2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 564
Gusti Ayu Made Disia Purpitadewi

<p><em>The ceremony of Macaru Mabiasan is one of the bhuta yajna ceremonies held once a year, in the ceremony of kesanga before tilem kesanga, in the series of activity pelastian ceremony  where the main process held just before the Almighty God in Balai Agung Temple of Petang Village entering penyineban ceremony. This ceremony held by society of Petang village because it is believed that the activity of Macaru Mabiasan ceremony will protect them from negative spirit as well as the society of Petang Village will be avoided from the epidemic. This activity influences the value of the symbols in the Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony. Therefore the issues in this research can be formulated as follows : 1) How the process of symbolic communication in the Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony at Petang Village,Petang district, Badung regency 2)How the function of symbolic communication in Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony at Petang Village Petang district Badung regency 3)What are the obstacle of symbolic communication in Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony at Petang Village Petang district Badung Regency.</em></p><p><em>In connection with this there are several theories that can be used to dissect this problem, they are Symbolic Interactionism Theory, Structural Functional Theory, Theory of Communication Barriers. The research approach uses qualitative method. Data source in this research consist of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used four techniques, namely: observation, interview, documentation and literature study. Data analysis techniques used are reduction, data presentation, and take the conclusions. Presentation of research result used descriptive method.</em></p><p><em>The results of this research are: 1) Symbolic communication process in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony includes communication components in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony, symbolic communication process in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony, covering several steps of communication process in primary and secondary, symbolic communications in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony, 2) Symbolic communication functions in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony include: Adaptation Function, Preservation Function, Educated Communication Function, Influencing Function, 3) Symbolic communication constraints in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony include Internal Constraints and External Constraints.</em><strong></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-128
Sugeng Setyadi ◽  
Moh Sofyan Budiarto

  Ekonomi kreatif merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu menjadi kekuatan nasional dan provinsi Banten dengan kontribusi terhadap PDB meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Diperlukan pemetaan terhadap potensi dan prioritas sektor industri kreatif di provinsi Banten untuk menentukan rencana aksi dan strategi pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi dan prioritas industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Provinsi Banten melalui indikator indikator yang bersifat kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan survei terhadap pelaku industri kreatif di provinsi Banten. Data primer diperoleh dengan metode wawancara, dan kuisioner sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari data yang relevan dari sumber lain seperti BPS, Disperindag dan studi literature. Analisa data menggunakan Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) merupakan pendekatan pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang untuk memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang menyangkut kriteria yang bersifat komplek, menentukan prioritas pilihan-pilihan dengan banyak kriteria, dan menentukan model alternatif untuk menyelesaikan bermacam-macam masalah. Hasil perhitungan AHP dengan penyilangan Kriteria Prioroitas dengan Prioritas Subsektor Ekraf, didapatkan angka 0,496243386 pada posisi pertama untuk Kriya, 0,404603175 untuk subsektor Fesyen pada posisi kedua dan 0,099153439 untuk Subsektor Kuliner pada posisi ketiga. Ketiga Subsektor Ekoomi kreatif ini menjadi Sub sektor yang paling dominan dipilih oleh responden dan posisi peringkat diatas menjadi gambaran bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan stimulus lebih pada subsektor yang ada dan menjadi kekuatan utama sektor industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Banten.   The research objective is to mapping the potential and priority of small and medium the creative industry in Banten Province through indicators with qualitative approach.  Research used qualitative descriptive methods by conducting a survey of creative industry actors in Banten province. Primary data was obtained by interview method, and questionnaire while secondary data was obtained from relevant data from other sources such as BPS, Disperindag and literature study. Data analysis using the Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) is a decision-making approach designed to provide solutions to problems involving complex criteria, determine priorities with multiple criteria, and determine alternative models to solve various problems. AHP calculation results by crossing the Priority Criteria with the Subsector's Priority Ekraf, obtained the number 0, 496243386 in the first position for Kriya, 0.404603175 for the Fashion sub-sector in the second position and 0.099153439 for the Culinary Subsector in the third position. The three subsectors of this creative economy become the most dominant subsector chosen by the respondents and the ranking position above becomes a picture for the government to provide more stimulus to the existing sub-sector micro, small and medium creative Industry sector in Banten Province.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 245
Aynun Nurmayanti ◽  
Widayati Widayati

