em><em>u</em><em>d</em><em>e</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>’s discipline violation at SMA N X Padang are affected by internal and external  factors.  Findings  in  the  field  showed  that  many  students  broke  the  school’s discipline.  This research  is aimed to describe  internal  and external  factors  that  affected students’ discipline violation and those implications for Counseling and Guidance services. This  research  is  classified  into  quantitative  research  in  descriptive  type.  The  research subjects are 130 students who violate the discipline at SMA N X Padang. The research instrument  is questionnaire.  The findings  of the research revealed:  internal and external factors which affected violation of discipline is at medium category.</em><em></em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
Rahmat Yahya Ardiyansyah ◽  
Tatik Meiyuntariningsih

Husband social support, multiple of role conflict, and job stress examined in acorrelational quantitative research. Subjects were 50 Women’s Careerist. Researcherdeveloped two research instrument of measurement, namely the scale of job stress andthe scale of husband social support. Data of study variables were analyzed with themultiple regression. The results of the analysis are: 1) Values of R = 0,440 and F =5,627 and p = 0,006 (p < 0,01) showed that correlation of husband social support andmultiple of role conflict with job stress among Woman’s Careerist simultaneously is mostsignificant, 2) Partial regressions coefficient B of husband social support = – 0,143 andp = 0,381 (p > 0,05) shows no correlation of husband social support with job stressamong Women’s Careerist; 3) Partial regressions coefficient B of multiple of roleconflict = 0,206 and p = 0,006 (p < 0,01) shows correlation multiple of role conflictwith job stress is positive and most significant.Keywords : husband social support, multiple role conflict, job stress, Women’s Careerist.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Ita Athia

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya anggapan bahwa koperasi di Indonesia yang mayoritas dianggap sebagai badan usaha yang tidak mempunyai daya saing. Kondisi empiris mengungkapkan bahwa koperasi belum bisa mensejahterakan anggotanya sendiri, bahkan banyak koperasi yang mengalami kegagalan dan bubar akibat berbagai faktor.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan perspektif kepada koperasi tentang pentingnya menggarap anggota dengan menggunakan customer focus dengan mempertimbangkan faktor internal dan eksternal yang dimiliki koperasi itu sendiri. Dengan strategi customer focus, koperasi tidak harus memenangkan persaingan dengan cara mencari banyak pelanggan baru, melainkan memenangkan persaingan dengan cara fokus kepada anggota yang loyal. Anggota yang loyal akan tetap bertahan dan mendukung perusahaan bahkan pada saat perusahaan tersebut berada pada kondisi yang paling buruk.Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian kuantitatif, dan termasuk field research dengan pendekatan explanatory atau confirmatory. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan, dengan jumlah responden sebesar 133 responden yang terdiri dari pengurus, pengawas, manajer, karyawan dan anggota dari 7 koperasi di kota Batu yang telah dipilih secara purposive. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Path Analysis dengan bantuan SPSS versi 18.0.Temuan yang dihasilkan adalah strategi customer focus berpengaruh secara signifikan meningkatkan daya saing koperasi. Faktor internal dan eksternal merupakan variabel moderating yang bisa dipakai bersama-sama customer focus untuk menambah peningkatan daya saing koperasi.Beberapa faktor internal dan eksternal pada koperasi perlu dipertahankan dan harus mendapatkan perhatian lebih untuk mendukung keberhasilan pelaksanaan customer focus sehingga koperasi bisa berdaya saing dengan badan usaha lainnya.Kata kunci : customer focus, faktor internal, faktor eksternal, daya saing koperasi. Abstract            This research is motivated by the assumption that the majority of cooperatives in Indonesia are considered as business entities that do not have competitiveness. Empirical conditions reveal that cooperatives have not been able to prosper their own members, even many cooperatives have failed and disbanded due to various factors.The purpose of this study is to provide a perspective to the cooperative about the importance of working on members by using customer focus by considering internal and external factors that are owned by the cooperative itself. With a customer focus strategy, cooperatives do not have to win the competition by finding many new customers, but winning the competition by focusing on loyal members. Loyal members will survive and support the company even when the company is at its worst.This research is classified as quantitative research, and includes field research with an explanatory or confirmatory approach. This research was carried out for 5 months, with the number of respondents amounting to 133 respondents consisting of administrators, supervisors, managers, employees and members of 7 cooperatives in the city of Batu which had been selected purposively. Data analysis used was Path Analysis with the help of SPSS version 18.0.The resulting findings are an influential customer focus strategy that significantly improves the competitiveness of cooperatives. Internal and external factors are moderating variables that can be used together with customer focus to increase cooperative competitiveness.Some internal and external factors in the cooperative need to be maintained and must get more attention to support the successful implementation of customer focus so that cooperatives can be competitive with other business entities.Keyword : customer focus, internal factors, external factors, cooperative competitiveness

