2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 159
Mei Yana Gea ◽  
Sri Minda Murni ◽  
Syamsul Bahri

This study was aimed to analyze the woman images based on the main chracter that is consisted in the novel Terusir and to find how the woman images appeared in the novel Terusir. This research was qualitative descriptive research. The data were taken from the sentences in the novel Terusir. The data collected by documentary technique. This research deals with theory which is conducted by Sugihastuti (2000), where she said woman images is the images of woman roles in social life, divided into physic, psychology and social context. There are beautiful, cosmetic defender nd sexual pleasure in the physic images. There are great sense of belonging, patient, vicious creature, faith defender, generous, obedient and feminist in psychology images. And the last, there are naive creature, construct, angel in the house, devoted to the family, whore is broken, and widow bad in the social images.  And the woman images are described from the main character named Mariah and the other characters.Keywords : Novel, feminist literary criticism, woman images

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Dian Erika Rachmawati ◽  
Rizki Agung Ravitasari

This research is based on the development of feminism values in the community. In a patriarchal environment, women have a low position compared to men. Women are subordinated in various fields of life, such as in the fields of education, social affairs and economics. This study aims to describe the values of feminism contained in the novel “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” by Alberthiene Endah. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study with a feminist literary criticism approach. The research method used is content analysis with data collection techniques read and record. The data source in this study is the novel “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” by Alberthiene Endah. Based on the results of the research, in the novel “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” by Alberthiene Endah there are values of feminism which include: (a) the value of feminism in education, (b) the value of feminism in the social field, and (c) the value of feminism in the economic. Keywords: values of feminism, the study of feminism, novels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tania Intan

Kelajangan dianggap sebagai hal yang tidak wajar pada perempuan dewasa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mengungkap bagaimana perempuan lajang dan perjodohan ditampilkan di dalam novel “Jodoh Terakhir” (2016) karya Netty Vigiantini. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan kritik sastra feminis. Data berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat dikumpulkan dengan teknik simak catat setelah melalui pemhacaan tertutup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan lajang dianggap tidak wajar dan melanggar aturan, sehingga untuk mengembalikannya pada jalur normatif, perjodohan dijadikan solusi. Dalam novel, terungkap adanya resistensi dan negosiasi dari tokoh perempuan dalam menyikapi pernikahan yang dipaksakan kepadanya. Kecurigaan bahwa teks akan cenderung bersifat feminis tidak terbukti, karena wacana yang justru dikembangkan pengarang adalah kepatuhan anak perempuan pada konstruksi sosial yang ditanamkan melalui struktur keluarga.Katakunci: feminis, konstruksi sosial, lajang, perjodohan Abstract:Singleness is considered an unnatural thing for adult women. This research was conducted to reveal how single women and matchmaking are featured in Netty Vigiantini's novel Jodoh Terakhir (2016). The method used is descriptive qualitative with sociological literary approaches and feminist literary criticism. Data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences were collected using the note-taking technique after going through closed reading. The data are then classified, interpreted, and analyzed with relevant theories. The results of this study indicate that single women are considered unnatural and violate the rules, so to return them to the normative path, matchmaking is used as a solution. In the novel, it is revealed that there are resistance and negotiation from female characters in responding to the marriage that was forced on her. The suspicion that the text will tend to be feminist is not proven, because the discourse developed by the author is the obedience of girls to social constructs that are instilled through the family structure.Keywords: feminist, social construction, single, matchmaking

Muyassaroh Muyassaroh ◽  
Yunita Pratama W. N. ◽  
Alvira Jasmin E. F. ◽  
Citra Ika Prasetya

Every literary work must have the social values ​​of life contained in it, whether conveyed implicitly or explicitly.  Like the novel Bila Malam Bertambah Malam by Putu Wijaya, it contains many social values ​​and so on.  With these problems, this research article is written to discuss "Analysis of Social Values ​​in the novel Bila Malam Bertambah Malam by Putu Wijaya using the mimetic approach”. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods.  Data collection techniques carried out, in the form of documentation, as well as research instruments were the researchers themselves using a check list of the classification of research materials and notes of observations.  The data analysis technique in this study is a descriptive interpretive technique, where the researcher tries to describe the opinions and views that are on an object of research.  This article aims to find out the social values ​​contained in the novel Bila Malam Bertambah Malam by Putu Wijaya.  The results of this study indicate that social problems cannot be separated from the relationships that accompany them.  These relationships include human problems with humans, human problems with oneself and human problems with culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Krisna Aji Kusuma ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni EKo Wardani

