scholarly journals Effect of Experiential Learning on Self-Esteem, Resilience and Tolerance for Disagreement

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Ms. Milli Baby

This paper attempts to explore the role of experiential learning in groups on the participants Self-esteem, Resilience and Tolerance for disagreement. Sample consisted of undergraduate students (N=41) from a seminary located in Nagpur. The Pre-test result showed that over all, initial participant’s responses fell within the normal ranges for self-esteem, resilience and tolerance for disagreement. Paired t test were computed for (N=41) who completed both the pre-test and post-test. These comparisons show a significant increase in means of self esteem, resilience and tolerance for disagreement scores. This increase indicates the importance of team-building workshop having recreation activities, games and exercises.

Ilma Widiya Sari

Mental disorders become a serious problem. The prevalence of mental disorders has increased every year. The family as the closest unit to people with mental disorders and be the main care giver for sufferers. Families as a big role in determining the care needed by sufferers at home. When one family member experiences a mental disorder, all family members also feel the negative effects. The additional role of the family in caring for family members with mental disorders causes the emergence of pressure or burden in the family that can affect physical, psychological, social and economic conditions. Family counseling is needed for media to help families overcome various problems in life as a whole. The role of counseling is the family can answer all questions that disturb the mind and behavior so that the family is able to solve the problem. This research aims to determine the effect of counseling on family burdens in caring for people with mental disorders. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with a post-test and pre-test one group design. The sample taken in this study is a family that has 76 people with mental disorders. Sampling technique using simple random sampling. Bivariate analysis using paired t-test. Bivariate test showed yhe differences in the average value of the family burden before and after the intervention, where the p value is smaller than the alpha (0.00<0.05). It can be concluded that there is an effect of counseling on family burdens in caring for people with mental disorders. Keywords: counseling; family burdens; mental disorders ABSTRAKGangguan jiwa menjadi permasalahan serius dan terus mengkhawatirkan. Prevalensi kasus gangguan jiwa mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Keluarga sebagai unit paling dekat dengan orang dengan gangguan jiwa dan menjadi penyedia perawatan utama bagi penderita. Keluarga beperan besar dalam menentukan cara atau perawatan yang diperlukan penderita di rumah. Ketika satu anggota keluarga mengalami gangguan jiwa, maka seluruh anggota keluarga turut merasakan dampak negatif. Adanya tambahan peran keluarga dalam merawat anggota keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa menyebabkan munculnya tekanan atau beban dalam keluarga yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi fisik, psikologis, sosial dan ekonomi. Konseling untuk keluarga dibutuhkan sebagai media perantara guna membantu keluarga mengatasi berbagai permasalahan dalam kehidupan. Konseling bagi keluarga dapat menjawab berbagai pertanyaan yang menganggu pikiran serta tingkah lakunya. Penelitian bertujuan menguji pengaruh konseling terhadap beban keluarga dalam merawat orang dengan gangguan jiwa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan post-test and pre-test one group design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 52 responden dari keluarga yang mempunyai orang dengan gangguan jiwa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis data bivariat untuk menguji pengaruh secara statistik menggunakan paired t-test. Hasil uji bivariat secara statistik menunjukkan perbedaan nilai rata-rata beban keluarga sebelum dan setelah intervensi, nilai p lebih kecil daripada nilai alpha (0,00<0,05). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh konseling terhadap beban keluarga dalam merawat orang dengan gangguan jiwa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Agus Trianto ◽  
Rini Tri Hastuti

Abstract : Kind II of DM, Foot Excercise, Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) Value. Many Patients that go through complications of Type II DM. One of the complication is foot diabetik, its needed implementation to prevent of the complication. The implementation that be doing is exercise. Exercise that be doing is foot exercise that have function to increase the peripheral blood circulation. The Objective of the research is to know the effect of foot exercise to Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) value of the type II of DM patient in unit of Persadia Dr. Moewardi hospital year 2015.Kind of the research is quasy experimental research. Design of the research is one group pretest post test design. The researcher conducted measurement value Ankle brachial index (ABI) before doing foot exercise and measurement Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) value after foot exercise. The analysis by using pairet test t-test. Result of the research from paired t-test, the effect of foot exercise showed findings Sig value. (2-tailed) is 0,001 or ABI value p <0.05, with average change ABI value before and after is equal to 0.05211, So from the test result of paired t-test it can be meant that Ho is rejected and Ha be accepted. That have meaning there are effect of foot exercise to ABI value.

Titik Wijayanti ◽  
Purwaning Budi Lestari

Main objectives of this research are to analyze the increase in understanding biochemistry concepts comprehensively caused by practice concept modifcation (Carbohydate-Enzyme) and analysis the effciency of practical activities caused by practice concept modifcation (Carbohydate-Enzyme). Research conducted in September through November 2015 are analytical descriptive research, there are 80 students as respondents were devided into 2 groups of treatment, namely group A as group with practice module that has not been modifed and group B with practice module that have been modifed. Paired t test result showed that group with practice module were modifed to get the score of post-test evaluation better and signifcantly different than group with practice module that has not been modifed. The validation result of practice module by students, instucture, material experts and media experts showed that practice module modifed is eligible to used as practical module in the future.