This study aims to determine and analyze licensing arrangements that seek to be integrated electronically (Online Single Submission-OSS) in legislation, the application of OSS in Pekalongan City, and to know and analyze the constraints of OSS implementation in Pekalongan City and its solutions. This study uses a sociological juridical approach with descriptive analysis research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study. Data analysis method used is qualitative analysis. Furthermore, based on the results of the study it can be concluded: that 1) Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 On Electronically Integrated Business Licensing seeks to regulate all licenses in Indonesia, but in practice the implementation can only reach a portion of licensing in Indonesia; 2) The issuance of PP 24/2018 does not regulate the transition period of its enactment, the OSS system is not ready, the NSPK has passed the stipulation 15 (fifteen) days since the issuance of the PP, the OSS system has not used Digital Signature, and the weak aspects of supervision, and inefficiency in obtaining permits.Keywords: OSS; Integrated Business Licensing; PP; NSPK.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Dody Priadi

On-farm conservation study was carried out in two villages within Bogor regency (Jampang and Cisarua). Those villages represented lowland and upland area respectively. The objective of the study was to identify the diversity of plants species at family home gardens in those areas. Data was taken from 10 home gardens in each village. Primary data was collected by direct observation to the home gardens and interview with the householders, while the secondary data obtained from literature study. Data was analyzed using D and D method. Result showed that 57 plant species were conserved on-farm at the home gardens in Jampang and 58 plant species in Cisarua village. Fruit plant was dominant species in Jampang while in Cisarua was ornamental plants.

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 554-568
Vioni Pebriancha ◽  
Nilda Elfemi ◽  
Ikhsan Muharma Putra

This research is motivated by the existence of a virus called Covid-19. Covid-19 is a virus that can cause death in humans and animals. This virus is known to cause respiratory infections ranging from mild flu to more severe illnesses in humans. The implementation of the adaptation of new habits has been implemented by the Indonesian government since July 2020. With the importance of new habits in educational institutions, to what extent are the adaptations of new habits implemented by educational institutions. The formulation of the research problem is how to apply the adaptation of the community's new habits during the Covid-19 pandemic in Nagari Tigo Koto Silungkang, Palembayan District, Agam Regency. The theory used in this study is the structural functional theory proposed by Talcott Parsons. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytical research type. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. There were 7 informants involved in this study. Data collection methods were used in two ways, namely observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. To achieve the validity of research data using triangulation techniques. Meanwhile, the unit of data analysis used was a group with data analysis by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the educational institutions in Nagari Koto Silungkang, Palembayan District, Agam Regency consist of SMP Negeri 2 Palembayan, MTs Swasta Tantaman and MTs Swasta Gumarang that each institution has prepared important facilities for adapting new habits. Adaptation of new habits has been carried out in accordance with health protocols, violations that occur in each institution are the difficulty of students wearing masks after being outside the classroom for reasons of shortness of breath, then each institution also builds and forms a school organization system in implementing adaptation of new habits by form a school task force team. Keywords: Adapt New Habbits, Covid-19 Pandemic

