A Phenomenological and Perceptual Research Methodology for Understanding Hypnotic Experiencing

2004 ◽  
Vol 95 (3) ◽  
pp. 887-904 ◽  
Fredrick James Woodard

Phenomenology and perceptual psychology opens up the essential meanings of hypnosis by presenting a qualitative method as an alternative to the current predominant quantitative method in the study of hypnosis. Scales that measure susceptibility from behavioral and cognitive aspects abound in the hypnosis literature, but understanding the structure of hypnotic experiencing is yet to come. A new qualitative approach to researching hypnotic experiencing by combining aspects of phenomenological research as in work of Giorgi, Moustakas, and Wertz, familiarity with Husserl's philosophy, and a perceptual psychological research method (cf. work by Combs, Richards, & Richards and by Wasicsko). The author utilized this combined methodology to formulate the theory of Perceptually Oriented Hypnosis. This methodology enables the therapist or professional and patient or client to share benefits from the effects of their hypnotic experiencing in its intersubjective sense. This method can be applied in numerous life situations such as teaching and therapy in addition to the experimental situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Aries Abbas ◽  
Marhamah Marhamah

<p>This research began from the emergence of character problems or character crisis by shifting the students’ ethics values in the school. Where the students don’t respect teachers and friends, there is brawl among students, even violence occurs in the classroom, this is a threat of disintegration of the nation. The formulation of the problem is how the strengthening strategy of character education. The purpose of this research is to know the strengthening strategy of character education in the school, related to implementation, monitoring evaluation, supporting factors, obstacles and obtained result. The research method used qualitative approach on natural subject or natural setting, by using observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation, data analysis techniques through data reduction, verification and took a conclusions of processed data. The research was held at SMK 45 and SMK IT NU Saguling, West Bandung. The result of this study. Students become intent on strengthening the character education activities, responsive to social activities in the society, although not all students can implement it yet. The level of discipline is good because students feel shy if they aren’t disciplined, the result of the shame cultural, some students who used to come late to be in time even though not all students feel ashamed when coming late. The supporting factors the implementation of the strengthening of character education in the schools is a good strategy from the principal, the committee and a team of the parent class of students. The Obstacle factors, the shame culture is not held in the school yet, not all teachers become a role models in the schools who give good examples for students. Not all teacher become a strong and intelligent character. So that the presence of educators is as a key actor in the learning process, a professional and have a strong and intelligent character must really have atmosphere in the school, because through educators who have strong and intelligent character will create human resources which is a reflection of a nation that has strong and intelligent character, and virtuous morals.</p><p>Penelitian ini berawal dari munculnya permasalahan karakter atau krisis karakter dengan menggeser nilai-nilai etika siswa di sekolah. Dimana siswa tidak menghargai guru dan teman, terjadi tawuran antar siswa, bahkan terjadi kekerasan di dalam kelas, ini menjadi ancaman disintegrasi bangsa. Rumusan masalah adalah bagaimana strategi penguatan pendidikan karakter. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah terkait dengan pelaksanaan, evaluasi monitoring, faktor pendukung, kendala dan hasil yang diperoleh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pendekatan kualitatif pada subjek alam atau setting alam, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, teknik analisis data melalui reduksi data, verifikasi dan pengambilan kesimpulan dari data olahan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK 45 dan SMK IT NU Saguling, Bandung Barat. Hasil penelitian ini. Siswa berkeinginan kuat untuk memperkuat kegiatan pendidikan karakter, tanggap terhadap kegiatan sosial di masyarakat, meskipun belum semua siswa dapat melaksanakannya. Tingkat kedisiplinannya baik karena siswa merasa malu jika tidak didisiplinkan akibat adanya budaya malu, sebagian siswa yang dulunya terlambat datang tepat waktu padahal tidak semua siswa merasa malu jika datang terlambat. Faktor pendukung pelaksanaan penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah adalah strategi yang baik dari kepala sekolah, komite dan tim kelas orang tua siswa. Faktor penghambatnya, belum adanya budaya malu di sekolah, belum semua guru menjadi panutan di sekolah yang memberikan keteladanan yang baik bagi siswa. Tidak semua guru menjadi karakter yang kuat dan cerdas. Sehingga keberadaan pendidik sebagai aktor kunci dalam proses pembelajaran, seorang yang profesional dan berkarakter kuat dan cerdas haruslah benar-benar memiliki atmosfir di sekolah, karena melalui pendidik yang berkarakter kuat dan cerdas akan tercipta sumber daya manusia yang merupakan cerminan. bangsa yang memiliki karakter kuat dan cerdas, serta berakhlak mulia.</p>

