scholarly journals Еffectiveness of public administration and regional power institutions in population estimates

Yu. M. Bolshakova

A hypothesis has been put forward that the existing basic characteristics of the executive authorities of region and the implementation by government officials of the apparatus regional administration of politically significant decisions contribute to raising the level of public confidence. Indicators of the quality of life of the population are based on a systemic development of the quality of provision of state and municipal services and a closer relationship with the overall dynamics of the perception of the state apparatus for the management of society. The modern state sets priorities for effective and effective development. These tasks actualize the tasks of conceptualizing analytical work in the field of assessing the effectiveness and effectiveness of public administration, which allows you to turn to the sociological institute of public opinion as an open and independent indicator of the state of quality of public administration. A high level of public confidence in the state increases the effectiveness of state policy, ultimately increasing the overall level of welfare of society. Public opinion can not only facilitate, complicate, and if possible, cancel reforms, but is also one of the most important indicators of how well the reforms are carried out. A high level of public confidence in the state management mechanism increases the effectiveness of state policy, ultimately increasing the overall level of welfare of society. Public opinion can not only facilitate, complicate, and if possible, cancel reforms, but is also one of the most important indicators of how well the reforms are carried out. In this case, mass trust is a certain form of embodiment of the hopes of the population of the region in improving the socio-political and social situation, improving the entire system of state and municipal government. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of public confidence in the institutions of state power as an indicator of the effectiveness public administration, to identify trends in its growth, and to identify specific features of the established practices of regional governance.

Accounting ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 855-864 ◽  
Ruslan Lupak ◽  
Ruslan Boiko ◽  
Marta Kunytska-Iliash ◽  
Taras Vasyltsiv

The need to improve public administration of import dependency was characterized (in the example of Ukraine) and the signs of its influence and interconnection with ensuring the state’s economic security are characterized. The methodological sequence of import dependency evaluation is substantiated. Using Hotelling’s method of transformation (the method of principal components), the multiplicative form is presented and the integral index of import dependency of the country’s economy is calculated. Harrington’s interval scale is used to summarize the results of the integral evaluation of import dependency. The results of the evaluation have confirmed the high level of import dependency of the Ukrainian economy and clear tendencies for its strengthening, which is critically threatening to the country’s economic security. Using the tool of multivariate dynamic regression modeling, a statistically significant correlation between the level of import dependency and the country’s economic security is established. The economic and mathematical descriptive model of state management of the state’s economic security is formed, which is embedded in a methodical approach to strategizing the state policy of import substitution. The purpose of the state management of import substitution, the parameters of ensuring the country’s economic security agreed with it, the strategic priorities of the state policy of import substitution and the indicators of their implementation are determined.

O. Sych

The article deals with the content of the state responsibility for the quality of higher education in the context of reforming the system of higher education in Ukraine. It is noted that the responsibility for the quality of higher education is distributed among different subjects in accordance with the specified power and authority. In the context of the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2014), with an increase in the level of autonomy of institutions of higher education, the volume of their responsibility for the quality of higher education is growing. The author's position on the discussion between experts according to the definition "quality of higher education" is highlighted. The provisions defined by both key national documents and documents of the European Higher Education Area acknowledged the responsibility of the state for the quality of higher education. The value platform of this responsibility is established. The functions of the state and the tools of public administration that are capable of ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of higher education are described.

Svitlana Ryzhkova

The types of forms of activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine are analyzed and defined by the effective implementation of the tasks and functions of the implementation of state policy in the spheres of migration (immigration and emigration), including counteraction to illegal (illegal) migration, in particular an administrative offense of foreigners. It is determined that regardless of classification, the optimal use of those or other forms of public administration forms the effectiveness of the state-migration service of Ukraine on the implementation of the tasks entrusted to it as a whole, as well as in part of counteracting an administrative offense of foreigners. The analysis of forms used in public administration shows that their aggregate is a kind of systematic formation, whose components closely interact with each other, and are not interchangeable. The system of forms plays an important role in the management process of the state-migration service of Ukraine. The forms of managerial activity are marked by noticeable independence and universality on specific industries and spheres of public administration, in particular migration. Given the significance of the administrative activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine to create appropriate conditions for the effective implementation of state policy in the field of migration, ensuring effective state management of migration processes, creating conditions for sustainable demographic and socio-economic development of the state, raising national security by preventing the emergence of uncontrolled migration processes. and the elimination of their consequences, the coordination of national legislation in the field of migration with international standards, observance of the principles of protection of interests of Ukraine, one of the directions of creation of a professional and effective state migration service of Ukraine is to improve the forms of activity of this service and its officials. Invisible is the fact that timely and adequate increase in the effectiveness of the migration service used by the migration service will contribute to the successful performance of the tasks and implementation of functions. Based on the analysis, modern forms of activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine are defined: 1. Edition of legal acts of normative management: Acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine concerning the activities of the State Migration Service of Ukraine; normative acts of the state-migration service of Ukraine; Normative acts of territorial divisions of the state-migration service of Ukraine. 2. Publishing of legal acts of administration of an individual nature: procedural acts; Deport acts of internal and external direction. 3. Conclusion of administrative contracts (agreements). 4. Committing other legally significant action. 5. Providing administrative services (for example, issuance of a passport). 6. Organizational actions. 7.Material and technical operations. The most significant modern form of activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine regarding counteraction to the administrative offense of foreigners in Ukraine is the provision of administrative services. The latter can be defined as a result of the exercise of the authorities of officials of the state-migration service of Ukraine regarding the change or termination of the rights and / or duties of foreigners and stateless persons in accordance with the law on the application of the latter about the provision of such a service. Successful activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine regarding the counteraction to the administrative offense of foreigners directly depends on the integrated use of these forms of activity that require their further improvement and should be focused on the comprehensive observance of human rights and freedoms during their implementation.

