2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Dini Sri Istiningdias ◽  
Dewi Noor Azijah ◽  
Gili Argenti

Kegiatan pengabdian ini mengacu kepada upaya untuk dapat mengurangi dampak dari sampah plastik yang tidak diolah dan mempengaruhi kualitas lingkungan di Desa Siluman Kabupaten Subang. Permasalahan sampah merupakan permasalahan krusial seperti sampah bermaterial plastik yang sangat sukar untuk terurai. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan upaya sinergis dari berbagai pihak baik lembaga pemerintah maupun masyarakat umum untuk dapat menuntaskan permasalahan sampah terutama yang disebabkan oleh sampah plastik. Sehingga dampak negatif dari sampah plastik tersebut dapat dikurangi bahkan dihentikan.Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk Menumbuhkan kesadaran tentang betapa pentingnya menjaga lingkungan dari penumpukan sampah terutama yang berbahan material plastik; Mendorong keterlibatan aparatur desa serta masyarakat untuk bersinergi dalam menjaga lingkungan, dan; Memotivasi masyarakat untuk terus melakukan inovasi dalam rangka mengurangi dampak sampah terutama yang berbahan material plastik.Seluruh kegiatan Pengabdian ini diselenggarakan selama 6 bulan, di Karawang. Melalui beberapa kegiatan yang berkesinambungan yaitu: (a). Identifikasi Permasalahan sampah melalui FGD, (b). Sosialisasi program Ecobriks,(c) Pelaksanaan simulasi pembuatan produk hasil Ecobriks. This article refers to efforts for reducing the impact of untreated plastic waste that affects the quality of the environment in Siluman Village, Subang Regency. The problem regarding rubbish is a crucial problem, especially with plastic material waste which is very difficult to decompose. Therefore, we need a synergistic effort from various parties, incliuding government agencies and the general public to be able to solve the rubbish problem, especially those caused by plastic waste. So that the negative impact of plastic waste can be reduced or even stopped.The purpose of this community service activity is to raise awareness about how important it is to protect the environment from the accumulation of rubbish, especially those made from plastic material; Encourage the involvement of village officials and the community to work together in protecting the environment, and; Motivate the community to continue the innovation in order to reduce the impact of rubbish, especially those made from plastic materials.The entire Community Service activity was around 6 months. Through several continuous activities, namely: (a). Rubbish problem identification through FGD, (b). Socialization of the Ecobrics program, (c) Implementation of the simulation of making Ecobriks products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hayatun Nufus ◽  
Zuriat Zuriat

At present, the use of plastic is a general consumption in modern society, most of the consumption of plastic is only used once. As a result, a pile of plastic waste will pollute the environment and eventually the plastic waste will end up at sea. The high percentage of plastic waste contamination in the sea as one of the contaminants that can have a negative impact, not only on the environment, but can have an impact on biota that exist in that environment. The method of carrying out community service activities includes the socialization of the impact of plastic waste pollution on biota as well as techniques to minimize excessive use of plastic waste in daily life. The results achieved in the implementation of community service activities are an increase in knowledge and care for the environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-113
Y. Djoko Suseno ◽  
Edi Wibowo

Tengar Village Nguntonadi sub-district is one of brem-producing centers in Wonogiri region with high quality. However, in the management of brem production many experience barriers in addition to technology and marketing problems. The purpose of this community service activity is to transfer technology to improve the quality of brem production, and marketing management training to increase brem sales value. The method used is through training, mentoring to partners and monitoring although community service activities have been completed to maintain the sustainability of the program. The impact of community service activities is that there has been a transfer of technology from traditional to modern so that brem making becomes more hygienic and quality, as well as changes in marketing patterns from direct sales to sales through social media.Key words : Wonogiri’s brem, technology, marketing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Chanif Kurnia Sari ◽  
Sarni Anggoro

