2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Mia Fadillah ◽  
Alianis Alianis

The purpose of this research is to figure out (1) The Influence of investment to the growth economic in Indonesia (2) The Influence of the quantity of workforce, to the growth economic in Indonesia (3) The Influence of goverment expenditure to the growth economic in Indonesia (4) The Influence of education to the growth economic in Indonesia (5) The Influence of investment, the workforce, goverment expenditure and education to the growth economic in Indonesia. This research uses panel data from 2016-2018, the method is multiple linear regression. the research shows The estimation multiple linear regression (OLS) with the Fixed Effect Model that shows: (1) investment had an possetive significant influence to the growth economic in Indonesia(2) the workforce had an possetive significant influence to the growth economic in Indonesia (3) goverment expenditure had an possetive significant influence to the growth economic in Indonesia (4) education had a negative significant influence to the growth economic in Indonesia. Based on this research the writer suggests to increase the quality of investment, the workforce , goverment expenditure and education. The government should cooperate strongly with tne participant countries and take action to increase the productivity and the quality of the human sources also increase the investment that makes increase the growth economic in Indoneisa.Key words: growth economic, education, investment, the workforce, government expenditure

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-43
Muhammad Bahruzen ◽  
Dian Komarsyah D ◽  
Prasetya Nugraha

The purpose of this study is determining the influence of location, quality of service, product completeness, and price towards consumer repurchase interest. The populations are consumers Surya Gemilang Store with 100 respondents, using questionnaire for collecting data. The technique of this research is purposive sampling. Analyzed by using multiple linear regression. The result shows that partially two independent variables, quality of service (X2) and price (X4) have a significant influence on consumer repurchase interest of Surya Gemilang Store. However, the location (X1) and product completeness (X3) has no significant effect on consumer repurchase interest. Simultaneously, location (X1), quality of service (X2), product completeness (X3), and price (X4) have a significant influence on consumer repurchase intention (Y). Conclusion: The quality of service and price have a significant influence on consumer repurchase interest in Surya Gemilang Store.   ABSTRAK  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lokasi, kualitas pelayanan, kelengkapan produk, dan harga terhadap minat pembelian ulang konsumen pada toko ritel. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 responden konsumen Toko Surya Gemilang yang ditentukan dengan purposive sampling, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t, uji F, dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial, hanya variabel kualitas pelayanan dan harga yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat pembelian ulang konsumen. Namun, secara simultan, keempat variabel, yakni lokasi, kualitas pelayanan, kelengkapan produk, dan harga menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat pembelian ulang konsumen pada toko ritel. Adanya kesesuaian antara performa dari produk atau jasa (pelayanan) yang ditawarkan, dan jumlah alokasi daya beli konsumen terhadap suatu produk yang ditentukan oleh harga, lebih mendorong minat konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian kembali di waktu yang akan datang. Sehingga, harga dan kualitas pelayanan dapat membangun keunggulan kompetitif bagi toko ritel untuk bersaing, dan mendorong konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian ulang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-250
Nena Suyati ◽  
Sugiharto Sugiharto

