2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Putu Yunita Trisna Dewi ◽  
Ni Made Ari Wilani

Getting married and starting a new family are one of the developing tasks in the early adulthood. In the first 2 years of marriage, couples need to do a marital adjustment. One of the factors that support the successful of marital adjustment is the ability to express feelings to your partner. Men find it difficult to express their feelings for their traditional views about gender roles in society oriented men and Denpasar most people still follow this view. The traditional view emphasizes men as breadwinners, a figure that is strong, not easy to complain and suppress his feelings. The ability to express emotions have a strong relationship with the marital adjustment so that it takes emotional intelligence in the marriage relationship. The aim of this study is to find out the relation between emotional intelligence and marital adjustment among early adulthood men in Denpasar.This study is a quantitative correlation study. The amount of the subject in the study is 66 young adult men with the criteria of the age limit is 20 – 40 years old, have been married with the age of marriage is not more than 2 years. The technique of collecting data used was purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used in the study was emotional intelligence scale with the reliability 0,885 and the scale of marital adjustment with the reliability 0,882. The result after examining the hypotheses by using the method of correlation data analysis by Spearman shows that the significance level is 0,008 (sig<0,05). The value is showing that there is a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and marital adjustment among early adulthood men. The correlation coefficient between emotional intelligence and marital adjustment is 0,323 that means 32,3% variations in marital adjustment are determined by emotional intelligence, meanwhile the other 67,7% are determined by other variables which are not analyzed in this study.Keywords : Emotional Intelligence, Marital Adjustment, Early Adulthood Men

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-91
Sahriani Hasibuan ◽  
Muhammad Darwis Dasopang

The purpose of this study is to test the theory which is then analyzed again into a new finding. This type of research is quantitative with a collaborative method obtained from a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of parental communication (X1) towards adolescent morals (Y) has a correlation of 0.890 or 89% showing a very strong relationship. The correlation of emotional intelligence of parents (X2) with the morals of adolescents (Y) has a value of 0.926 or 92% indicating a very strong relationship. Whereas to test the significance level of F 5%, the effect of parental communication patterns on adolescent behavior shows that Fh (270,761) Ft (0,000) shows an appropriate and acceptable relationship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-184
Benny Prasetiya

This study will analyze the quantitative correlation between emotional intelligence And interest in learning with the learning Results of education of Islam. data analysis was done using statistics: simple and multiple Regression, correlation, partial, and simple plural all. Prior to measurements performed on the significance level a =0.05  testing the hypothesis of the study, first done test requirements analysis includes testing of its homogeneity and normality test. est of the significance of the correlation coefficients obtained from the Model Summary table contained on the first line of the correlation coefficient = 0.421 and F count (F change) = 2.906 with p-value = 0.072 > 0.05. This means that the H0 is rejected. R Square is the coefficient of Determination. The magnitude of R is Square (R2) = 0.177 is 17%. This means that the magnitude of the influence of emotional intelligence and interest in Learning learning outcomes against PAI 17% and other variables that affect the magnitude of the variable results learn PAI is 83%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Wening Pusparini

 ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to determine the effects of emotional intelligence on marital adjustment in early adulthood. The study was conducted in South Jakarta. The population of this study is the early adulthood resident of district Pela Mampang, South Jakarta . Total population is about 500 people and the researchers took 46 people as the sample in this study because they meet the study requirement. This study used a quantitative approach. The method used in this study is ex post facto. And the sampling technique is probability sampling.The type of probability sampling that is used in this study is purposive sampling, whereas the sampling technique depends on the criteria.  Data collection technique used emotional intelligence and marital adjustment scale. The analytical techniques used in this study is normality test, linear test, and regression analysis. Based on the study result, F = 275 912, p = 0.00 <0.05 (significant), suggested that there is a significant influence between emotional intelligence on marital adjustment in early adulthood. The regression equation was Y = 25 276 +0249 X. This regression suggested that if emotional intelligence is 0, then the adjustment is positive 25,769. Regression coefficient of emotional intelligence variable is 0.249 which means if emotional intelligence scores is increased, then the marital adjustment will increase 0.249. We obtained a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and marital adjustment because the coefficient is positive. This means that, higher emotional intelligence will result on higher marital adjustment. The influence of emotional intelligence variables on marital adjustment in early adulthood that is obtained by Adjusted R Square is 0859 which means emotional intelligence affect marital adjustment in early adulthood couples by 85.9%, while the remaining percentage showed that there are other factors that influence marital adjustment on early adulthood beside emotional intelligence.  Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Marital adjustment