Titik Wijayanti ◽  
Purwaning Budi Lestari

Main objectives of this research are to analyze the increase in understanding biochemistry concepts comprehensively caused by practice concept modification (Carbohydate-Enzyme) and analysis the efficiency of practical activities caused by practice concept modification (Carbohydate-Enzyme). Research conducted in September through November 2015 are analytical descriptive research, there are 80 students as respondents were devided into 2 groups of treatment, namely group A as group with practice module that has not been modified and group B with practice module that have been modified. Paired t test result showed that group with practice module were modified to get the score of post-test evaluation better and significantly different than group with practice module that has not been modified. The validation result of practice module by students, instucture, material experts and media experts showed that practice module modified is eligible to used as practical module in the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 42-49 ◽  
Korkmaz YİĞİTER ◽  

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of participation in a 1-week summer camp on thehopelessness and self-esteem of the university students attending Sport Sciences Faculty. Participants were 36university students assigned to experiment group using a random procedure. Coopersmith Self-esteem and Beck Hopelessness Scales were completed at the beginning and end of the summer camp by designed the university. The obtained data were analysed in the SPSS 18.0 program and the significance level was taken as 0.05. The descriptive statistics, independent simple t test, paired simple t test and Pearson correlation were used for analyse the data in the study. According to the results of the research, no significant difference was observed in the comparison of the hopelessness and self-esteem levels between pre and post-test. In addition, there was a significant difference in the hopelessness level of male and female students but any significant difference was not observed in terms of self-esteem. There was a significant relationship between hopelessness and self-esteem pre and post-test. These result shows that a 1-week summer camp cannot change the hopelessness or self-esteem level. However, as the self-esteem rises, the rate of despair decreases whereas as the despair rises, the selfesteem decreases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-121
Maryati . ◽  
Eka Rokhmiati Wahyu Purnamasari

Life Review Therapy merupakanterapi psikoterapi untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada lansia yang mengalami depresi, mengekspresikan perasaan yang disupresikan sehingga energy psikis tersebut dilepaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Life Review Therapy terhadap tingkat depresi lansia pada warga binaan sosial di PSTW Budi Mulia Jakarta Selatan.Metode yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment, dengan pendekatan Pre Test and Post Test Without Control design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah lansia dengan jumlah sampel 20 orang dengan teknik purposivesampling. Analisis data menggunakan Paired T Test dengan tingkat signifikan (α0,05). Hasil menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh Life Review Therapy terhadap tingkat depresi lansiadengan ρValue=0,000. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, terapi Life Reviewterbukti dapat menurunkan tingkat depresi sehingga terapi ini dapat dijadikan salah satu acuan terapi untuk menangani depresi pada lansia di PSTW

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Tatiana Siregar ◽  
Nelly Febriani

Latar belakang: Kondisi sasaran pencapaian Indonesia Sehat 2015 dari program MDG’s yang belum tercapai, sehingga dilanjutkan dengan program SDGs menjadikan Indonesia harus banyak berperan dalam semua kegiatan khsusnya di bidang kesehatan. Proses pencapaian cakupan program kesehatan sangat dipengaruhi oleh Health education yang dilakukan petugas kesehatan kepada warga, kesehatan masyarakat. Tujuan: Penelitain ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan perilaku hidup bersih sehat yang  dilaksanakan warga setelah diberikan intervesi health education.  Metode: Metode penelitian dilaksanakan secara quasi experiment pre dan post test.  Teknik mengambil sampel secara purposive Sampling pada 30 reponden kelompook intervensi dan 26 responden kelompok kontrol. Analisa data dilakukan secara paired t test. Hasil: Hasil di dapat ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dan perubahan perilaku hidup bersih sehat repsonden sebelum dan sesudah diberi penyuluhan p value = 0,000. Saran: Diharapkan pemerintah setempat menggerakkan petugas kesehatan bersama-sama dengan warga melakukan perilaku hidup bersih sehat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan memfasilitasi  sarana penunjang untuk menjalankan perilaku hidup bersih sehat, dengan maksimal pada warga. Kata kunci: Health eduation,  Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Hartin Suidah ◽  
Ninik Murtiyani ◽  
Arif Susanto ◽  
Yufi Aris Lestari ◽  
Shindy Sofyaning Fitra