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Ferri Adhi Purwantono ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRACTInheritance often causes problems in the family. There are many risks associated with this heritage. If it is not wise to respond to conflicts in the family could happen and result in even breaking the string of family strings. There are several things related to inheritance that need to be noticed that the sale or purchase of inheritance is not problematic later.One of the problems that often happens is the sale-buy agreement in the family made by a notary. The sale and purchase agreement in the family is very rare, because usually in the family that happens is a grant. However, sometimes there are problems. The sale and purchase agreement in the family is very difficult to find solution to completion. The heirs may cancel the sale of the inheritance if the legal conditions of sale and purchase are not met through the courts. The heir who does not give his consent in the sale of an inheritance of land as a right, has the right to cancel the sale of the land.The method used in this research is with the juridical-normative approach derived from data collection obtained from the primary data and secondary data, then analyzed by qualitative analysis method. The data collection technique used is literature study. Data analysis techniques used qualitative data analysis.The sale and purchase agreement in the family between the parent and the child does not meet the objective requirements of the terms of the validity of the agreement concerning the terms of the agreement and the halal causa, that the object of the sale is part of the inheritance dispute which became the claim of the plaintiff as legitimate heirs. Implications of family sale agreements made by a Notary in the case of an heir who refuses a sale and purchase agreement is to file a civil suit against the sale and purchase agreement with the District Court. The implications of the sale and purchase agreement on the position of the heirs in the inheritance dispute above as an act against the law as stipulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code, therefore the sale and purchase agreement is of course detrimental to the legitimate heirs which resulted in the diminution of the object of inheritance.Keywords: Notary, Sale and Purchase Agreement, FamilyABSTRAKHarta warisan sering menimbulkan permasalahan dalam keluarga. Ada banyak resiko yang muncul berkaitan dengan harta warisan ini. Jika tidak bijak menyikapinya konfik dalam keluarga bisa saja  terjadi  dan mengakibatkan renggang bahkan putusnya tali kekeluargaan. Ada beberapa hal yang berkaitan harta warisan yang perlu di perhatikan agar penjualan maupun pembelian  harta warisan  tidak bermasalah nantinya.Salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi yaitu perjanjian jual-beli dalam keluarga yang dibuat oleh notaris. Perjanjian jual beli dalam keluarga sangat jarang terjadi, karena biasanya dalam keluarga yang terjadi adalah hibah. Namun demikian terkadang muncul permasalahan. Perjanjian jual beli dalam keluarga sangat sulit dicari solusi penyelesaiannya. Ahli waris dapat membatalkan Jual beli tanah waris jika syarat-syarat sah jual beli tidak terpenuhi melalui pengadilan. Ahli waris yang tidak memberikan persetujuannya dalam jual beli tanah warisan sebagai haknya, berhak membatalkan jual beli tanah tersebut.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif yang bersumber dari pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif.Perjanjian jual beli dalam keluarga antara orang tua dengan anak tersebut tidak memenuhi syarat obyektif dari syarat sahnya perjanjian mengenai hal-hal yang diperjanjikan dan causa yang halal, bahwa yang menjadi obyek jual-beli tersebut adalah bagian dari sengketa waris yang menjadi gugatan dari penggugat selaku dari ahli waris yang sah. Implikasi perjanjian jual-beli dalam keluarga yang dibuat oleh Notaris dalam hal adanya ahli waris yang menolak perjanjian jual beli yaitu dengan mengajukan gugatan secara perdata terhadap perjanjian jual beli tersebut pada Pengadilan Negeri. Implikasi perjanjian jual-beli terhadap kedudukan ahli waris pada sengketa waris diatas sebagai suatu perbuatan melawan hukum sebagaimana ketentuan pasal 1365 KUHPerdata, Sehingga perjanjian jual-beli tersebut tentu saja merugikan ahli waris yang sah yang berakibat pada berkurangnya obyek waris.Kata Kunci : Notaris, Perjanjian Jual Beli, Keluarga

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
Yolanda Cahya Utami ◽  
Sri Hartono ◽  
Eny Kustiyah

The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant influence between the variable quality of service, company reputation, and customer claims perception and customer satisfaction. In addition, it is also to find out whether there is a significant simultaneous effect and which variable is the most dominant in influencing customer satisfaction at KC AJB Bumiputera 1912 Surakarta. The method used is a method based on quantitative descriptive, where the sampling technique uses Random Sampling, which is a random sampling technique, regardless of the level contained in the population. The data used are primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques: questionnaires, observations, interviews, and literature study. Data analysis techniques in this study used multiple linear, determination test (R2), F test, and t test. The results of the study can be concluded that: 1) There is an effect of service quality, company reputation, and simultaneous perception of customer claims on customer satisfaction at KC AJB Bumiputera 1912 Surakarta, 2) There is an influence of service quality on customer satisfaction at KC AJB Bumiputera 1912 Surakarta Batik in the City of Solo, 3) There is an influence of company reputation on customer satisfaction in KC AJB Bumiputera 1912 Surakarta, 4) There is an influence of customer perception perceptions of customer satisfaction on KC AJB Bumiputera 1912 Surakarta. Keywords: Service Quality, Company Reputation, Customer Claim Perception, and Customer Satisfaction

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-262
Citra Faradilla ◽  
Philips A. Kana