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-90
Ferry Susanto

Penulisan tesis mengenai Strategi Pengelolaan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategiyang digunakan oleh Drumblek Gempar, kemudian menganalisis faktor internal daneksternal serta memformulasikan strategi pengelolaan musik perkusi Drumblek Gempar.Metode penelitian mengenai Strategi Pengelolaan Drumblek Gempar ditentukan oleh empatlangkah yaitu, menentukan lingkup penelitian yang terdiri dari lokasi penelitian, objek penelitian, dan subjek penelitian. Langkah kedua melakukan teknik pengumpulan data yangterdiri dari dua poin yaitu pengumpulan data primer dan pengumpulan data skunder. Ketiga,menentukan variabel yang dilakukan melalui dua faktor yaitu faktor internal (kekuatan dankelemahan) dan faktor eksternal (peluang dan ancaman). Langkah terakhir yaitu melakukananalisis data dan metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis SWOT. Hasilpenelitian pertama berdasarkan matriks IE strategi pengelolaan pada drumblek Gemparmelalui matriks IE menunjukan pada posisi IV yaitu Growth and Build, strategi umum yangdigunakan adalah sebagai daya tarik Kota Salatiga melalui kesenian drumblek. Keduaberdasarkan kuadran analisis SWOT menunjukan kuadran I Expansion, yaitu bahwa situasiyang sangat baik karena ada kekuatan yang dimanfaatkan untuk meraih peluang yangmenguntungkan. Hal tersebut mengarah pada variabel kekuatan poin tertinggi yaitudrumblek Gempar merupakan drumblek tertua yang ada di Salatiga. Lalu pada variabelpeluang poin tertinggi yaitu sebagai daya tarik Kota Salatiga melalui kesenian drumblek. Thesis writing on Management Strategy aims to identify the strategies used by drumblekGempar, then analyze the internal and external factors and formulate a drumblekpercussion management strategy Gempar. The method of research on drumblekmanagement strategy Gempar determined by four steps, namely, determine the scope ofresearch consisting of research sites, research objects, and research subjects. The secondstep performs data collection techniques consisting of two points: primary data collectionand secondary data collection. Third, determine the variables made through two factors:internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats).The last step is to analyze data and the method used is qualitative with SWOT analysis. The first result based on IE matrix management strategy on drumblek Gempar through IE matrix shows in position IV that is Growth and Build, general strategy used is as appeal of Salatiga City through drumblek art.

Sartika Sartika ◽  
Amin Muhammad

This study deals with speaking achievement of eighth semester students in English Department of one university in Nusa Tenggara Barat - Indonesia in academic year 2013/2014. The purpose of this study was to find out factors that help students succeed in learning speaking. The method of this research is qualitative research that focuses on case study. The subjects of this study were the eighth semester students who got an A in Speaking I, II and III subjects. Four students were recruited as the research subjects consisting of one female and three males. The data about the students were obtained from the academic databases in the English Department. In collecting the data, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The data, then, were analyzed through some stages namely transcribing data, reducing data, displaying data and drawing conclusion. The result of this study showed that factors contributing to students speaking achievement consist of internal and external factors. The internal factors include motivation and interests, while the external factors involve family, school condition and society.Keywords: success in learning, speaking, case study

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Juliana Juliana ◽  
Indra Ibrahim ◽  
Afrizal Sano

For students who are in puberty, they should have a self-concept in the face of changes experienced during puberty. Where they should have the knowledge, hope, and an assessment of the rapid body changes that occur at that time. But the facts on the ground, from observations and interviews that there are students who do not have a good self-concept in the face of puberty. This study classified the type of descriptive quantitative research. Research subjects were 79 students in the class VII puberty in SMP 13 Sijunjung. The research instrument is the questionnaire. Research findings reveal: in general students have a good self-concept in the face of puberty.

Fina Muthia Deizi ◽  
Anna Fatchiya

ABSTRACTThe participation of the group members, LMDH Giri Makmur, is important in the success of a tourism development program in Cikole Village. This study aims to identify internal and external factors that encourage group members in managing tourism, identify the level of participation of group members and analyze the factors that influence the level of participation of group members. This research uses quantitative research methods supported by qualitative data. Quantitative methods are tested with regression tests and the selection of respondents using census techniques. The number of respondents in this study was 36 respondents. Results of this research is the level of participation of ecotourism members group in managing PAL 16 tourism is quite high at the planning, implementation, utilization of results and evaluation stages. Furthermore, the factors that have a significant influence on the level of participation of ecotourism members group in tourism management are internal factors (age, length of stay, level of income, length of membership and level of group desire) and external factors (level of Perhutani support, level of support for facilities and infrastructure and level of support group).Keywords : community participation, ecotourism, forest, group. village ABSTRAKPartisipasi anggota binaan kelompok yaitu LMDH Giri Makmur merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam keberhasilan suatu program pengembangan wisata di Desa Cikole. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal yang mendorong anggota binaan kelompok dalam pengelolaan wisata, mengidentifikasi tingkatan partisipasi anggota binaan kelompok dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat partisipasi anggota binaan kelompok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif yang didukung dengan data kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif diuji dengan uji regresi dan pemilihan responden menggunakan teknik sensus. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 36 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi anggota binaan kelompok dalam pengelolaan wisata PAL 16 cukup tinggi pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pemanfaatan hasil dan evaluasi. Selanjutnya faktor yang memiliki pengaruh nyata dalam tingkat partisipasi anggota binaan kelompok dalam pengelolaan wisata ialah faktor internal (usia, lama tinggal, tingkat pendapatan, lama keanggotaan dan tingkat keinginan berkelompok) dan faktor eksternal ( tingkat dukungan perhutani, tingkat dukungan sarana dan prasarana dan tingkat dukungan kelompok) Kata Kunci : desa, ekowisata, hutan, kelompok, partisipasi masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-393
Rama Kurniawan ◽  
Ari Wibowo Kurniawan ◽  
Dimas Wijaya

