2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Rusdi Asma

Seurune kalee is an inflatable instrument that is still owned by the people of Aceh. The existence of seurune kalee untill now is used in the implementation of the intat linto baro ceremony, opening ceremonial event, welcoming guest, and celebrating Islamic holidays. The implementation of intat linto baro uses seurune kalee  as part of this implementation, so that the music played has function in the Acehnese comunity. Performing arts are divided into two groups, namely primary function groups and secondary groups. The main approach of this study is ethnomusicology aided by anthropology, sociology, and history. The metology used in this study is qualitative method. The implementation of intat linto baro uses accompanistment as a sign that a group of families and indigenous people from the linto baro party are connnecting with friendship and ratification of young man and young women in carrying out religious and customary family relation. The songs used are Peumulia Jamee and Ranup Lampuan. This implementation is a sacred ceremonial moment for the Aceehnese particular. Music function during the implementation of intat linto baroe is a means of traditional ceremonies, entertaiment facilities, and means of aesthetic presentation. The implementation of intat linto baro is a simbolic implementation in a society that is religiously and customarily held by a person who initiate and the songs played are known by Acehnese comunity

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Mila Maisarah ◽  
Nazli Ismail ◽  
Khairul Munadi

<em><span>Radio is one of the media still used by the public either for having entertainment or gaining information. </span><span>Amid the rapid growth of television and internet, radio is still exhibiting its existence.</span><span> Radio’s involvement on the efforts of educating </span><span lang="IN">D</span><span>isaste</span><span lang="IN">r R</span><span>isk</span><span lang="IN"> R</span><span>eduction</span><span lang="IN"> (DRR)</span><span> to the public is crucial because it can be accessed conveniently in variety circumstances. This study focused on examining how the existence of Radio Republik</span><span>Indonesi</span><span lang="IN">a (RRI)</span><span> Banda Aceh in educating </span><span lang="IN">DRR </span><span>efforts for the public. </span><span lang="IN">It discussed about how the people obtain the DRR education through some radio programs concerning to DRR. RRI </span><span>Banda Aceh was chosen because it is the only one government owned radio in Banda Aceh that is responsible on educating the public through the broadcasting contents. This study was conducted by using a qualitative method. The data were collected by means of interviewing the leaders of </span><span lang="IN">RRI </span><span>Banda Aceh and observing the recording of the radio broadcasted contents related to the </span><span lang="IN">DRR</span><span>. This study, eventually, found that the existence of </span><span lang="IN">RRI </span><span>Banda Aceh in </span><span lang="IN">educating DRR </span><span>efforts was manifested in three different ways such as broadcasting disaster news, talk</span><span lang="IN">-</span><span>shows, and public service announcements. Those three ways ha</span><span lang="IN">d</span><span> their own advantages and disadvantages.</span></em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Anggun Rafiqah Aushaf

