scholarly journals Perempuan Lajang dan Perjodohan dalam Novel "Jodoh Terakhir" Karya Netty Virgiantini

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tania Intan

Kelajangan dianggap sebagai hal yang tidak wajar pada perempuan dewasa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mengungkap bagaimana perempuan lajang dan perjodohan ditampilkan di dalam novel “Jodoh Terakhir” (2016) karya Netty Vigiantini. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan kritik sastra feminis. Data berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat dikumpulkan dengan teknik simak catat setelah melalui pemhacaan tertutup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan lajang dianggap tidak wajar dan melanggar aturan, sehingga untuk mengembalikannya pada jalur normatif, perjodohan dijadikan solusi. Dalam novel, terungkap adanya resistensi dan negosiasi dari tokoh perempuan dalam menyikapi pernikahan yang dipaksakan kepadanya. Kecurigaan bahwa teks akan cenderung bersifat feminis tidak terbukti, karena wacana yang justru dikembangkan pengarang adalah kepatuhan anak perempuan pada konstruksi sosial yang ditanamkan melalui struktur keluarga.Katakunci: feminis, konstruksi sosial, lajang, perjodohan Abstract:Singleness is considered an unnatural thing for adult women. This research was conducted to reveal how single women and matchmaking are featured in Netty Vigiantini's novel Jodoh Terakhir (2016). The method used is descriptive qualitative with sociological literary approaches and feminist literary criticism. Data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences were collected using the note-taking technique after going through closed reading. The data are then classified, interpreted, and analyzed with relevant theories. The results of this study indicate that single women are considered unnatural and violate the rules, so to return them to the normative path, matchmaking is used as a solution. In the novel, it is revealed that there are resistance and negotiation from female characters in responding to the marriage that was forced on her. The suspicion that the text will tend to be feminist is not proven, because the discourse developed by the author is the obedience of girls to social constructs that are instilled through the family structure.Keywords: feminist, social construction, single, matchmaking

2018 ◽  
AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies ◽  
Najla R. Aldeeb

When Showalter (1981) coined the term gynocriticism to undermine feminist methodicide, feminist literary criticism established a clear methodological structure for application (as cited in Barry, 2009, pp. 17-20). However, as a result of technology, globalization and political changes, women suffer not only because of their gender but also because of their class, race or religion, which Crenchaw (1989) summarizes in the term “intersectionality” (p. 538). Shedding light on women’s multiple identities can help contemporary societies spot the discrimination that contemporary women suffer from; consequently, these societies can find solutions to eliminate the sources of women’s double marginalization. Race, class, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation are intersecting loci of discriminations or privileges (McCall, 2005, p. 1771). Although this is a western paradigm, it can be applied to Saudi Arabian literature. The elements of gynocriticism and intersectionality are evident in the works of Raja Alem, a feminist writer from Mecca, Saudi Arabia and the first woman to win the International Prize for Arabic Fiction. Due to the dearth of structured feminist literary criticism in the Arab world, this paper traces the history of feminist literary criticism and applies a gynocritic-intersectional model to Raja Alem’s novel, The Dove’s Necklace (2012) in order to examine the projection of women and help close the research gap in Arabic feminist criticism. The researcher probes the biological, linguistic, psychoanalytical and cultural depiction of the female characters in the novel along with their intersectional identities. The findings show that women’s overlapping identities influence the way they experience oppression and discrimination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 159
Mei Yana Gea ◽  
Sri Minda Murni ◽  
Syamsul Bahri

This study was aimed to analyze the woman images based on the main chracter that is consisted in the novel Terusir and to find how the woman images appeared in the novel Terusir. This research was qualitative descriptive research. The data were taken from the sentences in the novel Terusir. The data collected by documentary technique. This research deals with theory which is conducted by Sugihastuti (2000), where she said woman images is the images of woman roles in social life, divided into physic, psychology and social context. There are beautiful, cosmetic defender nd sexual pleasure in the physic images. There are great sense of belonging, patient, vicious creature, faith defender, generous, obedient and feminist in psychology images. And the last, there are naive creature, construct, angel in the house, devoted to the family, whore is broken, and widow bad in the social images.  And the woman images are described from the main character named Mariah and the other characters.Keywords : Novel, feminist literary criticism, woman images

Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah ◽  
Nanda Saputra

Women are so close to idioms such as adversity, oppression, even to the "concept" that is already accepted by most people, that they are "objects" not "subjects" for men. Gender inequality is manifested in various forms of injustice that occur at various levels of society. This study aims to analyze the personality of the female characters, the gender injustice experienced by the female characters, and the value of character education contained in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This study uses a qualitative descriptive technique. The object of this research is the meaning of the existence of women in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, a review of feminist literary criticism. The data in the research are in the form of dialogues, paragraphs, and narrations contained in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the data shows that the author describes several female characters who experience gender bias treatment, namely Nyai Ontosoroh, Annelies, Maiko, Min Hwa, and Sie-sie. The novel Bumi Manusia tends to use socialist feminism. Gender injustice experienced by female characters is the marginalization of women, subordination of women, stereotypes of women, violence against women, and double workload against women.

Humanus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Wiyatmi Wiyatmi ◽  
Afendi Widayat ◽  
Andrian Eka Saputra

Drupadi is one of the female characters who have important roles and positions in the epic Mahabharata or wayang purwa in Java. In the Indian version Drupadi married five Pandavas. However, in the Javanese version she was only married to Yudhisthira. This paper discuss Drupadi Perempuan Poliandris novel as one of the works which is the reception and transformation of Mahabharata version of India and Java, as a form of reception and transformation of Mahabharata version of India and Java, its existence is considered as a form of revitalization of the classic literary works, especially the character Drupadi using the perspective of feminist literary criticism. The results show that the Drupadi character depicted in the novel tends to return the identity of Drupadi in the Mahabharata of India as the wife of Pandawas after they won the competition held by King Drupada. This is in contrast to Drupadi in the Javanese wayang story depicting Drupadi as the wife Yudhisthira as the oldest Pandawa. In this  novel Drupadi figure is also described as a woman who not only has perfect beauty, but also very critical of her destiny that must be lived.

Diksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-112
Tania Intan ◽  
Ferli Hasanah ◽  
Sri Rijati Wardiani

            (Title: Violence in Toxic Friendship Between Women in Amélie Nothomb's “Antéchrista” Novel). Violence is often identified with masculine expressions inherent in men. However, in reality, it is not gender-exclusive because women are also enabled to do so, including against those closest to them such as friends, as revealed in the novel Antéchrista by Amélie Nothomb, a Belgian francophone writer. This study aims to examine how the theme of violence in the 'toxic friendship' between women is displayed in the novel. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a feminist literary criticism approach. The data were collected from the novel using the note-taking technique and analyzed using the content analysis technique. The data consisting of words, phrases, and sentences in French were then translated by the researchers to be classified, interpreted, and studied. The result of the research shows that the novel Antéchrista presents women as victims who are also perpetrators of violence through oppression against each other, motivated by jealousy and intrasexual competition. The form of violence is in the form of psychological and verbal which is manifested in the form of intimidation, humiliation, and ostracism. Keywords: opression, toxic friendship, resistensi, women, feminist literature criticism

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 414-436
Robiatul Adawiyah ◽  
Muakibatul Hasanah

