scholarly journals Peningkatan Pengetahuan Orang Tua Siswa, Guru dan Siswa SD Tunas Harapan Islam Medan tentang Pencegahan Pandemi Covid-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 254-262
Nevi Yanti ◽  
Fitri Yunita Batubara ◽  
Essie Octiara ◽  
Darmayanti Siregar

The new corona virus epidemic (Covid-19) was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Covid-19 mortality rate in Indonesia of 8.9% is the highest number in Southeast Asia. Knowledge of the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic is very important to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of parents, teachers, and students of Taman Harapan Islam Medan Elementary School about the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a pretest questionnaire for initial data collection, then counseling was carried out on the prevention of Covid-19 and for the final data collection, a post test questionnaire was used. The results of the Mann Whitney test showed that there were differences in the level of knowledge of parents and children about Covid-19 before and after counseling (P value 0.022) and there were differences in the level of knowledge of parents and children about Covid-19 after counseling (P value 0.002). So it can be concluded that there was an influence on the level of knowledge of parents and children about the spread of Covid-19 infection. Education about preventing the spread of Covid-19 to parents of students, teachers and students of the Taman Harapan Islam Medan Elementary School can provide an understanding of the importance of preventing the spread of Covid-19 and can be passed on to their families and the surrounding environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Al Al Muhajirin ◽  
Armein Armein Sjuhary Rowi

According to World Health Organization (WHO) surveillance data it is stated that the incidence of nosocomial infections is quite high at 5% per year, 9 million people out of 190 million hospitalized patients. Occurrence of phlebitis becomes indicator of hospital minimum service quality with standard of incidence ≤1,5%. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship of nursecompliance in running SPO infusion with the incidence of phlebitis class 2, class 3 and Emegergency room at RSAU dr M. Hassan Toto Hospital Bogor. The research design used was analytic survey. Sample of this study amounted to 46 nurses obtained by Acidental Sampling. This research was conducted in March 2017. Data collection was done by observing the infusion by nurses and observation of phlebitis occurrence. The results showed 46 respondents who obtained results 22 people (84.6%) obedient and not phlebitis during hospitalization. Result of statistical test using Creamer got value P = 0,009 which mean p value ˂0,05 mean Ho rejected. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that there is nurse compliance relationship in running SPO infusion with

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Dina Rakhmawati ◽  
Nurhaidah . ◽  
Suprijandani .

Makanan jajanan menurut WHO (World Health Organization) adalah makanan dan minuman yang dipersiapkan dan dijual oleh pedagang kaki lima di jalanan dan tempat-tempat yang ramai atau tempat-tempat umum yang dapat dimakan atau dikonsumsi tanpa pengolahan lebih lanjut. Selama ini masih banyak makanan jajanan yang berpotensi dapat mengganggu kesehatan, seperti keracunan makanan. Dalam upaya menghindari terjadinya keracunan makanan maka perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak usia sekolah tentang makanan jajanan menggunakan alat bantu atau media promosi, seperti media leaflet dan media video. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penyuluhan menggunakan media leaflet dengan video tentang pengetahuan dan sikap siswa materi makanan jajanan.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pra-eksperimen one group pre-post test design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 51 siswa kelas V pada responden kelompok media leaflet dan 51 siswa kelas V pada responden kelompok media video. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara analitik menggunakan paired t test pada program komputer.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata nilai tingkat pengetahuan tentang makanan jajanan sebelum dengan sesudah dilakukan penyuluhan pada kelompok media leaflet dengan p value (0,032) < α (0,05), sedangkan pada sikap kelompok media leaflet dan pengetahuan serta sikap kelompok media video tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan p value > α (0,05).Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa penggunaan media leaflet dalam penyuluhan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan media video  terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap responden. Disarankan agar sekolah melakukan penyuluhan secara berkala menggunakan bantuan media leaflet.Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Media Leaflet dan Video

