scholarly journals Penolakan Terhadap Tradisi Barat Dalam Raden Adjeng Moeria Karya Njoo Cheong Seng

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-190
Dwi Susanto

Raden Adjeng Moeria (1934) by Njoo Cheong Seng offers the refusal of the Western tradition. Raden Adjeng Moeria is assumed as Njoo Cheong Seng response towards a social situation of his social group. The aims of this research are (1) to identify the worldview and social group which is represented by Njoo Cheong Seng and (2) to explore the result of Njoo Cheong Seng reaction toward a social situation in that era. This research uses the sociology literature perspective. The result of this research is that (1) Njoo Cheong Seng represented the social group of peranakan Chinese diaspora and based his world view on his tradition and value, (2) Raden Adjeng Moeria was the cultural resistance toward modern and liberalism issues. The cultural resistance was a strategy to defend his identity because he did not want to be trapped in the Western tradition and identity. Key Words: response towards social situation; social group; literary works Abstrak: Karya Njoo Cheong Seng, Raden Adjeng Moeria (1934) memberikan pandangan terhadap penolakan tradisi Barat. Raden Adjeng Moeria diasumsikan sebagai bentuk tanggapan Njoo Cheong Seng terhadap situasi sosial dari kelompok sosial tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi pandangan dunia dan kelompok sosial yang diwakili oleh Njoo Cheong Seng dan (2) mengeksplorasi hasil tanggapan Njoo Cheong Seng terhadap situasi sosial yang berkembang pada era itu. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah sosiologi sastra. Hasil yang dicapai adalah bahwa (1) Njoo Cheong Seng mewakili kelompok sosial diaspora peranakan Tionghoa dan mendasarkan pandangan dunianya pada nilai dan tradisi leluhur (2) Raden Adjeng Moeria merupakan salah satu wujud perlawanan kultural terhadap persoalan modernisasi dan liberalisme di kalangan masyarakat itu. Perlawanan kultural itu merupakan satu cara dalam mempertahankan identitas yang didasarkan atas nilai dan tradisi kebudayaannya agar tidak terjebak pada identitas yang ditawarkan dunia Barat

Svetlana Morozova ◽  
Dmitrij Zhatkin

The article is devoted to the perception of K.I. Chukovsky’s works by a famous English writer G.K. Chesterton. K.I. Chukovsky was one of the first to point out the ambiguity of the literary works by the English writer and called his journalistic activity more convincing. Describing G.K. Chesterton’s essays, K.I. Chukovsky believed that the writer is second to none in this genre. He praised G.K. Chesterton’s journalistic talent in responding to all the phenomena of contemporary social life. K.I. Chukovsky considered it obligatory for the Russian readers to familiarize themselves with the critical works of the English author. In the essay «Gilbert Chesterton. Manalive» (1924) K.I. Chukovsky substantiated why, for all the variety of genre forms that G.K. Chesterton used, Russian readers were familiar with only a few of his works. K.I. Chukovsky’s critical attitude to the novel «Manalive» is explained by his rejection of G.K. Chesterton’s utopian attitude to the social situation in England at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. In G.K. Chesterton’s works K.I. Chukovsky saw a simulation of revolutionary pathos that did not solve pressing issues of social disorder.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Muhdie Karim ◽  
Jauharotul Firdaus

AbstractPoetry is a form of expression by a poet in describing a certain thing. It is the same with Sumtu poetry, which describes Palestine's longing for Gaza. This study aims to determine the form of the intrinsic and extrinsic elements in Mahmud Darwish's Sumtu Min Ajli Ghazah based on Goldman's perspective. This research is a descriptive qualitative study with a genetic structuralism approach. In collecting the data, the researcher applied reading and note-taking techniques. Then, they were analyzed based on the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the concept of human facts were the problems of misery, oppression, and human violence in Palestine. The concept of a collective subject was a representation of two large conflicting groups consisting of the Israeli Society as superior and the Gazan people as inferior. This poem's world view is to reveal the author's partiality to the Palestinian people to face Israeli oppression. Besides, the concept of understanding - explanation describes societal factors and individual factors. The social factor was also the author's concern for the social situation around him caused by humanitarian problems that never end. Meanwhile, the individual factor that appeared in the poetry reflects the author's thoughts and feelings towards humanitarian problems that never stop in his country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (3 (247)) ◽  
pp. 9-27
Natalia Prokofiewa ◽  
Jekaterina Szczegłowa