Lalu Ratmaja ◽  
Anas Pattaray

Kembang Kuning tourism village is a tourism village in East Lombok Regency with an advantage at the foot of Mount Rinjani in the south and has local potential that can be an attraction for tourists. The existence of this tourist village is an opportunity for residents to provide homestay for tourists. In addition to being an accommodation offered, homestay is also a business opportunity for residents. The homestay business for the community is used as additional livelihood after agriculture, for that it needs in-depth research to find out more about the condition of the homestay in the Kembang Kuning Tourism Village. Therefore, this study aims to analyze homestay businesses in the Kembang Kuning Tourism Village seen from 3 (three main components of this business program, namely institutions, actors and products. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection methods in the form of interviews The results of this study illustrate the homestay business program seen from the local institutions shown by the existence of a local organization that regulates tourism activities, Pokdarwis Lingko` Cave, which supervises homestay business actors who are self-supporting communities in the Kembang Kuning Tourism Village. This homestay produces products offered as attractions that are the reason for tourists to come in the form of homestays and activities that become tourist attractions.The results of this analysis form the basis for preparing recommendations for homestay businesses viewed from the three components.Keywords: Tourism, Kembang Kuning Tourism Village, Homestay Business

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-170
Arihun Rahmatin

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the Discipline of Civil Servants policy in improving performance at the Utan Sub-District Office, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The research method used is a qualitative method, with a qualitative approach. Data obtained through data collection techniques: interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the disciplinary policy of Civil Servants in the Utan Sub-District Office, Sumbawa Regency basically has not run effectively. This is due to a lack of awareness to be able to work with discipline. Keywords: implementation, civil discipline policy, employee performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Hazlina Hussain ◽  
Nor Aziah Abd. Manaf

This paper describes the research work undertaken by the authors in applying action research methodology to identify the interpretation spectrum of the withholding tax provision in respect of section 4A of the Income Tax Act 1967 and the related public ruling. There has been no similar study published on using action research to improve the clarity of withholding tax provision. This study discusses the interpretation spectrum of section 4A of the Act on withholding tax. It is essential to focus on tax clarity as tax uncertainty affect both taxpayers and tax administration. The research had adopted action research method and utilised qualitative method of data gathering by way of focus group and semi-structured interviews and concludes that section 4A need improvements and policymakers should focus their attention on enacting clear law so that taxpayers understand and comply with the law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 59
Abdulaziz Alzahrani

In recent decades, the use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has changed according to the different goalsand studies that have been applied. Therefore, it is very important to explore and examine these changes and identifythe development of use and conception of MOOCs. This research is considered empirical in nature and focuses onstudies published between 2012 and 2017. The current study is conducted on three scientific databases to collectthose studies that matched the research method and achieved its goal. Nine hundred seventy-nine studies wereconsidered, and 37 studies have been selected for this study and will be analyzed based on study design and othervariables. The collected studies utilized the qualitative method, quantitative method, and mixed-method approaches.These studies were analyzed through the use of MOOCs according to students’ views, instructors’ views, andstudents’ and instructors’ views. The results showed a different understanding of MOOCs between the students’views, instructors’ views, and students’ and instructors’ views. Recommendations and future research opportunitiesare also discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 295
Sharen Peari Carakata ◽  
Ambar Budhisulistyawati

<p>Abstract</p><p>This article aims to explain the law protection form given to the creditor toward the fiduciary guarantee object that is not registered to Fiduciary Registration Office. The researcher studies the protection form given to the creditor if the fiduciary deed is not registered to the Fiduciary Registration Office. This research is a descriptive empirical legal research. The approach of the research is qualitative approach which is a research method that produce analytical descriptive data. The data were collected through document analysis or library material, observation, and interview. The techniques for analyzing the data were qualitative method. The fiduciary object that is not registered to the Fiduciary Registration Office is a regular civil agreement where the law protection to the creditor is a common agreement that is limited to a law protection that does not have special rules or special rights that are written or does not have preference rights as stated in Fiduciary Guarantee Law if the fiduciary guarantee is registered to the Fiduciary Registration Office.</p><p> </p><p>Keyword: Fiduciary guarantee; fiduciary registration; law protection.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenaibagaimana bentuk dari  perlindungan hukum bagi</p><p>kreditur terhadap objek jaminan fidusia yang tidak didaftarkan pada kantor pendaftaran fidusia. Dimana penulismengkaji bentuk dari pelindungan hukum bagi kreditur apabila akta jaminan fidusia tersebut tidak didaftarkan. Penelitian ini merupakanpenelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deskriptif.  Pendekatan yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yang merupakan suatu tata cara penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif-analitis.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka, pengamatan dan wawancara.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif.Jaminan fidusia yang tidak didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia merupakan sebuah perjanjian keperdataan biasa dimanaperlindungan hukum bagi kreditur merupakan perjanjian secara umum yaitu hanya sebatas perlindungan hukum yang  tidak memiliki peraturan atau hak-hak khusus yang dicantumkan ataupun tidak memiliki hak preferensi seperti yang tercantum didalam Undang-undang Jaminan Fidusia apabila jaminan fidusia tersebut didaftrarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia. </p><p> </p><p>Kata Kunci: Jaminan fidusia; pendaftaran fidusia; perlindungan hukum.</p>