Kebersihan lingkungan sekolah merupakan faktor terpenting untuk menciptakan suasanya dan kenyamanan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Lingkungan sekolah yang bersih akan membantu pencapaian derajat kesehatan yang optimal sehingga individu menjadi produktif baik social maupun ekonomis. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh pada kondisi dan kebersihan lingkungan adalah sampah. Pengelolaan sampah yang tidak baik akan berdampak buruk pada kondisi lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat. Delapan dari 10 siswa SMA N 1 Bantul belum mengetahui tentang cara pengelolaan sampah dan dampak dari pengelolaan sampah bagi kesehatan. Tiga siswa terlihat membuang sampah tidak pada tempat yang telah disediakan. Pemahaman pengelolaan sampah perlu diberikan pada setiap individu sedini mungkin. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan edukasi menggunakan teknik ceramah dan konsultasi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa SMA N 1 Bantul tentang dampak pengelolaan sampah. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan hasil seluruh perserta tampak antusias dalam kegiatan yang dilakukan. Partisipan dapat dikatakan memahami tentang pengelolaan sampah yang dilihat dari hasil evaluasi yang telah dilakukan, seluruh siswa dapat menjawab soal evaluasi dari pelaksana. Metode edukasi dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dinyatakan efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman siswa SMA N 1 Bantul tentang dampak pengelolaan sampah. Kata kunci: dampak pengelolaan sampah, edukasi, GERMAS, pemahaman EDUCATION OF IMPACT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT AS AN EFFORTS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS 'UNDERSTANDING OF UNDERSTANDING ABOUT HEALTHY LIVING COMMUNITIES ABSTRACT Cleanliness of the school environment is the most important factor to create atmosphere and comfort in the teaching and learning process. A clean school environment will help achieve optimal health degrees so that individuals become productive both socially and economically. One of the factors that influence the condition and environmental cleanliness is garbage. Waste management that is not good will have a negative impact on environmental conditions and public health. Eight out of 10 students of SMA N 1 Bantul do not yet know about how to manage waste and the impact of waste management on health. Three students were seen not throwing trash in the space provided. Understanding waste management needs to be given to every individual as early as possible. This community service provides education using lecture and consultation techniques to improve the understanding of students of SMA N 1 Bantul about the impact of waste management. The results of this community service show the results of all participants seemed enthusiastic in the activities carried out. Participants can be said to understand about waste management as seen from the results of evaluations that have been done, all students can answer the evaluation questions from the implementer. The education method in this community service activity was declared effective in increasing the understanding of students of SMA N 1 Bantul about the impact of waste management. Keywords: impact of waste management, education, GERMAS, understanding

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Eka Srirahayu Ariestiningsih ◽  
Dwi Faqihatus Syarifah Has ◽  
Diana Oktavia Ningrum

<em>Sekolah Perempuan (SEKOPER) is a program initiated by the Gresik Regency Government in collaboration with UN Women Australia. This program is a forum for village women to exchange knowledge and experiences, identify women's needs and interests to improve their quality of life. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic does not only attack clinically but also worsens the economic side of the community, including Kramatinggil Village, which is in the Kebomas District, Gresik Regency, East Java Province.</em> <em>The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the quality of life of women in Kramatinggil village which is still low by producing aloe vera, temulawak and moringa which are local food potentials in the village so that they can increase economic and health values and form creativepreneur healthy food. The first stage is counseling about creativepreneur to SEKOPER members. The second stage is counseling about the benefits of aloe vera, temulawak and Moringa leaves. The third stage is counseling and the practice of making healthy food/snack products from aloe vera, temulawak and Moringa leaves</em> <em>The establishment of creativepreneur healthy food from SEKOPER members and the launch of the product "Dayya Ummat" in collaboration with the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik and the village of Kramainggilt. The outputs of this community service are: 1) Health Healthy food products such as: Aloe Vera Sticks, Temulawak Cookies and Moringa Tea, 2) Forming SEKOPER members as Pioneers of creativepreunur Healthy food in Kramatinggil Village, and 3) Launching the "Dayya Ummat" product in collaboration with the University Muhammadiyah Gresik and Kramatinggil Village.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 901
Asiah Wati ◽  
Arrum Puspita Sari

ABSTRAKPengabdian ini merupakan bentuk hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di desa Suruhan khususnya pada pelaku UMKM, serta untuk mengetahui strategi yang tepat bagi pelaku UMKM dalam meningkatkan perekonomian. Jenis pengabdian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan data primer. Responden dalam pengabdian ini adalah 11 pemilik UMKM di desa Suruhan, kabupaten Sukoharjo. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 berdampak negatif terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di desa Suruhan seperti kesusahan dalam mencari pekerjaan, maraknya PHK terhadap karyawan, kesusahan dalam berjualan, dan kesulitan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Adapun strategi peningkatan perekonomian yang sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan penjualan produk UMKM di masa pandemi Covid-19 yaitu dengan melakukan jual beli secara Online. Kata kunci: ekonomi; dampak covid-19; umkm; bisnis online. ABSTRACTThis service is a form of community service activity which has the aim of knowing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy of the community in Suruhan village, especially for MSME actors, and to find out the right strategy for MSME actors in improving the economy.  This type of service is qualitative research.  Data collection techniques through interviews using primary data.  Respondents in this service are 11 MSME owners in Suruhan village, Sukoharjo district.  The results of this service show that the Covid-19 pandemic has a negative impact on the economy of the community in Suruhan village such as difficulty in finding work, rampant layoffs for employees, difficulties in selling, and difficulties in meeting the necessities of life.  The strategy for increasing the economy is very effective in increasing sales of MSME products during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely by buying and selling online. Keywords: economy; the impact of covid-19; smes; online business.