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Wirda Anggraini ◽  
Melisa Rezki Puspitasari ◽  
Ria Ramadhani Dwi Atmaja ◽  
Hajar Sugihantoro ◽  

Antibiotics are drugs that work to kill and or inhibit bacterial growth. Antibiotics are a class of prescriptions drugs that are widely used in the management of pharmacological therapy. Antibiotic knowledge must be used rationally and requires knowledge for the patient. Low levels of knowledge about the use of antibiotics can lead to inappropriate use of antibiotics, so there is a risk of causing side effects of antibiotics. Providing education is one way that can be used to increase knowledge about rational use of antibiotics. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of education on the use of antibiotics on outpatients at Kanjuruhan Hospital Malang Regency. This type of research was an Quasi-experimental by using one group pre-test post-test and prospective with sampling using accidental sampling technique data collection of 62 respondents. The result of the research showed that in pre test 44% respondents were having lack antibiotic-use knowledge, 35% respondents were having sufficient antibiotic-use knowledge, and 21% respondents were having good antibiotic-use knowledge. In post-test, 3% respondents belong to low-category, 15% respondents belong to medium-category, and 82% respondents belong to high-category. The T-test showed differences in scores between before and after being given education with a significance value of 0.00 (p value <0.05). The conclusion of this research is that there is an effect of providing education on the level of knowledge of outpatients in Kanjuruhan Hospital Malang Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22

Latar Belakang : Gout arthritis merupakan salah satu penyakit inflamasi sendi yang paling sering ditemukan, yang di tandai dengan penumpukan kristal monosodium urat didalam atau disekitar persendian sehingga menimbulkan nyeri. Berdasarkan data World Health Organization (WHO, 2017), prevalensi gout arthritis didunia sebanyak 34,2%. Gout arthritis sering terjadi di negara maju seperti Amerika. Prevalensi gout arthritis di negara Amerika sebesar 26,3% dari total penduduk. Peningkatan kejadian gout arthritis tidak hanya terjadi di negara maju saja. Namun, peningkatan juga terjadi di negara berkembang, salah satunya di negara Indonesia. Penatalaksanaan gout arthritis dapat dilakukan dengan kompres hangat menggunakan jahe merah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompres hangat menggunakan jahe merah terhadap penurunan skala nyeri pada penderita gout arthritis di Kelurahan Lantora Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian “quasy experiment” dengan desain/rancangan Pre and Post test without control (Control diri sendiri), pengambilan sampel menggunakan Non probability sampling dengan teknik Consecutive sampling, sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 20 responden sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kompres hangat, jahe merah, thermometer air dan lembar observasi numeric rating scale (NRS). Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik Uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai p value 0.000 dimana p < ? 0.05 maka Ho ditolak dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kompres hangat menggunakan jahe merah terhadap terhadap penurunan skala nyeri pada penderita gout arthritis di Kelurahan Lantora Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Massenga Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Tahun 2019.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Febriani Robeka Wanma ◽  
Kukuh Pambuka Putra ◽  
Arwyn Weynand Nusawakan

World Health Organization states that in 2017 Tuberculosis cases are estimated to reach 842 thousand cases and 116 thousand deaths. Indonesia ranks third after India with 2.4 million cases and China with 889 thousand cases from all sufferers in the world. BTA + cases in Teluk Bintuni Regency in 2017 were 192 cases, 2018 were 265 cases and 2019 were 264 cases. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in preventing Tuberculosis. Method: The type of research used is Observational Analytic. Research site in Meyado District, Bintuni Regency, West Papua. Samples 88 respondents, The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Results: respondents with a level of knowledge of less than 42 people (48%), 32 people enough (36%) and good 14 people (16%). Respondents with negative attitudes 65 people (74%) while positive attitudes 23 people (26%). The respondent's behavior is quite 49 people (56%), less behavior 25 people (28%) and good behavior is 14 people (16%). The Spearman rho test showed no relationship between the level of knowledge with tuberculosis prevention behavior (p value = 0.214), and there was a relationship between attitudes and tuberculosis prevention behavior (p value = 0,000).