This research is a qualitative descriptive research that aimed to understand the life of the transgender figure in the novel of Calabai, analyzing the values of social education reflected through the example of calabai attitude, and analyzing the integration of social education values of calabai figures as a stimulus to build character in learning of prose appreciation in STKIP PGRI Ponorogo. The source of data used in this research is Calabai novel document by Pepi Al-Bayqunie, while the data collected in the form of the result of the study note of the novel. Data collecting technique uses non-interactive technique by doing intensive reading on the novel and do recording actively by content analyzing method. Validity of this research uses data triangulation technique and method of triangulation. Data analysis techniques using interactive analysis model, which is data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research show that the sensitivity and the concern of transgender characters in the novel of Calabai to fellows is a representative value of social education model to the younger generation. The value of social education reflected through the transgender figure in the novel of Calabai includes the social attitude of caring family, caring friend, and caring for the community. Social care is manifested in the form of obedience, patience, sacrifice, sincerity, religious, sympathy and empathy, gratitude, and compassion. The values of social education represented by transgender figures in the novel Calabai can be used as a stimulus to build character in prose appreciation learning in STKIP PGRI Ponorogo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Choerul Anam

This study aims to describe the image of women in Herry Santoso's novel: Cerita Tentang Rani in the perspective of feminist literary criticism. The method applied in the research is a qualitative one. The purpose of the qualitative method leads the writer being able to get to know the in-depth history of the research environment by applying descriptive research types. Feminist criticism theory of Rosemarie Putnam Tong and gender theory of Judith P. Butler were applied in this research. The results of this study prove that the image of the main character, Maharani, is a strong and tough woman. The images of the woman cover 1) the image of women in her relation with Allah Swt (God); 2) the image of women in her relation with herself; and 3) the image of women in her relationship with others. Keywords: female image, feminist literary criticism, Novel Cerita Tentang Rani.

Clayton Childress

This chapter examines how Jarrettsville came to be, and how even its title was eventually derived, by tracing the social life of artistic creation within it. Between 1998 and 2004, Cornelia Nixon was working on a novel titled Martha's Version, the story of Jarrettsville based entirely from Martha Jane Cairnes's first-person perspective. Nixon was sixteen years old on a cross-country flight when her mother first told her the family story that would become her inspiration for writing Jarrettsville. The chapter first narrates the true events that Nixon fictionalized in Jarrettsville before discussing her education, writing style, and literary influences; her family and personal life as raw materials for the novel; and the research process for Jarrettsville. It also considers how the practice of writing is influenced by things such as background experiences and training, and the field of creation by social interactions. Finally, it explains how Jarrettsville came to be called Jarrettsville.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-60
Zahrotun Ulfah

The practice of trafficking in women is still a phenomenon in various countries, including Indonesia. In fact, this problem has been raised into the literary work, Remi Silado's Mimi lan Mintuna. This novel tells the story of Indonesian women who were trafficked to Bangkok for the purpose of sexual exploitation. This study was conducted to reveal the practice of trafficking in women reflected in literary works as the author's response to the social realities that exist in society. This study uses the theory of socialist feminist literary criticism which considers that gender injustice experienced by women is caused by a marriage between patriarchy and capitalism. The method used is descriptive qualitative to understand the phenomenon on the subject of the study and use the assistive method of reading as a woman. Reading as a Woman is the awareness of gender differences in the process of reading literary works that also influence the meaning. The results of this study reveal that the practice of trafficking in women reflected in the novel, there are various gender injustices that are manifested in forms such as making women as objects of violence, sexual objects, economic marginalization, and the formation of stereotypes on women namely as submissive creatures and easily conquered. In response, this study also revealed feminist ideas as a rejection of gender injustice experienced. These feminist ideas include women's liberation from male domination, women who have strength and courage, women's ability to determine their destiny, women who are economically independent, and women who have intelligence. Praktik perdagangan perempuan masih menjadi fenomena di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Bahkan, masalah tersebut telah diangkat ke dalam karya sastra, Mimi lan Mintuna karya Remy Silado. Novel ini bercerita tentang perempuan-perempuan Indonesia yang diperdagangkan ke Bangkok dengan tujuan ekploitasi seksual. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengungkapkan praktik perdagangan perempuan yang tercermin di dalam karya sastra sebagai respons pengarang terhadap realitas sosial yang ada dalam masyarakat. Kajian ini menggunakan teori kritik sastra feminis sosialis yang menganggap bahwa ketidakadilan gender yang dialami perempuan disebabkan oleh perkawinan antara patriarki dan kapitalisme. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif untuk memahami fenomena pada subjek kajian serta menggunakan metode bantu yaitu reading as a women.Reading as a Women ialah adanya kesadaran perbedaan jenis kelamin dalam proses pembacaan karya sastra yang turut memengaruhi dalam pemaknaan karya sastra. Hasil kajian ini mengungkap bahwa praktik perdagangan perempuan yang tercermin dalam novel, terdapat berbagai ketidakadilan gender yang termanifestasikan ke dalam bentuk seperti menjadikan perempuan sebagai objek kekerasan, objek seksual, marginalisasi ekonomi, serta pembentukan stereotipe pada perempuan yakni sebagai makhluk penurut dan mudah ditaklukkan. Sebagai responsnya, kajian ini juga mengungkap  ide feminis sebagai penolakan atas ketidakadilan gender yang dialami. Ide-ide feminis tersebut, diantaranya pembebasan perempuan terhadap dominasi laki-laki, perempuan yang memiliki kekuatan dan keberanian, kemampuan perempuan dalam menentukan nasibnya, perempuan yang mandiri secara ekonomi, dan perempuan yang memiliki kecerdasan.

Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah ◽  
Nanda Saputra

Women are so close to idioms such as adversity, oppression, even to the "concept" that is already accepted by most people, that they are "objects" not "subjects" for men. Gender inequality is manifested in various forms of injustice that occur at various levels of society. This study aims to analyze the personality of the female characters, the gender injustice experienced by the female characters, and the value of character education contained in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This study uses a qualitative descriptive technique. The object of this research is the meaning of the existence of women in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, a review of feminist literary criticism. The data in the research are in the form of dialogues, paragraphs, and narrations contained in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the data shows that the author describes several female characters who experience gender bias treatment, namely Nyai Ontosoroh, Annelies, Maiko, Min Hwa, and Sie-sie. The novel Bumi Manusia tends to use socialist feminism. Gender injustice experienced by female characters is the marginalization of women, subordination of women, stereotypes of women, violence against women, and double workload against women.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-113
Shavika Rizqi Amalia ◽  
U’um Qomariyah

Penelitian yang berjudul pengaruh “Pengaruh Sosial Budaya dalam Novel Terjemahan Memoirs Of A Geisha Karya Arthur Golden dan Novel Perempuan Kembang Jepun karya Lang fang” bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk perbandingan penggambaran geihsa dalam novel Memoirs Of A Geisha karya Arthur Golden dan novel Perempuan Kembang Jepun karya Lan Fang yang dipengaruhi oleh sosial budaya.  Penelitian ini merupakan kajian sastra bandingan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra yang menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perbandingan penggambaran geisha yang dipengaruhi oleh sosial budaya. Perbedaan penggambaran geisha tersebut meliputi, 1) perbedaan penggambaran geisha pada tahapan sebelum menjadi geisha adalah menjadi pelayan, 2) perbedaan penggambaran geisha pada pemakaian Kimono buasana yang biasa dikenakan seorang geisha, 3) perbedaan penggambaran tradisi mizuage bagi para geisha, 4) perbedaan pengganbaran Danna bagi para geisha, 5) perbedaan penggambaran “Kakak” bagi geisha magang, 6) Pengubahan nama, 7) perbedaan cara seorang geisha berhenti dari profesinya, 8) Sekolah untuk geisha, 9) perbedaan Penggambaran geisha secara fisik, 10) perbedaan Penggambaran pekerjaan geisha, 11) perbedaan Pandangan masyarakat terhadap profesi geisha. Serta di temukan bahwa Novel Memoirs of A Gheisha karya Arthur Golden mempengaruhi lahirnya novel Perempuan Kembang Jepun karya Lan Fang.   The study entitled “The Influence of Socio-Culture in Translation novel ‘Memoirs Of A Geisha’ Novel by Arthur Golden and ‘Perempuan Kembang Jepun’ Novel by Lang fang" aims to find out comparative forms of geihsa depiction in the novel ‘Memoirs Of A Geisha’ by Arthur Golden and ‘Kembang Jepun’ novel by Lang Fang which is influenced by the social culture. This research is a comparative literary study with the socio-literature approach which used qualitative descriptive research methods. The results of this study are comparisons of geisha depiction that are influenced by the socio-culture. The differences in the geisha's depiction include, 1) the difference in the depiction of geisha at the stage before becoming a geisha is become a servant, 2) the difference of the geisha’s Kimono, a cloth that usually used by the geisha, 3) the differences in the description of the mizuage tradition for the geisha, 4) the difference in Danna's depiction for geisha, 5) the differences in the depiction of "Sister" for an apprentice geisha, 6) Changing names, 7) the differences in the way the geisha stops from his profession, 8) the differences in physical depiction of geisha, 9) the differences in the depiction of the geisha’s job, 10) the differences in society views towards the geisha profession, and 11) Schools for the geisha, and found that the novel Memoirs of A Geisha by Arthur Golden influenced the birth of  Perempuan Kembang Jepun novel by Lan Fang.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Indah Sriwahyuni ◽  
Yasnur Asri

ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to reveal the social criticism depicted in Djenar's Novel Nayla's works. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that is research by solving a problem that exists in the object. This study used a Socioligi approach to literary sociology theory. The data source in this study was Nayla's novel by Djenar Maesa Ayu. The research data is in the form of words and display of narrator sentences and story figures and story actions. Data collection is done by reading, understanding and analyzing the novel. The data analysis is done by interpreting the data with the theory used in the research. The data validation technique in this study has discussions with lecturers to obtain correct and true information. The results of this study were the social criticism of poverty, social criticism of crime, social criticism of family disorganization, social homosexual criticism, and social and environmental unrest. The conclusion of the results and the discussion that, the research is more to the social problems found in the novel. Kata kunci: kritik sosial, novel Nayla, Djenar Maesa Ayu.

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