scholarly journals Dā'ish vs Tanẓīm Al-Dawlah: BREAK Analysis of The Names of ISIS in Arab Mass Media

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Reflinaldi Reflinaldi ◽  
Sawirman Sawirman ◽  
Fajri Usman

This study aims to analyze the meaning of ISIS names in the Arab mass media from the BREAK theory perspective. The research data were taken from two Syrian mass media: Tishrīn and ‘Inab Baladī. The name Dā’ish is used as the primary discourse, while the name Tanẓīm Al-Dawlah is a secondary discourse. The data was collected by observing the basic technique of tapping and the advanced technique of note-taking. Data analysis was carried out using identity method. The findings show that the meaning of primary discourse is structured through the eclectic use of theory on aspects of sound, form, meaning construction, and meaning changes. The analysis found that primary discourse has a negative meaning tendency and is contrary to religion’s moral values (Islam) and state. Meanwhile, the meaning of secondary discourse is carried out by combining the theory of nominal groups, word structures, nominal relations, and stylistics. Secondary discourse has an ambiguous meaning because it represents ISIS as an entity that can be understood in two domains at once: organization and state. The comprehensive analysis of BREAK has shown clear linguistic stages of meaning so the meaning of ISIS names can be clearly understood.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Elsya Rahmi ◽  
Tressyalina Tressyalina

ABSTRAK Lawakan komika Abdur pada acara Stand Up Comedy tersebut mengandung implikatur. Kajian pragmatik mengenai implikatur dalam lawakan komika Abdur pada acara Stand Up Comedy di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Grice dengan adanya 2 jenis implikatur, yakni: (1) implikatur konvensional dan (2) implikatur nonkonvensional atau implikatur percakapan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah tuturan komika Abdur pada acara Stand Up Comedy yang diperoleh melalui Youtube. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan implikatur yang terdapat dalam lawakan komika Abdur pada acara Stand Up Comedy dan jenis implikatur yang terdapat dalam lawakan tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik simak dan catat, sedangkan analisis data melalui langkah identifikasi data, reduksi data, klasifikasi data, dan interpretasi data. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. (1) terdapat implikatur dalam lawakan Abdur pada acara Stand Up Comedy dan (2) ada 11 implikatur konvensional dalam lawakan Abdur pada acara Stand Up Comedy dan tidak ada implikatur nonkonvensional dalam lawakan tersebut.Kata Kunci: Implikatur, lawakan, stand up comedy  ABSTRACT The Abdur’s jokes on the Stand Up Comedy show contains implicature. This pragmatic study about the implicature of a comic Abdur’s jokes on Stand Up Comedy Show uses Grice’s theory in the presence of 2 types of implicature, namely: (1) conventional implicature and (2) non-conventional impicature or conversational implicature. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The source of the research data is the Abdur’s speech on the Stand Up Comedy show obtained through YouTube. The purpose of this study is to describe the implicature of a comic Abdur’s jokes on Stand Up Comedy show. The data are collected by listening and note taking techniques. The data analysis steps include data identification, data reduction, data classification, and interpretation. The results of this study are as follows. (1) there are implicature of a comic Abdur’s Jokes on Stand Up Comedy Show and (2) there are 11 conventional implicature of a comic Abdur’s Jokes on Stand Up Comedy show and there is not non-conventional implicature.Keywords: Implicature, jokes, stand up comedy

Raisa Maya Agustin

Comics are one of the media that can be used to convey religious messages. Islamic comic series, Dunia Sementara Tertawalah Seperlunya, is a compilation comic that packs religious messages, especially messages about morals. The message is packed with light language and humor. This study aims to find out and explain the moral values ​​contained in the World Islamic comic series Dunia Sementara Tertawalah Seperlunya. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of qualitative content analysis research. Data analysis using semiotics Charles Sanders Peirce model that focuses on the triangle of meaning to analyze the contents of the research subject. Data collection using documentation. The results of the research in this comic contain five moral values, namely morals towards Allah, Morality to the Messenger of Allah., Personal morals, morality in the family, and morality in society. (1) Moral values ​​towards Allah shown cautiously; (2) Moral values ​​towards the Prophet. shown by loving, glorifying, and following and obeying the Prophet. which is realized by relying on the hadith in choosing a mate; (3) Personal moral values ​​are indicated by courage (syajā’áh) and forgiveness; (4) Moral values ​​in the family are shown by the attitude of sharing love and love, getting along with each other well between wife and husband, and education - direction for children; and (5) Inner moral values ​​are shown by helping each other (ta’āwun), visiting and receiving guests well, and answering greetings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 409
Ni Luh Dewi Nirmalasari ◽  
Luh Putu Puspawati ◽  
I Wayan Suteja