Seiring berkembangnya zaman, tradisi yang mengengkang kebebasan kaum perempuan mulai diperjuangkan untuk dihapuskan melalui gerakan feminisme. Penyuaraan hak-hak perempuan tidak hanya dilakukan melalui gerakan-gerakan secara nyata, namun juga dilakukan secara halus dengan memasukkan ideologi-ideologi feminsime melalui karya sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk ketidakadilan gender dan bentuk perlawanan perempuan terhadap stigma inferioritas yang selama ini melekat pada diri perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Sumber data penelitian adalah novel Midah (Si Manis Bergigi Emas) karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dan novel Di Balik Kerling Saatirah karya Ninik M. Kuntarto. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data-data bentuk feminisme yang ada di dalam kedua novel tersebut adalah dengan membaca kritis dan membaca berkesinambungan. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara (1) kodifikasi data, (2) pengelompokan data, (3) interpretasi makna teks, (4) deskripsi bentuk ketidakadilan gender dan bentuk perlawanan gender, serta (5) penyimpulan hasil analsisis. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, ketidakadilan gender dialami oleh dua sosok perempuan dalam dua novel berbeda, yaitu Midah dan Saatirah. Midah mendapatkan perlakuan tidak adil dari perjodohan yang dilakukan oleh orangtuanya dan dia juga mendapatkan ketidakadilan dari sosok pria yang menjadikannya budak pemuas nafsu. Saatirah mendapatkan perlakuan tidak adil dalam hubungan rumah tangganya. Kedua, bentuk perlawanan yang dilakukan oleh Midah dan Saatirah adalah dengan berusaha bangkit dari keterpurukan untuk membuktikan eksistensinya dan berusaha memperoleh kebahagian dengan cara yang mereka kehendaki tanpa ada campur tangan dari orang lain. Kata Kunci: stigma, inferioritas, marginal, feminismAGAINST THE STIGMA OF WOMEN’S INFERIORITY IN MIDAH (SI MANIS BERGIGI EMAS) A NOVEL BY PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER  AND DI BALIK KERLING SAATIRAH A NOVEL BY NINIK M. KUNTARTO AbstractAlong with the development of the times, struggles for traditions that curb the freedom of women began to be eliminated through the feminism movement. Voicing women's rights is not only done through real movements, but also subtly by incorporating feminine ideologies through literary works. This study aims to describe the form of gender injustice and the form of women's resistance to the inferiority stigma that has been attached to women. This study uses a feminist literary criticism approach. Sources of research data are the novel Midah (Si Manis Bergigi Emas) by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and the novel Di Balik Kerling Saatirah by Ninik M. Kuntarto. The technique used to collect data on the forms of feminism in both novels is critical reading and continuous reading. The analysis was carried out by (1) data codification, (2) data grouping, (3) interpretation of the meaning of the text, (4) descriptions of forms of gender injustice and forms of gender resistance, and (5) concluding the results of the analysis. The research results are as follows. First, gender injustice is experienced by two female figures in two different novels, namely Midah and Saatirah. Midah received unfair treatment from an arranged marriage by her parents and he also received injustice from a male figure who made her a slave to the satisfaction of lust. Saatirah received unfair treatment in her household relationship. Second, the form of resistance carried out by Midah and Saatirah is to try to rise from adversity to prove their existence and try to get happiness in the way they want without interference from others. Keywords: stigma, inferiority, marginal, feminine

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Adella Rizkia ◽  
Dadan Rusmana ◽  
Resti Nurfaidah ◽  
Rini Widiastuti

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi citra perempuan pada kumpulan puisi Milk and Honey karya Rupi Kaur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan kritik sastra feminisme. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik simak catat. Sedangkan tahapan penelitian data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data. Citra perempuan diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga aspek, yaitu fisik, psikis, dan sosial. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa citra perempuan tidak hanya memberikan gambaran mengenai tingkah laku, mental, dan sosial perempuan, tetapi juga memperlihatkan gambaran mengenai berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi perempuan di dalam masyarakat patriarki. The purpose of this study was to describe and identify the image of women in the collection of poetry Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. The research method used is a qualitative method using feminist literary criticism. The data collection technique was carried out using the note-taking technique. While the data research stages are carried out using data analysis techniques. The image of women is classified into three aspects, namely physical, psychological, and social. The results of the research and discussion show that the image of women not only provides an overview of women's behavior, mental and social, but also shows an overview of the various problems faced by women in a patriarchal society.