Astri Dewi Choirina

The period of the first 1000 days is often called the window of opportunities or often called the golden period which is a determinant of the quality of health in the next lifetime. Unfortunately, in every 1000 HPK there are various health problems that affect the health of the baby, which one of the problem is stunting. Stunting is a malnutrition condition related to insufficient nutrition. One of the factors in the occurrence of stunting is due to risky pregnancies such as pregnancy at a young age, a lack of knowledge of mothers about health and nutrition before and during pregnancy, and after giving birth. Community service efforts were carried out in Mayangrejo, Kalitidu, Bojonegoro to reduce the incidence of stunting. Community service is carried out in the form of implementing educational activities and socializing adolescent reproductive health to 11 and 12 grade students of Al-Aly Islamic High School, Mayangrejo, Kalitidu so that they can be responsible for their reproductive health and their future. This community service activity is expected to increase the knowledge and understanding of adolescents related to reproductive health and the impact of marriage and pregnancy at too young age so that it can reduce the prevalence rate of stunting toddlers in Mayangrejo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-127
Jasmani Jasmani ◽  
Noryani Noryani ◽  
Yossy Wahyu Indrawan ◽  
Reni Hindriari ◽  
Lia Asmalah

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi kewajiban dosen untuk melakukan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Untuk itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi dosen berbagi pengetahuan dan wawasan melalui penyuluhan pengembangan manajemen sumber daya manusia agar senantiasa berupaya mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan efektif dan efisien. Dan juga bertujuan Karang Taruna Kampung serua poncol dapat menjalankan fungsi dan perannya secara optimal sehingga mendatangkan manfaat bagi Kampung serua poncol. Pengembangan juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sehingga lebih positif dalam berkontribusi tenaga dan pikiran untuk memajukan Kampung serua poncol.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to fulfill the obligations of lecturers to do tridharma of higher education. For that reason, it has become an obligation for lecturers to share their knowledge and insights through counseling the development of human resource management so that they always strive to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. And also aims at Karang Taruna Kampung Serua Poncol can carry out its functions and roles optimally so that it brings benefits to Kampung Seronc Poncol. The development is also intended to improve the quality of human resources in carrying out their duties so that it is more positive in contributing energy and thoughts to advance the village of all poncol.Keywords: Human Resource Management 

Ajeng Embri Legawati ◽  
Nur Azizah ◽  
Achmad Ramadhan

Green beans cultivation technology using mice pets control has been implemented in the Gluranploso village, Benjeng Gresik. The implementation of the technology performed for 2.5 months from August to October 2017. The purpose of the implementation is aimed to reduce the dependence of farmers on the use of chemical pesticides so that the farmers are aware of the negative impact of chemical pesticides. Assessing the impact of the utilization of Bintaro fruit and fruit extracts to explore ways of making Bintaro as a natural biopesticide to overcome rat attack on green bean plants in the Gluranploso village. Pest control mice can reduce the rate of loss of the crops more effectively and efficiently. Finally, with the use of those natural resources as a biopesticide material can also maintain the environmental balance

Germina-Alina Cosma ◽  
Alina Chiracu ◽  
Amalia Raluca Stepan ◽  
Marian Alexandru Cosma ◽  
Marian Costin Nanu ◽  

The aim of this study was to analyze athletes’ quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involved 249 athletes between 15 and 35 of age, M = 21.22, SD = 5.12. The sample was composed of eight Olympic Games medalists, three European medalists, 67 international medalists, and 63 national medalists. The instruments used were: (1) COVID-19 Anxiety Scale, (2) Athlete Quality of Life Scale, (3) Impact of Pandemic on Athletes Questionnaire, and (4) International Personality Item Pool (IPIP Anxiety, Depression, and Vulnerability Scales). The results indicate significant differences in COVID-19 anxiety depending on the sport practiced, F (9239) = 3.81, p < 0.01, showing that there were significant differences between sports. The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic mediates the relationship between trait anxiety and the athletes’ quality of life. The percentage of mediation was 33.9%, and the indirect effect was −0.11, CI 95% (−0.18, −0.03), Z = −2.82, p < 0.01. Trait anxiety has an increasing effect on the intensity of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 0.23, CI 95% (.10, 0.35), Z = 3.56, p < 0.01, and the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has a decreasing effect on quality of life, −0.47, CI 95% (−0.67, −0.27), Z = −4.62, p < 0.01. Gender and age did not moderate the relationship between the negative impact of COVID-19 and athletes’ quality of life. The results of the study highlighted the impact that social isolation and quarantine have on athletes’ affective well-being.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Davide Vittori

Abstract Scholars have long debated whether populism harms or improves the quality of democracy. This article contributes to this debate by focusing on the impact of populist parties in government. In particular, it inquires: (1) whether populists in government are more likely than non-populists to negatively affect the quality of democracies; (2) whether the role of populists in government matters; and (3) which type of populism is expected to negatively affect the quality of liberal-democratic regimes. The results find strong evidence that the role of populists in government affects several qualities of democracy. While robust, the findings related to (2) are less clear-cut than those pertaining to (1). Finally, regardless of their role in government, different types of populism have different impacts on the qualities of democracy. The results show that exclusionary populist parties in government tend to have more of a negative impact than other forms of populism.

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