This study is entitled “Pupulan Puisi Sangsiah Kélangan Somah Karya I Gdé Nala Antara Analisis Struktur”. Pupulan Puisi Sangsiah Kélangan Somah consists of four poems, namely poem Sangsiah Kélangan Somah, Tresna Uluh Kalarau, Pasah, and Semara Tan Patepi. Pupulan Puisi Sangsiah Kélangan Somah is analyzed by structural theory from Herman J. Waluyo. This study aims to describe the forming structures contained in the Pupulan Puisi Sangsiah Kélangan Somah in the form of physical structures and mental structures. Methods and techniques for providing research data using library and interview methods are supported by document, recording and note taking techniques. The methods and techniques of analyzing research data use descriptive analytic methods, and the hermeneutic method is assisted with translation and note taking techniques. The methods and techniques of presenting data analysis use formal and informal methods and are supported by deductive and inductive techniques. The structures that make up the Pupulan Puisi Sangsiah Kélangan Somah are divided into two, namely the physical structure (diction, imagination, concrete words, figurative speech or language, versification, and typography) and the mental structure (theme, taste, tone, and mandate).

Raras Hafiidha Sari ◽  
Titin Rahayu

This study aims to describe the result of cohesion and coherence analysis as well as the latest news discourse on on Saturday 11 May 2019 in the reporting of the Bakauheni Toll Road Big Tol Ready to Operate 24 Hours. The method used in this study is descriptive, namely describing the result of the analysis found in this study. Thid type of research is qualitative research data is news that has been transcribed. The technique used to extract data is the note  and technique of note  taking. As for the data analysis technique used ini this study are based on dance theory, namely a complete and higest language above a sentence or clause with high cohesion that is continuous and has a final beginning andhas been manifestly conveyed trough oral and written. The result of the study are the: 1) use of cohesion and; 2) the use of coherence. Cohesion is a way that  composes discourse into the from of interrelationships  berween sentences or one component in  a solid  and  intact manner.  Element  of  cohension winch includes  references subsituas,  ellipses,  conjunctions, and lexical cohension which include repetition synonyms, antonyms,  colloquies, hyponyms, equivalence. While coherence is the compilation of content in the discourse element as a semantic organization,  which uses ideas in the logical sequence to achieve the intended speech correctly

Ellisa Ivana Dea ◽  
I Wayan Pastika ◽  
Ni Putu N. Widarsini

The topic of this article is "Sentence analysis in Merry Riana's Spotify broadcast for the period October-November 2019". As the background of this study is that, in the 41 broadcast episodes chosen, Merry uses modern Indonesian, making it easier for the researchers to review when this analysis is carried out. Second, research on Merry Riana's spotify siniar with sentense structure has never been done. Third, this study may be  motivating and increasing researchers' insight. In this study, two research questions were raised, namely what types of sentences are contained in Merry Riana's spotify podcast and how is the structure of the sentence function filler in Merry Riana's spotify podcast. The purpose of this study is to find out the types of sentences contained in Merry Riana's spotify podcast and to find out how the structure of the filler function is. Qualitative and quantitative descriptive study which is presented in the form of data excerpts containing sentences and table of data percentage. In the data collection method, observation supported by listening technique followed by note-taking techniques were applied. The results of this research data analysis are presented in formal and informal methods. The results of this study obtained eight types of sentences, namely single sentences, compound sentences, declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, exclamative sentences, complete sentences, and incomplete sentences. In this study, it is also found 23 variations of syntactic functions consisting of seven variations of single sentences and 16 variations of compound sentences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Riajeng Woro Megaswari ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam

This study aims to describe the cohesiveness of the discourse in terms of the lexical cohesion aspects of the use of antonymy in an animated story about "KKN di Desa Penari" from the Rizky Riplay Youtube channel. The object of this research is the antonymy found in the animated story about "KKN di Desa Penari" on Rizky Riplay's Youtube channel. The method used in the provision of data is the observing method by watching the animated story with an advanced technique using the "Simak Libat Bebas Cakap" technique (Uninvolved Conversation Observation Technique), and a second advanced technique using the note-taking technique by sorting the required lingual units as data. The method used in analyzing the data is the distributional method. The distribution method is a data analysis method in which the determinant tool is part of the language concerned. The methods used to present the results of data analysis in this study were the formal and informal methods. The results of the analysis of data, in general, showed that the antonymies that appear in the animation from the Rizky Riplay Youtube channel are in the form of polar opposition, plural opposition, relationship opposition, hierarchical opposition, and absolute opposition. This research only focuses on the lexical cohesion aspect of the antonymy usage in the animated story to find out the opposing forms of meaning that are either very opposite or just contrasting meanings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-313
Bayu Suta Wardianto