AbstractPurworejo is one of the districts in Central Java which is rich in natural and human resources. One of the various regional cultural traditions that is still preserved in Purworejo Regency, precisely in Somongari Village, Kaligesing District is merti-deso or village-cleansing and commonly called Jolenan. This study was dissected using a qualitative method with an ethnographic communication approach. For the deepening of the analysis observations and interviews were conducted with respondents who were involved in the Jolenan Customary Ceremony. The results showed that the communicative situation in the Jolenan Customary Ceremony was walking in a sacred manner. The traditional Jolenan ceremony is a tradition that is carried out every two years on the Javanese calendar, Seloso Wage Day in Sapar Month. Communicative events in Jolenan Traditional Ceremony are traditions that contain myths in them. Broadly speaking, the purpose of the Jolenan Traditional Ceremony is as an expression of gratitude and thanks to Allah SWT for the abundant produce of the earth and also as a tribute to the ancestors of the Sumongari Village, Eyang Kedono-Kedini. In the Jolenan Customary Rite there are ten stages in it namely: environmental cleanliness and tombs, making and decorating Jolen, tirakatan night, festivity of the Rukun Tetangga, installation of offerings, performing arts, welcoming events, Jolen carnival, large festivals, and tayuban. Communicative actions in the Jolenan Customary Ceremony namely regarding the statement of the people of Sumongari Village on the crops given by Allah SWT and the request of the people of Sumongari Village so that the village occupied is always given an abundance of crops continuously.Keywords: Traditional Communication, Jolenan Traditional Ceremony, values, social, religious, symbolic AbstrakPurworejo merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Tengah yang kaya akan sumber daya alam dan manusianya. Satu dari berbagai tradisi kebudayaan daerah yang sampai saat ini masih dilestarikan di Kabupaten Purworejo, tepatnya di Desa Somongari, Kecamatan Kaligesing adalah merti-deso atau bersih-desa dan biasa disebut Jolenan. Penelitian ini dibedah menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi komunikasi. Untuk pendalaman analisis dilakukan observasi dan wawancara dengan para responden yang berperan dalam Upacara Adat Jolenan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa situasi komunikatif dalam Upacara Adat Jolenan yaitu berjalan dengan sakral. Upacara adat Jolenan merupakan tradisi yang dilakukan setiap dua tahun sekali pada penanggalan Jawa yaitu hari Seloso Wage pada Bulan Sapar. Peristiwa komunikatif dalam Upacara Adat Jolenan merupakan tradisi yang mengandung mitos di dalamnya. Secara garis besar tujuan dilakukannya Upacara Adat Jolenan yaitu sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur dan terima kasih kepada Allah SWT atas hasil bumi yang melimpah dan juga sebagai penghormatan kepada leluhur Desa Sumongari yaitu Eyang Kedono-Kedini. Dalam ritual Upacara Adat Jolenan terdapat sepuluh tahapan di dalamnya yaitu: kebersihan lingkungan dan makam, membuat dan menghias Jolen, malam tirakatan, kenduri Rukun Tetangga, pemasangan sesaji, pentas kesenian, acara sambutan, kirab Jolen, kenduri besar, dan tayuban. Tindak komunikatif dalam Upacara Adat Jolenan yaitu mengenai pernyataan masyarakat Desa Sumongari atas hasil bumi yang diberikan Allah SWT dan permohonan masyarakat Desa Sumongari agar desa yang ditempati selalu diberikan kelimpahan hasil bumi secara terus menerus.Kata kunci: Komunikasi Tradisional, Upacara Adat Jolenan, nilai, sosial, religious, simbiolik

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Rahmalia Rahmalia ◽  
Teuku Zulyadi

The interpersonal communication of beggars involves the beggars’ interaction with their donors, and interaction among beggars. This communication incorporates symbols that have been given meaning, both verbal and non-verbal. This study aims to determine the motives that encourage someone to become a beggar in Banda Aceh, the effectiveness of the city government’s policy in handling the begging activities and to find out the process of interpersonal communication of the beggars. This study applies the descriptive qualitative method with phenomenology approach, to describe the meaning of some people’s lives. The research subjects are the beggars who are willing and able to provide the required information in-depth. The result shows that the interpersonal communication process among the beggars and the beggars with the donors are conducted through symbolic interaction by using language and symbols, and role-play performance creating condition and atmosphere which gave certain meanings. The communities performing such interactions had the ability to utilise symbols to create an impression that attracted the attention of donors. The actions raised people’s sympathy who will give charities to them in any expected feedback. The understanding of this issue is important for the realization of the implementation of the regulation but still maintaining the aspirations of the citizens who uphold Islamic values, the concept of giving to the people in need.

