scholarly journals Tinjauan Kritis Kewenangan Terapis Gigi Mulut dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Tindakan Medik Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 20 Tahun 2016

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Irma HY Siregar

ABSTRACTThere are thirteen kinds of health workers in Health Facility, and one of them is Dental Therapist which categorized as medical technician. The Law Number 39/2014 has changed the allocation of Dental Therapist from nursing group to medical technician group. But, their authority is the same with Dental Nurse. In the Minister of Health regulation Number 20/2016 about Licence and Practice of Dental Therapist, there is an authority to give limited medical service to the patient. The research’s approach was normative juridic by evaluating the laws with applicable laws and regulations. The result was there were three sources of Dental Therapist’s authorities which were Attribution, Delegation, and Mandate. These authorities should carry out in Health Facility and not in Independent PracticeKeyword: Dental Therapist, Authority, Medical Service ABSTRAKTenaga kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan di Fasilitas Kesehatan saat ini dikategorikan dalam 13 jenis dan salah satunya adalan tenaga Terapis Gigi dan Mulut yang termasuk dalam rumpun Keteknisian Medis. Undang Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2014 telah mengubah mengubah penempatan Terapis Gigi Mulut (dulu bernama Perawat Gigi) dari rumpun keperawatan menjadi rumpun keteknisian medis. Dalam hal ini terlihat bahwa kewenangan seorang terapis gigi dan mulut tidak berbeda seperti halnya kewenangan perawat gigi walaupun bukan lagi dapat dikategorikan sebagai seorang perawat. Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Izin dan Penyelenggaraan Praktik Terapis Gigi dan Mulut terdapat kewenangan dalam pemberian pelayanan tindakan medik terbatas kepada pasien. Pendekatan penelitian ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan melakukan kajian hukum melalui berbagai sistem peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada 3 sumber kewenangan yang dimiliki terapis gigi dan mulut yaitu kewenangan atribusi, kewenangan delegasi dan kewenangan mandat yang dapat dilakukan di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan dan bukan di Fasilitas Praktik Mandiri. Kata Kunci: Terapis Gigi dan Mulut, Kewenangan, Pelayanan Medik

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Muchtar Riva’i

The law arrangement of franchise law was first explicitly regulated by the Government Regulation No. 16 of 1997 which is then updated by Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 to be created in an agreement that at least contains clauses as stipulated by Article 5 of the Government Regulation. However, franchise arrangements also associated with a variety of other laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia. This article is going to state that the importance of partnerships with small and medium enterprises as an effort to encourage the involvement of the wider economic community.

Global Jurist ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Rossella Esther Cerchia

Abstract In today’s society, a dense network of laws and regulations presides the actions of all people. And it is so extensive that any number of activities – including the formation of contracts – is capable of breaking the law. This is why it is even more important, nowadays, to reconsider the issue of contracts that violate legal rules. The trend in favor of flexible remedies reveals that the rigidity of the more traditional solutions might not be the best choice in this day and age.