Social society and socio-culture cannot be separated from each other. Therefore, literature was born as a product of society and culture. From these literary works, literary teaching materials with social and cultural background can be made. This study explains the social identity and local wisdom contained in the collection of Celurit Hujan Panas short stories by Zainul Muttaqin. In this study, the method used is the quality desriptive method. The data used comes from quotes on a collection of short stories of Celurit Hujan Panas. This research used listening and note-taking techniques. Research data analysis started from presenting the data, reducing the data, and analyzing conclusions. The results of this study show that the social identity contained in the story are namely (1) social structure, (2) social behavior, and (3) ontological definitions. Moreover, the values of local wisdom contained in the story are (1) culture, (2) beliefs, and (3) social values. Sosial masyarakat dan sosial budaya tidak bisa dipisahkan satu sama lain. Karena itulah, sastra lahir sebagai produk dari sosial dan budaya. Dari karya sastra tersebut, dapat dibuat bahan ajar sastra berlatar sosial dan budaya. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang identitas sosial dan kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen Celurit Hujan Panas karya Zainul Muttaqin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deksriptif kualititatif. Data yang digunakan berasal dari kutipan pada kumpulan cerpen Celurit Hujan Panas. Penelitian menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Analisis data penelitian dimulai dari menyajikan data, mereduksi data, dan kesimpulan analisis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa identitas sosial yang terkandung yaitu (1) struktur sosial, (2) tingkah laku sosial, dan (3) definisi ontologis. Nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung adalah (1) nilai budaya, (2) kepercayaan, dan (3) nilai sosial. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 279
Foriyani Subiyatningsih

This research aims to study how the creator of CakCuk creates language based on the principles and maxims of textual rhetoric in CakCuk designs. The data was collected using a method of observation, with a basic technique of recording followed by a technique of note-taking. The data analysis used a method of distribution, comparison, and contextual identity. The results of this study show that CakCuk discourse is a product of the language creativity of its creator through the utilization of principles or maxims of textual rhetoric. The key to this creativity is the creator’s ability to use maxims in order to achieve efficiency, clarity, effectiveness, and attractiveness in the text. The motivation underlying the choice of principles/maxims is: (i) the principle of processability in order to determine the main focus and weighting of the text; (ii) the principle of clarity in order to make the message clear; (iii) the principle of economy in order to keep the text as short as possible; (iv) the principle of expressiveness in order to make the text effective.

Lire Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-176
Margono Margono ◽  
Atiqa Sabardilla ◽  
Harun Joko Prayitno

The writing of the Student Creativity Program (SCP) titles has its appeal and uniqueness. One of which can be seen in the process of forming words in the form of acronyms. This article aims to describe the process and results of the formation of acronyms on the writing of SCP titles funded in 2018. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research data are in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the SCP titles. The source of research data is the SCP titles from 5 fields in 2018. Data collection uses observation and note-taking techniques. The method of data analysis is the constituent analysis method and its expansion techniques, namely techniques of removing, inserting, replacing, and expanding. The data validity test uses theory triangulation. The results show that the formation of acronyms produced five forms of acronyms on the writing of the SCP titles, namely acronyms derived from two words, three words, four words, five words, and more than five words. Three acronym formation processes are found, namely using the initial letters of words, using syllables or fragments of words, and using mixes of initial letters of words and syllables or fragments of words.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-280
Nanik Setyawati ◽  
Riyadi Santosa ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam ◽  
Dwi Purnanto

Persuasive communication can be found in advertisement language. Creating advertisement that attractive, right on target, and effective in attracting potential customers, is a must to win the competition. An advertisement must be able to present everything that is smart, innovative, and must also be different in a unique sense compared to the others. This article specifically explores the appreciation devices in Semarang’s cuisine advertisement text phasing on the internet. Appreciation is one of the choices from the attitude aspects that part of appraisal system. Data in the form of attitudinal lexis were collected from online advertising texts which promote foods in Semarang. The method of providing data using the observation method. The basic technique used is the tapping technique. Meanwhile, the advance techniques used are the free, active, proficient listening technique and the note – taking technique. The data analysis in this study used a separate method. The basic technique used is the technique for direct elements, while the advance  technique uses the lesion technique and the dressing technique. The results of the discussion show that the appreciation used in the Semarang’s cuisine advertisement texts on the internet is positive appreciation.

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