2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Desy Polla Usmany

The presence of Christians in Wandamen Bay, whose life is orderly and peaceful, causing old people in Waropen asked the Dutch to also spread the gospel in their village. Some teachers of the gospel is then sent to Waropen. The purpose of this paper is to determine the religious system Waropen before the entry of Christianity, chronology and impact evangelism and missionary history remains in Waropen, especially in Nau village and Waren village. The research method used is the historical method. Evidence remains, the early history of the spread of the gospel remains can still be found on the island of Nau and Waren, Waropen.AbstrakAdanya orang-orang Kristen di Wandamen Papua, yang hidupnya teratur dan penuh kedamaian, menyebabkan orang-orang tua di Waropen meminta kepada Belanda agar Injil juga disebarkan di kampung mereka. Beberapa guru injil kemudian dikirim ke Waropen. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistim religi orang Waropen sebelum masuknya agama Kristen, kronologi pekabaran Injil serta dampak dan tinggalan sejarah pekabaran injil di Waropen, khususnya di Kampung Nau dan Kampung Waren. Metode penelitian yang gunakan adalah metode sejarah. Bukti tinggalan-tinggalan sejarah awal penyebaran injil masih dapat ditemukan di Pulau Nau dan Waren, Waropen.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Raden Muhammad Mulyadi

Penyebaran Kristen di Jawa Barat menurut para tokoh penyebarnya pada masa Hindia Belanda dapat dikatakan terlambat apabila dibandingkan penyebarannya di wilayah lain di Indonesia. Tulisan ini menjelaskan sinkretisme dalam sejarah penyebaran agama Kristen di Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode sejarah yang terdiri dari heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa masyarakat Sunda menjadi tujuan penyebaran agama Kristen sejak pertengahan abad ke-19. Penyebaran agama Kristen tersebut dilakukan ke wilayah-wilayah yang letaknya terpencil dengan membentuk komunitas-komunitas Kristen. Penyebaran agama tersebut salah satunya dilakukan dengan memperkenalkannya sebagai “elmu anyar” (ilmu baru). Penyebaran agama Kristen dilakukan secara perlahan, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan penyebaran secara tersembunyi. Pada awalnya penyebaran Kristen dilakukan dengan cara melakukan dialog-dialog dalam upaya mencari “elmu” kehidupan yang diwarnai dengan ajaran-ajaran Kristen tanpa menyebutkan bahwa elmu tersebut merupakan ajaran agama Kristen.    The spread of Christianity in West Java during the Dutch East Indies period according to its missionaries can be considered quite late when compared to other regions in Indonesia. This paper examines syncretism in the history of the spread of Christianity in West Java. The research method used in this paper is a historical method consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results of the study show that the Sundanese people became the target of Christian missionaries since the mid-nineteenth century. Missionaries’ activities were sent out to regions that were located in remote areas by forming many Christian communities. One of the methods used for evangelizing was by introducing it as "elmu anyar" (new knowledge). It was carried out slowly and secretly by conducting dialogues as an effort to search secret knowledge of life colored by Christian teachings without mentioning its origin.

Al-Ulum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-130
Hasan Asari ◽  
Abd. Mukti ◽  
Subri Subri

The focus of this article is to find out the historical dynamics and intellectual network of pesantren in Bangka. The research method is the historical method of Kuntowijoyo's theory. The result of the research is that the dynamics of the history of Islamic boarding schools in the province of the Bangka Belitung archipelago began with traditional Islamic educational institutions, namely reciting the Koran, then Arabic schools and then developing into Islamic boarding schools. The historical range of the growth of the Islamic boarding school is in accordance with the path of Islamization and the traditional characteristics of Bangka Islam. Meanwhile, the intellectual network of the pesantren of the Bangka community started from the Mecca and Middle East networks around the 1910s. Then the network shifted to its own country, which spread to parts of Sumatra, East Java, West Java and Kalimantan as well as the island of Bangka itself in the decade of the New Order era until post-reformation around the 1970s until now.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Siti Rumilah ◽  
Indah Wulandari ◽  
Ainiyah Syafitri ◽  
Dina Maulidia ◽  
Hilmi Musyafa ◽  

Kitab Musarar is one of the famous works of Syaikh Subakir described the condition of Java both before and after the arrival of Syaikh Subakir in the 13th century in Java on the mission of Islamization. This study uses a qualitative research method based on the Kitab Musarar which has been rewritten in an old spelling Indonesian translation printed book titled Kitab Musarar Syaikh Subakir-Asal Muasal Tanah Jawa karya Sukri (2011) and the book of Melacak Jejak Syaikh Subakir: Riwayat Penumbalan Tanah Jawa dan Walisanga Generasi Pertama written by Romadhon (2017). The results of this study are: (1) The existence of the early history of the world until the entry of Islam in Java in the 13th century in the Kitab Musarar by Syaikh Subakir, (2) The existence of figures who played a role of rukyat in Java in the 13th century based on the Kitab Musarar by Syaikh Subakir, and (3) The story of sangsara era and Ratu Adil profil in the Kitab Musarar by Syaikh Subakir. Overall, it can be seen that there are traces of Javanese Islamization brought by Syaikh Subakir in the 13th century based on the Kitab Musarar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-29
Berlian Susetyo ◽  
Ravico Ravico