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-9
Sepideh Iranfar

This study has been aimed to find out the correlation emotional intelligence and Rhtype. The simple sizes were 35 undergraduate and graduate of Abadan Oil College with the cluster sampling.The correlation between emotional intelligence and P/N blood groups was 0.085 and it does not accept by standard statistics. We enter the other variable as emotional intelligence groups. The correlation between Rh type and emotional intelligence groups was 0.136 and this correlation in 0/2 significance level had been reported significant.The result was tested by t test, and analysis shown significance was found that scattering of Rh type was not equal on EI.As well as positive groups can receive upper scores of EI than negative ones and negatives groups have less scores of EI the other. In fact most positives have scores between "114-148", means that they can perch in the medium and high groups of EI.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 499-515
Siti Hajar Utami ◽  
Maemunah Sa'diyah

This study aims to describe the relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptability in online learning in class VII at SMPN 1 Bogor City. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with a correlation approach. The sample in this study was 25% of the total population of 288 (72 respondents) using simple random sampling technique. This data collection technique uses a questionnaire (questionnaire). Emotional intelligence using a questionnaire with the results of the validity test of 15 statement items, there are 14 statements that are proven valid and the reliability test results of the coefficient of 0.750 are declared reliable. While the ability to adapt in online learning using a questionnaire with the results of a valid test of 15 statements proved valid and a reliability test result of 0.762 was declared reliable. Prerequisite test is done by normality test and linearity test. Data analysis used the analyze correlate-bivariate technique on SPSS 26 with a significance level of 5%. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptability in online learning as indicated by the r-count value of 0.623 which means it has a strong correlation. And r-count is greater than r-table (0.623 > 0.232), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. And the two variables also have a significant relationship because the significant value (p-value) is 0.000 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Adaptability, Online Learning

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Abdul Rahmat

<p>This study aimed to examine the alleged causality between the dependent and independent variables. This study is a descriptive research using survey method. Datan collected by using questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis to test the hypothesis. Engineering analysis will be determined by SPSS data analysis program. The result of the study were; 1) Leadership style has a significant relationship with the performance of officials local government in Gorontalo city. It is seen in the calculation of the product r correlation counted is 0.811 at the significance level (0.05), r table at 0,239 then count r &gt; r of the table so that we can conclude the existence of a significant relationship, while the relationship is based on arithmetic interval coefficient criteria r is 0.811, which means relatively strong relationship with the leadership style of performance in local government apparatus city Gorontalo relatively strong. While t is 0.957 and compared t table with a significance level of 0.044 (0.05) turns out t count&gt; t table with the sense of the hypothesis is accepted which stated the existence of a significant relationship. 2) Organizational Culture has a significant relationship performance in local government apparatus city Gorontalo, it can be seen that the calculation of the product correlation r counted is 0.922 at the significance level (0.05)r price table is 0.098 then the count r &gt; r table. It conclude the existence of a significant relationship, while the relationship is based on interval arithmetic coefficient criteria r is 0.922, which means has relatively strong relationship with the organizational culture apparatus as very strong performance. While t is 0.957 and compared t table with a significance level of 0.044 (0.05) turns out t &gt; t table. It means the hypothesis is accepted which states the existence of a very significant. 3) Relationship between Leadership Style and organizational culture have significant performance relationship in local government of Gorontalo apparatus city. It is seen in the strength of mastery skills and cultural organization along with the performance of the apparatus, comparing the r counting with r table it is known that 0.811 &gt; 0.239, the correlation both have strong significant relationship.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Yustina Surani ◽  
Indriyati Eko Purwaningsih