Abstract   To improve the quality of tax services, the government issued an e-filing policy. Also, tax audits and tax compliance fees are also strengthened in order that taxes as the main income of the state can be increased. In particular, at this time the issue of non-compliance with taxes through tax avoidance and even tax evasion is increasingly widespread. Therefore, this study aims to examine the level of tax compliance based on the above aspects. This study uses quantitative analysis. The sample was gathered on 100 taxpayers in the Bekasi Selatan KPP environment. The sample was chosen based on accidental sampling, and questionnaire was processed using multiple linear regression techniques in SPSS software. The regression results show that the implementation of e-filing, service quality, audit and tax audit, and tax compliance costs have a positive and significant effect on taxpayer compliance. In addition, several variables need attention, including the application of e-filing of the ITE law and audits and tax audits related to the ethics and professionalism of tax examiners.   Keywords: Multiple Linear Regression, KPP Pratama Bekasi Selatan, Taxpayer Compliance, SPSS, Accidental Sampling   Abstrak   Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pajak, pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan e-Filing. Selain itu, audit dan pemeriksaan perpajakan dan biaya kepatuhan pajak juga diperkuat agar pajak sebagai pendapatan utama negara dapat ditingkatkan. Apalagi saat ini isu ketidakpatuhan terhadap pajak lewat penghindaran bahkan penggelapan pajak kian marak. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bermaksud meneliti tingkat kepatuhan pajak berdasarkan aspek-aspek di atas. Sampel dilakukan terhadap 100 orang wajib pajak di lingkungan KPP Pratama Bekasi Selatan. Dengan sampel yang dipilih berdasarkan accidental sampling, kuesionar diolah menggunakan teknik regresi linear berganda. Hasil regresi menunjukan penerapan e-filing, kualitas pelayanan, audit dan pemeriksan perpajakan, dan biaya kepatuhan pajak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kepatuhan WP OP. Selain itu, beberapa variabel perlu mendapat perhatian antara lain penerapan e-filing undang-undang ITE dan audit dan pemeriksaan pajak terkait etika dan profesionalisme pemeriksa pajak.   Kata kunci: Regresi Linear Berganda, KPP Pratama Bekasi Selatan, Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, SPSS, Accidental Sampling

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Gampo Haryono

This study aims to analyze the ads on television and product quality to the Motivation Purchase customers sunsilk shampoo on students at STIE Sakti Alam Kerinci. This type of research is causative research. Sampling research Using purposive sampling technique by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that: (1) The influence of advertisement on television has no effect on purchasing motivation, It is proved by, t value < t table (1,573 < 2.012) and significance > 0,05 (0,122> 0,05) received and Ha rejected, meaning there is no significant influence between Advertising on Television Against Motivation Purchase Customer Sunsilk Shampoo on students in STIE Sakti Alam Kerinci. (2) Product Quality significantly influence Purchase Motivation, This is proved by, the value of t calculate > t table (2,669> 2,012) and significance <0,05 (0,010 <0,05), hence Ho is rejected and Ha is received, it means partially there is significant influence between Quality of Product to Motivation Purchase Customer Sunsilk Shampoo on students at STIE Sakti Alam Kerinci. Keyword : Ads on Television, Product Quality and Motivation Purchase

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
Yosephine Angelina ◽  
Gita Safitri

This research is used to know and analyze any determinant factors that affect Quality of Identity Card (E-KTP) Service to Satisfaction of Society in Pracimantoro Sub-district, Wonogiri Regency. The method used in this research is the method of observation and questionnaire by using Likert scale. Sampling method used using convenience sampling method as many as 100 samples. The method of analysis used is the test of validity, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test. The result of multiple linear regression test shows that the service quality consisting of Tangibles (X1), Assurance (X2) and Empathy (X3) partially or individually has a significant influence on the satisfaction of society. Where the regression equation Y = 1.853 + 0.251X1 + 0.106X2 + 0.162X3 + 0.207X4 + 0.196X5. The result of t test shows that the quality of service consisting of Tangibles (X1), Assurance (X2) and Empathy (X3) has significant effect on the satisfaction of the community is shown by significant of each variable <0,05. In the F test results obtained value obtained Fcount value of 22.732 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05 this means that the variables together have a significant influence on community satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 653
Ryan Pratama Audey ◽  
Ariusni Ariusni

This study aims to analyze the effect of factor (X1) on human development index, (X2) unemployment, (X3) population density on crime, in Indonesia. This type of research is descriptive and associative. Data type is secondary data. This study uses panel data with 31 provinces in Indonesia using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) approach. The results of the study show that (1) the human development index has a significant effect on crime. (2) Unemployment does not have a significant effect on crime. (3) Population density has a significant effect on criminality (4) Taken together there is a significant influence between the human development index, unemployment and population density on crime in Indonesia. Therefore, the government and the authorities are expected to disseminate information to the community about the laws and regulations on criminal offenders and the need to improve education as an effort to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-251
Husriatun Putri