Khoirunnisaq Khoirunnisaq

<pre><em><span lang="EN">This research is a quantitative research. This research method uses phenomenological research methodology, to explore the phenomena that occur and their novelty. This study aims to describe the feasibility of the Covid 19 alert poster as a medium in learning to write narrative for fourth grade students of SD Negeri Keseneng. In addition, this study also aims to determine student responses to the use of the Covid 19 alert poster media in learning to write narrative for fourth grade students of SD Negeri Keseneng. The subjects of this study were 20 students of grade IV SD Negeri Keseneng. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection tools in this study were observation guidelines, interview guides, and documentation. Based on the discussion conducted, the researchers concluded that the Covid 19 alert poster media was worthy of being used as a medium in learning to write narratives because it was easy to find, practical, and interesting. In addition, it is also known that students' responses to using poster media are good.</span></em><em></em></pre>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 333-347
Victor C. B. Raya ◽  
Rolland E. Fanggidae ◽  
Apriana J. Fanggidae ◽  

Purpose: This study aimed to describe the modern dance commodification strategy in promoting cultural tourism in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Research methodology: The research method used in this research is a qualitative method. Respondents used in this study were 15 people. Data processing was performed using a SWOT analysis. Results: According to the analysis results, the most appropriate strategy for the modern dance community in developing cultural tourism in East Nusa Tenggara is to work together with various parties, create online competitions, innovate with culture, and organize independent events by the dancer community. Limitations: This study only discusses the strategy of the commodification of modern dance in tourism promotion in East Nusa Tenggara. Contribution: This research can become scientific information for students specifically studying tourism. Keywords: Modern dance commodification, Tourism promotion

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Difa Reza Pahlevi ◽  
Eka Margianti Sagimin

The aim of this study is to analyze the disparity of social class and the causes and effects of social class among two main characters in Kevin Kwan’s “Crazy Rich Asians” novel (2013). To analyze the issue, Weber’s theory of social class (1998) were used. The research methodology used in this study was a qualitative method. By using this method, it means a qualitative approach is used to describe the social phenomenon, life experiences and situations to give the meanings and also to explore the behavior, perspectives, experiences, and feeling of people in the form of an essay. Based on the analysis, some aspects that relate to the disparity and causes and effects of social class. Those are the types of social class disparity reflected by these two characters, the cause of social class between the two main characters and the effect that caused by its disparity of social class. The result of this study showed that these disparities can be lifestyle, ways of thinking and in choosing a partner. Also, social class can be caused by heredity and family background, the effects are someone who has a social class that is considered low, will be ostracized, or even terrorized.Keyword : Qualitative Method, Social Class, Weber Theory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 453-464
Yuliana Nanda Sari ◽  
Ahmad Hariandi ◽  
Dwi Rahmadini ◽  
Erlina Dwi Saputri ◽  
Yeni Wahyuningsih

The purpose of this study is to review and explain the role of school literation in shaping the character of the learner especially in class II in elementary school. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach with the type of phenomenological research. The findings obtained in the field were obstacles in the application of this literacy movement, namely that the student focus was easily lost, so they were playing around and it disturbed their friends who wanted to focus on reading. The results of this study shows that the existence of 15 minutes of reading before the lesson begins, the existence of a varied collection of books, reading activities carried out every day and literacy activities at school can foster student’s enthusiasm for reading which is decreasing day by day due to the influence of gadget and the environment of students who do not care about the importance of reading. The conclusion of this research can be concluded that: 1) The application of the literacy culture in school at SDN 111/I Muara Bulian is categorized as quite good, 2) the application of a school literacy culture, it can form the character of students by respecting people who speak, respecting each other and older people

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