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research was to predict the contribution of spiritual and emotional intelligence towards the purpose in life of OSF retired nuns. The participants were 39 nuns. This correlation study used purpose in life scale, spiritual intelligence scale, and emotional intelligence scale to collect data. The data was analyzed with partial correlation and linier multiple regression. Spiritual and emotional intelligence was positively related to the purpose in life ( r = 0,406 ; p <0,05).  The contribution of spiritual and emotional intelligence was 16,4%. It means that other variables such as sex, knowledge, motivation, age, family environment, and other environment contributing 83,6%. The researcher concluded that: First, the purpose in life of retired nuns can be predicted by spiritual and emotional intelligence; Second, spiritual intelligence supports the purpose in life of retired nuns; Third, emotional intelligence supports the purpose in life of retired nuns. Keywords: spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, purpose in life

Aksioma ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Fitrianti Fitrianti ◽  
Bakri Mallo ◽  
Linawati Linawati

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Palu. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Palu yang terdiri dari 5 kelas. Sampel penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling, jumlah siswa yang menjadi sampel sebanyak 44 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua instrumen yaitu, kuisioner kecerdasan emosional dan dokumentasi prestasi belajar dari nilai rapor. Hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan uji korelasi product moment diperoleh nilai korelasi r = 0,417. Nilai rtabel = 0,297 untuk N = 44 dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Nilai rhitung (0,417) > rtabel (0,297) maka diputuskan menerima hipotesis alternatif (H1) dan menolak hipotesis awal (H0). Artinya terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Palu. Kata kunci: Kecerdasan Emosional dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence with mathematics learning achievement of VIII grade students at SMP Negeri 8 Palu. The population of this study is all students of VIII grade at SMP Negeri 8 Palu consisting of 5 classes. The sample was obtained by using random sampling technique. The total number of the sample was 44 students. The data collection used two instruments, namely, emotional intelligence questionnaire and documentation of learning achievement from the report card. The results of data analysis using product moment correlation test obtained correlation value r = 0.417. Value of rtable = 0,297 for N = 44 with significance level 5%. The value of rcount (0.417)> rtable (0.297) then decided to accept the alternative hypothesis (H1) and reject the initial hypothesis (H0). This means there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and mathematics learning achievement of VIII grade students at SMP Negeri 8 Palu. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence and Mathematics Learning Achievement

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Dian Rosa Linda ◽  
Puji Astuti ◽  
Satriya Wijaya

Background: One of problems in an organization or company is poor performance of employees. For instance, they do not complete tasks or finish their job responsibilities on time. The preliminary data taken from one of companies in Surabaya showed that 184 employees did not come to work without any explanations, and 288 employees worked late.Aim: This study analyzed the relationships between discipline and emotional intelligence towards employee performance at the company.Method: The design of this research was analytical using a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was employees at Production and Maintenance Section of one company in Surabaya comprising of 155 people. Out of 155 employees, 89 respondents were taken as samples using a stratified random sampling technique. Then, the data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation test with a significance level of α 0.05.Results: This study showed that most of the respondents were very highly disciplined (94.4%) and had a highly emotional intelligence (74.2%). Lastly, most of them perform satisfyingly (50.6%). The results of the analysis test with Spearman’s rank correlation yielded p-value of 0.002 <α 0.05. It means there was a correlation between  discipline attitude and employee performance. The p-value 0.001 which was less than α-value of 0.05 showed that there was a correlation between emotional intelligence and employee performance.Conclusion: Discipline and emotional intelligence are prominent to determine employee performance at PT X. In order to improve the discipline and intelligence in the performance of the employees, the company should provide rewards based on employee’s achievements in the workplace. Key words: Emotional intelligence, Employee performance, Discipline.

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