LABURPENA: Ekonomiako Lankidetza eta Garapenerako Erakundeak eta Europar Batasunak bultzatutako erregulazioa hobetzeko politika gero eta gehiago garatu da Espainian eta 2015ean bultzada esanguratsua jaso du, urriaren 1eko 39/2015 Legea, Herri Administrazioen Administrazio Prozedura Erkideari buruzkoa, onartuta. Lege horrek titulu berria dakar —VI.a— legegintza-ekinbidea eta erregelamenduak eta bestelako xedapenak emateko ahalmena arautzeko. Bertan, legegintza-ekinbidea eta lege mailako arauak egiteko ahala erabiltzeari, erregelamenduak egiteko ahala erabiltzeari, erregulazio onaren printzipioei, araudiaren ebaluazioari, arauen publizitateari, arauen plangintzari eta herritarrek lege mailako arauak eta erregelamenduak egiteko prozeduran parte hartzeari buruzko xedapen batzuk jasotzen dira. Lan horrek arlo horretan 39/2015 Legeak sartutako berritasunak aztertzen ditu, tokiko ikuspegitik, haren xedapenak administrazio publiko guztiei eta, beraz, toki-administrazioei ere, aplikatzen baitzaizkie. Helburu nagusia Legeak tokiko arauak egiteko ahalean daukan eragina aztertzea eta, ondorioz, arlo horretan tokiko eremuan sartzen diren berritasun nagusiak zehaztea da, haren aplikazioak ekar ditzakeen erronka, arazo eta zalantza batzuk ikusteko eta balizko irtenbideak emateko. RESUMEN: La política de mejora de la regulación, impulsada por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico y por la Unión Europea, se ha desarrollado en España de forma reciente y ha recibido un impulso significativo en 2015, con la aprobación de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del procedimiento administrativo común de las administraciones públicas. Esta Ley incluye un nuevo Título —el VI—, destinado a regular la iniciativa legislativa y la potestad para dictar reglamentos y otras disposiciones. En él se recogen algunas previsiones sobre el ejercicio de la iniciativa legislativa y la potestad para dictar normas con rango de ley, el ejercicio de la potestad reglamentaria, los principios de buena regulación, la evaluación normativa, la publicidad de las normas, la planificación normativa y la participación de los ciudadanos en el procedimiento de elaboración de normas con rango de ley y reglamentos. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de las novedades incorporadas en esta materia por la citada Ley 39/2015 desde una perspectiva local, dada la aplicación de sus previsiones a todas las administraciones públicas y, por consiguiente, también a las administraciones locales. El objetivo primordial es analizar la incidencia de esta Ley sobre la potestad normativa local y, en consecuencia, determinar las principales novedades que se incorporan en esta materia en el ámbito local, con el fin de apuntar algunos retos, problemas e incertidumbres que su aplicación puede suscitar y aportar posibles soluciones. ABSTRACT: Policies to improve regulation promoted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union have recently been applied in Spain and in 2015 received a significant boost with the passing of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on common administrative procedure for the public administrations. This Law includes a new Section (VI) which regulates legislative initiative and the power to create regulations and other provisions. The law contains provisions regarding the execution of legislative initiative and the power to create regulations with the force of laws, the exercising of regulatory power, the principles of good regulation, regulatory evaluation, regulatory publicity, regulatory planning and the participation of citizens in the process of creating legislation with the force of laws and regulations. The present study analyses the changes made to local regulatory powers by the aforementioned Law 39/2015, given that its provisions are applicable to all public administrations and, therefore, also to the local administrations. The primary objective is to analyse the effect of this Law on local regulatory powers and, therefore, to determine the principle new changes that have been made to local regulatory powers, with the aim of identifying the challenges, problems and uncertainties that may arise through the application of the Law and to propose possible solutions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reza Alami ◽  
Farzad Emamian ◽  
Seyed Nima Karimi ◽  
Seyed Sadegh Mousavi Takami ◽  
Mahdi Rezaei

<p>Social life is an inevitable necessity for human beings and order, security and justice is required for social life. In this regard, everything that can be effective social life of for human beings should be seriously considered. Law is among these phenomena that people can benefit from social life in its light in addition to benefiting from their natural rights. Therefore, it can be said that the strength and cohesion of any society is paying attention to the law and obeying it. Obviously, this religion in order to convey its purpose should have a plan for them. Therefore, God, as the drafter of this religion sent the Quran to people which is full of solutions and values and a better life for them. In Islam and Quran, the condition of salvation and happiness of a society depends on adherence to God's laws and regulations in all facets and social arenas. The results of this study show that in the shadow of respecting law and order the possibility of planning, implementing and guiding in human society is done. A society can only be lawful by fulfilling God's commandments in Quran.</p>

2019 ◽  
Govha Emmanuel ◽  
Zizhou Simukai Tirivanhu ◽  
Shambira Gerald ◽  
Gombe Tafara Notion ◽  
Tsitsi Juru ◽  

