Mega Dwi Kusumawati ◽  
Diah Anggraini

Human is social creatures who need a place to gather, communicate, interact, socialize, and act both with others and with their environment. In carrying out its activities besides the first place (residence/house) and second place (office/school) a physical setting is required in the form of public space that can support these social needs. Ray Oldenberg defines public space as a third-place that functions as a special place outside the residence and office. Cities must be able to provide public space that can be accessed by their people regardless of their social, culture or economic level. The existence of stratification or social levels that are spread in the middle of society often hampering interaction and communication between one individual and the other. Therefore this study aims to produce a design concept, a third place that can be a place of interaction, recreation, and potential development for various layers of society, especially for the community/residents in Guntur District and people who every day carry out activities in the area (second place) so that in the and it can collaborate and advance the community’s economy. Using the Transprogramming design method. The building is designed by combining two main programs that have the opposite spatial nature: community activity zone and recreation zone. The Result of the study was a third-place design concept in Guntur District, South Jakarta.   AbstrakManusia adalah makhluk sosial yang memerlukan tempat untuk berkumpul, berkomunikasi, berinteraksi, bersosialisasi, dan beraktualisasi baik dengan sesama maupun dengan lingkungannya. Dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya selain first place (tempat tinggal/rumah) dan second place (tempat kerja/sekolah) diperlukan suatu setting fisik berupa ruang publik yang dapat menunjang kebutuhan sosial mereka. Ray Oldenberg (1997) mendefinisikan ruang pubik sebagai third place (ruang ketiga) yang berfungsi sebagai tempat khusus di luar tempat tinggal dan tempat bekerja. Kota harus dapat menyediakan ruang publik seperti third place yang bisa diakses oleh masyarakatnya tanpa memandang status sosial, budaya, ataupun tingkat ekonominya. Adanya stratifikasi atau tingkatan sosial yang tersebar di tengah masyarakat, seringkali menghambat interaksi dan komunikasi antar individu satu dengan individu lainnya. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan konsep perancangan sebuah third place yang dapat menjadi wadah interaksi, rekreasi, dan pengembangan potensi bagi berbagai lapisan masyarakat, khususnya komunitas/warga penghuni Kelurahan Guntur dengan orang-orang yang setiap harinya melakukan aktivitas di kawasan tersebut (second place) sehingga pada akhirnya dapat berkolaborasi dan memajukan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar. Metode perancangan third place ini menggunakan pendekatan teori Transprogramming dari Bernard Tchumi. Bangunan dirancang dengan menggabungkan dua program utama yang memiliki sifat ruang bertolak belakang: zona kegiatan komunitas dan zona rekreasi. Hasil kajian ini berupa konsep perancangan third place di Kelurahan Guntur, Jakarta Selatan.

Felicia Setiawan ◽  
Sidhi Wiguna Teh

Most people are trapped by their monotonous activities, they tend to look for more practical entertainment through smart phones, the internet or television. That might  reduce  the real meaning of social interaction. The existence of public space itself is one of many factors that encourgage people to do social interaction. Therefore, as what the author has read in  a literature study, that third place able to be one of the bridges of social interaction. Third Place provides a catalyst space between home and work, making the third place a comfortable haven. Third Place is not a place of work or home, but a place to relax that can allow you to have a open community life. The selection of a cultural center as a third place because the cultural center can pour various expressions of human needs, dreams and desires. In addition, the location of the site is next to Taman Ismail Marzuki. Seeing that there are several programs that cannot be accommodated by Taman Ismail Marzuki and the need to reintroduce Betawi cultural values that are starting to fade in the present,  encouragge us to create programs that can support this. The design method used by this project is the dis-programming method, a program that is mutually contaminating with other programs, The location is close to the education center and cultural the center which drives both programs to support one another, here the writer combines programs in the cultural center with educational programs such as dance studios, music studios and libraries. AbstrakSebagian besar masyarakat terjebak dengan aktivitas mereka yang monoton, mereka cenderung mencari hiburan yang lebih praktis melalui ponsel pintar, internet atau televisi. Hal tersebut mengurangi esensi dari interaksi sosial yang seharusnya dilakukan. Keberadaan ruang publik sendiri merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mendorong terjadinya interaksi sosial. Oleh karena itu penulis melakukan studi literatur, berdasarkan hasil studi penulis dapat menyimpulan bahwa third place dapat menjadi salah satu jembatan interaksi sosial. Third Place menyediakan ruang katalis antara rumah dan tempat kerja, menjadikan third place sebagai tempat singgah yang nyaman. Third Place bukanlah tempat kerja ataupun rumah, melainkan tempat bersantai yang dapat memungkinkan kehidupan komunitas yang terbuka. Pemilihan pusat kebudayaan sebagai third place dikarenakan pusat budaya dapat menuangkan berbagai ekspresi kebutuhan manusia, mimpi dan keinginan. Selain itu, lokasi tapak berada disebelah Taman Ismail Marzuki. Melihat ada beberapa program yang belum dapat diakomodir oleh Taman Ismail Marzuki dan perlunya pengenalan kembali akan nilai-nilai budaya betawi yang mulai pudar di zaman sekarang, mendorongnya diciptakan program – program yang dapat mendukung hal tersebut. Metode perancangan yang digunakan proyek ini adalah metode dis-programming, program yang sifatnya saling mengkontaminasi dengan program lainnya. Letak tapak yang dekat dengan pusat pendidikan dan pusat kebudayaan mendorong terjadinya program yang saling mendukung satu sama lain, disini penulis menggabungkan program yang ada di pusat kebudayaan dengan program pendidikan seperti studio tari, studio musik dan perpustakaan.