Memes About Socially Significant Events as an Instrument for Social Consolidation The meme is the main genre form which enlarges their consideration and semantics. Being a genre of contemporary folklore, the meme provides understanding about the language world view of representatives of a certain mentality; the article shows it with the examples of consideration stages for the current key word Coronavirus in the Russian language usage. The development of modern media discourse is processing in such a way that the current key words, which appeared in media due to the political agenda, continue to live in the social networks. The language exists as a response to current social events, and the topical vocabulary of the current moment is not an exception in this sense. The article presents the potential of key words consideration as the basis of social interaction in the process of consolidation and identification. Analiza memu – jednego z gatunków współczesnego folkloru – pomaga w zrozumieniu językowego obrazu świata nosicieli narodowej mentalności. Pokazujemy to na przykładzie etapów rozwoju w rosyjskim uzusie językowym znaczenia leksemu koronawirus – słowa klucza chwili obecnej. Dla współczesnego dyskursu medialnego charakterystyczny jest obieg tzw. słów kluczy chwili obecnej. Pojawiwszy się w mediach tradycyjnych ze względu na wydarzenia polityczne, kontynuują swoje życie w mediach społecznościowych. Ogląd współczesnego słownictwa chwili obecnej pokazuje, że język reaguje na przemiany zachodzące w społeczeństwie. Nasze ustalenia pokazują potencjał myślenia o słowach kluczach jako o podstawie interakcji społecznej w procesie konsolidacji i solidaryzacji.

2006 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
Wlamir Silva

No contexto socialmente peculiar de Minas Gerais, a elite liberal-moderada desenvolveu uma pedagogia política que logrou identificar liberais e pardos, como industriosos e talentosos, opostos aos dois cativeiros – a escravidão e o despotismo – e, indo ao encontro das demandas sociais dos mesmos, conquistar o consentimento ativo desse auto-reconhecido grupo social para a direção moderada na Província. Abstract In the socially peculiar context of Minas Gerais Province, the liberal-moderate elite developed a political pedagogy that cheated to identify liberal and “half-breed”, as industrious and talented, opposing to the two captivities – the slavery and absolutism – and, going to the meeting of the social demands of the same ones, to conquer the active assent of this auto-recognized social group for the moderate direction at Province. Palavras-chave: Minas Gerais. Brasil Império. Pardos. Key words: Minas Gerais. Imperial Brazil. “Half-breeds”.

1999 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25 ◽  
A. H. Johns

Job (Ayyūb) is a byword for patience in the Islamic tradition, notwithstanding only six Qur'anic verses are devoted to him, four in Ṣād (vv.41-4), and two in al-Anbiyā' (vv.83-4), and he is mentioned on only two other occasions, in al-Ancām (v.84) and al-Nisā' (v.163). In relation to the space devoted to him, he could be accounted a ‘lesser’ prophet, nevertheless his significance in the Qur'an is unambiguous. The impact he makes is achieved in a number of ways. One is through the elaborate intertext transmitted from the Companions and Followers, and recorded in the exegetic tradition. Another is the way in which his role and charisma are highlighted by the prophets in whose company he is presented, and the shifting emphases of each of the sūras in which he appears. Yet another is the wider context created by these sūras in which key words and phrases actualize a complex network of echoes and resonances that elicit internal and transsūra associations focusing attention on him from various perspectives. The effectiveness of this presentation of him derives from the linguistic genius of the Qur'an which by this means triggers a vivid encounter with aspects of the rhythm of divine revelation no less direct than that of visual iconography in the Western Tradition.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Марина Орап

У  статті  висвітлено  методологічні  та  практичні  засади  вивчення  онтогенезу  соціального  інтелекту. Складність вивчення даного соціально-психологічного феномену пов’язана із дотичністю його  до багатьох явищ, які описують умови успішності соціальної взаємодії особистості. Проаналізовано наявні  теоретичні   підходи   до   визначення   змісту   та   структури  соціального  інтелекту,   до   взаємозв’язку  останнього  з  іншими  видами  інтелекту.  Визначено,  що  дослідження  соціального  інтелекту  молодших  школярів слід здійснювати на основі розуміння останнього як здатності, що виникає на базі комплексу  інтелектуальних,   особистісних,   комунікативних   і   поведінкових   рис,   що   зумовлюють   прогнозування  розвитку  міжособистісних  ситуацій,  інтерпретацію  інформації  і  поведінки,  готовність  до  соціальної  взаємодії і прийняття рішень. Здійснене пілотажне емпіричне дослідження прогностичних можливостей  дітей  молодшого  шкільного  віку  продемонструвало  наявні  позитивні  кореляційні  зв’язки  між  рівнем  розвитку здатності до передбачення найбільш адекватного сценарію розвитку подій у соціальній ситуації  та рівнем розвитку мовленнєвого досвіду. Найбільш тісний взаємозв’язок виявлено між рівнем розвитку  здатності  передбачати  адекватну  вербальну  відповідь  у  ситуації  комунікації  та  рівнем  розвитку  мовленнєвої компетентності та мовленнєвої діяльності дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Таким чином,  були зроблені попередні висновки про наявність взаємозв’язку між мовленнєвим досвідом та прогностичним  можливостями у складі соціального інтелекту дитини молодшого шкільного віку The  article  outlines  the  methodological  and  practical  principles  of  studying  the  ontogenesis  of  social  intelligence. The complexity of studying this socio-psychological phenomenon is associated with its attractiveness to  many  phenomena  that  describe  the  conditions  for  the  successful  social  interaction.  The  existing  theoretical  approaches to the definition of the content and structure of social intelligence, to the interrelationship of it with  other types of intelligence are analyzed. It is determined that research of social intelligence of junior pupils should  be carried out on the basis of the understanding of this kind of intelligencer as an ability that based on a complex of  intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features. This complex predetermines the forecasting of the  development  of  interpersonal  situations,  the  interpretation  of  information  and  behavior,  readiness  for  social  interaction  and  decision-making.  The  research  of  the  prognostic  possibilities  of  primary  school  children  demonstrated the positive correlation between the level of development of the ability to predict the most adequate  scenario of the development of events in the social situation and the level of development of speech experience. The  closest relationship is found between the level of development of the ability to provide an adequate verbal response  in the context of communication and the level of development of speech competence and speech activity of children  of junior school age. Thus, was done a conclusion about the existence of a relationship between speech experience  and prognostic possibilities in the social intellect of a child of junior school age.   