ABSTRAKMasih tingginya penderita hipertensi merupakan salah satu masalah yang berpengaruh terhadap gaya hidup dan sikap yang mendorong timbulnya hipertensi. Untuk menangani tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi umumnya minum obat-obatan dari puskesmas, rutinitas ini sering tidak disukai oleh penderita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas air rebusan daun seledri terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang.Desain penelitian ini Pre-Experimental dengan rancangan One- Group Pre-Post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua lansia penderita hipertensi di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang sebanyak 30 responden. Sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Variabel penelitian yaitu pemberian air rebusan daun seledri sebagai variabel independent dan tekanan darah sebagai variabel dependen. Data yang di dapat melalui lembar observasi tekanan darah kemudian di uji dengan menggunakan uji paired t Test.Hasil uji paired t Test menunjukkan bahwa p = 0,000 α= 0,05 Ho di tolak dan H1 diterima sehingga air rebusan daun seledri efektif terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang.Terdapat penurunan jumlah penderita hipertensi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan air rebusan daun seledri. Responden agar dapat meningkatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan tekanan darah sehingga dapat mengurangi tekanan darah yang dialami dengan cara non formakologi sehingga responden tidak hanya menggantungkan pada obat-obatan farmakologi dalam menurunkan tekanan darah.Kata kunci : Air Rebusan Daun Seledri, Tekanan Darah, Lansia ABSTRACTStill high hypertension was  one of the problems that affect the lifestyle and attitudes that encourage the emergence of hypertension. To handle blood pressure in people with hypertension generally take  medication from puskesmas, this routine was often disliked by the patient. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of boiling water celery leaves on changes in blood pressure in the elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Konco Donomulyo Village Donomulyo District Malang Regency.The design of this research was  Pre-Experimental with the design of One- Group Pre-Post test design. Population in this research was all elderly patient of hypertension in Posyandu Ngudi Konco Village Donomulyo District Donomulyo Malang Regency as many as 30 respondents. Samples were taken with total sampling technique. The research variable was giving boiled water of celery leaves as independent variable and blood pressure as dependent variable. The data can be through blood pressure observation sheet then tested by using paired t test.The result of paired t - test showed that p = 0.000 α = 0.05 Ho in rejection and H1 accepted so that boiling water celery leaf effective against blood pressure changes in elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Konco Donomulyo Village Donomulyo District Malang Regency. There was a decrease in the number of hypertensive patients before and after being given boiled water of celery leaves. Respondents in order to improve information about the implementation of blood pressure so as to reduce blood pressure experienced by non-formakologi way so that respondents not only rely on pharmacological drugs in lowering blood pressure. Key Words: Water Stew of Celery leaves, Blood Pressure, Elderly

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bismi Widi Hastari ◽  
Dyah Gandasari ◽  
Harry Harry

Tani Maju farmer group is one of the farming groups located in Rorotan Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta City Administration. This group has a lot of sheep and advanced management. Despite they manage their sheep well, they are not well informed on how to manage the sewage from their castles (faces and urine). So far, they just throw away the sewage or gave them to fellow farmers. This study aimed to analyze the level of farmers' knowledge in making use of sheep's urine to be degraded into bio urine in the Maju Farmer group. Data was collected through the pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using paired t-test and Wilcoxon statistical software (IBM SPSS Statistics 25). The results of the study showed that farmers' knowledge in sewage (Urine) management increased; there is a significant difference in farmers' level of knowledge in bio urine production before and after bio urine extension.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Mira Agusthia ◽  
Rachmawati M. Noer ◽  
Intan Susilawati

Berat badan bayi merupakan salah satu hal pertama yang dinilai untuk mengambarkan derajat atau status kesehatan bayi baru lahir, oleh karena itu Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) dapat menjadi permasalahan. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) diperkirakan sebanyak 20,6 juta bayi lahir setiap tahunnya adalah BBLR, dan hampir sepertiganya meninggal sebelum status kesehatannya stabil atau dalam 12 jam pertama kehidupan bayi. Untuk dapat mencapai kondisi kesehatan stabil dan berat badan normal, BBLR membutuhkan upaya pelestarian suhu tubuh, pemberian nutrisi dan pencegahan dari infeksi. Perawatan Metode Kanguru merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Perawatan Metode Kanguru terhadap peningkatan berat badan BBLR diruang Perinatologi RSUD Muhammad Sani. Desain penelitian yang digunakan Quasi-eksperimen pre test post test without control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua bayi dengan berat badan lahir 1500 - 2500 gram. Sampel sebanyak 17 bayi dengan menggunakan teknik Total Sampling.. Data di kumpulkan dengan lembaran observasi, diolah dan dianalisa secara komputerisasi. Hasil analisa univariat diketahui rerata berat badan bayi sebelum dilakukan Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) adalah 173,652 gram, dan sesudah dilakukan PMK interminten 2 jam perhari selama 7 hari, rerata berat badan meningkat menjadi 1861,76 gram. Terdapat perbedaan rerata berat badan sebelum dan sesudah sebesar 129,118 gram. Hasil uji paired t test adalah p = 0,000 >0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh PMK terhadap peningkatkan berat badan BBLR di Ruang Perinatologi RSUD Muhammad Sani Tahun 2019. Diharapkan Rumah Sakit menerapkan semua Komponen Perawatan Metode Kanguru dan mengevalusi atas implementasinya.

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