Steffi Gisela ◽  
Diah Anggraini

Human needs as social beings are interacting. Especially with the high activity and high work demands, especially in the Kemayoran area. In this area, public space is needed as a place for them to support their social needs. Third place as the third space is needed for everyone because it is a place where people can release the fatigue that occurs in their daily activities. The lack of a third place causes various problems such as traffic that is hampered by children playing soccer in the middle of the road, many residents who relax on the side of the main road or roundabouts, to the emergence of illegal parking which causes traffic jams. Therefore, this project aims to resolve social problems in Kemayoran which simultaneously improve the quality of Kemayoran residents through creative means. In building programs in buildings, it is chosen to use the transprogramming method which is done by combining two programs whose properties and spatial configurations are different regardless of their suitability. For example the library is combined with a racecourse. With this, it is hoped that Kemayoran residents can further develop intimacy and build harmony and develop their potential so that they will improve their social quality. AbstrakKebutuhan manusia sebagai makhluk sosial adalah saling berinteraksi. Apalagi dengan padatnya aktivitas dan tuntutan pekerjaan yang tinggi khususnya pada daerah Kemayoran. Pada kawasan tersebut sangat dibutuhkan ruang publik sebagai wadah bagi mereka untuk menunjang kebutuhan sosial mereka. Third place sebagai ruang ketiga diperlukan bagi semua orang karena merupakan tempat dimana orang dapat melepaskan kepenatan yang terjadi pada aktivitas keseharian mereka. Kurangnya third place mengakibatkan berbagai masalah misalnya lalu lintas yang terhambat karena anak-anak bermain bola di tengah jalan, banyaknya warga yang bersantai di pinggir jalan utama ataupun di bunderan, sampai timbulnya parkir liar yang mengakibatkan kemacetan. Oleh karena itu, proyek ini bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah sosial di Kemayoran yang sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas warga Kemayoran melalui sarana kreatif. Dalam membangun program dalam bangunan, dipilih menggunakan metode transprogramming yang dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan dua program yang sifat dan konfigurasi spasialnya berbeda tanpa melihat kecocokannya. Misalnya perpustakaan dikombinasikan dengan arena balap. Dengan ini diharapkan warga Kemayoran dapat lebih menjalin keakraban dan membangun keharmonisan serta mengembangkan potensinya sehingga akan menaikkan kualitas sosial mereka.

Arsitektura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Tiara Maharani ◽  
Ana Hardiana ◽  
Ummul Mustaqimah

<p><em>Designing Interactive Pluit Reservoir Park motivated by the needs unmet green space in the city of Jakarta. The existence of green space can be function as a public space by residents. Public space is a container that takes residents to interact socially in outer space. Pluit Reservoir ia a new green space that also has another function as a public space. Green open space in the middle of the urban environment helps to improve the climate and environment of the city. Design issues is the need for Jakarta residents of an ideal public space can not be fully met by local governments such as the activities housed, circulation, utilities, as well as physical and psycological comfort. Design method used is based on the theory of an ideal open space concept. Ideal open space concept obtained through environmental comfort, convenience visitor psychology, the need of relaxation, active activities, and passive activities within the park. These criteris are the basis for the design of Interactive at Pluit Reservoir Park. The result obtained are design Interactive park that can accommodate not only residents but also social needs, make room for plants to grow and thrive for the preservation and welfare of the citizens of Jakarta.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><strong>Keyword : </strong>City Green Space, Interactive Park, Public space<br /></em></p>