Society ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-324
Zulham Ibrahim

Wali Nanggroe Institution is an institution of cultural authority as the unifier of the people that is independent, authoritative, and has the authority to develop and oversee the implementation of the life, adat (custom), language, the award of titles and honors, and adat rites. This research was conducted in Banda Aceh city using a qualitative method. The concept used was Wali Nanggroe, the theories of strategy, conflict resolution, and political communication theories to resolve local conflicts and analyze Wali Nanggroe neutrality in resolving conflicts in Aceh. The data were obtained by observation technique and interview (questionnaires and voice records). The results found that the Wali Nanggroe Institution does not implement a strategy in resolving conflicts both local conflicts and other conflicts in local institutions. Also, Wali Nanggroe does not hold political communication to resolve the conflicts. Besides, as a mediator, Wali Nanggroe is unfair to resolve the conflicts among local institutions due to some causes; emotional attachment between Wali Nanggroe and Members of Parliament at Aceh Provincial House of Representatives (DPRA) from Aceh Party Faction, tend to maintain the reign of Wali Nanggroe, and procedural problems in Wali Nanggroe election.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Indrayanti Indrayanti ◽  
Imelda Duma

ABSTRACT The value of siri 'is a philosophy of life for the people of South Sulawesi that has existed since ancient times. Siri 'is defined as a feeling of shame in doing things that are contrary to the prevailing rules in society. South Sulawesi still upholds the value of siri 'primarily to women. This is because the Bugis consider women a symbol of self-esteem in the family. Therefore, the family should look after their children to maintain the family siri ', especially girls so they don't do things that are embarrassing or tarnish the family's good name. This study aims to determine why families instill the value of siri 'primarily in adolescents and how families instill siri' values ​​in their families, especially in young women. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method by conducting in-depth interviews with three informants, namely the teenager from South Sulawesi. The results found were that families instilled siri values' in young women in addition to continuing the value of siri 'in the family as well as maintaining siri' values ​​in the family and for its application, it was carried out as early as possible to their daughters.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Auliana Mukhti Maghfirah ◽  
Erlinda Erlinda

AbstrakTari Garigiak adalah satu bentuk seni pertunjukan tradisi di Istano Tuan Gadang Batipuah Kabupaten Tanah Datar, yang gerak tarinya bersumber kepada gerakan Silek Parian. Silek Parian merupakan seni beladiri  yang berkembang di Nagari Baipuah Ateh yang di akuui oleh masyarakat keberadaan tari tersebut. Oleh karenanya tari Garigiak diakui pula sebagai produk budaya asli Kecamatan Batipuah, yang memiliki makna khusus dalam kehidupan masyarakat pendukungnya. Tari Garigiak, memiliki gaya gerak yang tidak jauh berbeda dari Silek Parian itu sendiri. Karena bila gaya Silek Parian masih memperlihatkan gaya beladiri yang berbentuk fisik maupun penyaluran tenaganya seperti pertarungan, namun dalam tarian ditampilkan terlihat lebih indah karena sudah mengalami proses stilisasi. Dengan demikian kesenian tradisional tari Garigiak dapat dikatakan sebagai hasil dari proses kreativitas, berupa produk baru yang diciptakan oleh keturunan Tuan Gadang Batipuah. Meskipun secara teks  merupakan adaptasi dari Silek Parian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat faktor penyebab terjadinya transformasi dalam Silek Parian menjadi tari Garigiak di Kecamatan Batipuah.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan mengamati kesenian tradisional khususnya tari tari Garigiak, dokumentasi audio dan visual serta wawancara dengan sejumlah tokoh adat dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan teori bentuk, teori fungsi dan teori kreativitas. Secara umum, penelitian ini memperoleh hasil berupa sejauh mana kreativitas dan perwujudan gerak Silek Parian dalam kesenian tradisional masyarakat di Nagari Batipuah ateh yang terfokus pada tari Garigiak.Kata Kunci: Silek Parian, tari Garigiak, masyarakat.AbstractGarigiak dance is a form of traditional performing arts at Istano Tuan Gadang Batipuah Tanah Datar District, whose dance moves are sourced from the Silek Parian movement. Silek Parian is a martial art that developed in Nagari Baipuah Ateh which was acknowledged by the community where the dance was. Therefore Garigiak dance is also recognized as a genuine cultural product of the Batipuah District, which has special meaning in the lives of its supporting communities. Garigiak dance, has a style of motion that is not much different from the Silek Parian itself. Because if the style of Silek Parian still shows a self-defense style in the form of physical as well as channeling its energy like a fight, in the dance it appears to look more beautiful because it has undergone a stylization process. Thus the traditional arts of Garigiak dance can be said to be the result of the process of creativity, in the form of new products created by the descendants of Tuan Gadang Batipuah. Although text is an adaptation of Silek Parian. The purpose of this study was to look at the causes of the transformation in the Silek Parian into the Garigiak dance in Batipuah District. The method used is a qualitative method, data collection is done through observation and observing traditional arts, especially Garigiak dance, audio and visual documentation and interviews with a number of traditional leaders and the community. This research was analyzed by form theory, function theory and creativity theory. In general, this research obtained results in the form of the extent of the creativity and manifestation of the movement of Silek Parian in the traditional arts of the people in Nagari Batipuah ateh which focused on the Garigiak dance.  Keywords: Silek Parian, Garigiak dance, society. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 171
Elva Yusanti