In physical education, learning interests are required so that the intentions of this meant learning are well accomplished. This research is aimed to find out the descriptions of students’ interest factors when attending physical education learning at State Senior High School 2 Malang. This study employed a quantitative descriptive research design through survey methods. In order to obtain the research data, a questionnaire was employed as the research instrument with 329 students as the research subjects. After the data were collected, they were analyzed by using a type of descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this research indicated that students’ interest in learning physical education of X class students in State Senior High School 2 Malang both of internal and external factors were classified as high categories. Internal factors influenced students’ interests more during physical education learning compared to external factors. Overall, the activity factor and feeling of pleasure are the most influential factors for their involvement in physical education learning. Understanding that, students and teachers are suggested to look at intervening toward each above factors as an effort to improve their interest in learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
Janu Riyanto

Abstrak Penelitian Pengembangan Strategi Pengelolaan Sanggar Srengenge Mas, Bantul, DIY bertujuan mengidentifikasi strategi yang digunakan selama ini dalam mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Di samping untuk menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal serta memformulasikan pengembangan strategi yang digunakan Sanggar Srengenge Mas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi empat tahap. Tahap pertama menentukan lingkup penelitian yang terdiri dari objek penelitian dan subjek penelitian. Langkah kedua, melakukan teknik pengumpulan data. Langkah ketiga menentukan variabel yang mencakup faktor internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) dan faktor eksternal (peluang dan ancaman). Langkah keempat atau terakhir, melakukan analisis data dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan matrik IE, Sanggar Srengenge Mas berada di posisi V, yakni Hold and Maintain (pertahankan dan pelihara). Strategi umum yang dipakai adalah penetrasi pasar dan pengembangan produk. Hasil penelitian kedua, berdasarkan kuadran analisis SWOT Sanggar Srengenge Mas berada di kuadran I sehingga diperlukan pemilihan strategi berupa penggunaan setiap kekuatan untuk menghadapi setiap ancaman dengan mendukung strategi ofensif guna menciptakan peluang. Hasil penelitian ketiga, berdasarkan hasil Kuadran Analisis SWOT Sanggar Srengenge Mas menunjukkan posisinya berada pada kuadran I yaitu Ekspansion mendukung strategi ofensif. Abstract Research on the Management Strategy Development of the Srengenge Mas Studio, Bantul, DIY aims to identify the strategies that have been used so far in achieving the stated objectives. Besides analyzing internal and external factors and formulating the development of strategies used by Srengenge Mas Studio. The research method used includes four steps. The first step determines the scope of the study which consists of the object of research and research subjects. The second step is to carry out data collection techniques. The third step determines variables that include internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats). The fourth or final step is to analyze the data using qualitative methods using SWOT analysis. The results of the study are based on the IE matrix, Sanggar Srengenge Mas is in position V, namely Hold and Maintain (keep up and maintain). The general strategies used are market penetration and product development. The results of the second study, based on the SWOT analysis quadrant Srengenge Mas Studio, were in quadrant I, so a strategy was needed in the form of using each force to deal with each threat by supporting an offensive strategy to create opportunities. The results of the third study, based on the results of the Srengenge Mas SWOT Analysis Quadrant, show that their position is in quadrant I, namely expansion, supporting offensive strategies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 22
Norsa'idah Norsa'idah ◽  
Kasyful Anwar

The low interest of students in counseling and guidance services can be seen from the lack of students who come by themselves in the room for guidance and counseling. The problem examined in this study is how the active role of teacher guidance and counseling on the interest of guidance and counseling services in class VIII D of SMP Negeri 3 Banjarbaru. So the purpose of this study is to find out how much the active role of teachers is guidance and counseling on the interest of counseling and counseling services for class VIII D of SMP Negeri 3 Banjarbaru. This research method is to use Qualitative methods. The research subjects in this study amounted to ten students of class VIII D. Data collection methods in this study used, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that class VIII D students in SMP Negeri 3 Banjarbaru have a pretty good interest in counseling and guidance services carried out in their schools, but these students do not take advantage of existing services because of lack of motivation or self-desire to use the service. So that the active role of teacher guidance and counseling in handling this is to provide motivation to students so that the guidance given to students has an impact on good change. Keywords : guidance and counseling services, interest

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