Leonardo Leonardo ◽  
Dewi Ratnaningrum

The development of modern urban society tends to have an individual nature and is more aloof to its personal space, where humans should be created as social beings who need interaction and socialization with people around them. Modern times with their technologies make society more selfish and as if they do not need others. To meet social needs in the current modern era, it takes a social container that can accommodate the activities of the surrounding community. The community can meet with each other, socialize and also interact through these social media platforms. Glodok is known as a Chinatown in Jakarta, the majority of the population are Chinese. The Chinese Community Room in Glodok is present as the third room or "The Third Place", where the third place as a place for people to gather, interact and move with each other. The project is intended as a forum for local people and migrants to interact together, and create an atmosphere like the old days full of fun, comfort, and free to be visited by anyone, such as entertainment venues, games, dance performances and dance. The idea of the program planned in this project will be a place to be able to enjoy performances and recreation for the local community and its surroundings with programs in it such as performance areas, parks, food culinary, games, and art galleries. This project design method takes contextuality around the site and takes local Chinese elements into account. Keywords:  community; interaction; social; space AbstrakPerkembangan masyarakat kota modern cenderung memiliki sifat yang individual dan lebih menyendiri terhadap personal space-nya, dimana seharusnya manusia diciptakan sebagai makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan interaksi dan sosialisasi dengan orang disekitarnya. Zaman modern dengan teknologi-teknologinya membuat masyarakat lebih mementingkan diri mereka sendiri dan seakan tidak membutuhkan orang lain. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial di era modern saat ini, dibutuhkan wadah sosial yang dapat menampung aktivitas-aktivitas masyarakat sekitar. Masyarakat dapat saling bertemu, bersosialisasi dan juga berinteraksi melalui media wadah sosial tersebut. Glodok dikenal sebagai pecinan di Jakarta, Mayoritas penduduk nya adalah kaum Tionghoa. Ruang Komunitas Tionghoa di Glodok hadir sebagai ruang ketiga atau “The Third Place”, dimana tempat third place sebagai tempat untuk masyarakat dapat berkumpul, berinteraksi dan beraktivitas dengan sesamanya. Proyek ditujukan sebagai wadah bagi masyarakat setempat maupun pendatang untuk berinteraksi bersama, dan membangkitkan suasana seperti dahulu kala yang penuh dengan rasa senang, nyaman, dan bebas untuk dikunjungi oleh siapapun, seperti tempat hiburan, permainan, pertunjukan barongsai dan tari-tarian. Ide dari program yang direncanakan dalam proyek ini akan menjadi tempat untuk dapat menikmati pertunjukan dan rekreasi bagi masyarakat setempat dan sekitarnya dengan program yang di dalamnya seperti area pertunjukan, taman, kuliner makanan, permainan, dan galeri seni. Metode perancangan proyek ini mengambil kontekstual pada sekitar tapak dan mengambil unsur-unsur Tionghoa kawasan setempat.

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-123 ◽  
Sukmo D. Widharto ◽  
Nurfahmi Muchlis ◽  
Sigit H. Laksono ◽  
Purwanita Setijanti

The lack of environmentally friendly development in major city has made the public space in kampongs (or kampung) neglected. The need of a green community space to interact is increasingly scarce. The remaining areas that can be used as an outdoor space are alleys and pathways inside kampong. Public space should then be adaptive in order to meet the demands in a diverse society, thus emerged a design concept of adaptive public space using the capabilities of bamboo to deliver adaptive spaces with a limited range of conditions in its design, construction and usability. Bamboo has been frequently used by the people because of its sustainable characteristic. The method used in this study is the case study method. Qualitative data were collected through observations and interviews resulted in the analysis of existing conditions then formulized as a design criteria. Design method uses the concept of programming which is to formulate the mission, goals and performance requirements to create a concept. The drawn conclusion is that the alleys inside the kampong can be used as a public space by applying adaptive design principles. The use of bamboo in design is an appropriate solution based on its construction and material properties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Agatha Maisie Tjandra ◽  
Lalitya Talitha Pinasthika ◽  
Rangga Winantyo

In the recent five years, City parks have been developing rapidly in urban cities in Indonesia. Built in 2007, Taman Gajah Tunggal is one of the city parks located in Tangerang. This park is situated at The Center of Tangerang City on the edge of Cisadane River. Like many public spaces in Indonesia, this park has littering issues by visitors’ lack of care. This re- search is offered to develop social marketing by using a digital game for gaining awareness of Taman Gajah Tunggal’s visitors age 17-30 years old about littering issues. This paper focused on developing the prototyping process in iteration design method by using a digital game to suggest possibilities design for future development interactive installation design in public space which can bring a new experience.

Muzealnictwo ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 123-131
Katarzyna Jagodzińska

The article focuses on museums’ activity that reaches beyond the walls of their premises in the context of a concept of the so-called third place. The third place – as a gathering place which is neither one’s home, i.e. first place, nor workplace, i.e. second place – was described by an American sociologist Ray Oldenburg in 1999 in his book The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community. Three study cases have been used in the article: Museum Forum (project carried out by the National Museum in Kraków), Bródno Sculpture Park (project co-conducted by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw), and the method of work implemented by the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków, including in particular the project Dzikie Planty (Wild “Planty” Park). I discuss assumptions the projects have been based on, how they fit in an overall strategy of the museums, and reasons why they have been undertaken. Finally, I wonder whether having been conducted in a fully accessible public space and conducive to users’ interaction make it justified to categorise them as the third places in the meaning given by Oldenburg. Although Oldenburg’s concept has been regarded by museum theorists as not applicable to museums, I have come to the conclusion that projects conducted by museums in a non-committal context of an open space meet the conditions the third places do.