Myth is one of the references of the Pulautemiang society, Jambi, in their activities and socialization. The myths believed by the society generally are related to the traditions of pregnancy, birth, community, and religion. This study aims to describe the function of myth for the people of Pulautemiang, Jambi. This research used qualitative method and also myth theory proposed by Bastian and Mitchell. According to Bastian and Mitchell, the function of myth consists of primary function which is related to social and cultural system and secondary function which is related to unlogical things.  The result of the study shows that myth functions as social and ritual means, as well as healing and renewal. Mitos menjadi salah satu acuan masyarakat Pulautemiang, Jambi, dalam beraktivitas dan bersosialisasi. Mitos yang diyakini umumnya berkaitan dengan tradisi kehamilan, kelahiran, kemasyarakatan, dan keagamaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi mitos bagi masyarakat Pulautemiang, Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif serta memanfaatkan teori mitos yang dikemukakan Bastian dan Mitchell. Menurut Bastian dan Mitchell, fungsi mitos terdiri atas fungsi primer yang berkaitan dengan sistem sosial dan budaya, serta fungsi sekunder yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal di luar logika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mitos berfungsi sebagai sarana sosial dan ritual, serta sarana penyembuhan dan pembaruan.  

Abdul Muin

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to reveal how the quality of education in this Islamic boarding school is, particularly related to education facilities, curriculum and strategies of education quality improve­ments. This study used the qualitative method. Findings of this study are: first, education infrastructure and facilities are relatively complete and adequate, which are supported by the atmosphere of the Islamic boarding school that is full of simplicity and modesty by habituation in implementing clean and healthy lifestyle. Second, the tafaqquh fi-al din (understanding of religion)-based curriculum compiled by the Islamic boarding school occupies the same degree (equal) to the curriculum prepared by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, so that both tafaqquh fi-al din (understanding of religion) studies and general studi­es have high electability, which is able to increase the quality of education and also generates interest and motivation of the people (parents) to put their children to the Islamic boarding school. Third, education in the Islamic boarding school has a strong independency because it is supported by substantial financial resources.AbstrakTujuan tulisan ini untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana mutu pendidikan di pondok pesantren ini, khususnya berkaitan dengan sarana pendidikan, kurikulum dan sterategi peningkatan mutu pendidik­an. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil temuan studi ini adalah: Pertama, sarana dan fasilitas pendidikan relatif lengkap dan memadai, ini didukung oleh suasana kehidupan pondok pesan­tren yang penuh kesederhanaan dan kebersahajaan dengan pembiasaan menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Kedua, kurikulum yang berbasis tafaqquh fi-al din yang disusun oleh pondok pesantren ini menempati derajat yang sama (equal) dengan kurikulum yang disusun Kementerian Agama, sehinga baik kajian tafaqquh fi al-din maupun pelajaran umum memiliki electabilitas yang tinggi, hal ini mampu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan sekaligus membangkitkan animo dan motivasi masyarakat (orangtua) untuk memasukkan anaknya ke pesantren ini. Ketiga, penyelenggaraan pendidikan di pon­dok pesantren ini memiliki kemandirian yang kuat, karena didukung oleh sumber dana yang besar.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 306
Asri Soraya Afsari