Anuar Kairgeldyevich Kumpekeev ◽  
Madina Orazovna Ryspekova ◽  
Shakizada Uteulievna Niyazbekova

The relevance of the chosen topic is beyond doubt, since the development of project management in state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan plays an important role in increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of state programs. In the context of globalization, which generates the growth of competitive advantages, the state is set clear strategic goals for the real development of the main directions of the economy in a certain time frame, which largely depend on state management. The implementation of strategies for the development of territories to improve the sustainable growth of the well-being of the population and improve the economy of an innovative type presuppose the strengthening of state management for the development of entrepreneurship, as well as the implementation of effective managerial modifications that will help overcome challenges and adapt in a changing economic environment. At the present stage, the expert community and international organizations believe that one of the deepest problems that hinder the development of the Kazakh economy, improve the well-being of the population, as well as the economic security of the state, is the low level of state management. The fruitful implementation of our own strategic priorities is possible only with the application of new approaches to high-quality public administration, which will enable the growth of the country’s economy, strengthen the image, geopolitical and economic positions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In recent years, in Kazakhstan, in public administration, one can single out positive aspects in the framework of various reforms, namely, various legal, standard-regulatory documents were introduced and used with the improvement of the mechanisms of public administration tools that must be used in performance-based budgeting (hereinafter — RBB) and targeted approach of government programs. Despite the implemented reforms, the quality of public administration of programs remains at a low level, which is associated with a number of problems, such as irrational and inappropriate use of funds, corruption and others. The formed financial situation, improving the economy and giving it innovative trends, implementing strategies for economic development, increasing the level and quality of life of the population, selecting and introducing effective modifications of government management that meet the challenges and specifics of management, stimulate the introduction of the project approach as an innovative direction in public administration. The result of the article is the consideration of effective mechanisms in the management of projects of state programs and the solution of problems to increase their effectiveness.

Agybay M. Abdrasilov

The article examines the level of physical fitness in the region. The relevance of the topic studied in the article is due to the strategic directions of development of physical culture, outlined in the President's Messages, as well as the changed conditions of functioning of sports facilities in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The development of the level of physical culture and sports is one of the priority areas of the regional administration. Every year, the number of participants in the region's sports and recreation events is growing. Acharacteristic feature of the state policy of the Karaganda region in the field of sports and physical culture is traditionally the implementation of a balanced approach to the development of physical culture and sports. One of the main tasks of the development of physical culture and sports is aimed at implementing one of the priority directions of the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports education of the population through the development of mass sports, high-performance sports and improving infrastructure. Some indicators of the level of physical fitness of the population of the Karaganda region are analyzed. In the final part of the article, the main problems of development of physical fitness of the population in the region are identified and a number of recommendations aimed at improving the level of physical fitness are proposed. The practical significance of the research results is determined by the fact that the implementation of the proposed recommendations will contribute to improving the level of physical fitness of the population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-97

The article is devoted to the review of current changes in the legislation on notaries related to the development of electronic civil circulation, analysis of existing digital risks and assessment of the role of notaries in combating them. In modern economic realities, a significant expansion of the sphere of competence of the notary is carried out by introducing completely new notarial actions into the scope of the notary’s terms of reference. At the same time, the notary does not just follow the general ‘digital’ trend, but independently makes significant efforts to effectively perform the tasks of the social sphere regulator assigned to it by the state. The creation of the Unified Notary Information System as part of the formation of the technological infrastructure to ensure the security and stability of legal relations in the context of electronic civil circulation takes to a new level the quality of notarial services and the security of legally relevant information. The role of notaries significantly increases in conditions when the use of digital technologies in the economy, public administration, social sphere becomes one of the main vectors of world development, and society and the state inevitably face the flip side of this process – digital risks that jeopardize the safety of participants in civil turnover and their property. In 2020, as part of the implementation of the national program ‘Digital Economy’, it is planned to introduce a number of innovations that will create the basis for a stable and secure ‘digital’ turnover.