Arsitektura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Dewi Saraswati ◽  
Ahmad Farkhan ◽  
Amin Sumadyo

<em>The design of Sarangan Lake resort done by the needs of tourist on its area, unfullfield of tourist needs on accommodation facilities, increasing number of uncare building towards negative impact to the environment, so the purpose from this design is to get a building design that could provide accommodation facilities to the tourist of Sarangan Lake, with the design that concern about environment. The design issue is how ecological architect can be applied into design of Sarangan Lake resort. Design method is using architectural design, started from initial idea, preliminary understanding of architecture about the planned object, research and problem formulation, literature study as substantial reference, data analysis and information, analysis of general and specific approach towards designed object and formulation of design concept, analysis of design concept approach which more specific about the to-be-designed object, and architectural design transformation and preliminary design as well. The result is a design concept of resort hotel facilities as lodging accommodations by applying the characteristic of the ecological architect to the building design.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Chunyu Li ◽  
Lei Wang

Along with the urban renewal and development, the urban living environment has given rise to various problems that need to be solved. With an eye on the future development model of residential communities, an experimental preliminary design for the construction of architectural space, public space, and landscape space based on people’s actual needs is carried out in an attempt to alleviate the more urgent symbiotic relationship between people and urban environment. To this end, this paper proposes a planning and design generation framework for the constructed external spatial environment of building groups based on a recursive double-adversarial network model. Firstly, we extract the features of the constructed external spatial environment of the building group in depth and generate the expression feature map, which is used as a supervisory signal to generate an expression seed image of the constructed external spatial environment of the building group; then we use the generated seed image together with the constructed external spatial environment of the original target building group as the input to generate a feature-holding image as the output of the current frame, and the feature-holding image is also used as the input for the next. Finally, the seed image generation network and the feature-holding image generation network are recursively used to generate the next frame, and the video sequence of the expressions of the constructed external spatial environment of the building group with the same feature-holding expressions as the original input is recursively obtained several times. The experimental results on the building group database show that the proposed method can generate clear and natural video frames of the constructed external spatial environment of the building group, which can be gradually derived from the design of building units to the construction of the building group and penetrate into the planning and design of the external spatial environment in order to comprehensively improve the living environment of urban population and provide a design method and theoretical support for the design of future urban residential communities.

Oscarius Lufti ◽  
Agustinus Sutanto

Starting from the issue where there is a physical boundary that separates the world of life and the world of death which gives a bad impression of death. Living humans can perform rituals to interact spiritually with the world of the dead. From this it can be said that there are still opportunities for interaction between the living world and the world of death. Utilization of technology is applied in the design of projects to create architecture that becomes a container where interactions occur between the living world and the world of death. The world of death will mingle with visitors and vice versa so that interaction occurs. Carrying the theme ‘Third Place” in the proposed project design concept, the design of the columbarium will not be closed. Columbarium can be used as an architectural space that can be enjoyed by the community without exception. Interaction not only occurs with fellow human beings who are still alive, but also can occur with those who have died with the help of existing technology. With this view of the closed columbarium  can be removed. Keywords:  Columbarium; Death; Interaction; Life Abstrak Berawal dari isu dimana terdapat sebuah batasan secara fisik yang memisahkan antara dunia kehidupan dan dunia kematian yang menimbulkan kesan yang tidak baik terhadap kematian. Manusia yang masih hidup dapat melakukan ritual untuk berinteraksi secara rohani dengan dunia kematian. Dari hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa masih terdapat peluang untuk terjadinya interaksi antara dunia kehidupan dan dunia kematian. Pemanfaatan teknologi diterapkan dalam perancangan proyek untuk menciptakan arsitektur yang menjadi wadah dimana terjadi interaksi antara dunia kehidupan dan dunia kematian. Dunia kematian akan berbaur dengan pengunjung dan sebaliknya sehingga terjadi interaksi. Membawa tema “Third Place” dalam konsep perancangan proyek yang diusulkan, perancangan rumah abu tidak akan bersifat tertutup. Rumah abu dapat dijadikan sebagai ruang arsitektur yang dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat tanpa terkecuali. Interaksi tidak hanya terjadi dengan sesama manusia yang masih hidup, tetapi juga dapat terjadi dengan mereka yang sudah meninggal dengan bantuan teknologi yang ada. Dengan ini pandangan terhadap rumah abu yang bersifat tertutup dapat dihilangkan.

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