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Surona Visagie ◽  
Tecla Mlambo ◽  
Judith Van der Veen ◽  
Clement Nhunzv ◽  
Deborah Tigere ◽  

Background: Providing wheelchairs without comprehensive support services might be detrimental to user satisfaction and function.Objectives: This paper compares wheelchair user satisfaction and function before and after implementation of comprehensive wheelchair services, based on the World Health Organization guidelines on wheelchair service provision in less resourced settings, in Zimbabwe.Method: A pre- and post-test study with a qualitative component was done. Quantitative data were collected with the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology for adults and children and the ‘Functioning Every day with a Wheelchair Questionnaire’. Data were collected from 55 consecutively sampled wheelchair users, who received a new wheelchair in the study period. Qualitative data were collected through two audio recorded focus groups and two case studies and are presented through narrative examples.Results: The proportion of adult users who were satisfied significantly increased for all wheelchair and service delivery aspects (p = 0.001 - 0.008), except follow-up (p = 0.128). The same was true for children’s post-test ratings on all variables assessed (p = 0.001 - 0.04), except training in the use of the device (p = 0.052). The biggest improvement in satisfaction figures were for comfort needs (44.3%), indoor mobility (43.2%), outdoor mobility (37.2%), safe and efficient, independent operation (33.5%) and transport (31.4%). The qualitative data illustrated user satisfaction with wheelchair features and services.Conclusion: The wheelchair service programme resulted in significant positive changes in user satisfaction with the wheelchair, wheelchair services and function. It is recommended that the Zimbabwean government and partner organisations continue to support and develop wheelchair services along these guidelines.Keywords: Wheelchair; service delivery; function; satisfaction

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Etri Yanti ◽  
Doni Marsha ◽  
Nike Puspita Alwi ◽  
Vino Rika Nofia

Karies gigi adalah penyakit jaringan gigi yang ditandai dengan kerusakan jaringan, dimulai dari permukaan gigi. Dampak yang terjadi dari karies gigi adalah gigi menjadi keropos, berlubang bahkan patah. Data World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2014 menunjukkan bahwa 92% dari jumlah anak di dunia mengalami masalah kerusakan gigi, untuk mencegah hal tersebut adalah dengan berkumur larutan madu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh berkumur dengan larutan madu terhadap pH saliva pada siswa/i SDN 16 Air Tawar Timur Kecamatan Padang Utara tahun 2017.Jenis penelitian adalahPraEksperiment dengan desain One-GroupPre-Post-Test yang dilaksanakan tanggal 15-16 Agustus 2017.Populasi semua siswa kelas III dengan teknik sampel Purposive Samplingdengan jumlah 16 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi. Data diolah secara komputerisasi dengananalisis univariat menggunakan tabel rerata dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji t-dependen dengan tingkat kemaknaan 95%.Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata pH saliva siswa/i sebelum berkumur dengan larutan madu adalah 6,38 dan sesudah berkumur dengan larutan madu adalah 7,63. Ada pengaruh berkumur dengan larutan madu terhadap pH saliva pada siswa/i (p value = 0,000).Berpedoman dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh berkumur dengan larutan madu terhadap pH saliva pada siswa/i, maka diharapkan kepada pada guru-guru SDN 16 Air Tawar agar memberikan informasi bagi setiap siswa/i agar menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut dalam upaya mencegah penyakit gigi dan mulut yaitu karies gigi serta bekerja sama dengan tenaga kesehatan setempat dalam memberikan penyuluhan tentang cara merawat dan menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Tria Nopi Herdiani ◽  
Desi Fitriani ◽  
Ruri Maiseptya Sari ◽  
Vitri Ulandari