Andrii Moisiiakha ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of finding ways to improve the mechanisms of implementation of state policy in the socio-humanitarian sphere. The purpose of this article is to identify areas for improvement of mechanisms for implementing public policy in the socio-humanitarian sphere, taking into account the needs of their unification within a single approach to the organization of social processes in the analyzed area. Achieving this goal has provided solutions to more practical problems: the development of goals, objectives, areas of state policy in the socio-humanitarian sphere, as well as organizational and legal support for its implementation. All this together will allow to introduce quite detailed algorithms and tools for managing the socio-humanitarian development of Ukraine and to quickly and effectively overcome the negative risks that arise in it. The content, essence and state-legal nature of mechanisms of public administration, as a set of ways and tools of practical realization of state policy are revealed. The analysis of modern approaches to understanding the essence of mechanisms of public administration is carried out. The author's definition of the mechanism of public administration in the socio-humanitarian sphere is offered. The content and essence of state policy in the socio-humanitarian sphere are revealed. The conclusion concerning the basic determinants and features of its development is made. Approaches to the formation of mechanisms for the implementation of state policy in the socio-humanitarian sphere are generalized. The need to further unify approaches to the implementation of such public policy in different sectors of the socio-humanitarian sphere has been proved. The main directions of improvement of mechanisms of its realization are allocated. The mechanism of state policy implementation in the socio-humanitarian sphere is defined as a set of nonlinear sets of tools and methods of state influence, which is implemented through appropriate management decisions (a set of measures as components of state policy) to develop the rights and interests of citizens and practical implementation. guarantees of the state in the fields of education, health care, social security, as well as others covered by the humanitarian mission of the state and able to influence the formation of productive forces, human, intellectual and social capital in society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-119
A.B. Sadvakasov ◽  

A consistent approach to improving the quality of draft of normative legal acts contributes to the development of socio-economic relations in the country, reducing bureaucratic procedures and generally improves public administration. The quality of rule-making and its effectiveness largely determine the implementtion of a particular state policy task. Kazakhstan has created all conditions for the development of legislation and its improvement. Moreover, measures are being taken to introduce new information technologies to adjust existing legal norms. The article describes the existing system of state rulemaking, as well as the prospects for using new technologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (16) ◽  
pp. 128-132
V. V. Shapovalov ◽  
A. A. Gudzenko ◽  
V. A. Shapovalova ◽  
V. V. Shapovalov ◽  

Introduction. Modern turbulent state of society actualizes need for scientifically based methods and technological solutions to improve the information security system not only for the state, but also for society and the person in particular. Objective. To highlight the significant factors of information security of social development and to study the role of public admini-stration in the context of the actualization of information threats and risks. Study results. The article considers the essence of state management approaches to information security based on interpretation in terms of risk management. Information security is presented as a dynamic system that needs balance. Balance can be disturbed by external and internal factors. The 8 most significant factors that need to be taken into account to develop effective models of public administration in the field of information security are identified. 4 paradigms of information security management (systemic, synergetic, phenomenological and cognitive) which can be involved are considered. However, they are not universal and separate in any particular case, that is they are systemic in nature, and security management should be based on their integrated application depending on the situation and the specifics of the management process. Based on the analysis of the classical model of maintaining the state balance of a dynamic system, it is concluded that it can be used to ensure information security. A model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Conclusion. The model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Key words: Information security; Information security factors; Society; Public administration; Information security model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (16) ◽  
pp. 121-128
O. A. Panchenko ◽  

Introduction. Modern turbulent state of society actualizes need for scientifically based methods and technological solutions to improve the information security system not only for the state, but also for society and the person in particular. Objective. To highlight the significant factors of information security of social development and to study the role of public admini-stration in the context of the actualization of information threats and risks. Study results. The article considers the essence of state management approaches to information security based on interpretation in terms of risk management. Information security is presented as a dynamic system that needs balance. Balance can be disturbed by external and internal factors. The 8 most significant factors that need to be taken into account to develop effective models of public administration in the field of information security are identified. 4 paradigms of information security management (systemic, synergetic, phenomenological and cognitive) which can be involved are considered. However, they are not universal and separate in any particular case, that is they are systemic in nature, and security management should be based on their integrated application depending on the situation and the specifics of the management process. Based on the analysis of the classical model of maintaining the state balance of a dynamic system, it is concluded that it can be used to ensure information security. A model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Conclusion. The model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Key words: Information security; Information security factors; Society; Public administration; Information security model.

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