This study aims to determine the effect of local government expenditure on agriculture, tourism, road infrastructure and local own revenues (LOR) on economic growth in province of Nusa Tenggara Barat by district/city period 2011-2015. The method is used to analyze the research data is panel data, fixed effect model by using an application help Eviews 8.The result of this research is government expenditure variable for agriculture sector has a positive and significant influence on economic growth, government expenditure for tourism sector has a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth, government expenditure for road infrastructure has a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth and local own revenues (LOR) has a positive and significant influence on economic growth

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 555
Oki Dermawan ◽  
Muhammad Hafiz Alpami ◽  
Adri Efferi ◽  
I’anatut Thoifah

Subject Teachers working group (MGMP) is an educational organization which purpose is to improve the competence and professionalism of teachers to improve the quality of education. The quality of the Islamic Education (PAI) (MGMP) activities is a dynamic condition interrelated with the administration, teachers, processes and activities that comply with or exceed what expected. The quality of MGMP activities will help build professional competence and indirectly the performance of teachers. This study aimed to prove: (1) The influence of the quality of the PAI MGMP activities on the professional competence of teachers at the State Junior High Schools (SMPN) in Bandar Lampung. (2) The influence of professional competence on teacher performance at the SMPN in Bandar Lampung. (3) The indirect effect of the quality of the PAI MGMP activities on teacher performance at the SMPN in Bandar Lampung. (4) The influence of the quality of the PAI MGMP activities on professional competence with a teacher performance at the SMPN in Bandar Lampung. The approach in this research was quantitative research with the type was survey research. The data analyzed were parametric analysis with multiple linear regression analysis models (Multiple Linear Regression) using SPSS for Windows20.0. Data were collected from each variable separately by filling out a compiled questionnaire. The sample in this study were 57 teachers who were randomly assigned (cluster-random sampling). The results showed that, firstly, there was a significant influence on the quality of MGMP activities on the professional competence of teachers at the State Junior High School level in Bandar Lampung. Secondly, there was a significant effect of professional competence on teacher performance of teachers at the SMPN in Bandar Lampung. Thirdly, there was an indirect effect the quality of the PAI MGMP activities on the performance of teachers of SMPN in Bandar Lampung, and fourth, there is a significant influence on the quality of the PAI MGMP activities on professional competence and the performance of teachers at the SMPN in Bandar Lampung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 2466-2478
Ivand Satria ◽  
Mia Angelina Setiawan

The study aims to know how to describe and partially test assumptions in the quality of the audit, the scope of the audit, and the leadership style which are proxy with the variables of Independence and, on the Effectiveness of Internal Control in the Government which are analyzed using multiple linear regression. The sampling technique used is quota sampling. The results showed that the quality of the audit did not affect the effectiveness of the internal control. The scope of the audit did not show any effect on the effectiveness of the internal control. And leadership style has an impact on the effectiveness of internal control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Marlina Marlina ◽  
Umaruddin Usman

The purpose of this study was to see the effect of GRDP and Expenditure on the Provincial Government of Papua on Poverty in Papua. The data used in this study are secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The data analysis method used in this study is multiple linear regression with the help of the program package eviews 10. The results showed that the GRDP variable has a negative effect on poverty, while the government expenditure variable does not negatively affect poverty, but together the GRDP variable and Government expenditure positively influences poverty in Papua and the magnitude of the effect of GRDP variable and government expenditure on poverty is 0.6966 (69.66%). Recommendations, it is expected that the local government of Papua can increase the GRDP which will be able to minimize poverty in Papua.Keywords: GRDP, Government Expenditure and Poverty

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Ferry Adang

The purpose of this research is to determine empirically whether the service quality (tangibles, reability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) affect taxpayer’s satisfication. This research was conducted by distributing 255 pieces of questionnaires to KPP Pratama Kebon Jeruk Satu. Questionnaires were returned and in the content of 235 pieces and are all used in this research. Multiple Linear Regression was used to the test of hypothesis. The result of this research showed that tangibles, reability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty had significant influence in taxpayer’s satisfication. Keywords: Taxpayer’s Satisfication, Tangibles, Reability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy

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