Abstract Background A healthcare-associated infection (HAI) is defined as an infection originating in the environment of a health facility that was not present or incubating at the time of patient admission. HAIs can be prevented through infection, prevention and control (IPC) measures. No hazard identification and risk assessment IPC rounds and monthly meetings were conducted in Goromonzi district since 1st of January to 30th of June 2018. No trainings nor orientation for the new employees was conducted. We therefore evaluated Goromonzi District IPC program. Methods A process-outcome evaluation using the logic model was conducted in Goromonzi district’s 15 health facilities. Checklists, interviewer administered questionnaires and key informant guides were used to collect data on availability of inputs, knowledge of health workers, processes performed, outputs and outcomes achieved. Data were entered into Epi Info 7TM, which was used to generate frequencies and proportions. Qualitative data from checklists and key informants interviews was sorted manually into themes and analysed. Results All 15 health facilities had adequate stocks of HIV test kits and PEP kits. Adequate bins and detergents were found in only 3/15 (20%) of health facilities. All facilities failed to hold a single IPC meeting and none had specific budget for IPC in 2018. No IPC mentorship activities were carried out in the district. Only 7/13 (54%) health workers who had needle pricks received PEP with 2/7 (29%) of them finishing the course. No health facility had a functional HAI surveillance system. The overall knowledge rating was fair. Conclusion The IPC program inputs in Goromonzi district were inadequate hence its failure to achieve the intended outputs and outcomes. Inadequate knowledge, unavailability of health worker training plans, specific budgets and absence of IPC committees reflected non prioritisation of the program.

2015 ◽  
Vol 96 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-463
R G Turaev ◽  
G R Khasanova ◽  
I V Klyushkin ◽  
O V Boykova

During the Great Patriotic War, work of health workers not only in frontline medical institutions of different levels, but also directly on the battlefield was invaluable. Sanitary losses, especially among combat medics taking the wounded from the battlefield, were the most crucial. During the war, military hospitals were established throughout the territory of the USSR where over 22 million of wounded were treated. 85% of them returned to the Army. The role of blood transfusion stations staff who supplied front and rear medical facilities by blood and its components is invaluable. The objective of the article - to illustrate the role and importance of medical service and its part - medical institutions dealing with blood and blood components collection, storage, processing and supply to military units, hospital, performing transfusions for the wounded. Archival materials and statistical data gained from various publications, wartime and postwar, were used. The gained data confirm the invaluable role of these services in providing medical aid to the wounded and the sick during the Great Patriotic War, as well as describe reorganization and flexible tactics of the blood service staff in accordance with the Great Patriotic War periods in supplying medical service with blood and its components. Blood service staff training and management measures allowed to uninterrupted supply front and rear medical institutions with blood. Blood service in different periods of the Great Patriotic War had undergone significant management changes in the section of the donation, processing and supply of medical facilities with blood, enabling to attract huge crowds of people in the USSR to donate blood, to ensure an uninterrupted, adequate supply of troops with blood.

Shallon Atuhaire ◽  
John Francis Mugisha

Objective: The utilization of Antenatal Care (ANC) services to the recommended time by WHO is still low in developing countries. In Uganda, about 990,000 women become pregnant annually, 90 to 94% of whom attend at least the first ANC visit while 65% and 58% of them attend four or more times in urban and rural areas respectively with eventual health facility birth at about 62%, homebirth and TBA together at about 38%. The study determined antenatal care attendance and the mother’s choice of birthplace in Uganda. Materials and methods: Using electronic databases mainly Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed and African Journals Online, and journal articles of international Website, 70,195 articles were identified but only 19 met the Cochrane review inclusion criteria hence were reviewed. Results: Reviewed studies attribute a decline in antenatal care visits and subsequent choice of birthplace to institutional, demographic and socio-economic factors. The demographic factors are maternal age (mothers less than eighteen years are less likely to utilize maternal health services than those above), marital status, occupation, residency, distance from home to the health facility, and parity. The socio-economic factors are mothers’ and partners’ levels of education (less educated women and their partners are less likely to utilize ANC), household income which affects transportation and medical bills, cultural norms and taboos, patriarchy society, enrollment on ANC in the third trimester, and intrinsic factors of attending ANC such as obtaining ANC card to present in case of emergency. Institutional factors include quality of medical care, availability of logistics and supplies, and health workers’ influence in terms of attitude, referral, competences, and staffing. Conclusion: Pregnant women who attend ANC are more likely to deliver in the health facility than those who do not at all. To enable them to attend ANC to full term and have a health facility delivery, their empowerment for increased self-efficacy through education, sustainable livelihood training and provision of subsidized capital alongside partner involvement. The facilitation of health facilities would also attract them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1859
Yoki Kurniawan ◽  
Hanafi Tanawijaya