Terorism in Indonesian is regulated constitution number 15th 2003 about stipulation of government regulations in lieu of laws number 1st 2002 about eradication of terrorist. Although, constitution  eradication of terrorist has been formed, terrorism in Indonesian always happened, like as terrorist act at J.W. Marriot Hotels on 2003 whom responsible was Noordin M.Top dan Dr. Azahari Husin. They were join in Jamaah Islamiyah organization. Based on the above rationale , the issues discussed , namely , first, what is factor cause incidence terorism by members of Jamaah Islamiyah and Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia? second, How is effort Indonesian Republic of Police to prevent incident terorism? Spesification research is analytical descriptive. Method used is as a normative juridical approach and empirical as the main supporter of the main approache. Data source  use of primary data and secondary data. Engineering is a field study data collection through interviews and literature study. Data were presented in the form of descriptive analysis, which describes factor cause incidence terorism and effort to prevent incident terorism by of Jamaah Islamiyah and Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia, while after analysis data will presented with qualitative method. Based on the results of research and discussion can be deduced, first, factor cause incidence terorism by members of Jamaah Islamiyah and Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia because mindset about Islam religion which wrong, social public relation, social politic factor, economic factor and then Solidarity religion. Second, effort Indonesian Republic of Police to prevent incident terorism,  from Regional police West Sumatera which is conducted by Intelijen Directory as implement the program Intelijen Directory to prevent incident terorism, to do coordination with others side, data collection and protection for Electronic media, Deradicalization and Mapin, Fublic Founding Directory as improve quality person of Indonesian Republic Police and arrangement person, external coordination, judge communication with society, counseling and founding for society and Public Relation Section as submit information to society and be relation between Police with society.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Afghoni Afghoni ◽  
Busro Busro

The purpose of this study is to examine the potential of Syawalan tourism in the Tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati tourist attraction in the city of Cirebon. This type of research is qualitative research, data collection methods are observation, interviews, library research, and documentation. Source of data in this study are primary data that is obtained through interviews and observations in the field, and secondary data obtained by literature study. Data analysis in this research is descriptive qualitative data analysis. The results found that the tradition of Syawalan in the Tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati has the potential to become one of the leading tourism destinations in Cirebon. The tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati is the main attraction for pilgrims. The tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati becomes the center of Iwalan tradition activities, namely pilgrimage activities. The existence of supporting facilities has also become an advantage, such as inter-city-inter-provincial bus terminals, good road conditions. Parking facilities and restrooms are also almost available in several places so that it supports the comfort of visitors. Based on these results, the local government and the private sector can work together in developing the tradition of syawalan to be the leading tourism city of Cirebon. In addition to the management of tourist attractions can provide education to visitors to always maintain the cleanliness of the places visited.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Haryadi Sarjono ◽  
Arko Pujadi ◽  
Henry Wono Wong

This research was done in insurance company of PT Dritama Brokerindo, East Jakarta, by using Balanced Scorecard method, with four perpectives which measured, which are the finance perpective (financial statement), customer perpective (quizioner), perpective process internal business (quizioner) and in growth, and study perpective (quizioner). With total employees 18 employees people, serving company customer about almost 1500.Research method which used is descriptive method with research type is case study. data analyse Technique which used is using primary data processing, like : field study, interview, quizioner and also secondary data with data collecting from company which is in the form of financial statement year 2005 - 2008. Research result that, performance PT Dritama Brokerindo which during the time measured traditionally, the management not get clear information, and measured about non finansial aspect of company. Triedly apply system of performance measurement with Balanced Scorecard, got the comprehensive and more complete result about condition of company which in fact. Pursuant to result of research from entirety aspect, obtained a total score 110, or value three which shown Good Enough criterion. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Nurrahmad Pebriansyah ◽  
Febri Yuliani ◽  
Adianto Adianto

The purpose of this study is to explain how the municipal government of Pekanbaru provides guidelines that should be carried out by the community in carrying out activities in Pekanbaru. This research uses qualitative research methods. The selection of research informants used perposive sampling technique. Primary data collection from interviews, while secondary data from documentation and literature study. Data analysis using an interactive model. The results showed that the application of new life behavior guidelines based on the Mayor of Pekanbaru regulation number 104 of 2020 concerning guidelines for new productive and safe lives in the prevention and control of Coronavirus Desease 2019 (Covid-19) in Pekanbaru has paid attention to the lives of its people, it can be seen from its existence. Guidelines for carrying out activities and activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is still an increase in positive cases of Covid-19 due to people who do not comply with applicable policies. For this reason, the municipal government of Pekanbaru needs to reaffirm people who commit violations so that they can comply with health protocols, especially in crowded places.

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