Oceánide ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 85-94
Margarita Estévez-Saá

The purpose of this contribution is to study three young writers who have offered, in the past three years, in a distinctively new voice, further instances of the Irish writers’ endless ability to experiment with the form of the novel. Sara Baume’s "A Line Made by Walking" (2017), Anna Burns’s "Milkman" (2018), and Eleanor O’Reilly’s "m for mammy" (2019) are three representative instances of the potential of the form of the novel in the hands of Irish women writers. Each of these novels deserve a study in its own due to their complexity and interest, but analysing them together offers us a unique opportunity to assess the thriving state of novel writing in Ireland, especially in the hands of Irish women writers.The three novels object of our study deal with identity crises, and they similarly represent their protagonists as struggling against society and its structures, be it the family, local communities, the world of art, nature or politics. Furthermore, the three authors have been able to devise alternative narrative styles, techniques and even endings that enabled them to render the complexities of the topics dealt with as well as to represent the unstable condition of their protagonists. In addition, Baume, Burns and O’Reilly have significantly chosen as protagonists female characters with artistic or intellectual aspirations who allow the authors to endow their respective narratives with metaliterary meditations on the possibilities as well as limits of language, words and wordlessness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-143
Hasindah Mawarni ◽  
Sumartini Sumartini

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui citra wanita dalam sebuah novel karya Herry Santoso berjudul Cerita Tentang Rani. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah feminisme dan dikaji menggunakan kritik sastra feminis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskripsi kualitataif. Adapun permasalahan yang muncul dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana citra wanita tokoh utama Rani yang terdapat dalam novel Cerita Tentang Rani karya Herry Santoso. Dalam artikel ini, ditemukan citra tokoh utama Rani meliputi, citra diri dan citra sosial. Citra diri wanita terdiri dari aspek fisik dan psikis, dalam aspek fisik tokoh Rani digambarkan sebagai wanita muda yang cantik dan sudah berkeluarga, seorang wanita yang pandai memasak serta berpenampilan menarik. Dalam aspek psikis Rani digambarkan sebagai wanita yang kuat, tegas, berani, penyanyang keluarga, berani berpendapat yang dianggap benar, selalu bersikap patuh, sabar dan patuh pada perintah suaminya. Sedangkan, citra sosial terdiri dari citra dalam keluarga dan citra dalam masyarakat. Citra dalam keluarga tokoh utama Rani berperan sebagai seorang istri, anak dan anggota keluarga yang penuh tanggungjawab, menyanyi orangtua. Sedangkan, citra dalam masyarakat Rani berperan sebagai wanita yang aktif, tegas dan disiplin, peduli, bertanggungjawab atas tugasnya sebagai seorang guru. The purpose of this research is to find out the image of women in a novel by Herry Santoso entitled Story About Rani. As for the problem that arises in this research is how the image of the main character Rani is contained in Cerita Tentang Rani Herry Santoso'snovel. The approach used in this study is feminism and studied using feminist literary criticism. The research method used is the quality description method. In this article, the image of Rani's main characters is found, including self-image and social image. Women's self-image consists of physical and psychological aspects, in the physical aspects of the character Rani is described as a beautiful young woman and has a family, a woman who is good at cooking and attractive appearance. In psychic aspects, Rani is described as a woman who is strong, firm, brave, family, daring to think that she is right, always being obedient, patient and obedient to her husband's orders. Whereas, social image consists of images in the family and images in society. The image in the family of the main character Rani acts as a wife, child and family members who are full of responsibility, singing parents. Meanwhile, the image in the Rani community acts as a woman who is active, assertive and disciplined, caring, responsible for her duties as a teacher.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Rani Anggraini ◽  
Hasanuddin WS Hasanuddin WS

This study aims to describe the profile of urban women in the metropolitan novel Alia Azalea Celebrity Wedding based on basic attitudes (1) love, (2) beauty, (3) suffering, (4) justice, (5) view of life, (6) responsibility, (7) anxiety, (8) hope. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. The data in this study are in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences which can be formulated as a profile of urban women. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there are eight basic human attitudes towards female characters in the novel. Eight basic attitude patterns of love that are oriented towards the balance between love for family, fellow human beings and the opposite sex, beauty is oriented towards spiritual beauty, suffering is oriented towards suffering as a trial, justice is oriented towards honesty, view of life is oriented towards a view of life that comes from reflection, responsibility Responsibility is oriented towards self-responsibility, anxiety is oriented towards anxiety in the form of uncertainty, and expectations are oriented towards acceptance expectations in the family environment from Revel.

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