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji perbandingan kepercayaan masyarakat Talagadi Majalengka dan masyarakat Nagoya di Jepang. Kepercayaan yang dimaksud dalampenelitian ini adalah kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan tabu atau pamali dankepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan keberuntungan pada kedua masyarakat tersebut.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode deskripstif kualitatif. Dalam memupudata digunakan metode lapangan karena peneliti terjun langsung ke masyarakat. Disamping itu, digunakan pula metode survey melalui penyebaran daftar kuesioner. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan tabu ataupamali pada masyarakat Talaga dan Nagoya meliputi kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia.Adapun kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan keberuntungan pada kedua masyarakattersebut berkaitan dengan binatang, benda, dan kegiatan manusia. Sampai saat ini baikmasyarakat Talaga maupun Nagoya masih memegang teguh kepercayaan tersebut.Kata kunci: kepercayaan, Talaga, Nagoya, deskriptif kualitatif, komparasi budaya.AbstractThe aim of this research is to review the comparison of belief between the society ofTalaga in Majalengka and the society of Nagoya in Japan. The intended belief on this study isthe one related with a taboo or pamali, and the belief correlated to luck on both societies. Inachieving the goal, this research uses a descriptive qualitative method. To get the data, thewriter uses a field method that he (/she) directly involves with the people. On the other hand,the writer also uses a survey method by distributing questioners. The result shows that the beliefcorrelated with the taboo or pamali of Talaga and Nagoya societies covers the activities doneby human. Also with the belief related to luck of both societies corresponds to animals, things,and human’s activities. Until now, either Talaga society or Nagoya’s still keeps those beliefs.Keyword: belief, Talaga, Nagoya, descriptive qualitative, cultural comparison.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

Kulon Progo Regency is one of the districts that has many innovations, one of which is community empowerment in collaboration with a modern shop abbreviated as the shop name owned by the people (tomira). This research was motivated by the achievements of the Kulon Progo district government in carrying out development and innovation in the development of the Kulon Progo region by fully involving the Kulon Progo district community through community empowerment. This initiative was taken by the government of Kulon Progo Regency to improve community empowerment and protect the people of Kulon Progo Regency from various economic threats. Considering that in the past few years many modern shops have mushroomed in each district/city, so this is what makes Kulon Progo Regency move quickly to empower the community by collaborating between MSMEs or cooperative with modern shops. This study uses a qualitative method which case study approach. With the empowerment that has been done, the original products of Kulon Progo Regency or local products can be traded in modern stores so that local products in Kulon Progo Regency can compete with national products in these modern stores. The existence of such cooperation will indirectly improve the image of Kulon Progo Regency and lift the original products of Kulon Progo Regency. The lifting of the original products of Kulon Progo Regency will have a positive impact on the community, where indirectly the economy of the community will increase so that there will be prosperity for the community. Kabupaten Kulon Progo adalah salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki banyak inovasi, salah satunya adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat bekerja sama dengan toko modern disingkat nama toko yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat (tomira). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pencapaian pemerintah kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam melakukan pengembangan dan inovasi dalam pengembangan wilayah Kulon Progo dengan melibatkan sepenuhnya masyarakat kabupaten Kulon Progo melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat. Inisiatif ini diambil oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan melindungi masyarakat Kabupaten Kulon Progo dari berbagai ancaman ekonomi. Menimbang bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir banyak toko-toko modern telah menjamur di setiap kabupaten/kota, jadi inilah yang membuat Kabupaten Kulon Progo bergerak cepat untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dengan berkolaborasi antara UMKM atau bekerjasama dengan toko-toko modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, dengan metode yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Dengan pemberdayaan yang telah dilakukan, produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo atau produk lokal dapat diperdagangkan di toko modern sehingga produk lokal di Kabupaten Kulon Progo dapat bersaing dengan produk nasional di toko modern ini. Adanya kerjasama tersebut secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan citra Kabupaten Kulon Progo dan mengangkat produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Pencabutan produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo akan berdampak positif bagi masyarakat, di mana secara tidak langsung perekonomian masyarakat akan meningkat sehingga akan ada kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat.

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