World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2014, melaporkan bahwa terdapat 52% ibu hamil mengalami anemia di Negara berkembang. Solusi berkala untuk mengatasi anemia pada ibu hamil  diantaranya dengan pemberian Tablet Fe dan vitamin zat besi dari jus jambu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jus jambu biji terhadap perubahan kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil. Metode penelitian menggunkan Quasi Eksperiment dengan Non-randimized control Grup Pre test-Post test Design. Jumlah  sampel yaitu  30 orang ibu hamil yang di bagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 15 orang ibu hamil pada kelompok kontrol dan 15 orang ibu hamil pada kelompok intervensi. Analisis menggunakan Uji Paried t-test dan Independent T-Test.  Hasil penelitian rata –rata peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pretest dan posttest kelompok kontrol  8,867 g/dl dan 10,327 g/dl, dan rata–rata peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pretest dan posttest kelompok perlakuan 8,620 g/dl dan 11,580 g/dl  sehingga ada perbedaan kenaikan kadar hemoglobin kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan nilai rata – rata selisih kadar hemoglobin sebelum dan sesudah pada kelompok kontrol 1,46g/dl dan rata – rata  selisih kadar hemoglobin sebelum dan sesudah kelompok perlakuan 2,96 g/dl  dengan nilai P value 0,031. Ada pengaruh pemberian jus jambu biji terhadap kenaikan nilai kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Rini Anggeriani ◽  
Mona Yatiliu

The Data in 2017 from World Health Organization (WHO) on national health status at the target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stated globally around 830 women die every day due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, with an MMR rate of 216 per 100,000 live births. As much as 99 percent of maternal deaths due to problems of pregnancy, and childbirth or childbirth happened in developing countries. Anemia was a condition in which red blood cells (erythrocytes) decrease in the blood circulation or the mass of hemoglobin so that it was unable to fulfill its function as a carrier of oxygen throughout the tissue. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the administration of red guava juice and dates palm to increase Hb levels in post partum mothers. This study used a pre-experimental research design with a one group pre-test post-test approach. With sampling was taken by purposive sampling. The Data analysis using univariate, bivariate analysis using paired t-test. The results showed that 15 postpartum mothers who experienced anemia had a p value of 0,000 ≤ 0.05 so it can be concluded that there was an effect of giving red guava juice and dates to post partum mothers who had anemia. It is expected for post partum mothers who are anemic to consume red guava juice and dates routinely in order to increase Hb levels in the body.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-146
Andria Pragholapati

Pendahuluan: Data World Health Organization (2010) menunjukkan lansia di dunia yang terkena depresi sebanyak 7 juta orang. Meningkat pada lansia yang tinggal di institusi sekitar 50-75%. Tujuan: penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Brain Gym terhadap tingkat depresi pada lansia di Balai Perlindungan Sosial Tresna Werdha Ciparay Bandung Tahun 2016. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasy eksperiment pre-post test dengan kelompok kontrol. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 34 orang yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok masing-masing 17 orang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Brain gym diberikan pada kelompok perlakuan sebanyak 9 kali dalam 5 hari. Kuesioner menggunakan Geriatric Depression Scale Short form yang memiliki nilai Alfa Cronbach 0.960 ≥ 0.632 menyatakan kuesioner valid dan reliabel. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji wilcoxon dan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil Penelitian : Wilcoxon menunjukkan hanya pada kelompok intervensi ada perbedaan tingkat depresi dengan p value pada kelompok kontrol 0.109 (α>0.05) dan p value pada kelompok intervensi 0.000 (α<0.05). Hasil Mann Whitney pada kedua kelompok didapatkan p value 0.000 (α ≤ 0,05), maka Ho ditolak hal ini menunjukan ada pengaruh Brain Gym terhadap tingkat depresi. Diskusi: berdasarkan hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa Brain Gym dapat menurunkan tingkat depresi pada lansia sehingga pada lansia penting dilakukan pemeriksaan tingkat depresi secara berkala dan diterapkan gerakan Brain Gym untuk mengurangi tingkat depresi pada lansia.

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