Abstrak: Kajian tentang Kota Lubuklinggau berdasarkan kronologis sejarah masih belum ada kajian yang komprehensif, sehingga terjadi kegagalan pemahaman generasi muda dalam memahami sejarah Kota Lubuklinggau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kota Lubuklinggau pada masa Kolonial Belanda, masa pendudukan Jepang, masa setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan serta masa agresi militer pertama dan kedua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode sejarah, antara lain heuristik, kritik sumber, intepretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Lubuklinggau Tahun 1929 menjadi dusun kedudukan marga Sindang Kelingi Ilir, kemudian dikembangkan menjadi ibukota Onder Afdeeling Moesie Oeloe masa kolonial Belanda Tahun. Pada masa Jepang Tahun 1942, Lubuklinggau menjadi ibukota Bunshu Musikami Rawas. Pada masa setelah kemerdekaan Tahun 1945, Lubuklinggau menjadi Kawedanaan Musi Ulu sekaligus menjadi ibukota Kabupaten Musi Ulu Rawas. Kemudian pada masa agresi militer Belanda I Tahun 1947 dan agresi militer Belanda II Tahun 1948, Lubuklinggau menjadi pusat pemerintahan Karesidenan Palembang sekaligus pusat pemerintahan militer Sub Teritorium Sumatera Selatan (SUBKOSS). Kata Kunci: Moesie Oeloe, Musi Ulu Rawas, LubuklinggauAbstract: The study of Lubuklinggau City is based on historical chronology, there is still no comprehensive study, so that there is a failure in understanding the young generation in understanding the history of Lubuklinggau City. Furthermore, this study aims to describe the city of Lubuklinggau during the Dutch colonial period, the Japanese occupation period, the period after the proclamation of independence and the period of the first and second military aggression. The research method used is the historical method, including heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results showed that Lubuklinggau in 1929 became the hamlet of the Sindang Kelingi Ilir clan, then it was developed into the capital of Onder Afdeeling Moesie Oeloe during the Dutch colonial period. During the Japanese period in 1942, Lubuklinggau became the capital of the Bunshu Musikami Rawas. In the period after independence in 1945, Lubuklinggau became Kawedanaan Musi Ulu as well as the capital of Musi Ulu Rawas Regency. Then during the Dutch military aggression I in 1947 and Dutch military aggression II in 1948, Lubuklinggau became the center of the Palembang Residency government as well as the center of the South Sumatra SubTerritory (SUBKOSS) military government. Keywords: Moesie Oeloe, Musi Ulu Rawas, Lubuklinggau

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 201
Abdul Haq Syawqi ◽  
Muhammad Khatibul Umam

<p><span>Tulisan ini merupakan kajian terhadap adanya nuansa politis dalam memahami hadis. Kajian ini menjadi sangat penting karena karena ketika berbicara hadis, maka kita juga akan membincang mengenai orang-orang dan aliran politiknya dalam hadis tersebut yang berakibat pada kontroversi dalam memahami hadis. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, dimana data-data yang ada kemudian dipahami dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode kritik dan historis hadis pada pendekatannya. Sejalan dengan itu tulisan ini memetakan berbagai aliran dalam hadis sekaligus bagaimana pemahaman mereka terhadap suatu hadis. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat setidaknya tiga atau lebih aliran politik dalam kesejarahan hadis yakni Sunni. Syiah, Muawiyah, Muktazilah dan lain lain.  Perbedaan kelompok ini telah menstrukturkan pemahaman terhadap hadis dalam metodologis-historisnya. Perbedaan pemaknaan kelompok ini akan juga sekaligus berkosekuensi pada pemaknaan terhadap hadis itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan metode dalam ilmu hadis dan sejarahnya, terdapat perbedaan dalam faksi politik dimana perbedaan ini akan berpengaruh pada pemahaman hadis.</span></p><p>[<strong><span>Political Nuances in Understanding Hadith: Methodological-Historical Analysis</span></strong><span>. This paper is a study of the political nuances in understanding hadith. This study is very important because when we talk about hadith, we will also talk about the people and their political flow in the hadith which results in controversy in understanding hadith. This research method uses qualitative research, where the existing data is then understood and analyzed using the critical and historical method of hadith as an approach. So this paper maps out the various schools of hadith as well as their understanding of a hadith. The results show that there are at least two political schools in the history of hadith, namely Sunni. Shia, Muawiyah. The differences in these groups have structured the understanding of hadith in its historical-methodological terms. The difference in the meaning of this group will also have consequences on the meaning of the hadith itself. This study concludes that based on the method in hadith science and its history, there are differences in political factions where these differences will affect the understanding of hadith.</span>]</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Eka Asih Putrina Taim