Notary is a position or ordinary we call as general officials appointed by the State and work to serve the public interest. Not only that, a notary also in carrying out its duties and authority must comply fully with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. Each position certainly has an ethics in the profession which is called a code of ethics, as well as a notary who has a code of ethics in his profession. But out there masi no notaries who violate the code of ethics as mentioned in the law, In accordance with the title of the author of the adopted method of research used is the normative research method supported by interviews that are expected to help answer the problems of this study. The authors conducted interviews with the supervisory board, notaries, and legal experts. In this case the notary has been declared guilty by the Regional Supervisory Board (MPD) and will proceed the case to the level of sanction by the Regional Supervisory Board (MPW) and after receiving the sanction it will proceed to the next level of Central Assembly (MPP) to be sanctioned which has been granted by the level of the Regional Supervisory Board (MPW).

Legal Ukraine ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 30-41
Volodymyr Klochkov

Each legal concept has not only content (content), but also a form. The form requires compliance with the rules for the definition and construction of concepts. Improving legal terminology is impossible without deep development and observance of the rules of analysis and the precise construction of the conceptual apparatus. Gaps in legislation and regulations are derived from inaccuracy, lack of clarity and simplicity of conceptual constructions. The inconsistency of certain legal norms found in various laws and regulatory legal acts, the inconsistency of norms with the prevailing realities of legal life in the state and society impede the fulfillment by state authorities, including law enforcement, of their functional responsibilities. Mistakes made in the preparation of draft laws and regulations, methodological recommendations mainly boil down to the violation of the requirements of the unified laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded third and the law of sufficient reason. The use of inappropriate terminology causes complications in the application of legal norms. The Constitution of Ukraine assigns to the prosecutor the function of representing the interests of a citizen or state in court in cases specified by law. The term representation is not exactly chosen. The word "representation" means: the performance of the duties of a representative; an institution representing the interests of someone; elections, as well as the law, the procedure for the election of representatives to any bodies; representation is a legal relationship in which one party (representative) is obligated or entitled to make a transaction on behalf of the other party that it represents; representation means activity on behalf of someone, on behalf of a person. By its legal nature, a representative can only be authorized for transactions that the person he represents is entitled to carry out. The representation of the prosecutor's office in court is specific, since this body does not need instructions, contracts or other documents. The prosecutor or his deputy should act not on behalf of someone, but on behalf of the state in favor of the person and citizen, state or society, within the limits established by law. In the legislation there is a conflict (conflict) in the law regarding the term «representation». To eliminate such a conflict, it is necessary to amend the Law of Ukraine «On the Prosecutor's Office». Key words: definition of concepts, laws and regulations, accuracy, clarity, brevity of terms.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 224-236
Shiva Subedi

Government of Nepal has introduced Free Health Care Policy (FHCP) through different tiers of health delivery system in 2007. With the objective of understanding the perspectives of community stakeholders, health service providers, and the services users towards free care policy, a qualitative-quantitative study was conducted in selected communities of Myagdi district from December 2010 to January 2011. Although the majority of user group thought that free care service is good but only two-third of them had received free care. Shortage of free essential drugs at health facility centers, absence of health workers   and lack of clear information about free services or counseling on free services available at health facility centers are the most repeated issues raised by the service users. Similarly, the service providers had similar experiences and perceptions on FHCP. The majority of the community stakeholders also had positive perception on this implemented policy. They have observed that many facilities had shortage of drugs and people are not having free health care. Many health facilities lacked interaction on FHCP, and service users did not have equitable access to the services provided. Overall, though the free care was perceived to be good policy, its satisfactory implementation remains one of the challenges. Many of the areas relating to service delivery need to be strengthened. A reliable supply system of drugs and its regular monitoring mechanism can ensure the effective implementation of free health care services.

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