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-133
Marzena Możdżyńska

Abstract In recent decades, we observe a significant disorganization of family life, especially in the sphere of parental functions performed by unprepared for the role emotional, socially and economically young people. Lack of education, difficulties in finding work, and the lack of prospects for positive change are the main causes of their impoverishment and progressive degradation in the social hierarchy. Reaching young people at risk of social exclusion and provide them with comprehensive care, should be a priority of modern social work and educational work. In order to provide help this social group and cope with the adverse event created a lot of programs to support systemically start in life. An example would be presented in the article KARnet 15+ program as a form of complex activities of a person stimulating subjectivity, and allows you to modify support in individual cases

Dira Herawati

Accountability report is a written description of creative experiences as an artist or a photographer of aesthetic exploration efforts on the image and the idea of a human as a basic stimulant for the creation of works of art photography. Human foot as an aesthetic object is a problem that relates to various phenomena that occur in the social sphere, culture and politics in Indonesia today. Based on these linkages, human feet would be formulated as an image that has a value, and the impression of eating alone in the creation of a work of art photography. Hence the creation of this art photography entitled The Human Foots as Aesthetic Object  Creation of Art Photography. Starting from this background, then the legs as an option object art photography, will be managed creatively and systematically through a phases of creation. The creation phases consist of: (1) the exploration of discourse, (2) artistic exploration, (3) the stage of elaboration photographic, (4) the synthesis phase, and (5) the stage of completion. Methodically, through the phases of the creative process  through which this can then be formulated in various forms of artistic image of a human foot. The various forms of artistic images generated from the foots of its creation process, can be summed up as an object of aesthetic order 160 Kaki Manusia Sebagai Objek Estetik Penciptaan Fotografi Seni in the photographic works of art. It is specifically characterized by the formation of ‘imaging the other’ behind the image seen with legs visible, as well as of the various forms of ‘new image’ as a result of an artistic exploration of the common image of legs visible. In general, the whole image of the foot in a photographic work of art has a reflective relationship with the social situation, cultures, and politics that developed in Indonesian society, by value, meaning and impression that it contains.Keywords: human foots, aestheti,; social phenomena, art photography, images

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 4-8
Raschetina S.A.

The detailed design implemented according to a grant of the Russian Federal Property Fund is focused on the solution of the cross-disciplinary humanitarian problem connected with the analysis of purposeful and sponta-neous processes of socialization of the child, and specif-ic characteristics of the social and pedagogical activity aimed at harmonization of the relations "the child - so-ciety" in modern unstable public conditions. The frag-ment of a research of processes of spontaneous sociali-zation of the child connected with the estimated dis-course presented in a social situation of its development is reflected in article. In it short characteristic of the post-nonclassical methodology focused on the analysis of chaotic conditions of social reality and essence of the person who acts as the language personality who is not existing "to language" is presented. Possibilities of post-nonclassical methodology in a research of a phenome-non purposeful - spontaneous socialization of the child are characterized. In article the specifics of the social and pedagogical activity aimed at harmonization of the relations "the child - society are disclosed from a posi-tion of post-nonclassical approach", the place of a re-search method in its structure is revealed.

1978 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 380-382
M. Javed Akbar Zaki

To many social theoreticians, the population explosion, particularly in the developing nations presents a crippling threat to their developmental pro¬cesses. Their argument's validity rests mainly on the assumption that expected economic progress is swallowed up by unbalanced rise of numbers in the population. The book being reviewed deals mainly with this subject matter and is divided into two parts, each containing three articles contributed by various researchers. Part one, 'The Social context of Fertility Decision' is focused on analyzing the role of factors affecting fertility at the micro-level decision making process. The first article 'Fertility decision in rural India' by Vinod Jainath, examines the applicability to rural India of various models of the process of fertility decision making and finds most of these wanting with respect to the Indian social situation. While analyzing the fertility patterns of Rural India, he points out the positive need for larger families among the poor small farmers mainly due to labour supply considerations. The author argues that unemployment and under¬employment actually motivate the poor to have more children as it better ensures their economic security in their old age. As the chances of gaining employ¬ment for their offspring diminish, they are induced to increase the total number of children in order that atleast one will be able to support them. Thus a vicious circle of poverty arises in large families because of each of the parents wanting to increase their children's chances of employment by ultimately reducing the overall employment opportunities even further and exacerbating their poverty.

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