Kutai Lama merupakan salah satu kota lama yang terdapat di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Salah satu bukti hubungan antara Kutai Lama dengan dunia luar adalah banyaknya sebaran pecahan keramik asing, terutama dari Cina, yang padat di sepanjang tepian sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami keberadaan keramik kuno di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Adapun sasaran penelitian ini adalah bentuk dan variasi keramik, sehingga diketahuifungsi serta peranan keramik Cina pada masa itu. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada penelitian terdahulu yang mengulas tentang besarnya pengaruh eksistensi keramik Cina dalam perkembangan kebudayaan di kawasan Kutai Lama. Situs Kutai Lama merupakan kawasan penting bagi rekonstruksi sejarah awal perkembangan Islam di Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-deskriptif, dan perbandingan-perbandingan berdasarkan literatur keramik Cina. Hasil analisis morfologi dan kronologi menunjukkan bahwa keramik Dinasti Song-Yuan mendominasi populasi temuan keramik di Kutai Lama. Hal ini menjadi indikasi komoditi dagang tersebut dihargai sebagai suatu hadiah, sehingga menjadi barang berharga yang dimiliki oleh kalangan tertentu atau tokoh masyarakat. Kutai Lama is one of the old towns located in the Mahakam River catchment. One of the items of evidence of the relationship between Kutai Lama and the outside world is a large number of fragments of foreign ceramic, especially from China, which was densely found along the banks of the river. The objective of this study was to understand the existence of old ceramics in the Mahakam River catchment. The target of this research was the form and variation of ceramics, thus providing information on the purpose and role of Chinese ceramics then. This research was conducted because there were no previous studies that reviewed the magnitude of the influence of the existence of Chinese ceramics in the cultural development in the Kutai Lama region. The Kutai Lama site is an important area for the reconstruction of the early history of Islamic development in Kutai Kartanegara. The research method used was qualitative-descriptive, and comparative based on Chinese ceramics literature. The results of the morphological and chronological analyses showed that the Song-Yuan Dynasty ceramics dominate the population of ceramic findings in Kutai Lama. This is an indication that such trade commodity was also valued as gifts, therefore, it became valuable items owned by certain groups or community leaders.

Patrick Olivelle

This chapter explores the invention and the early history of the system of āśrama (orders of life). Using the newly discovered semantic history of gṛhastha (householder), this study shows that the āśrama system originates from the organization of pāṣaṇḍa religious organization noted by Aśoka, and organizational structure that contained two kinds of members: those who have gone forth as itinerant ascetics (pravrajita) and those who opted to stay at home (gṛhastha). The early formulation of the āśrama system viewed the four orders of Vedic student, married householder, forest hermit, and wandering mendicant as adult vocations chosen by the young adult who has completed his Vedic education. In Manu, we transition to the system where the four are considered four stages of life suitable for young men, adults, and old people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-79
Septian Fatianda ◽  
Nuraini A. Manan ◽  
Muhammad Yunus Ahmad

This article is entitled Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (Aceh Cultural Week) in Historical Perspective. Aceh Cultural Week or PKA is a cultural event displaying cultural richness through cultural attractions, artistic performances, exhibitions and cultural seminars. The purpose of this research is to find out the early history of PKA implementation and its development, impact, shifting in the initial PKA values and objectives, as well as criticism and input on the implementation of PKA. This study uses the historical method through heuristic steps, interviews, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography or history writing. The results of this study explain that the Aceh Cultural Week has been implemented for seven times where firstly held was in 1958 and continued until the latest (seventh) PKA in 2018. This PKA is aimed to develop and preserve Aceh's historical, traditional and cultural values and as a means of unifying various ethnic groups in Aceh. In addition, PKA has provided substantial results for the preservation of Aceh's culture. Furthermore, this research also explains that the society highly appreciates the implementation of PKA despite some points that need to be evaluated in order to achieve the noble ideals of PKA itself.

Robert M. Fisher

By 1940, a half dozen or so commercial or home-built transmission electron microscopes were in use for studies of the ultrastructure of matter. These operated at 30-60 kV and most pioneering microscopists were preoccupied with their search for electron transparent substrates to support dispersions of particulates or bacteria for TEM examination and did not contemplate studies of bulk materials. Metallurgist H. Mahl and other physical scientists, accustomed to examining etched, deformed or machined specimens by reflected light in the optical microscope, were also highly motivated to capitalize on the superior resolution of the electron microscope. Mahl originated several methods of preparing thin oxide or lacquer impressions of surfaces that were transparent in his 50 kV TEM. The utility of replication was recognized immediately and many variations on the theme, including two-step negative-positive replicas, soon appeared. Intense development of replica techniques slowed after 1955 but important advances still occur. The availability of 100 kV instruments, advent of thin film methods for metals and ceramics and microtoming of thin sections for biological specimens largely eliminated any need to resort to replicas.

1979 ◽  
Vol 115 (11) ◽  
pp. 1317-1319 ◽  
J. E. Morgan

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